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Brand, service, URL: The brand under consideration is Uber (
Uber is in the business of moving people. It enables time-efficient, value-driven,
& convenient mobility. Its highly usable app helps cities being more accessible by
connecting riders & drivers in an optimal way. Uber is known to deliver an
empowering & liberating experience for the riders. Uber offers services for both
personal & business travel.
Target audience: Practo Ray for doctors and for patients. Its
flagship product, Practo Ray is now the market leader in its segment in
India and Singapore.
Ubers target market comprises of young, social, upmarket, economicallyindependent individuals who use it for personal commute within cities. The same
experience is also available for business travellers, along with a simplified travel
& expense management solution. Ubers target market is educated, internetsavvy, & comfortable using smart mobile devices. The service is more popular in
the younger demographic segments of 25-34 & 35-44 age groups, though older
business travellers use it alike. This segment is highly aware, outdoorsy, mobile,
& pursues a variety of personal interests. They are sensitive to socioeconomic
empowerment, environmental protection & sustainability, human-rights,
education, equal opportunity, & individual liberty. They also believe technology
plays a crucial role in improving peoples lives.
Uber appeals to this target audience by delivering a liberating experience that
allows people to create escapes, share experiences, pamper themselves, & live
their life in the moment.
Uber has a global appeal by being present in over 200 multi-cultural cities. It
enables greater access & mobility through a highly usable app based on SoLoMo.
A vast majority of Uber riders are thus smartphone owners. It is important to
note that Uber creates economic opportunities for drivers as well, largely through
Markers comments:
1. Brand website

Start writing here: Uber ( has a responsive website that follows
a mobile-first approach. Mobile users are both intent & context-driven and the
website fulfils their goals of either signing up for the service or downloading an
iOS/Android app with considerable ease. It is also a minimalist website designed
to help users reach the information they want as simply & quickly as possible.
Here are some considerations of the Uber website from a usability perspective:
#1 Navigation: The primary navigation menu is on top-left (standard
convention). The URL changes act as a navigational cue. Since it is a bare-bones
site, there is hardly any navigational complexity to warrant breadcrumbs.
Clicking the logo takes you back to the home-page. Scrolling is vertical, taking
mobile into consideration. Mobile users are navigational, often knowing where
they want to go, and the site meets their expectations wonderfully.
#2 Functionality & Goal-orientation: Mobile users are also highly goaloriented, and they often have a purpose in mind. The site meets their intent with
prominent CTAs, such as Become a Driver; Sign-up for Uber or Download
Uber. CTA buttons are large & highlighted for optimal touchscreen use with large
fingers. The most important tasks are prominently achievable, making it a highfunctionality site.
#3 Content: Content is minimalist, selective, & contextual. It is written in short
copies and broken down into a couple of paragraphs. The most important &
relevant content appears upfront & highlighted. The pages use an inverted
pyramid style for the copy. The content is tightly aligned with CTAs.
#4 Information architecture & layout: Information on this site is easy to find.
Content is neatly categorized. Categories & topics reflect user needs, as opposed
to brand needs. Information is captured in sections containing menus & CTAs to
encourage user action. Information hierarchy is apparent.
#5 Design: Accentuated with images & graphics, visual communication on the
site is compelling. There is judicious use of type & graphical elements, with
plenty of whitespace. The site is not cluttered. The presentation is simple & easy
to scan. It also appears to be consistent with brand imagery & guidelines.
#6 Search: Users can readily search whether Uber is available in their city. The
search box is readily discoverable upon vertical scrolling.
#7: Performance: The site loads fast, due to its small file size. This is crucial in
view of data transfer rates & data costs. Absence of any rich media, such as
videos, keeps it a light-weight site optimized for mobile use.
It is important to note that in addition to the site, Ubers app (based on SoLoMo)
is also highly usable & mobile optimized.
Markers comments:

2. Choose mobile channels

Start writing here: The following are two mobile channels suitable for Ubers
operations & marketing:
#1 SMS: It is an ideal channel for communication between Uber & its opt-in
riders. It is economical, quick, & effective. MIMs may also have been an equally
viable choice but for fragmentation. Uber can use SMS to inform riders about
upcoming promotions, period-specific discounts or credits to their accounts,
availability of cabs for local events, etc. As an example, SMS promotions may be
used for forwarding campaign messages to friends that earn credits for both
referees and referrals. This can help build the Uber rider community for business
gains. Additionally, SMS may be used effectively for CRM, such as for sending
billing data at the end of a ride or soliciting driver feedback. The key here is
delivering sustained value to the riders for maximum effectiveness & response
while considering relevant context and timing. Care should be taken to avoid
messages that dont incorporate value-exchange, reflect crass commercialism, or
invade riders privacy.
SMS is an optimal channel for value-add sales-oriented or promotional messages
and it also offers low barriers to opt-in. It also ideal for sending quick information,
reminders, or general CRM.
#2 Bluetooth & iBeacons: Uber can make targeted use of iBeacons to build &
promote the business. Lost-cost iBeacons can be deployed in local events like
concerts, upmarket shopping malls, nightclubs, hospitals, etc. where people may
be seeking a quick & comfortable ride. These are also typical places where
parking for ones own vehicle is difficult & scarce. Using Bluetooth, the iBeacons
can simply remind people about Ubers availability as an option for a personal or
shared ride. Alternatively, it can send special coupons or credits to their accounts
that are applicable for a specific day or short-period. This can help popularize the
brand considerably in its target market & build a preference for Uber as the
preferred option for commute & accessibility. Whats great about iBeacons is that
target riders phones arent required to be unlocked or paired for them to work.
iBeacons are optimal for sending alerts about service availability & sending
targeted discount coupons in a quick, convenient, & measurable way.
Markers comments:
Start writing here:
Objective 1: Increase Bangalore airport pick-ups by 10% through an SMS
campaign, as measured by website click-throughs & coupon redemptions, over
the next quarter.

(Airport pick-ups are quite profitable. Increasing the number of airport pick-ups
increases Ubers brand engagement in high-LSM target segment while increasing
earnings for the drivers and revenue for the brand).
KPIs: Number of bulk SMSes delivered, open rate, response rate as measured
by website click-throughs, number of coupon redemptions, cost per coupon
redemption, number of unsubscribes.
Targets: 40,000 SMS deliveries, 80% open rate, 5000 click-throughs, 1200
coupon redemptions, cost per conversion < INR 6, & number of unsubscribes <
Tools: Google Analytics, tools used by bulk SMS sender or service provider, data
yielded by mobile marketing platform.

Objective 2: Achieve 5% incremental pick-up uplift through on-premise iBeacon

deployments in Bangalore hospitals, nightclubs, malls, concerts, events, etc., as
measured by coupon redemptions over the next 6 months.
(Many people prefer public transportation in above-cited locations since parking
spaces are tight and parking itself is difficult. There is a greater propensity to
spend on cabs in such locations. By deploying iBeacons in select locations, Uber
can increase its service utilization, make itself more popular, as well as increase
earnings in a highly competitive market).
KPIs: Number of target locations, number of iBeacons deployed, number of
coupons delivered, & number of coupons redeemed.
Targets: 100 target locations, 600 iBeacons deployed (average of 6 per
location), 30,000 coupon deliveries, 1000 coupon redemptions.
Tools: Integrated iBeacon software platforms that provide campaign data &
analytics, such as Lighthouse, Onyx Beacon, etc.
Markers comments:
1. Campaign idea
Start writing here:
Campaign name: Free Weekend Ride on Mini
Campaign concept: Ubers mobile opt-in database will be notified of this
upcoming promotion that offers them a free Mini ride lasting up to 20 minutes on
an upcoming weekend depending upon the vehicle availability. This is primarily
an SMS campaign that will be bolstered with complementary postings on multiple

social platforms for virality & word-of-mouth. SMS recipients can forward the
promotion to their friends as well for participation. Together, SMS & social
channels are being targeted to drive multiplicative buzz & excitement.
Campaign objectives: The primary objective of this campaign is to shore up
Ubers brand engagement in the city of Bangalore. There is also an element of
co-branding here with Mini. There is already a great deal of anticipation about
Minis launch in India. Uber & Mini make up great partners for this campaign
since both brands are associated with an upmarket image. Other than brand
engagement & reinforcement, this campaign is also likely to lead to an upsurge
for Ubers demand as a secondary objective.
This is how SMS will be used in the campaign:
#1 Ubers opt-in database will be sent SMS notifications about the promotion
prior to the weekend.
#2 SMS recipients can respond by clicking on a link to activate Uber Mini option
on their mobile app during the upcoming weekend. This can give Uber an
indication to size-up the demand so enough vehicles can be deployed on the
#3 SMS URL clicks will be tracked & analysed with Google Analytics.
#4 People eventually completing a free ride will be sent an SMS for their
feedback along with a thank-you note.
Markers comments:
2. Message
Start writing here:
Weekend Awesomeness!
Enjoy a free Mini ride on Uber this weekend.
Max 20 mins. T&Cs apply.
Visit now to activate app: http://uber.blr/mini
SMS STOP to 53366 to unsubscribe.
(The above message is less than 160 characters)
Markers comments:
3. Metrics

Start writing here: The following are some pertinent metrics that should be
measured to assess campaign success:
#1 Number of bulk SMSes delivered to inform people of the promotion. This can
also reflect the quality of the opt-in database.
#2 Open rate for the SMS campaign, which is indicative of campaign
effectiveness & overall brand appeal.
#3 Response rate as determined by number of people clicking on the link to
activate the Mini ride option on their mobile app.
#4 Number of unsubscribes, which might be indicative of message-fatigue,
message irrelevancy, perception of excessive commercialism, or bad timing.
#5 Number of people who eventually enjoyed a free Mini ride.
#6 Number of people who couldnt take the ride either due to change of plans or
vehicle unavailability.
#7 Number of new sign-ups due to message forwarding to friends.
#8 Number of people who gave outstanding/ average/ unsatisfactory feedback
after the ride.
#9 Number of social media mentions of the campaign.
#10 Number of social media mentions with a positive sentiment vs. neutral or
negative sentiment.
Markers comments:
4. Optimisation
Start writing here:
The following elements can be optimized using the data received during or after
the campaign:
#1 SMS deliverability can reflect database quality. The database should be
regularly cleansed & updated to ensure high-quality & relevance to the target
#2 The database can also be segmented according to various parameters. For
example, campaign roll-out to high-LSM segment can be prioritised by targeting
frequent air travellers based on airport pick-up data.
#3 Different SMS messages can be tested to determine ones that are most

#4 SMS messages can be delivered on different days or times of day to optimize

open rates & response rates.
#5 SMS messages can be optimized to reflect brand tone of voice.
#6 The number & location of Minis on the road can be optimized based on
response rate to the lead SMS message.
#7 Driver assignments for campaign roll-outs in subsequent cities can be
optimized based on analysis of cumulative rider feedback data.
#8 For subsequent campaigns in other cities, number & location of Minis on the
roads can also be augmented based on number of people who couldnt avail the
ride due to vehicle unavailability or demand surge. Such a campaign can also
have negative repercussions, so careful planning is critical.
#9 Subsequent campaigns can be tweaked for social sharing & virality based on
data. Tools like Social Mention can be used to gauge social impact on the
#10 Sentiment analysis can be performed with tools like Hootsuite or Lithium to
correct things that didnt go well or improve even further.
#11 Media write-ups & reporting, if available, can be used to build upon the
Markers comments:

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Markers comment:


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