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Fix to Fix


APPENDIX: Fix to Fix

Rule of halves. (RAPID ESTIMATES)
Everyone's heard about the technique of splitting the difference between the head of the bearing pointer and
the course arrow when the DME is equal to the DME for your current position. This is part of a technique called
"Rapid Estimates" or "half of the halves".
(1) The "adjustment" of the fix-to-fix is frequently very simple and can be accurate. The entire set of possible
answers must lie
between the bearing pointer and the desired radial. Turning to the bearing pointer takes you to the radial at 0
DME. Turning to the course arrow takes you to the radial at an infinite DME. The mid-point heading takes you
to the radial at you present DME.
(2) Linear side. Your adjustment of roll out to either side of the mid-point need not be an uneducated guess.
On the bearing pointer side of the midpoint, the DME progression is roughly linear ... increasing from zero to
"Initial DME".
(3) Non-linear side. On the far side of the midpoint, the DME progression is non-linear and increases rapidly. If
you will note, at approximately half way from the midpoint to the desired radial, the DME has approximately
double from initial DME. If you now move half of the remaining distance toward the desired radial, the
resultant DME will approximately double again.







(a) It employs the HEAD of the bearing pointer. The entire SET of possible solutions is readily visible between
the Bearing Pointer and the Course Arrow.
(b) Not susceptible to DME reversal, Failure to Parallel, or Wrong end of the pencil errors. In fact, gross errors
are difficult to make.
(c) Once you get the hang of it, solutions to any fix-to-fix can be worked extremely fast. When cleared to a fix,
you need spend no time at all heading away from that fix. Rolled out on an appropriate heading, you may
confidently and leisurely use another method to refine your heading.

(a) The technique is not as precise as the classic method. In fact, if you are already close to the desired radial
(within about 20 degrees), errors can be typically 20-30 degrees. In most cases, however, rapid estimates can
be precise to within 10 degrees, with practice.
Rule of fives (or 7s). Nail the fix!
After traveling across the countryside, effectively using the previously mentioned techniques, hopefully you've
gotten in the neighborhood of the fix. However, this is the point where many solutions get sloppy because
there is no precise method to zero in for the final kill. While TLAR is a valid technique - it is impossible to teach
to a student. However, in the final minutes the target CAN be accurately depicted on the CDI allowing
consistent hits to within 1/2 mile -- even 1/4 mile -- accuracy! There's no guess-work and it's reliable, but does
require proficiency at 5th grade arithmetic.
(1) Can you divide any number by 5? Okay then, calibrate your CDI. DME/5 results in the distance along
the CDI from center to either tip. The center of the CDI is essentially your current DME, or 0 change in
mileage. If you aimed there (in the final few minutes) you'd have the bearing pointer just above either wing
tip and would be close to arcing. So the CENTER of the CDI is the 0 NM reference. The distance to either end
of the CDI is DME/5.
Theory of CDI = DME/5. (Some IPs use 7 instead of 5 . The theory and application remains the same)
Premise: CDI = Radial; You are on your radial when the CDI centers.
The basis of the DME/5 method relies on the 60 to 1 rule. Essentially 1 degree of angle will result in an arc
approximately 1/60 of the distance to the arc. So 10 degrees of arc will roughly be 10 x R/60 = R/6. On an
HSI, 2 dots represent 10 degree displacement. The lateral distance depicted in that 10 degrees of arc would
be: DME/60 x 10 = DME/6
In the original technique, the pilot assumed the CDI halves to be roughly equivalent to the lateral distance of 2
dots (10 degrees). Consequently, many pilot used to calibrate their CDI halves based on their current DME/6.
Actually, the CDI is longer than that. Each half is about the same length as an equivalent 13 degrees stretched
across the dots. Therefore the true calibration would be: DME/60 x 13 = DME (4.6 about DME/5)
To use the technique more accurately, the calibration should be ROUNDED UP to account for dividing by 5
instead of 4.6. An equally effective method is to round down and divide DME by 4. In fact, that calibration will
give an early intercept on the CDI, which is usually preferable. Either method gives excellent results, but
dividing by 5 is sometimes easier for neophyte mathematicians.
(2) The CDI calibration IS ONLY GOOD if the CDI is within 10 degrees of centering (Bearing pointer
within 10 degrees of the course arrow). Otherwise, the CDI cannot truly represent the radial when it (the CDI)
stops at the side of the case while the radial is really somewhere beyond. If the CDI is moving and the pilots
aims perpendicular to it ... right in the middle of the CDI ... then the bearing pointer would be just above
either wing tip. This essentially is "arcing" which gives NO CHANGE in DME: i.e., you will hit the same DME as
you now have, when the CDI centers. The CDI portion toward the bearing pointer would have decreasing DME
associated with it, while the other half would give increasing mileage away from your current DME. Based on
the required mileage change, measure off the proper portion on the CDI and aim for the target.
(3) Now that the CDI is calibrated, the next step is to find where the target fix is at on the CDI. Then it's
simply a matter of turning the aircraft so that you point directly at it. For example, at 45 DME your CDI halves
would be 9 NM to either tip. Aiming at the ends of the CDI would take you to either 36 DME or 54 DME,
depending on which half you use. If 40 DME is the intended target, then you need 5 NM out of the 9 on the
inbound half of the CDI. Turn to align the miniature aircraft toward that point. On the HSI, the lubber line
provides excellent resolution contrasting against the white CDI.
When you compute your calibration, round up or down to a multiple of 5. If at 39 DME heading for 34 DME,
use 35 or 40 to divide by 5: 7 or 8 NM would be your CDI half. This is where your technique of rounding the
DME will make the difference of missing your fix by a little over 1/2 mile or nailing it dead to the wall. Just
remember: you always know your target DME. You know your current DME. You must wait until the CDI
moves (BP within 10 degrees) - otherwise radial isn't CDI yet.



5 of 8

1/2 CDI = 39/5


As your DME changes and your CDI floats in, hopefully the desired fix will stay in front. In fact, as the CDI gets close to centering, you
should be within the last 1 or 2 NM from your fix and should be aimed at a tiny fraction of the CDI.


3 of 7

1/2 CDI = 37/5 = 7

(4) Never aim outside the HSI rim if extending the CDI.
In this situation, if 28 DME were the target instead of 34, then the fix would not exist on the visible portion of
the CDI. However, the CDI is still the radial and can be extended invisibly. Since at 39 DME, the CDI (half) is
only 8 NM (or 7), targeting 28 would need 11 miles, or 3 miles past the tip. One suggestion: keep your intercept within the HSI. If you ever have to aim outside the compass card, the CDI changes calibration too much
to be accurate. Simply extend the CDI to the rim and hold that until you get closer to the fix.
(5) Lean toward the CDI not away from it. Since most POINT to POINTs conclude in aligning with the radial it is
best to favor the radial slightly. With that in mind, "fudge" your best guess toward the CDI. If you accidentally
over- do it, the intercept is still easy. If the "fudge" is slightly too far OUT (toward the tip) the last few seconds
will have a nasty turn perpendicular to the radial - certainly not very "conveniently aligned". If in doubt - Lean
toward the CDI. (Rounding the calibration UP will serve the same purpose). For making minor corrections as
the CDI moves in, use the same philosophy:

If a turn in toward the CDI is warranted: BE AGGRESSIVE - Turn NOW; avoid last minute cut.
If a turn down the CDI (towards tip) appears needed - RELAX, it can wait.
To summarize this technique:
Round DME UP (or DOWN) to multiple of 5.
Divide - DME/5 : Calibrate CDI halves.
Center of CDI is 0 change; i.e. your current DME.
Find Fix on CDI - Use ONLY if CDI is within 10 degrees.
Never aim outside the HSI rim if extending CDI.
Lean toward CDI, not away.

Lastly, an usually overlooked point is having a strategy to hit the fix, specially if it is associated with holding.
For example: if your heading into the fix is approximately perpendicular, then if you are not going to hit the fix
exactly, it makes sense to determine arrival at the fix when the radial comes across even though you may be a
mile or two off. If your heading will make you hit the fix approximately parallel then you may determine arrival

at the fix when the desired DME is reached even though you may be several radials away. Having the student
develop this SA will help when entering holding from a fix so that they avoid confusion with entry rules when
they dont hit the fix exactly.


Toward tip of CDI - CASUAL.


T1 HSI Fix to Fix

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