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1. Why is this region called Latin America?

- Because French Geographers wanted to distinguish the Spanishand Portuguese-speaking countries of the region from the Englishspeaking ones
2. Discuss the different environmental problems facing Mexico
City. What special problems must megacities, such as Mexico
City, have to contend with?
- Some of the biggest problems facing Mexico City are problems of
air quality, adequate water and soil sinkage, which has been caused
by groundwater depletion. Most megacities like Mexico City have to
face with similar problems as well as garbage removal, illegal housing
3. What is altitudinal zonation, and how is it relevant to
agricultural practices and global climate change?
- The altitudinal zonation of the region is defined by a number of
zones. Said zones include, tierra caliente, which is from sea level to
3,000 feet; tierra templada, from 3,000 to 6,000 feet; Tierra fria, from
6,000 to 12,000 feet and tierra helada, ranges from 12,000 feet and
Overall, climate change will influence agricultural productivity, water
accessibility, changes in ecosystems, and frequency of diseases.
More long tern consequences could also include altered climate and
sea-level rise. Though the low lands would be affected, the highlands
of the region would be affected the most.
4. What was the Columbian Exchange? Discuss ways in which it
still occurs today.
- The Columbian Exchange was biological 'swap' that occurred from
the 16th century onwards in which European agricultural products
were traded and brought to the new world and vice versa.
The Columbia Exchange still kind of occurs today in that many parts
of different cultures and products are traded to not just Western
Europe but all of over the world.

5. What are the origins of latifundia? Discussion the relationship

between latifundia and minifundia.
- Latifundia came to be because it was considered a a system of
large estates owned by absentee landlords and use of hired and
slave labor. The relationship between minifundia and latifundia is that
in the case of minifundia, the states are much smaller and are usually
associated with peasants unlike latifundia, which are larger and
owned by landlords and are used for labor.
6. What is the role of coca production in the region? Where is it
produced and how has it impacted Latin American states?
- Coca plays a big role in the region since its the reason for the vas
amount of cocaine production. It is usually produced in Peru, Bolivia
and Colombia, and it has impacted the states due to the amount of
illegal activity that it generates.
7. Discuss the origins of the current political boundaries in Latin
America. Where are boundary disputes occurring and why?
- In the 19th century Latin America divided by European colonial
powers and territorial boundaries reflected colonial legacy. In the later
19th and 20th centuries territories were still not clearly demarcated,
which lead to continued conflicts. By 1948 regional organization
promoted a neutral vision of hemispheric cooperation. Some
boundaries disputes occurring now are that many indigenous groups
are demanding political and territorial recognition because they are
essentially the natives of the area.
8. How are trade blocs reshaping international relations in Latin
- These trade blocs are created to foster internal markets and reduce
trade barriers, which can make for better communication between
countries, as its easier for them to trade with each other.
9. What is dollarization, and how is it being used in Latin

- The dollarization is a process where country adopts the U.S. dollar

as part or all of its official currency. Countries like Panama, Ecuador,
and El Salvador have dollarized due currency devaluation and
hyperinflation of their home currency; by doing do, those countries no
longer controls their monetary policy and then become dependent on
the United States.
10. What social and demographic shifts account for
improvements in the lives of women in Latin America?
- Although many Latinas find employment in the labor market,

participate in politics, and have access to education and family

planning; their participation in economic, social, and political activities
remains significantly lower than men's.

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