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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: August 5, 6, 2014

2014- 08- 13 17:08:52 GKToday

1. Which among t he f ollowing st at es has highest number universit ies in India?

[A]Maharasht ra
[B]Karnat aka
[C]T amil Nadu
T amil Nadu
T amil Nadu has t he maximum 59 universit ies in t he count ry.
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2. T he Zabriskie Plat eau an area of hazardous sharp rocks is locat ed on
[A]Jupit er
[C]Sat urn
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3. Pran Kumar Sharma, who passed away recent ly, was a popular ____?
[A]Cart oonist
[C]Folk Art ist
Pran Kumar Sharma was a Indias most successf ul cart oonist . He was t he man
behind t he f amous comic series Chacha Chaudhury. His ot her f amous
charact ers included cart oons like Sabu, Shrimat iji Pinki, Billoo, Raman and
many more.
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4. Recent ly, t he Roset t a spacecraf t made hist ory as it became t he f irst probe
t o rendezvous wit h a comet on it s journey around t he sun. Roset t a spacecraf t
was launched by ____?
[B]Russian Space Agency
[C]European Space Agency

European Space Agency
Roset t a is a robot ic space probe built and launched by t he European Space
Agency t o perf orm a det ailed st udy of comet 67P/Churymov-Gerasimenko.
On 6 August 2014 it ent ered int o orbit , becoming t he f irst manmade
spacecraf t t o orbit a comet .
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5. T he Yazidi communit y, which is in news recent ly, living primarily in which of
t he f ollowing count ries?
[C]T urkey
Iraq (Kurdistan)
T he Yazidi are a Kurdish and Arabic-speaking et hno-religious communit y live
primarily in t he Nineveh Provenance of nort hern Iraq.
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6. As per t he const it ut ion, if a member is absent f rom eit her house of
parliament f or a period of ___ days t hen t he seat is considered t o vacant . Fill
t he blank wit h correct opt ion?
As per art icle 104 of t he const it ut ion, if a if a member is absent f rom eit her
house of parliament f or a period of 60 days t hen t he seat is considered t o
vacant .
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7. Who among t he f ollowing has been awarded t he Business Leader of t he
Year award by t he All India Management Associat ion (AIMA)?
[A]Mammen Mat hew
[B]S S Badrinat h
[C]Adi Godrej
[D]Deepak Parekh
Adi Godrej
Godrej group chairman Adi Godrej was present ed t he Business Leader of t he
Year award by t he All India Management Associat ion at it s managing India
award 2014.

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8. According t o lat est energy ef f iciency ranking, which among t he f ollowing
count ries has been ranked no.1 in energy ef f iciency?
[D]Aust ralia
Germany is t he global leader in energy ef f iciency while India has been placed
at number 11 in t he lat est energy ef f iciency ranking of t he worlds 16 largest
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9. T he Union government has recent ly launched a new scheme Padho
Pardesh t o provide int erest subsidy on educat ional loans f or overseas
st udies f or st udent belongs t o ____?
[A]Minorit y communit ies
[B]Nort h East ern St at es
[C]SC/ST communit ies
[D]T ribal communit ies
Minority communities
Union government has launched a new scheme Padho Pardesh t o provide
int erest subsidy on educat ion loans f or overseas st udies f or st udent belongs
t o minorit y communit ies. Under t his scheme, 100% int erest subsidy will be
provided on t he int erest payable on t he educat ion loan availed f or t he period
of morat orium, which includes t he course period plus one year or six mont hs
af t er get t ing t he job, whichever is earlier.
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10. Marit ime Energy Heli Air Services (MEHAIR), a pioneer of Seaplane
operat ions in t he count ry which has been operat ing in ___?
[A]Andhra Pradesh
[C]Andaman and Nicobar
Andaman and Nicobar
Marit ime Energy Heli Air Services (MEHAIR) has pioneered t he launch of
seaplane services in India since January, 2011 in t he Andaman and Nicobar
Islands f or t he last t hree years.
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