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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs : March 14, 2014

2014- 03- 15 16:03:37 GKToday

1. T he Syngas, or Synt hesis gas, is a f uel gas mixt ure consist ing primarily of
[A]Carbon dioxide and Hydrogen
[B]Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen
[C]Hydrogen and Oxygen
[D]Carbon Monoxide and Nit rogen
Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen
Syngas or synt hesis gas, is a f uel gas mixt ure consist ing primarily of
hydrogen, carbon monoxide and very of t en some carbon dioxide. Syngas is
combust ible and of t en used as a f uel of int ernal combust ion engine.
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2. Which of t he f ollowing st at es are f irst t o get Plast ic Phot o Ident it y Card?
[A]Assam and T ripura
[B]Assam and Nagaland
[C]Nagaland and Mizoram
[D]Mizoram and Sikkim
Assam and Nagaland
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3. Michelle Bachelet has been recent ly (2014) sworn in as President of __?
[B]Argent ina
Michelle Bachelet was sworn in as Chiles president f or a second t ime,
replacing Sebast in Piera. Ms Bachelet won t he 2013 elect ion promising f ree
universal educat ion, paid f or by t ax ref orms.
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4. Part nership t o Advance Clean Energy (PACE) was launched t o increase
collaborat ion on energy securit y and clean energy bet ween?
[A]India and Unit ed St at es
[B]India and France
[C]India and Russia

[D]India and Israel

India and United States
In 2009, t he India and U.S. agreed t o signif icant ly increase collaborat ion on
energy securit y and clean energy t hrough launching t he Part nership t o
Advance Clean Energy (PACE).
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5. In which year, Nat ional Archives of India was est ablished?
T he Nat ional Archives of India which is a reposit ory of non-current records of
permanent value of Government of India is celebrat ing it s 124t h Foundat ion
Day on 11 March 2014. It was on 11t h March 1891 t hat t he Depart ment was
est ablished as Imperial Records Depart ment at Imperial Secret ariat Building,
Calcut t a wit h G.W.Forrest as t he First Of f icer in charge of t he Depart ment .
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6. Which among t he f ollowing commit t ees have recent ly recommended an
ant i-discriminat ion law f or Muslims on lines of SC/ST law?
[A]Sachar Commit t ee
[B]Amit abh Kundu Commit t ee
[C]Sayyid Hamid Commit t ee
[D]Y Sikand Commit t ee
Amitabh Kundu Committee
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7. Which among t he f ollowing is t he only Iranian port wit h direct access t o
[B]Bandar Siraf
[C]Bandar Abbas
Chabahar is t he only Iranian port wit h direct access t o ocean. T he port was
part ially built by India in t he 1990s t o provide access t o Af ghanist an and
Cent ral Asia, bypassing Pakist an

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8. For how many years, Hyderabad is envisaged as t he common capit al f or
Andhra Pradesh and T elangana as per Andhra Pradesh Reorganisat ion Act
[A]5 years
[B]7 years
[C]10 years
[D]12 years
10 years
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9. Nat ional Cent re f or Good Governance (NCGG) is locat ed at __?
[A]New Delhi
New Delhi
Nat ional Cent re f or Good Governance (NCGG) was inaugurat ed in February
2014 as an apex t hink t ank of t he count ry in guiding and implement ing good
Governance ref orms. It is locat ed in New Delhi. It would work t owards
resolut ion of key issues in Governance, analyse policy and programme
implement at ion, develop act ion plans, support governance ref orms and help
in developing synergy across various sect ors and Minist ries/Depart ment s. T he
expect ed out come of t he NCGG would be in t he f orm of research papers,
best pract ices on Governance ref orms, policy analysis and opt ions would
provide t he necessary direct ion, guidance and capacit y building input s on
Governance and management issues t o t he Cent ral and St at e Government
organisat ions, Cent ral T raining Inst it ut es and St at e Administ rat ive T raining
Inst it ut es.
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10. T he largest solar power plant in India t ill March 2014 is locat ed in __?
[B]Rajast han
[C]Madhya Pradesh
[D]T amil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh
T he Welspun Solar MP project , t he largest solar power plant in India set up at
a cost of Rs. 1,100 crore on 305 hect ares of land is locat ed at Bhagwanpur
near Neemuch in Madhya Pradesh.
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