Centralized Management of Java Exception Site List

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Centralized management of Java Exception

Site List Simple version

Recently weve started to update Java in our environment to
version 7.1 update 67 but then we realized that there is a
little issue with this update Java plugin wont run unsigned
applets anymore. Instead it displays the message Application
blocked by security settings and you cant do anything to
bypass it.
Of course the best method would be to get working, digitally
signed applet version, but unfortunately in most cases it not
up to us.
Second way, which I followed is to create a centralized
Exception Site List for all Java installed clients. And this seems
to be working just fine. Only problem here is that users wont
be able to add any permanent exceptions on their own

So, our goal here is to create single exceptions list which is

deployed to all computers with Java installed.
There are two options to achieve it:
Deployment per user: File exception.sites has to be copied
to the profile directory of each user located under:
Windows XP %APPDATA%\Sun\Java\Deployment\security

Deployment for all users: File exception.sites has to be

defined by declaring its path in the %windir
Example: deployment.user.security.exception.sites=C:/Win
We gonna deploy exception.sites to each user using Group
Policies. First of all we have to create a WMI filter so we can
apply policy only to computers with Java 7 installed.
Step 1: Open up Group Policy Management Console and go to
WMI Filters, right click, create a new one, type in a name and
following query:

SELECT * FROM win32_Directory WHERE (name="c:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7" OR

name="c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7")

Be aware of that this query points only to Java 7 installation on

default system drive C. If any of these differs in your









Step 2: Open up Sysvol fileshare for your domain:

\\contoso.com\sysvol\contoso.com (replace contoso.com with
your domain name) and create new directory called for
example JavaPolicy. Inside this directory create new file
named exception.sites this file will contain your domain-wide
exceptions. Heres sample content:

As you can see above one URL address per line. As simple as

Step 3: In GPMC create new group policy linked to selected OU

(might be just under the domain so it applies to all OUs) and set
its WMI Filtering to use filter created in Step 1.

Step 4: Now when our new policy applies to all computers with
Java 7 installed, we have to make sure our exception.sites file is
copied to all userprofiles on that PCs. Edit your policy and go to
the following setting:
User -> Configuration -> Preferences ->Windows Settings ->
Files -> Create new file

Action: Replace (we want to make sure file is being

updated every time, if we would select Update option it
will only update attributes of the file, not contents which is
actually more important for us).

files(s): \\contoso.com\sysvol\contoso.com\JavaPolicy\exc
eption.sites (Path to file we created in Step 2)
Common Tab -> Mark Run in logged-on userss security
context (user policy option)
Click OK to save the policy. At the end your policy should look
like that:

Step 5: Run gpupdate /force on any computer, log off, log on

and then open up Control Panel -> java and check if exceptions
from your centrally managed file appeared.
I hope this article will help you managing Java in domain

If you need details on deploying
exceptions file for All Users profile (second method) please
leave a comment, Ill try to describe that in spare time.
07.05.2015 Update! Since theres already version 8 of java I
tried to use same policy for both java 7 and 8 at the same
time and it works just fine! One thing I had to do it is change

WMI filter you can either change (Step1) jre7 to jre8 or just
like I did remove jre7 and stick to Program Files\Java
therefore policy will apply to all versions of java.

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