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Ecological Footprint Essay

The Ecological Footprint is a great way to make people aware of what they are doing to the
environment. It is a very simple way of explaining the damage that humans cause to the Earth. Neither
too complicated nor too in-depth, the Ecological Footprint provides a factual basis for explaining the
environmental impact of each human being on Earth today. The ecological footprint is a way of
showing how we use our nature.Not only does the Ecological Footprint tell us our impact on Earth,
but it also benefits our lives as well as others.
When we find out our ecological footprint, it can either shocks us on make us happy. When your
ecological footprint is high, you become aware of what youre doing. But first let us define
ecological footprint. Ecological footprint, according to Wikipedia, is a resource accounting tool
that measures how much biologically productive land and sea is used by a given population or activity,
and compares this to how much land and sea is available.
But what are the factors that affect our ecological footprint? Human beings have an enormous
impact on the natural environment, and ultimately on each other. The way we chose to house, clothe,
shelter, and meet the needs for vital resources such as food, energy, and water, not only affect the longterm availability of those resources but well-functioning Earth systems such as climate systems,
hydro-logical cycles, nutrient cycles in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, and the
maintenance of a diverse biosphere. But equally significant is the fact that some of our personal and
collective choices have an enormous impact on the way human beings interact in cooperative and
competitive modes, including the increasingly global search for renewable and non-renewal resources
and global efforts to extract benefits from distant locations and in the process limit the extent of
environmental degradation.

If everyone lived like me, there would be a need for almost five and a third of earths to keep the
system of our vast planet from shutting down. I became ecologically aware that my current lifestyle, if
adopted by every human, will cost 6 times Earths natural resources and humans wouldnt last long if
this continued. I, as a student,would like to improve ecological situation in my country. People still
continue littering and polluting their towns and cities. They do not care about water and air. It is
reasonable to introduce solid fines and penalties for such actions. I can say that children should
receive knowledge about environmental issues from the earliest years of their life unlike this
generation. So let us become ecologically aware that if we continue living an extravagant life, we and
the rest of humanity will suffer its consequences.

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