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Editors Thoughts: ... Metamorphosis .. Melodie Mae Karaan Inapan

Featured Items:
1. The Metamorphosis Of A Butterfly .. Melodie Mae Karaan Inapan
2. A 380 Turnabout . Becky Lopez Chavez
3. Leader In The Making ... Pastor Rene C. Inapan

SULADS Corner .. Needing Missionaries For Akha Tribe ... Jhun Cardiente, SULADS Thailand
Patch of Weeds: .. Jesse Colegado
LIFE of a Missionary: ... Driving & Traffic Violations ... Romulo M. Halasan

CLOSING: Announcements |From The Mail Bag| Prayer Requests | Acknowledgements

Meet The Editors |Closing Thoughts | Miscellaneous

Editors Thoughts: Metamorphosis

By Melodie Mae Inapan

How I love butterflies. I admire their delicate

beauty as they flutter around giving our gardens
, a butterfly has to undergo a complete
metamorphosis. To get into that beautiful
butterfly that it is, it has to go through 4 stages:
egg, larva, pupa and adult. Each stage has a
different goal - for instance, caterpillars need to
eat a lot, and adults need to reproduce.
Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle
of a butterfly may take anywhere from one month
to a whole year.

Just as a butterfly take time to metamorphose into

an insect of exquisite beauty, people take time to
change to become beautifully productive. This
change may take years and may be a long and painful process. But from this metamorphosis, from
this painful journey emerges a beautiful person, transformed in Gods likeness.

This issue features two beautiful people with interesting life stories of metamorphosis through the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You have to meet Becky and learn how she met her Savior Jesus
Christ and became a very supportive wife to a minister. Meet Pastor Rene and learn how verbal
abuse caused him to drift away from the truth only to be transformed later on into the leader that
he is now.

We should all be thankful for a metamorphosis for with it we become beautiful people who radiate
the beauty of the character of Jesus in our lives.


The Metamorphosis Of A Butterfly

By Melodie Mae Inapan

utterflies go through a life cycle. A butterfly has four stages in its life cycle. Each
stage is different. Each stage also has a different goal. A butterfly becoming an
adult is called metamorphosis. The life cycle process can take a month to year. It

depends on the type of butterfly.

Stage 1: Eggs
In the first stage a girl butterfly lays eggs. A butterfly first starts out as an egg. A
girl butterfly lays the eggs on a leaf. She lays the eggs really close together. The eggs are
really small and round. About five days after the eggs are laid. A tiny worm-like creature
will hatch from the egg.

Stage 2: Caterpillar (Larve)

The second stage is the caterpillar. A caterpillar is sometimes called larve. A
caterpillar is a long creature. It looks like a worm. Most caterpillars have a cool pattern. This
pattern has stripes or patches. The caterpillar is hungry once it has hatched. It starts to
eat leaves and flowers. It eats these all the time. It first eats the leaf that it was born on.
This is the eating and growing stage.
A caterpillar grows really fast. This is because they eat a lot. A caterpillar is really small
when it is born. It starts to grow fast. This is because it eats all the time. It grows so fast
that it becomes too big for its skin. So the caterpillar has to shed its old skin. It then gets
new skin. Caterpillars shed their skin four or more times while they are growing. A caterpillar
shedding its outgrown skin is called molting.
Caterpillars do not stay in this stage very long. While they are in this stage, all they do
is eat.

Stage 3: Chrysalis (Pupa)

Stage three is the chrysalis. This is
when the caterpillar is done growing. The
caterpillar makes a chrysalis. Another name
for a chrysalis is a pupa. It is mostly brown
or green. It is the same color as the things
around it. Things like the trees, leaves, or branches. This is so that other animals cannot see it.
This protects them. This keeps them from getting hurt.
This is the resting stage. It also is the changing stage. The caterpillar starts to changes.
It starts to turn into a butterfly. It starts to look different. Its shape starts to change. It
changes quickly. It then turns into a butterfly. All this happens in the chrysalis. This does not
take a long time.

Stage 4: Butterly (Adult) (Imago)

In stage four, the chrysalis opens. Soon a butterfly comes out. A butterfly is sometimes
called an imago. It is also called an adult. Butterflies are very colorful. When the butterfly first
comes out its wings are damp. The wings are also soft. The wings are folded against its body.
The butterfly is also very tired. So the butterfly rests.
Once the butterfly has rested, it will be ready to start flying. It will start to pump blood
into its wings. This is to get them working and flapping. After it does this, it can now learn to
fly. Butterflies cannot fly well at first. They need a lot of practice. It does not take long for
them to learn. They learn fast. When it can fly, it will go look for food. The butterfly will also
go look for a mate. It will soon find a mate. It will then lay eggs. The lifecycle will start all over

Adapted from :

A 380 Turnabout
By Becky Lopez Chavez

y name is Becky Lopez Chavez, a ministers wife and mother of two. I am an example of a sinner
saved by Gods grace and how life becomes productive and satisfying when lived for Christ.
Gods grace is so powerful that it changes even the worst of sinners.

I am a Bachelor of Science in Commerce, major in accounting graduate and I used to work as an accounts
clerk in a drug company. After a year & half, my friends in Manila invited me to explore the world abroad.
So I and my four female friends signed a contract for a modeling job. Three of them stood 59 tall while
two of us stood three inches shorter. On top of that, we also did on-call modeling jobs for lingerie shows
where we earned more. Working abroad was so much fun and pleasurable. Opportunities came knocking
at my door.
I had a great time with the spotlights while suitors pursued me. For many years, I spent my nights partying,
smoking and drinking. And every time I came back home to the Philippines, I squandered away my money
in playing mahjong which used to be a daily routine since college days. Since I already had money from
my jobs, I gambled in the casinos and bet in cockfighting which was very thrilling to watch. I was not really
after winning money. I just wanted to satisfy inner desires and enjoy the life I was having. No fear, no
insecurities, no doubts.
After many years of working abroad, I put up businesses in the Philippines and established a financing
corporate business. My close friends invested 50% shares of stocks and while I kept my work contracts
I managed the business well without knowing that five of my employees were Seventh-day Adventists.
The business ran smoothly for years. I filed before the court about 108 cases of BP 22 or estafa, commonly
referred to as Bouncing Checks Law with a penalty of imprisonment when a client is found guilty or if
the client did not settle his or her obligation. Ironically, I found out later that some of those who did not
settle their obligations were also active Seventh-day Adventists.
I was leading a very sinful life yet somehow I had this longing to know more about God although I never
knew then what God was like. And then, in spite of my carefree ways, I saw to it that my family needs
were met.
People once asked me what I would do should my friends use me for their own benefit, or take advantage
of my generosity. I really didn't care if they took advantage of me or if they made a fool of me. I enjoyed
their company and that was really what mattered to me. And as long as I was honest with them, it was
just ok. That was the way I looked at it.

hen it was about time for me to be married, I imagined settling down with a good looking guy
just like a prince. But all my suitors abroad prioritized work and many here in the Philippines
smoked, drank, gambled, and were party lovers. I was hoping that perhaps a guy who smoked
just a little bit, drank liquor a little bit, went to parties just a little bit would come. He must know how to

play mahjong so that we could have at least one thing in common. I went out dating because I was looking
for happiness in a relationship but I had this fear that I might later fall out of love. That was exactly my
fear of a married relationship.
As the years went by, I stood at the peak of my career and savored every moment of fame. My business
was thriving while I worked abroad. Life was good and I had a great time partying and gambling with
friends and suitors. What else could I ask for? I was also taking prohibited drugs in casual occasions. I got
the habit when I met a friend who turned out to be a drug lord. At first I didnt believe he was a pusher.
I thought he was only a user.
One time I happened to be with them in a casual gathering in the home of one of his friends. Good thing
I went home before midnight because right after midnight, policemen raided their place and they landed
in jail and stayed there for a day with a pending call from authority. I found this out only later when I
became an Adventist. One of the cops who raided that home was an Adventist assigned in Narcotic Drug
Agency. He is now the head elder of Fortune Town Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Through my friends influence, I learned to use prohibited drugs. At first, I took drugs only in little portions.
Later, I would take them often. And then I began to feel like somebody was chasing me wherever I went.
Was it a hallucination? I dont know. Maybe.

hen one fateful day (God`s timing is always the best) the tide of life turned. My worst nightmare
came and things changed so suddenly and simultaneously. At first, some of my valuable things
seemed to disappear from their place. Then, days after, my expensive jewelry got stolen from my
jewelry box. Following that, my car was ransacked by unknown persons. I also found out later that a friend
of mine who was also my employee diverted cash deposits in her name. And then a couple of days later,
some amount of money was stolen from my office twice.
Matters got worse when my close friends approached me and asked if I could be a part of a business
opportunity and be their resource person. With money involved and considering my office venue and
transportation, I gave in not because I wanted to gain from it but because they were my friends and I loved
to be with them. Besides, I owned most of the resources and I needed to protect that.
The business had good results but in the end, my friends left me and I felt I was no longer part of the
group. I felt betrayed and was hurt. I wondered why they acted that way towards me when all I did was
extending financial help to them. I felt I did not deserve such treatment.

ne day, my brother requested me to be his partner in a business. Since I trusted him, I financed
the business as planned and I would not get my share of income for a year so that the capital
operation would become bigger. The business which my brother managed became successful. But
I found out later that he set up another outlet filled with goods. He and his wife had exactly the same
business we were operating while he was managing our own. My heart broke. When I went to see him, I
talked to him as if nothing happened. I could not afford to confront him because I loved him and I did not
want to embarrass him. Then one day, he told me that our business was not running well and he let
another brother manage it. And yet, his business got bigger and surpassed ours.

Then I was asked by some of my business partners to establish another financing business like the one I
was engaged in and it would solely be a family business. For me it was not a very good idea. I didnt want
to fool people because honestly was (and it still is) one principle I stood for. My business partner trusted
me to manage the settled business. The others urged me to go for it but I did not agree to their proposal.
I was the only one who was against the idea. I felt trapped and bothered about what was going on. Without
my knowledge, my other business partners pursued their plans. I was skeptical whether my partner knew
about it. Then a corporate meeting with an auditor was called and a friend of mine demanded to withdraw
100% shares of stocks. Her share of stocks was almost 50% of the total operational shares. My business
operation was at stake because withdrawing a 50% share was something that would affect the operation.
Although, I still managed to cope with the situation, I was so disappointed and troubled. I was bothered
not only because things seemed to slip away one at a time but also because friends began to disappear
one by one. My friends and my brother betrayed me. Never had I felt so helpless.
I tried to seek advice from some friends but I could not find answers to my questions. At nights, sleep
eluded me. I thought of seeking spiritual counsel. At that time, I felt so alone and was full of questions. I
asked one of my staff who was incidentally an Adventist why this was happening to me. And he replied,
God uses people para tilawan ka (to test you), Mam. Again, I was so confused why God had to use people
to test me. It was so unfair.
I noticed that my SDA employees put Bibles and song books on their desks so I borrowed a Bible from my
accounts officer who was an Adventist. I was hoping that I could find answers to all my miseries. That
night, I began reading the Bible for the first time. I read randomly but I really didnt get an idea about
what was written in the Bible.

ne night, I challenged myself to read the book of Genesis. It didnt matter whether I understood
or not. What mattered was I tried. I prepared a lot of caffeine for me not to get sleepy. I also had
cigarettes and lighters with me. I read until I reached the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 28, which
talked about blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. The Lord says, And if you faithfully
obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today,
the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come
upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 28:1 - 28:2 ESV).
The verse stood as a powerful promise of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 28:15 left me speechless because that was exactly an answer to all the misery I was
experiencing. It said, But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God or be careful to do all his
commandments and his statutes that I command you today, then all these curses shall come upon you
and overtake you. Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the field. Cursed you
undertake to do, until you are destroyed and perish quickly on account of the evil of your deeds, because
you have forsaken me...
I took those verses literally. Every verse spoke to my heart. I was shaking and I sat still for a minute. This
was my initial reaction.
The next day, I approached my accountant and asked for a Bible study which was scheduled every
Saturday afternoon. I couldnt believe the study was free and it amazed me. The Bible study group was
composed of the head elder of Bacolod Central (SDA) church, a layman, and my own accountant. I was

very excited. Lesson one was about the authenticity of the Word of God. I learned why we should study
the Bible and was introduced to who God is, who Jesus Christ is, and who the Holy Spirit is. I used to go
to the Roman Catholic Church and have mass and do the cross sign in the name of the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit. But during the first session of our Bible study, I really did not expect the existence of the
Holy Spirit as part of the Holy Trinity. The word of God has full of surprises, I said.
After our first Bible study, I went back to my routine of a mahjong session. But I felt uncomfortable about
what I was doing. I stopped playing and went back home. I was really confused. I had this uneasy feeling
deep inside that I couldnt explain. I did not play mahjong for a week because I was still so confused. But
I was looking forward to having our next session of Bible study.
Looking back, I see how my whole being was filled with wickedness, with filthiness. But God has His own
timetable. His timing is perfect. I was so intoxicated with my wickedness but Gods word penetrated
through me. I listened to Gods words like a little child does and I received His words. I could sense the
power of the Holy Spirit touching my very core. There were moments when I would be drenched in tears
when I read the Bible. I just had so many questions.
As my Bible study continued, I had some moments of doubt. So I read through the encyclopedia and other
resources to know about the character of the Bible, Jesus, and the Sabbath. I was interested to know
whether the teachings of the SDA church was really true.
After several sessions of Bible study, I became aware of a noticeable change in my looks and even in my
choice of food. Gradually, the glamor, the adornment began to disappear. My attitude also changed.
When you are in Christ, a change will surely take place. I did not expect the changes to take place quickly,
and, surprisingly, effortlessly. I was really amazed. However, I was still so confused about what I was
taught as a child, what the Bible says, what I was I supposed to do, and where I was supposed to stand.
One night, alone in my dark room, I fell on my knees and prayed. "Lord, Im not sure if I am on the right
path. I am so confused. But if you are the true God, please teach me to know the truth. Help me to
surrender myself to you. I will give my all to you, Amen." This was the simplest prayer I ever had all
throughout my life.
As far as I could remember, by that time, I no longer engaged in gambling although I was still looked a
little bit glamorous in my appearance. I still went out with friends, drinking, smoking and partying.

ne day, I was invited by my staff Danny to attend a midweek prayer in Bacolod Central Church. I
was welcomed by almost everyone in the church. I thought it was cool. The next time I came, I
brought along with me my then three-year-old daughter, BL. At that time I was already a single
mom. Then Danny introduced me to Bro. John Chavez, the layman of the church.
One Saturday, I was invited to join the Sabbath worship. While I sat in the pew, I felt a sense of guilt. I
asked myself why I was there in the church. I was a sinner filled with all sorts of wickedness and evil habits.
I was not worthy to be there. I couldnt even look straight to the pulpit. I rushed out of church and did
not finish the worship service.
My spiritual search went on for eight months. A month before the Bible study ended, I fell into a deep
sleep. Then I dreamed that I was being told of Jesus coming in a crowded city. I went to that place but

saw a dessert instead. I saw people of different races and costumes walking in the same direction where
I was going. Then I saw a square building with a gate. The gate was filled with different people and I could
not get in. I asked the people if I could enter the gate and somebody stood up to make a way for me to
enter. Everyone was looking up the clouds and was waiting for the coming of the Lord although no one
was sure when Christ would arrive. I was sad because I was uncertain about my salvation. I was full of
doubts about Gods forgiveness for my sins. Suddenly, one little boy disturbed my meditation and asked
for food. He did not stop until I gave him some. And then suddenly the clouds burst wide open and turned
very bright. And from there I woke up. My dream was remarkably real. My conviction was so strong and
all my doubts vanished.
Days before my baptism, I noticed that my friends were gradually vanishing one by one. I knew without
a doubt that God was shielding me from destruction. Some called me up inviting me to go out with them
again but I refused. I told my friends that I would be a bride soon. I didnt know that that was exactly
what we are in sight of the Lord.

n April 24, 1997, I accepted Jesus Christ with all my heart through the rites of baptism. I accepted
Gods commandments and vowed to turn away from the past. Gods forgiveness made me a new
person and created in me a new heart.

The greatest miracle of Christs gift of salvation is the miracle of a changed heart and a changed life. I am
a child of God who once was lost and hopeless. The Holy Spirit worked through me in my miseries and
confusion. Looking back, I see the mighty hands of God at work in the right place, with the right people
and at the right time.
Just after my baptism, I stopped my business and quit attending hearings on filed cases and gave no
attention to the money unpaid. The only chance I had to have my money back was when borrowers got
their NBI clearance to go out of the country.
Having just received a spiritual birth, I was interested to know more about the truth. Bro. John Chavez was
the one person who ignited in me the desire to know more about the word of God. And this good-looking
man would visit me in my home to share with me more about the truth. I had some suitors around but
Bro. John would just wait patiently for me. He was far different from the others and that made him so
special. I admired his spirituality. I didnt see any ungodly behavior in him in words or in deed. For me, he
was a man of God. Besides, he was every girls dream because he is tall, dark and handsome.
After some months of Bible study, special feelings developed between us and we got into a relationship.
After a year, we thought of marriage. But I had this fear of falling out of love after marriage. Every night,
I could sense Gods whisper through the Holy Spirit that I should marry him. Amidst, my fear, I prayed,
Father, if it is your will, so be it. Give me the love that this man deserves. I finally married the man of
God. I had always believed that God in His own time would send me a God-fearing man before He comes.
In our 17th year of marriage, I can truly say that I never fell out of love for my husband. God has enabled
me to fall in love with him every day and possibly until Jesus comes. As in any marriage, we have our

share of trials and challenges. One time, I was tempted to give up our marriage. Unacceptance pushed
me to run away. I went out of the country, hopeless and feeling more miserable than ever. But the voice
of Lord spoke through me. I had to sanctify my marriage. My husband was Gods instrument of rescuing
me from the wrong paths. He gave me hope in life. I should be thankful because I am blessed to have him,
so blessed because he is working in God's vineyard. I went back home again for a new beginning,
forgetting the past and believing that all things are possible with God. Jesus love and forgiveness
motivated me to accept my husband just as he is.
God has blessed us with two beautiful children. Becky Dawn or BL, now 23, is on her 2nd year in
Medicine proper at Cebu Doctors University while Louise Jasmine or Weng, 12, is soon to graduate
from elementary school. Both are very much close to their Dad. These girls adore their father because he
is very much affectionate to them.
As with any couple, we have disagreements and ups and downs because we have different upbringing and
temperaments. I was once manipulative, rough and independent. He is gentle, innocent and very simple.
We argue in many things, big and small. We differ in the principles of dealing with life and priorities. It was
not easy. In times like these, we both come together and kneel in prayer, seeking Gods mercy and healing
in our midst.
In 2008, I received an offer from the company where I used to work to be its Foreign Staffing Administrator
in Japan, and to settle the whole family there. My husband and I indeed considered the offer and talked
about it for a year. But after much contemplation and prayer, we refused the offer. Working for God was
more than enough for us. God said, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything shall be added unto
you for those who love Him. How great is the Lord for He has given us the light to seek Him first.
I took a second course in nursing years after my marriage. I graduated and passed both the National Board
Exam and the NCLEX Board in New York, and also the IETLS. The chance to work as a nurse based in New

York was there. Just two years ago, I received an email that my immigrant visa was approved. Once again,
we chose to stay and treasure the privilege of working in Gods vineyard. I am very much contented and
satisfied where the Lord has placed us. Although I am engaged in some business now to support our
needs, I make sure that I attend every activity in the Gospel ministry.
In 2010, my husband was ordained to the Gospel ministry right after our refusal to settle abroad. Truly,
all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Last year, I was appointed to manage the Center of Influence, a General Conference program which was
to be operated independently. This program centers on influencing non-Adventist friends to the truth and
also caters to the outreach program in urban cities.
Now, I am reaping the benefits of being a pastors wife. Even though I am not equipped with gifts or
talents I still believe that God will fill in the gaps. What matters most is we stay positive in serving the Lord
with a joyful heart.
After all, being a ministers wife is a fulfillment, a divine calling. We are called with a purpose and we need
to live to that purpose. I give all the credit to God and to all the people He has used to help me in my
divine calling.
Becky Lopez Chavez, a businesswoman, writes from Taculing, Bacolod City, Philippines. She is the wife of Pastor John
Chavez, Youth Director of Negros Occidental Conference. Pastor Chavez is a former student of CF editor, Melodie
Mae Inapan.

A Leader In The Making

By Pastor Rene C. Inapan

y life is Gods work in progress. It is an example of how God in His great love pulled me out
from a mire of sin. It is a picture of a process a person has to go through before he can become
useful in Gods great work. Looking back, I can see that God allowed me to go through a long
and painful journey of reformation before I became productive in the ministry. I also see that God is a
patient and loving God and would love for His children to be faithful to him.
My story begins with Tatay (father) because he played a very major role in my transformation. He, my
older brother and I were the first ones in our family of ten to get converted to the Adventist faith in 1975.
I was first year high school then. When I graduated from high school, no one told me about Mountain
View College nor encouraged me to study there. My sister instead sent me to a university in Bacolod City
to pursue the degree Bachelor of Science in Commerce, major in Accounting. So with Tatays blessing and
my promise that I would not be influenced by the worldly behavior of the students in that university, I
enrolled for the first semester. I was lucky to have a scholarship but because of Sabbath problems, I had
some class absences which eventually led me to forfeit the scholarship. Just the same, I remained true to
God, although that meant missing all my Saturday classes.
Remaining steadfast in Sabbath keeping did not exempt me from pressure. While going to my classes at
the university, my friends tempted me to go to the theaters, smoke, and drink with them. But because I
was an Adventist and remembering my promise to Tatay, I firmly refused them.
One day, very early in the morning, I went out of the boarding house where I stayed. On my way back, I
saw a vehicle parked near my boarding house. As I was about to enter the gate to my boarding house, a
fellow Adventist (and church elder) who was the owner of the vehicle suddenly approached me and
accused me of spilling a container of gasoline that stood near the vehicle. He scolded me, heaped curses
on me, and forced me to pay for the gasoline which he said I spilt. Though I was innocent of the offense
he accused me with, I paid him anyway to stop his terrible cursing.
An uncle and some cousins saw the incident and taunted me. My uncle got mad. He asked me why I paid
for that container of gasoline. He told me, Rene, no religion can save man. Business is religion. Look,
your Tatay gives his tithes and offerings but nothing comes back to him and his family. As a Commerce
student, I realized that what my uncle said was true. At that same day, I took hold of my grade slip and
saw that I had low grades in my classes that fell on a Saturday. I became very discouraged. I promised
myself that I would never be an Adventist again.
That gasoline incident and my low grades in my Saturday classes were my reasons why I backslid from the
Adventist faith and became wayward for many years. So I drifted away from the truth. I joined my cousins
in their drinking sprees, went to the theaters with them, smoked and feasted on flesh food prohibited in
Leviticus 11. Then I met some tambays (persons with nothing to do) in Libertad Market and they became
my friends and partners in drinking. Sometimes, I was a kargador (porter) in the market and in the pier
so I had a chance to earn money for my allowance in school. Later, I got a chance to work (while studying
at the university) at a certain company where I was assigned to be a checker at the pier. I had my group
of friends who were also my drinking mates.

Someone told my father that I already had vices. But he did not believe the news at first. One day, he
caught me drinking. I then told my father about what caused me to backslide. And my father understood
me and reminded me nga palangga ako sa Ginoo (God loves me).
In spite of my Tatays reminder, I continued with my wayward ways. My barkada and I would go to fiestas
and have drinking sprees again. I also gambled and smoked marijuana. In spite of my vices, I did not miss
my classes although sometimes I went to class a little drunk. One time, somebody recruited me to become
a priest. I went to the university church office to apply for the priesthood. There were many applicants
but I was one of those who were accepted. I was called to the office of the dean for an interview with the
university priest. I was asked about my choice of seminary and was asked to fill out a form. It took me
some time and the priest asked what the problem was. I told the priest that my father was a Seventh-day
Adventist. The priest said, Congratulations! That is a good religion. You have to follow the religion of
your father. I told the priest that I was no longer a Seventh-day Adventist. I was a Catholic because I
already had started hearing mass. But the priest insisted that I follow the religion of my father. So I went
out of the office. But I was contemplating on the priests words.
Life went on as usual. Study, work, drink, smoke, barkada, until I finally finished my degree in Commerce.
I got myself a job in a certain company and went on with my routine of waywardness.
Then suddenly, I got sick. I went back home and became very weak. I could not walk by myself. My doctor
was puzzled about what was really wrong with my body. An old man advised me to drink two glasses of
water every morning when I woke up and try to walk around for exercise. In the meantime, my father
kept reminding me that God loves me and that He is calling me back. He constantly prayed for me. In
spite of my illness and my fathers prayers and reminders, I still kept on drinking liquor.
One Saturday, I joined a group of friends to look for spiders. These spiders were made to fight each other
and we would see which spider won. While the spider fight went on, I and an opponent had an argument
which led to a fist fight. My sister then told me that Tatay was in church and there I was, fighting with
someone. But a ramble followed. Good thing, I was not the one my opponents group was after. So I
went home and slept. Tatay was told about what took place earlier. But my father was very patient with
me. He continued to pray for his wayward son.
Sometimes, when I got drunk, I would notice my father beside me praying for me. The time came when I
could no longer walk and my body was swollen all over. My father kept reminding me that God was calling
me back.
Since I could no longer walk and was confined to my bed and nothing to do, I thought of reading the Bible.
So I did since there was nothing else to read at home. I started from the book of Genesis until I finished
the book of Revelation. And I started praying again. I told God, Lord, if you will restore to me my health,
please use me in any way you can. Some of my friends came to visit me at home. They were surprised
at my refusal to have a drinking spree with them again. I also started going back to church again together
with Tatay.
One Sabbath, I went to church with my father. A communion service was about to take place. My father
sought my forgiveness for any wrong he might have done. I did the same, seeking his forgiveness for my
disobedience, for all the pain I caused him in my years of backsliding. And there, the floodgates of my

soul burst open. In front of my earthly father and my heavenly Father, I repented of all my sins that I
Since then, I lost the urge to drink liquor. My barkada still came to visit me at home but I no longer joined
them. At that time, we had a new district leader, Pastor Ely Patricio (Pastor Patricio is now the president
of Negros Oriental-Siquijor Mission), who invited me to accompany him wherever he went in his district.
Pastor Patricio also told me that God is calling me. Then some young people in our place introduced
Mountain View College to me and encouraged me to go to that college and pursue a degree in Theology.
At the same time, I received a letter from Camp Crame informing me that I passed the exam I took earlier
and that I was told to report immediately to the Camp. I was in a crossroad then, whether to train for the
army or to go to MVC.
That night, my father prayed for me. My mother did not want me to join the army so I went to MVC.
Since I didnt have enough money to finance my studies, I had to work as a fulltimer. At first, nobody
wanted to accept me as a worker perhaps because of the way I looked then. My hair was a bit long and
unkempt and I must have looked untidy. But I finally got to work as a fulltimer at the Carpentry
Department for a year and one summer. I also joined the canvassing work. My earnings helped me in my
studies until I graduated from my Theology degree.
My stay in MVC was definitely not an easy one. On my final year, I was tempted to go back home because
I did not have money to continue my studies. I went to see the School of Theology dean, Pastor Wendell
Serrano. He chided me for my lack of faith and prayed for me. After the prayer, he evaluated my grades
and saw that I had good grades. He applied for an academic scholarship for me and fortunately, the
application was approved. But classes already started and still I had nowhere to stay. I could not afford
staying in the dormitory and dining in the cafeteria. So I prayed for Gods provision and there, a faculty
member told me to stay as villager in their home so I could save on my board and lodging. I stayed there
until I finally marched down the aisle to get my diploma.
I went back to Negros Occidental eager to serve the Lord. I started working as a layman for about two
years. Then Negros Mission (now Negros Occidental Conference or NOC) employed me as a ministerial
intern and I became a district leader for some years. On May 22, 1995, I married Melodie Mae Karaan,
also an MVC graduate, and our union bore us two wonderful sons. On May 29, 1998, I was ordained to
the Gospel ministry. Right after my ordination, I was called to serve as auditor in NOC. I also became
Stewardship Director of that conference. Then in 2003, Central Philippine Adventist College called me to
be a dormitory dean. There I met young people with similar experiences to mine. I met students who got
hooked on drugs, drinking and smoking. Instead of reporting them right away to the Student Affairs Office,
I counselled with them, talked with them and prayed for them. I know how it felt to have vices.
Withdrawing from these vices is not an overnight job. It is a process, a long journey that requires a lot of
struggle and prayers. I also served as assistant professor in the CPAC School of Theology.
In 2009, NOC called me back to serve as treasurer and I had that position for about six years. In November,
2015, during the Central Philippine Union Conference (CPUC) constituency meeting, I was elected as union
treasurer to replace Mr. Elmer Manatad who had already retired. But then, God must have other plans
because on December 15, 2015, during the NOC constituency meeting, God called me back again to NOC
to be its president for the next five years. Truly, all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

The Inapan family with Pastor Wendell Serrano during the NOC Week of Prayer

God sometimes allows us to go through a process to bring out the best and the beautiful in us. Sometimes,
the process is long and painful. Sometimes, God allows diseases to strike us just so we will listen to His call.
But if we listen to Gods call and trust in His process, everything will turn out beautiful in the end. Do you
feel His call right now? Dont harden your heart. Open your heart and mind to His leading. Trust in God
and He will lead you to the paths of His blessings. Dont be afraid to follow him. My grace is sufficient for
you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my
weaknesses, so that Christs power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Pastor Rene C. Inapan, an MVC alumnus, is the new president of Negros Occidental Conference, in Taculing, Bacolod
City, Philippines.

Pastor & Mrs Inapan with their sons

SULADS CORNER: Needing Missionaries For Akha Tribe

By Jhun Cardiente. SULADS Thailand

had a phone conversation with the Akha pastor (Thaweechai Muenpo). He is asking if we still have
missionaries available to work among Akha people. Akha live in villages in the mountains of southwest
China, eastern Myanmar, western Laos, northwestern Vietnam, and northern Thailand. There are now
some 80,000 living here in Thailand particularly in the Northern provinces of Chiang Rai and Chiang
Mai.....Who will go? Truly, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2.

Appeal by Fred Webb:

I believe that if the funds were available, there would be someone who would accept the challenge of
working with the Akha tribal group. At this moment, I do not know the cost per month for the stipend. I
will get this information. If you would be interested in sponsoring a missionary to the Akha tribal group,
please contact me for more information.
SULADS International, Inc.
If you would like to support this mission program dedicated to taking the Gospel to the people of Mindanao, please write a check to Gospel Outreach. Mark it for the
SULADS and send it to: Gospel Outreach P.O. Box 8 College Place, WA 99324 You may also donate to the SULADS using your credit card by logging on to Gospel Outreach's
donation site ( and follow the directions. Again, mark it for SULADS. If you would prefer, you may write your check to the General Conference of
SDA and mark the donation for SULADS and send it to: General Conference of SDA Donations 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904 Thank you for your
support of this very important project. If you do not want to receive any more newsletters, Unsubscribe To update your preferences and to unsubscribe visit this link
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Shared by Jessie Colegado

City Preacher
Having grown up just outside New York City, I barely knew a cow from an ear of corn. Until, that is, I
married a small-town Ohio girl. While I was in seminary school, I had a temporary assignment at a
church in a rural community. The day of my first sermon, I tried very hard to fit in. Maybe too hard.
With my wife sitting in the first pew, I began my discourse: "I never saw a cow until I met my wife."
(From Pastor Tim)

When Anger Crosses The Line

"Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds,
and be silent." Psalm 4:4.

This verse sounds familiar. Paul told believers in Ephesus to be angry but not to sin. To whom
is David talking? Is he addressing friends of God? Not at all. He's addressing his enemies and
telling them to check their anger. Are they angry for themselves or for sins done against God? He
gives them good advice. Get alone. Lie flat on your bed and ponder what you're doing.
I've heard this great advice and probably you have as well. "When you're angry, leave the scene
until you calm down." But calming down in order to evaluate the long-term fruits of my anger is
new food for thought. Since acting on my anger conceives many trails of regret, pondering would
be wise. What is at stake and what would contemplating uncover?

I can rehearse why I'm angry and what words I will use to strike back. In my anger, I want to do the
most damage
I can become further enraged and decide never to forgive what was done to me. That vow feels good
and feels justified.
I can conceive a plot to get revenge. When I get up from my bed, I will feel better. Satan will give me a
physical and emotional 'high'.
I can decide to withdraw emotionally from the relationship and freeze the other person out. I dream of
how hurt they will be.

I can weigh the spiritual damage of staying angry. I consider what it will be like to have my fellowship
with God broken.

I can weigh the emotional damage. I think of some angry people that I know. I consider how difficult it
is to be around them. I remember their faces and how toxic is their company.
I can weigh the physical damage. I remember that long-term anger hurts my body. Joy promotes wellbeing. Stress if the #1 killer.
Finally, I review God's forgiveness of my own sin. Even when I wasn't sorry enough (and none of us
really sees our sin as God sees it), He heard my repentance and forgave me where I was.

I'm not nave. If the offense is deep, I will not forgive them after 30 minutes of
pondering. Forgiveness is a process and may take another year to complete. But I can arise
prayerful, asking God to carry me through my hurt towards a readiness to forgive. That kind of
humility annihilates revenge, emotional withdrawal, and physical damage. At the heart of all anger
is a willingness or unwillingness to trust God to rule righteously. Do I really trust him with those
who have wronged me? Or am I prideful enough to believe that they are better of in my
hands. Forgiveness is not letting people off the hook. It's taking them off my hook and putting
them on God's hook.
Father, Satan feeds my anger and wants me to fail. I will have to fight for my joy and restored
peace with the sword of Your Word and the help of Your Spirit. Please help me to the other
side. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Christine Wyrtzen
(As seen in Daughters of Promise)

Shaking Hands
"Doctor, you've got to help me - I just can't stop my hands from shaking!"
"Do you drink a lot of coffee?"
"Not really -- I spill most of it!"
(From Pastor Tim)

The Quickest Way To York

A man approached a local person in a village he was visiting.
"What's the quickest way to York?"
The local scratched his head.
"Are you walking or driving?" he asked the stranger.
"I'm driving."
"That's the quickest way!"
(From Pastor Tim)

Library Confusion
The college football player knew his way around the locker room better than he did the library, so when
the librarian saw the gridiron star roaming the stacks looking confused, she asked how she could help.
"I have to read a play by Shakespeare," he said.
"Which one?" she asked.
Still scanning the shelves, he answered, "William."
(From Pastor Tim)

Winning Arguments
One day I found Morris, my five-year-old son, with the telephone, which he quickly hung up when he
saw me. "What were you doing?" I asked him.
"Calling Aunt Sarah."
"How could you have called Aunt Sarah?" I asked. "You don't even know her number."
"Yes, I do and I did call her," little Morris replied.
I wasted a lot of breath trying to convince him that he didn't know her number, but he insisted he had
made the call. "Okay," I said finally. "What did she say, then, if you called her?"
"She told me I had the wrong number."
(From Pastor Tim)

Ah, Mozart
A married couple trying to live up to a snobbish lifestyle went to a party. The conversation turned to
Mozart. "Absolutely brilliant, magnificent, a genius!"
The woman, wanting to join in the conversation, remarked casually, "Ah, Mozart. You're so right. I love
him. Only this morning I saw him getting on the No. 5 bus going to Coney Island."
There was a sudden hush, and everyone looked at her. Her husband was mortified. He pulled her away
and whispered, "We're leaving right now. Get your coat and let's get out of here."
As they drove home, he kept muttering to himself. Finally his wife turned to him. "You're angry about
"Oh really? You noticed?" he sneered. "I've never been so embarrassed in my life! You saw Mozart take
the No. 5 bus to Coney Island? You goober! Don't you know the No. 5 bus doesn't go out to Coney
(From Pastor Tim)

Gobber Crossing
The traffic light wasn't working on the corner of Broadway and 72nd Street, so the goober stood with a large
crowd of people waiting to cross, while a cop directed traffic.
Finally, the cop blew his whistle, motioned to the crowd, and shouted, "Okay, pedestrians!" The swelling throng
surged across Broadway -- all except the goober, who stayed on the corner.
When the walkers were safely on the other side of the street, the cop moved the cross-traffic through the
intersection. Half a minute later, he stopped the cars on Broadway and sent the 72nd Street traffic into motion.
Again, he got around to the goober's corner, where by this time he had again been joined by a crowd of
Tweeeeeeeet! "Okay, pedestrians!"
The crowd crossed the street, but again the goober stayed put. He looked at his watch and tapped his foot as
if he was in a hurry to get somewhere, but never budged from the sidewalk.
The cop ran the traffic through seven more cycles, each time blowing his whistle and then yelling "Okay,
pedestrians!" The goober never moved.
Finally, after the cop yelled "Okay, pedestrians!" for the eighth time, the goober shouted across traffic,
"Yo! Officer! Isn't it about time you let the Catholics cross?"
(From Pastor Tim)

Marital Faithfulness
A man approached a very beautiful woman in a large supermarket and said, "You know, I've lost my wife
somewhere in this huge supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"
"Why?" she asks.
"Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman, my wife suddenly appears out of nowhere and I'm tired of
looking for her!"
(From Pastor Tim)

Sidewalk Crossing
Bumping into a woman on the sidewalk, the Tom Cruise look-alike apologized, "Pardon me!"
"That's quite all right," the woman replied. "You look just like my fourth husband."

"Wow!" he said. "How many times have you been married?"

She winked at him and said, "Three."
(From Pastor Tim)

Dance Rejection
A rather awkward freshman finally got up the nerve to ask a pretty junior for a dance at the
She gave him the once-over and said, "Sorry, I won't dance with a child."
"Please forgive me," responded the underclassman. "I didn't realize you were pregnant."
(From Pastor Tim)

DYI Complications
The middle-aged man was shuffling along, bent over at the waist, as his wife helped him into the
doctor's waiting room. A woman in the office viewed the scene in sympathy. "Arthritis with
complications?" she asked.
The wife shook her head, "No. Do-it-yourself," she explained, "with concrete blocks."
(From Pastor Tim)

Strength vs. Courage

It takes strength to be firm.
It takes courage to be gentle.

It takes strength to hide your own pains.

It takes courage to show them.

It takes strength to stand guard.

It takes courage to let down your guard.

It takes strength to endure abuse.

It takes courage to stop it.

It takes strength to conquer.

It takes courage to surrender.

It takes strength to stand alone.

It takes courage to lean on another.

It takes strength to be certain.

It takes courage to have doubt.

It takes strength to love.

It takes courage to be loved.

It takes strength to fit in.

It takes courage to stand out.

It takes strength to survive.

It takes courage to live.

It takes strength to feel a friend's pain.

It takes courage to feel your own pain.

--Author Unknown

Surgeon Roast
Harry hosted a dinner party. One of his guests was a surgeon.
While deftly carving the roast, Harry kept up a running commentary: "How am I doing, Doc? How do you like
that technique? I'd make a pretty good surgeon, don't you think?"
When Harry had finished and the slices of meat lay neatly on the serving platter, the surgeon spoke up:
"Anybody can take them apart, Harry. Now let's see you put them back together again."
(From Pastor Tim)

Why Universities Would Never Give God a PhD

1. He had only one major publication.
2. It was in Hebrew.
3. It had no references.
4. It wasn't published in a refereed journal.
5. Some even doubt he wrote it by himself.
6. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then?
7. His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.
8. The scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results.
9. He never applied to the ethics board for permission to use human subjects.
10. When subjects didn't behave as predicted, he deleted them from the sample.
11. He rarely came to class, just told students to read the book.
12. Some say he had his son teach the class.
13. He expelled his first two students for learning.
14. Although there were only 10 requirements, all of his students failed his tests.
15. His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.
16. No record of working well with colleagues.
(From Pastor Tim)

Driving & Traffic Violations In a Foreign Land

his week, I will share to you my experiences while driving in foreign lands. Driving in a foreign country
sometimes becomes very tricky as you do not want to be in a wrong side of the road and you do not
want to be apprehended over speeding. Usually, before I start driving I have to determine first which
side of the road they drive in that country: left side or right side? Then I have to find out what the speed
limits are and the quirks of each country. Needless to say, I have been apprehended several times in the past
for over-speeding so I make a conscious effort to avoid that.
In many countries I have visited, the drive on the left side of the road. Keep to the left is what I have to
always keep in mind. Examples of these countries include Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor
Leste, Australia, Fiji, Tonga, Jamaica, Japan, New Zealand, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Kiribati, Bruinei,
Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, and other countries that belong to the Common Wealth.
Other countries drive on the right so in these places I always remind myself to Keep to the right. These
countries are The Philippines, USA, Cambodia, Myanmar, Mexico, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Laos, China, American
Samoa, and many others.

ne early morning, after coming from the Philippines, I drove in a village road in Chiang Mai Thailand. I
was contentedly whistling as I drove my mind thinking of pleasant memories from my recent visit to
the Philippines. I was surprised why the incoming motorcycles and vehicles were swerving to avoid
me when I suddenly realized I was driving in the right side of the road (like in the Philippines) when I
should have been driving on the left side as they do in Thailand.
Another time while driving in the Central Pacific country of Kiribati, two policemen flagged own the car ahead
of me and later also flagged me down. I noted that I was only driving 35 kilometers per hour. His speeding
gun, however, read 55 kilometers per hour and he told me I was driving over the speed limit which is 45 kph.
Sure of myself, I insisted that I was only driving at 35 kph and that the reading in his speed gun must belong to
another car. The policeman asked me what I was doing in Kiribati. I told him that I was visiting the Seventh-day
Adventist church which, like in other countries in the South Pacific, is held in very high regard. The policeman
let me go. [The country of Kiribati require Philippine citizens to acquire a visa before entering the country but
if you are an SDA, you can legally enter without a visa! Just truthfully let them know that you are visiting for a
seminar or lecture.]

Several times in the queens highway of Fiji I was caught over speeding. The national speed limit is 80 kms per
hour but sometimes in the villages, the speed limit suddenly changes and will only be 50 or 60 kms per hour.
In most cases after talking with the policemen, they just let me go. Probably because the current prime minister
or the head of the country is an Adventist church member? I dont know for sure
In Indonesia, I did not see any policemen trying to apprehend motorist for over speeding. So driving here for
the last 5 years is worry free.

t the end of 2015, we went to visit Northern Thailand again. I was forced to renew my Thailand drivers
license. Because I do not have work permit for Thailand, I went to the Philippine Embassy in Bangkok
and have a certification that I am now residing in Thailand.

Thailand is now is very strict with obtaining a drivers license. Previously, the passing score was to correctly
answer a minimum of 23 questions from them 30-item written exam. This time, one has to attend a one day
exam and pass the written exam. One must correctly answer a minimum of 45 questions from the 50-item
It took my brother 5 attempts before he passed the exam so I studied hard to pass it. The traffic signs in
Thailand are in Thai; there is nothing in English. Then there is the practical exam which is also tough and is
done over a period of several days.
Thankfully, I passed the exams. I got the hour-long written test done within 11 minutes. I got 49 questions
answered correctly out of the 50 questions. And so the end of December found us going through our planned
land trip through Northern Thailand! Praise the Lord!

very year, at the end of December, there were so many accidents on the road. Thailand calls these days
the 7 Dangerous Days which start on December 27 until January 2. This year, there were 340 deaths
involving thousands of accident resulting in several hundreds of injuries. Most of these death are related
to Drink Driving as the Thais call it. (drunk driving).

This year our family visited the gardens of Northern Thailand, the Golden Triangle and the border of Myanmar.
It was a nice experience to sleep on top of the mountain on a tent and feel the cool weather overlooking of
the tip of Thailand overlooking the mountains of Myanmar. Coming back home to Bangkok, it was a drive
without sleeping.
After our trip to Myanmar, I proceeded right away to the USA for my trip to Jamaica. When I arrived in Los
Angeles airport, I went to the Enterprise rental company office and rented a car. The lady in the counter asked
me. Do you have an international drivers license? I told her that I am an international driver without an
international drivers license. I told her that I have 3 valid drivers license, one is from the Philippines, the other
is from Indonesia and one is from Thailand. Then I told her that I drove in August of this year from Florida to
California for 3 days with my Philippine drivers license. Then she accepted my Philippine drivers license.
While driving in Californias 101 freeway, my GPS told me that there was an accident ahead and 40 minutes
was added to my route. I was stuck in a traffic. As I was driving for several days and 2 nights without proper
sleep, I felt very sleepy somewhere in Calabasas (area of Los Angeles) as I sat in traffic, the cars all at full stop.
I must have dosed off as I was later startled by a honk from behind my car. I quickly woke up and noticed the
car ahead of me had already driven off. I took a deep cleansing breath to wake me up and continued driving. I
didnt want to drink too much water as I didnt want to have to look for a restroom. I arrived safely at my
sister-in-laws place at Oxnard. I thank God for His protection on this trip.

Photos from Romys camera:

Romulo Romy M. Halasan, (BSBA86) writes today from Bangkok, Thailand. He is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist world church
leadership who gets to travel to different corners of the world as a Regional Director for the General Conference Auditing Services. His travels
provide him with a unique perspective of how the work is going in these areas and we are so blessed to be able to experience these travels
second-hand through him. He and his wife Lucy (also an MVC alumna) are parents of 3 grown sons. Both SHINE ON brightly from many corners
of the world. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to reach him at

God says

I am a God who heals. I heal broken bodies, broken minds, broken hearts, broken lives, and broken
relationships. My very Presence has immense healing powers. You cannot live close to Me without
experiencing some degree of healing. However, it is also true that you have not because you ask
not. You receive the healing that flows naturally from My Presence, whether you seek it or not. But
there is more much more available to those who ask.
The first step in receiving healing is to live ever so close to Me. The benefits of this practice are too
numerous to list. As you grow more and more intimate with Me, I reveal My will to you more
directly. When the time is right, I prompt you to ask for healing from some brokenness in you or in
another person. The healing is instantaneous or it may be a process. That is up to Me. Your part is
to trust Me fully and to thank Me for the restoration that has begun.
I rarely heal all the brokenness in a persons life. Even My servant Paul was told, My Grace is
sufficient for you, when he sought healing for the thorn in his flesh. Nonetheless, much healing
is available to those whose lives are interwoven with Mine. Ask, and you will receive.

MVC Alumni Calendar

Mar 18-20
(Note date
July 29-31,
July 30, 2016

Aug 4-7, 2016

Aug 19-21,

Annual Retreat. MVC Alumni
Association, Florida. Keynote speaker:
Dr. Diego Diaz Sausa.

Pine Lake Retreat Center.
21724 FL-33, Groveland FL

Illinois Chapter Weekend Getaway

Wisconsin Dells. River

cruise, hiking, swimming

Point of Contact
Ben Macaya. Cell# 813
758-5885. home# 813
7823646. Email ad
Nora Munda, Leslie
Rosendo, Vicki Ybanez

4000 E. Ontario Center

Pkwy Ontario, CA.

See Heritage Singers on


Lake Tahoe, NV

Annaliza Wilensky &

Alison Sabanal
Pastor Rolando Baysa

Heritage Singers 45th Anniversary

Reunion Concert (Advertised in their FB
site as the last reunion concert they will
be having)
MVCSNs Zoarkes91 Silver Anniversary
All Filipinos of Southwestern Union Conf
FAMMANA Convention

Lone Star Camp,

Athens, TX

Prayer Requests
Comfort To The Bereaved family & friends of the following during this difficult time:
Pastor Leonardo Asoy
Elizabeth Mejia
Wilbert Totong Cagatan
Pastor Albert Gulfan
Melou Jean Cena
And others who have recently
lost loved ones
Dr. Agripino Segovia

For God to provide: a God-fearing principal for Immanuel Adventist Academy in Alegria,
Lopez Jaena, Mis Occ., monetary funds to purchase new parts for the Sulads jeep, funding
for the Agusan del Sur Marshlands stipend for 2016
Thankfulness for many answered prayers and for continued blessings and healing for
Cocoy Jimenez,
Galileo Villaflores,
Demi Garduque
lor Samson,
Elisa Poblacion, F
Pastor Oseas Zamora.
Elmar Bingcang,
Pastor Rudy Bermudez,
For blessings on:
On the seniors students at the Hilltop as they work towards their graduations.
MVC Faculty, staff, administrators, alumni members and friends
leaders at different levels of the Adventist denomination
SULADS and Gospel Outreach
Those who are struggling in one or more aspects of their life
Those who are in pain; Those who are searching for truth
Those who are seeking a closer relationship with God
Those who are currently serving in the mission field, wherever that might be .
For CPAC as its board will elect a new set of administrators on the 26th of January

Meet The Editors

This weeks issue of Cyberflashes is coordinated/edited by Melodie Mae Karaan Inapan. Next weeks will
be by Lily Escara Lare.Please direct all entries to her or to any of the editors.
Eddie Zamora
Evelyn Porteza-Tabingo
Jessie Colegado
Joy Caballero-Gadia
Lily EscaraLare
Melodie Mae Karaan-Inapan
Raylene Rodrigo-Baumgart

ezamora594 at aol dot com
etabingo at gmail dot com
Cyberflashes at gmail dot com
watermankids at yahoo dot com
Lily_lare at yahoo dot com dot ph
melodieinapan at yahoo dot com
raylene.baumgart at gmail dot com

If you wish to subscribe to Cyberflashes, to unsubscribe, or if you changed your email address and want
Cyberflashes to be sent to your new address, please send your request via email to any of the editors. We
spell out the @ and dot signs in the email addresses to prevent worms, viruses, and robots from harvesting
them. If you would like to correspond, simply substitute the correct symbols.

Invitation to Write (or tell) Your Story

The editors are still looking for stories on the following topics and are inviting YOU to share your story!

Workplace Bloopers (do you have? Please share!)

MVC Love stories
Hydro 1 (if you are one of the Hydro Boys pls contct Evelyn)
ZAIRE (if you served/visited this African country, share a story


Jan 26
Feb 7
Feb 18

Lily Lare
Raylene Baumgart
Joy Caballero-Gadia

A very special thank you to the following who helped put together this issue of CF:
To Jessie Colegado for Patch of Weeds, Romy Halasan for Life of A Missionary,
Sulads International with Gospel Outreach for the SULADS update,
To Becky Lopez Chavez & Pastor Rene C. Inapan for sharing their personal stories
To the CF staff for their contributions, to Sir Ed for being so patient, and to Joy for filling in the gaps

Closing Remarks
You are gorgeous. You are made in the image of God
You are powerful for you have access to your Redeemers strength
You have choices. You can make a metamorphosis if you wanted to.
It pleases our Heavenly Father when we want to emulate the character of His Son.
We could be a caterpillar right now or a larvae
But there is beauty in us, through Christ.
We are gorgeous, colorful and unique like butterflies.
Because our Creator loving made us so.
Happy Sabbath!

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