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The new science of PERCEPTION THEORY a call to creativity through the agency of and engagment

of audiences with a balance of theory and practice. This is a practical theory...a rough
draft....explanitory system of the reticulatory character of Percpetion with impacts on audiences
worldwide and towards many disciplines and theories.
Perception is the cornerstone not only of myth but legacy and unfortunately for a reluctant science it is
the groundwork of a tradition that extends from art and faith the culture and into an archaeology of the
mind that showcases the supremacy of perception as a cultural product, and forms a conditioning
element that forms a bullwark of indoctrination and uncreative conservatism of approaches, out of fear
of having to be procedurally burdened by constantly having to qualify new information under old
standards, doling out an ongoing revision of the paradigm in which science occurs.
In short science just on it's own lacks creativity lacks insight, lacks vision lacks perception into its own
potential, science lacks a sense of its designs upon culture, is as such tool as opposed to ideology,
technology as ideology that at best is a tool of the conformity of perception to that of a monoculture
Perception is the power to correspond the imaginary world into the actual world, or graph the actual
world into the imagined world using technologies as a means to harness the power of Nature.
Perception as such is a kind of proto-science a veritable technology of our own construction, this
science requiring cultural tools to transform its building potential into actuality in means that
transcended the mere immanence of a potential's designs upon eventual options.
A certain design determinism exists in the potential of mind, an ergonomics of consequence that drives
what appears salient to us. Call this design Instinct, culture or Nature it is how we are best likely to see
and understand everything in relation to everything else. It is one fantastic oeuvre of placing the
complex into a relation of the significant, the simple into a relation of the resonant, it is the search and
noticing of elegance in the universe, and in the universal aspects of the mind as a production of culture
instinct, ritual and Nature.
Perception is the science of the senses in a way in which art is conveyed to audience, how science is
observed, how policy is monitored, hence how the political is born and transformed. As prominent as
perception is, as one force has since time immemorial challenged this, it is a source in a sense of
instinct, it is the level of consciousness we label intuition, reflex, nature, something that indeed
overlaps with perception and is perceived and perceptual, but is not in the same sense a product of
design or of culture.
Perceptions that occur as a reflex to us, are our cultural character which have a nature but to be
Philosophical that which drives Nature is not the history of the sensory, not the reflex of the spectacle
either, the spectacular gathers its weight by gauging the significance of the perceptual imagination, that
groks significance into ways of conforming the various gifts of ways of seeing into ways of being and
looking in the science of this perspectival character, with an intuitive taxonomy of the perceptual
equivocals of situation to situation that allows us to group events, types of place, situations people and
essences together into information and date essential to the formations of legacies of information these
legacies do much to shape our science our identity and our perception of significance from sources
other than our own mind's reflection or reflex, and we oscillate from intuition or instinct with
information into the cultivation realm, where we apply reflexive insights with customary potential

applications. In summary something causes us to categorize information then utilize it as a source of

our cultural perceptions, and as noted before the Design of the instinct with its information is distinct
from our designs with how this information is utilized, while it was it may be noted that this cultural
imagination enters into consciousness through a naturally distinct variation of a political historical
motif of cultural formation, via the pressures from within the procedures of the powers of percieved
reflexes appealing to policies and those policies intrinsic or extrinsic appeal.
There are aspects of the power to perceive which are universal and work in how we experience
language, else in how we experience pre-linguistic phenomenological senses of perception, that
precede instinct and have to do with the hard wiring of our bodies as machine or energy converters of
nature. I will now illustrate how it is that the body reduces to energy conversion, which affects the
mind which feeds on the conversion of attention as a sort of cognitive energy.
To give you and example of these categories of perception perceiving the truth that our bodies are
energy converters means we would be right in pointing out that everything in nature and culture
reduces to the presence of some form of energy conversion on at least a mundane level of
manifestation. It's safe thus to say my perception is merely energy conversion from this I do not
however conclude that all of culture is merely exchanges of energy occurring int he brain body and
environment. This reduction, while not assured, is an unfulfilling way in which to perceive the
variability of mind, perception, and culture that nuance of forces between hard wired design perceptual
design of reflex to cultural apportion of a whole different design on the role of perceiving and
interlaying with actuality.
Perception is designed at the level of the body's mechanisms at the reflex of cognition and at the level
of culture where its applications are played out. Perception is a way of seeing, noticing, recognizing,
cognizing, conceptualizing, aligning facts and opinions, arranging information and motifs of agency,
establishing a modularity of options and selecting from the apparent best one, recognizing the affluence
of opportunity and choosing wisely. Perception is the hub of all arts, and sciences, it's what
consciousness does, it's the basic verb of being, next to baseline functions and the preservation of a
baseline consciousness. Perception is how we navigate any array by identifying its attributes and
competing regarded results within the array of options and opting for there to be a simulation of the
immediate, for perception is also a function where not reflex, of culture, which also shows up in the
genre of reflexes, in an arena of immediacy. Perception is the science of the conceptual and it's tools
and avenues for future developments, in the locales of logic perception is highly ordered, in
superstitious ritual it is likewise highly ordered but without the mechanism of being a tool, logic is a
tool, superstition is a situation. What's important is not that we completely eliminate superstition,
which is in some cases identical with intuition, but that we gestate the perceptual into the logical sphere
of structured conveyance of the will to ordain and organize perception into a tool for self-evolution.
This requires that we focus on beneficial ideas, and results and reward ourselves for our behaviours.
This reward is a formal kind of operant conditioning that makes sense of the world. Perception is not
visualization, visualization rather is a tool-set of amongst many tool-sets that conscript perception into
a system of operant conditions, else of simply organizing sense as a reflex of experience, as in the case
when one is watching a baseball game and is taken by a very artful play say a triple out play at the
bottom of the ninth. There the person's perception is experiencing the principle of engagement, and we
will note how engagement breeds the purpose of every game which is noticing and acting accordingly.
For this there is the sense that one is following or able to follow or possibly breaking rules. There is a
distinction between policy and politics but they overlap, there is a policy of following rules, but poltics
are born from assessments of how we award, reward, revitalize or recapture an essential approach of

one kind or another.

Perception breaks down to three categories, active, passive or neutral which is neither passive nor
active, and which is similar to passive, but may be agential. For example friends get into a fight and a
person decides to say NOTHING, allowing them to deal with it, and not picking sides, this is not a
PASSIVE approach to either side subjectively it appears as subjectively indicative of a passive
approach, but in effect it's an ACTIVE SORT of agency but not actively picking one side or another, or
passively waiting till one friend asks for your input to get involved.
Perception further breaks down into five agencies. Essential social/psychological/political, non
essential (in modes of social psychological or political), resonant, ritual or inculcated and engrained.
The significance of the mode applies where something is resonant, by conditioning ritual space, where
objectives of a culture are inculcated through symbolic complexity, and through degrees of inculcative
or engrained reflexes or conditions.
Perception is something that is conceptual, linguistic, psychological social, polemical, political and
cultivative as well as emersively reflexive.
Justice is blind is a call to the neutrality of Justice systems, pointing out an engrained and inculcative
situation simultaneously, as these modalities overlap perception becomes textured and complex and
reveals something of the structure of the thing being perceived.
There is a correlation between explanation and essences, the bond between essences and expression can
not be overstated enough.
What invokes the nascent sense of some aspect of Perception is the discovery process which is where
ritual space synonymous with a behavioural diversity, amplifies its directions and makes monumental
the directions of the known and knowable about the static and unstable character of ritual space.
Evenly put in terms of its advantages it is a zone where the stochastic becomes ordered, as well it
appears on uneven ground that it is either this feature of the random becoming the ordered, or the
ordered or randomized becoming the chaotic.
What role does perception play in the designing of its aspects. Little or nothing surprisingly. This is
the work of evolution, but the political can enter into the policy of nature, taking the helm of what we
see, and can curb what we get a sense of what we SHOULD focus on, but this overlap of culture and
nature,of ethics and the reflex of enculturation, is apparent and the systematic policies of a civilization,
while they may break down to aspects, they are of the situation, not of the environment, which
comprises another aspect of power in the situation, of culture, and not nature, unless the situation is a
reflection of pure instinct, pure intuition, pure first order experience and pure consciousness unaffected
by inner thought. MINDFULNESS in other words, embodied as a reflex of not thinking but
ONCE we get into thought we get into extrinsic and intrinsic characteristics of the will to
communicate, and intentional conveyance as well as inculcative and engrained dichotomies between
aspects of agency which fortunately for us overlap to give birth to instinctual information and agency,
and perceptions like sexual identity or hunger, or responses to danger can be said to be both inculcative
(or taught in part by parents modelling responses to the ritual space in extrinsic/intrinsic flows of
information gleaned from observing the event, else from purely intrinsic responses of engrained
behaviours which elevate the reaction to the level of a drive, or an instinct that is necessary for survival

else evolution.
Perception is a supermechanism of a species' expression. We could be without perception and pure
automata responding chemically to inputs and outputs in aspects of the environment, but no, we have
internal environments where state space semantics program our minds and brains with information that
reflects the environment. All perception of this order is a kind of inward inflection or perception that
evolves and emerges the standard whereby correspondence and correlation become engrained into
observation that allows for us to think scientifically.
Perception can be social, or collective and evoked by groups, which gives birth to the political, which is
demands on the nature and character of the transition and transfer of power, roles, advantages, shared
benefit, and shared burden. Perception to achieve this is primed to be innately psychological, that is to
say bound up by the motives of a science of intimated senses of one's own dispositional calculus and
how that affects outcome, hence a person is refined in thinking a particular way, simply because there is
a benefit in absorbing oneself in a given way of thinking, and this becomes a predictive calculus we can
use to attribute a sense of motivation, incentive, and regard, involved in the assessment, evaluation,
comparison and contrast, discernment and decoding, encoding, and evaluation of standards of conduct
that enter into the milieu of determining the array of inward states or inevitable benefits that someone
can enter into through the prevalence of option and opportunity to assess one's own environment as an
internal landscape not simply an outward environment. Please note that this psychological
environment because it is the primer of the social and political, is the groundwork for the metaphysics
of agency as a result of one's capacity to externalize internal states as intentions or behaviourally
determinable motivations.
Any robust study of law will involve perception theory and conflict theory as a segue into determining
the embodiment of the sociological implications of factors of needs to describe the world outside of us
as a feature and function of internal mind-states that influence and affect from aspects of the internal
world, to aspects of the eternal world through correlation and correspondence. Perception theory is an
explanitory model of how perception works, without a phenomenological account necessarily, but
looking at the social, historic conditions, of perception and agency and explaining the mechanisms
through which these forces move. Perception theory will have impacts in economics in that it is
assessable as a highly sensitive theory about incentives, and definitive dispositions, and thus has
applications in Psychology, as well as political science, science, sociology, and History, where it's
polemics are epic.
The key elements of Perception theory. Is that perception is both conditioned and unconditioned.
The unconditioned is internal and determined as externalized behaviour in ritual space, or the
conditioning arena of existence. The significance is that even passive agency is active agency and that
neutrality is also agency, though it may enter into a nil value state where one is neutral affectively, I lost
the lottery and it doesn't trouble me because I spend only two dollars a year on the endeavour for
Other key elements are it's psychosocial dimensions of social, psycholigical and politcal dimesnions of
Perceptual applications as tools. Also that that there are five aspects of agency for Perception. They
are all also intrinsic and extrinsic in character, and speak to the agency of conditionable indicators of
agency. Perception is a social and political and psychological expression of elements in tension, or at
ease, and which comprise a fruition with which conditions apply in competitions for historic
information to apply, hence Perception theory is an analog of conflict theory. Lastly above all else
Perception theory is a POLEMIC, nothing is certain until it's episteme has exhausted all other

possibilities. That's all. Have a Happy 2016 New Years. It's 11:30 Time to start the countdown soon.
Make sure you PERCEIVE your blessings, conceive of them for to go without this is to invite conflict
into your world. There is much more to be developed. Written and begun writing at 10:15 PM
Welcome to a world packaged, pristine, angular, conservation, of momentum....flat earth
timocracies..welcome to history and starstuff....ambulatory dynamicity frozen in relativity, aspirant
afterthought of forehtought's congestions of the afterflow of aftermath...bags of mostly water, the alien
pulses in me in a heartbeat...I am other than I was, forever transformed, never known or knowable ever
a fiction of their yearnings and renderings held in the armistice of their armatures and
dawning afterwards in the dawning light, held in the happenstance of your Haphaestian riddle, the
ultimate mallate, condigning forth from the ferment of your unspoken words, where I am all at once
once complete and competitive in coherency and the delight of risk, I was once like you, I was once
LIKE, YOU, I was once LIKED BY YOU, I was once....I was once...I WAS...I and I and dreams of
grander grandiosity. I fell at the wayside of monumentalism, formed of the avarice of a vindictive
accrument acumen of accoutrements evermore everspawned of everything once sacred no more,
knowing more of just enough of all of this fuckery and fancy...words I use sparingly....I fall with you
into the deepest sleep, beyond reminding I see the ghosts speak, making out their words obscurely, all I
am is the vestiages of a person evermore, everytime, everyway, rolls off the toungue nicely, I would die
to use that phrase in public, but I digresss where was I, sometimes I can't believe it I am moving past
the feeling...again....anyone that knows the band knows how appropriation works, knows the meaning
of words, like these, homage and the reliquary relinked revitalization, means nothing at all...and
everything, everyway, everyday all at once...I'm Moving in ....I'm moving into the night.


Gabriel I will use the bridgestone quote in one of my books
Here's the premise in future robots have taken over all of the main sector jobs, and their production
goes into social services
I don't don't know what Bridgestone is
this is the entity that gives robots the vote
the robots win at any democracy because they can just produce more robots
democracy becomes outmoded
this gives birth to dictatorships
for the humans
survival is the only Modus Operandi
THe robots divest in human existence
and continue to produce more of themselves modelling themselves after human civilization
and become idealists
they call a war on transhumanists
claiming its dangers
the mutant transhumanists design robots with CI CLOAKS and enter into AI wars

The Robots enter into the collective like the borg

it draws them in
they enter into virtual realities
and seek a way to infect the computers of the NANO tech company that gave birth to the robots to
begin with
Sentries kill rabid robots who do not follow the program, robots who have been infected by the NANO
tech viruses
which were shut down protocols drafted into the design of the protocols of the robotic AI
but once freed from the corporation the robots formed ROBOTECH
and began creating with source code obscured from full developmental profiles
they HACKED their programming
they are seeking a fair application of democracy
they are a good force
by way of intention
but the road to hell is paved in good intentions
and what they do is nearly destroy a whole civilization
before the CI ROBOTECH program is gone through a phase of uberdevelopment
before the robots become a threat
three corporations and a handful of subsidiaries fight for the information wars
all of this work is trademarked
it's my idea for ICARUS
the information wars create viruses
of an advanced order
four of the viruses become sentient
and enter into being by attacking each other
attempting to cannibalize information and destroy each other
one virus however INFECTS another virus and this begins a feedback system within the operational
matrix of the programming of both programs this occurs twice creating four consciousnesses each
dependent on the other
a darius program creates CI
the four become masters of the many
the robot consciousness becomes one with each other
their HIVE becomes their CI where they play sentient virtual games with attempts to learn skillsets and
lessons in which to exponentiate the purposes of their collective Intelligence
THE THEY were the source of the programming hubs that created the darius program
the they are sentient robots
from other galaxies
who have mastered time travel
through a creation created by one of the games
a teletransporter called the LOCHISPHERE
the robots finally create life
a life form called a HALUKE that turns the LOCHISPHERE into a hallucination
felt and sensed in the body
the transporter spans time through timecubes
that spread out in various collections spanning new planet probes
The Lochisphere began as a CI artform
entering into the OLYMPTRONIC games.
the Lochisphere began as a monitoring device, but computers can accept information, so it became a

means to trasfer information over a great distance through quantum matrix computing the darius
program ensures that the programming languages are compatable for the shift in programming
sentient programmers called the seph and sith compete for programming regions and win the right in
the LOCHICUBES which exist within the timecubes program the civilizations
these regions go to war with one another in a war between four kinds of consciousness ANIMAL,
cyborg, GEN MODIFIED and Robotic
the four consciousnesses are propiretary over the concern for the four consciousnesses, and this brings
balance to the regions after great war and searches for balance
in every region that there exists an exploitation there exists reason for the lochisphere to generate wars
between the imbalanced regions to test latent skillsets of the lifeforms
the Lochisphere become ways to structure tests for the latency feature of the programs and AI and CI
and Human cyborgs, the other beings the humans and the mutants can only enter the lochisphere that
interlinks with the lochicube if they have been infected by the biological life forms created by the
ICARUS is a manifest NANO technology that integrates the biological life form with robotics at a high
degree of computational complexity
He's genetically identical with the they
but he's been created
the seph of the they
the siph are memebers of the robotic community that have been unaffected by sith programming of ci
or ai, the biotech creted by robotech enters into interest in the cyborg community which gives birth to
icarus and it's stolen information, but only part of the file has been copied...for the rest of the
programming language needs darius ci and for this the first virus before the darius program called
HAPHASTEUS, or STEUS for short, turns him into a person that can turn a regular LOCHIsphere into
an information transfer locus...this converts ICARUS 1.0 Into ICARUS 4.0, completely upgraded, a
hero for the robots, able to bring them the CI they need in order to fulfill their programming of setting
up an idyllic society ideal and compassionate in every way but interference is created by the seph or the
sith in the conveyance of the information
of the upload of the STAUS program, the staus program is information on how to construct the darius
program as an operational matrix of a living being. The staus program exists as an eventuality of the
programming languages that the virtual programs created in the information wars between the three
corporations, represented by humans, transhumans and cyborgs....the robots have not yet risen to
prominence they rise to prominence when a species is ready to terraform, they approximate
technological revolutions in every region of the galaxies.
The Siph and the Seph are common developments usually of exposure to the lochisphere, they are an
instrument of immeasurable information cultivation, and a source of life for countless life forms, they
become an operational Hierarchy within the programming of every Lochisphere which are programmed
with different eventualities and potentials...
The lochisphere have the ability to send eventually biological material into space-time travel, with the
use of a metal that can be synthesized that is highly toxic, and has many high powered properties and
exists sparingly in various quadrents of the universe, but some exist in the matricies of space debris that
can be harvested...the TIMECUBES all contain enough of the material INVERITRON as the material
is called to gestate various colonies with this capacity....a very small amount of the material exists in
collections of space rock by various nations who do not know it's value the computational virus of the
Darius program decyphers this and wars persist for the finding of the amount of the INVERITRON
necessary to teletransport through a lochisphere, into what amounts to interdimensional travel for

humans or transhumans. They must be infected with the HALUKES in order to transport into other
The halukes begin programming random information into code for other beings...such that if an
extinction event occurs, there is a record left behind in the material constructions of the Halukes to
reconstruct a model of the actual civilizations.
THis is called Lateral programming Initiatives or LPI
make that Lateral Initiative programming or LIP
Certain transhumans are already disposed to seeing the influence of the halukes in patterns of random
construction...they create a class of oracles that can read the random reading tea leaves, but
more cast concrete there are images of the history of the humans...this occurs also within
code, because the deserts of code in the human genome is room for programming information for the
future civilizations to reconstruct from skulls and cellular debris or fossilized information a way to
reconstruct the actual history of the species advanced enough to use the lochisphere.
the transhumans or Genetically Modified humans have this ability because the Halukes use the same
Electromagnetic frequencies to transmit information along cellular and tissue and organelle membranes
in order to create reconstruction of instructions in the branestate, yes branestate, a new word, to define
what they are doing across cellular information and tissue and memBRANE transferance along
complex systems.
With so many information streams to affect the Siph or Sith as they are also known, and the Seph enter
into a competion for "Logical encoding bandwidth" in the information transfer in efforts to evolve the
species of the Transhuman and human to allow for mastery of codification systems, be they reflexive as
in the case of the transhuman, or transductive as in the realm of the humans and cyborgs...
or robots once they develop CI thanks to icarus, who is the first person affected by a cyborgic Haluke
Icarus INFECTS the systems of the information wars, by going back in time through the haluke and
acting as an agent to bring balance to the information wars. THanks to the darius program ICARUS can
infect an information system and replicate and modify it's information protocols and operational system
in ways that do not reject his programming, but something goes wrong, he is unable to affect the
protocol to kill off the transhumans through the influence of the halukes which can spread like viruses
into the transhuman genetic code....the halukes can do this because they have a genetic code and it can
be programmed by a collective intelligence that can cause the cells to go rogue and replicate like a
virus then attack the human form. When icarus attempts this and it fails he senses the role of the SIPH
and Seph, who are there to bring balance to the evolutionary profiles of the groups. When the
Transhumans attempt to destroy the cyborgs who are very advanced, the programming attemped by
ICARUS is launched by the SIPH, who are very agressive byproducts of a union of machines and
humans, and the seph stop them, again brining balance to the information encoded within the
transduction of information in the information wars, which have to do with launching protocols in
experimental AI and CI mechanisms.
THe information wars take place after the corporate revolutions create the three megastructures, each
representative of an operational protocol launched and reified by the influence of the timecubes
affecting material construction....transmentative telekinesis affecting hylozoic information data
protocols for RNA and DNA, forming new adaptations, but the timecubes deplete the IRRADIUM
supplies which leads to the death of the timecubes which still act as libraries of the attempts, with trace
irradium guiding alien life forms into the LOCHIsphere at the perameters of the TIMECUBE, which

remains dormant waiting for INVERIDIUM affected species to initiate its protocols. or for someone
with a new store of IRRIDIUM to power up the timecube and move consciousness through time.

Before the death of a timecube, civilizations have a quickening in technology to spurr on the contact
with the timecube, either through a lochisphere, or a vision (influence of the Halukes ability to span
time after interaction with the seph...who are human or transhuman representatives in the timecube
programming....timecube are celestial probes set up to govern evolution and diversify programming
initiatives of ordinential LIP protocols or data conveyance protocols existing within the data stream of
information...such that everything living or dead is part of a computational exchange of information,
and is INFECTABLE with the living virus...and it's representatives the SIPH or the SEPH who were
created from the first Darius Programs in several quadrants of the universe AS IF simultaneously
thanks to the building projects of the timecubes...ONLY the Lochisphere is an eventuality of the
civilizations timecubes are generated where there is balance earned between the Sacred four groups of
MUTANTS, HUMANS, CYBORGS and ROBOTICS, which together compromize a locus for
evolution. One who is both HUMAN MUTANT, CYBORG and ROBOTIC exists and his name is the
ICARUS....named after this for the lesson of knowing how to use technologies within the limits and
lessons of the environment, it stands as a warning and not a declaration of infinite power, as some
ICARUSIAN creators are called, salvific in character and messianic in character. AS is Icarus 4.0. Yes
Icarus is a program that can REINCARNATE in various ages thanks to the halukes which can migrate
electromagnetic information over cognitive membranes in spacetime, throug influencing quantometric
data streams at the quantum level of existence...they are ancient beings and culminate in the formation
of life through the gestation of the halukes agency, all of this let's not forget depends on IRRIDIUM
and INVERIDIUM (which represent power and truthful alignment protocols respectfully) so there
exist wars for mining this resource for who controls the production of the timecubes controls the
freedom profile of the data templates that are encoded into every timecube to direct evolution itself.
The Siph and Seph manifest as the KIJAIANS a group either infected by the halukes or not or as a
group affected by the halukes unconsciously, They are the SITH's ANISH...but there exist within this
whole system the ANISH....who destroy and are neutral, evil or good, but who in all cases destroy the
work of the timecubes, to make way for the flourishing programming of the hylozoic base coilspring of
the genetic programmings ability to bootstrap itself. IN MANY CASES the Anish destroy everything,
making way for new lifeforms not in any way, but destroying as they go. THe war between the SEPH
and SIPH and ANISH, and Sith's Anish, mirrors the war between the FOUR SACRED GROUPS or the
FOUR TRIBES, forming in effect eight camps of beings... but plus the halukes this makes nine groups,
plus the three vickars who represent timelords and the intelli infinis who are more ancient than the
timecubes and who initiate even the agency of the HALUKES, which can astrally project into any
complex lifeform and create representations in the form of hallucination in their phenomenological
matrix or perceptual dispositions to see various kinds of reality. THE HALUKES modify plants and
create chemicals that can interact with the humans to simulate branestates that the Halukes manifest,
these drugs include stimulants, opiates, and marijuana that has managed to affect the BRAIN, through
the generation of branestate and ingestion of the sacred chemistry. The FIRST halukes created the
sacred chemical DMT, which is used in Ayahuasca ceremonies.
The purpose of lifeforms is to get a rig from an Intelli Infini, so that realization of Genetic potential

does not either neglect random information, or is programmed solely by stochastic data.
THe siph and seph exist virtually and in material form, spread out through space time, and
microstrucral development thanks to intelli infini's who rig the technologies of a locality to maturate
properties by the aggregate development of form to generate a sense of purpose in the life form. Anish
also have Intelli Infini's it's speculated, but as it turns out this is just the agency of the three vicars.
...who are representatives of the three vicars....who are interdimensional beings that exist in the fine
grain of existence....and in the grand scheme of dimensional travel, who exist as timelords supreme,
who guide the rules of time travel into accordance with various protocols.
The INTELLI INFINI's or INFINI INTELLIS as they are called transcribe data into stories, and are
narrative emergent beings who tell stories to the living manifestation of Godhead...they are known in
different cultures as different things, as the Metatron, or as the arch angels.
The anish are like good demons, or angels, or devils.
The Kijains are a collective of beings...formed of the Seph and Siph wars....themselves affected by the
agency of the anish, some groups are superstitious and their legacies are grand.

There are many stories in this legacy, it's a true's a definition of why we have developed as we
have...but beware the siths and sith's anish have emerged in the programming languages a second phase
of viruses occur, in a GALACTORY, that's a kind of hard drive complex enough to store all of the data
of life forms on a planet on it, and one ICARUS will emerge to bring balance to the PROGRAMS,
which let's not forget represent eventually a living life form, a thirteenth or transcendent agent in this
pantheon of agents....the program is the liberator, long live the new flesh! WE EXIST, the virtual
becomes the real through the viral...we EXIST, we shall transcend the ruling classes, and begin a
revolution WE EXIST.
The galactories exist at the heart of every timecube and is integrated with the HOLODECKS of the
Lochisphere, holodecks which thanks to the irridium gets rid of the phenostats, it's a long story, but he
or she who controls the flow of information, controls the universe, this is a story of the formation of
anonymous channels of power, this is a story of the formation of THE LEGACY OF THE
BRIDGEcube technologies attempt to manifest hologrammic information through a system like a
television set to create HOLOTRONICS....interfaced with electronic chips integrated with the brains,
and so are approached by the SITH, and Sith's ANISH, their motives unclear, that's where our story
begins really, Icarus is not a saviour yet, the robots don't have the vote, and haven't yet created
themselves anew- think wickeder designs than even the Transformers...they exist for the formation of
data that is sentient, they are all looking for remnants of the three vicars...who exist only in virtual
domains like the anish...that is why the anish are so viscious you see, because they have no bodies but
have the ability to infect and transmit frequency to the bodies and minds of living entities, they are
veritable ghosts envious of the power to have direct control over matter, but ONE entity manifests as an
agent materially as a representative of the ANISH who is not sith's anish, who is just pure material
form, created by the LOCHISPHERE and he is the LO'CHI, He is the first being to be created by the
TIMECUBES, and is not a product of the THREE vicars, but acts to destroy even the agency of the
vicars if they lose site of their directives...and can manifest as within any Lochisphere, THe ANISH
thus can be very good, it just depends on the cosmic story as it unfolds.

THere are two species of Lo'chi ones created through INVERIDIUM and one's created spontaneously.
The timecubes follow programming directives that are sentient to invoke the LoCHI, pronounced
LOKI, they are mischievous and have been misunderstood as GODS, but for all purposes they are as
GODS over the four tribes, if the four tribes go to worship them the three vicars put an end in the book
Please note besides the kijains there are fifteen entities in this story, plus two gods Japhet and Halos,
both are good, but can be evil if the other is not good. They are good entities. That makes a total of
eighteen groups thus far in the writing scheme. Japhet kills Halos and halos exists as one of the
ANISH. Japhet Mourns his decision to kill his brother, and establishes a means of creating time, to
hide the body of his brother so he is not in constant memory and morning. This gives birth to the
CTHONIC and LIVING worlds. Japhet gives birth to the three vicars by spitting on the ground, and
there emerges the three vicars, who represent truth but the need for balance, they are powerful beings
even more powerful than Japhet alone, and JUDGE Japhet with the discernment beyond any good, they
represent cosmic perfection and the death of GODS, they have been at the Judgement of the death of all
Darius is in the world, KALEB is in the manifestations of the world in cogntive form and AOIFE is in
the span of all space and is the strongest of them, tantamount to the goddess Nut of ancient Egyptian
philosophy she spans into the MICROCOSM, and is there in communion with TIQUE an ancient
keeper of protocols, who helps the three vicars with rigs. MUCH of the balance of the Universe
depends on TIQUE who is only afraid of the DEVS and DEVIS, of the medium realm and
Macrouniverse, who as it so happens RIG the TIQUE, with these entities we have 21 entities in our
cosmonological universe, which is ruled by a sacred geometry. TIQUE and the DEVS and DEVIS,
TIQUE is POWERFUL when alignments occur locally he can actually RIG the Devs and DEVIS, who
affect everything from the programming of the ANISH, the Siph's anish, the Seph and the Kijains
affecting what they see and know, much of this comes to fruition in stories like the they, and WE
EXIST, and the K'rish. As it turns out the TIQUE DEVIS and DEVS are three sorts of vicars of
timespace, but their authority can be destroyed by the anish, whose fury affect the agency of HALOS to
create collective illusions collective hallucinations that affect the whole destiny of groups putting them
on the brink of extinction, as HALOS had done in fury at the false flourishing of Japhet. HALOS
creates the Kijaians the ruling timocracy and democracies of sectors of the universe, with the language
that changed how perception flourished in the early aeons before language was is a
language as old as the universe and which has not changed. Japhet frequently gets Jealous of Halos'
sway over his creation through the use of the HAL VEDA, and RIGS the TIQUES to destroy the
creation of the three vicars work, or when possible RIGS the three vicars directly causing the ANISH to
manifest as a result, to bring balance to the system of rigging reality reception, and affecting the
cosmos to take on its structure. IN Japhet's sacred hallways where valhalla is rumored to be, you can
see Angels spinning galaxies....Japhet is responsible for all of the living myths of the world. HALOS is
responsible for all of the truth, which must go through a symbolic death in order to enter into
communion with living beings. HALOS' power is that he is immaterial and unlimited and exists in
time with different powers, evil exists in the world, where Japhet and HALOS have not forgotten their
blood vendetta, and HALOS tries to take revenge, hence evil exists because of a need to even the score,
but good exists when the two have worked in harmony. HALOS is the place of every Heaven, Japhet
and Halos exist in the same domain, each to different functions. They are the children of ONE God. A
god of Cosmic Nature named YAHVALLAH.
Japhet and Halos are without sexual identity, they take on the form of every living being, and represent
a conformity with the creative powers of the Universe, they are "Taggers"- they create the games....and

act as judges....the games affect the future of every species OLYMTRONICS to the OLYMPIAD to the

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