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ARYANA (Afghanistan) made ite debut in 1961, Although it was serving @ highly useful purpose — keeping the outeide world Sn touch with Afghanistan — its publication wae suspended before the year's end. era dawned in Afghanistan in ‘the morning of July 17, 1973. ‘The country was procladted a republic by tho national leader, and a profoundly patriotic son of the nation, Vohamad Daoud. ‘The Republic vas founded at a time when the country, as a result of the incompetence, inefficiency, and corruption of @ decadent regine, and ‘the apathy of its cadre, vas faced with @ mltitude of probless, and at the brink of bankruptey. ‘The new order from the very day of ite establishnent embarked on building a new Afghanistan, a country where equity, justice ana the Interests of’ the public would reign suprene. During the three months of its life ‘the Republican regine took far reaching steps, and initiated reforee that ‘touch’ sany aspects of national life, But the responsibility that hietory hae bestowed upon the ney onder of Afghanistan requires of it sustained efforts, and vigorous work, The goverment of the fiepublic of Afghanistan has dedicated itself to the interests of the people and is making every exertion, under the leadership of the President of the State and Prine Minister Moharmad Daoud, ARYANA (Afghanistan Republic) certainly fills a communications gap. The magazine will be instrumental in zeflecting ‘the endeavours of the leaders, the governsent and the people of Afghanistan ined at building a new society. I wih the staff of the magazine succes: i Mn at tn, Abdur Rahin Nevin, Minister of Information and Culture, Republic of Afghantetan PROCLAMATION @ THE REPUBLIC Following is the text of the proclamation of Re- J public broadcast by Mohammad Daoud, nationally - at 7.20 am,, July 17, 1973 (Saratan 26, 1352): Inj the mame of God Almighty «: the Benevolent, the Merciful Dear Sisters and Brother White dicharsing various res ponstiies tn the sereice of ty ation 1 have ste Search of wass to provide 3 po sitive and Fea! envtronment “tor ihe moral and mater develop. ‘ment of the people of Afshande: {an specially” et the ‘deprived Aiiies and the Youths ‘ofthe ‘ation, where all the’ people ef Afghanistan, without peviege oF ‘isriminaion might fake. roe Damaiie par in the progress snd positive economic and social cho figes in a healthy manner to make the vouth feet secure, and to cur® superstition snd reaction, “After passing throws all these stares, T'hag no teason for Bot sing a new chapter for afta tng that 0 or the future prosperity of my nation Thad ‘ot known and de ‘ot how of ny ather way cx Sent by establishing weal 3nd roy Sonable democracy based on the inelple af service tor the. ms- of the people of Afshan's tan In my opinion the original fo undation of such 2 saeal situa. fn ean be laid by attaining the {frmpies his of the ponte sna by upholding the. prineite oF mations} sovercienty, RE mo th te shout these. two. principe. fvertly of covertly. be vtolted 1. was this holy desire that to- reed me to forward my. and. my friend. last proposal to the King {en years ago and ask tr Itt plementation for the welfare and Drosperity of the. Afghan nation But the reason why that holy desire resulteg in thls anarchy te he Country and. why my. weak calleagues of thelr nation, But they sented in this brlet moment, Th- "Anyway, the vest those Tong) cherished Ideas chan [geq to 2 isle. democracy which From the begtaning was found: ce on private and class Interets, Stal complezes as well as on i rues. plots, falsehood, and hy. pestle ‘But all thle false propagands to thea tem yeas could nat bie {ales of the complete decline and Dankrupley of the countrys eco. ome. admlnistraiive, socal, snd Political state for Afghanistan and the ‘world, Biter facie whieh, were tell: fe people of Tn short, democracy ot the go vernment of the people wae cha Inged inte anarchy and the ‘cons tutional monarely to 2 despotic rexime, All these. forees stags: Teq against one another and the people and in parsaing the prin: ‘ile of ‘divide and ale fire ras lighting throughoat the cou Se that in this turbulent and dark ‘atmosphere “impregnated seilh misery, poverty; ang salstor- tone they were able"to. sila their materia sna politent ends ‘True patriots wherever | they were watched ‘with deep. sottow Sind anguish this hordbie. mate fanstantly aware ofthe sitrae ion: spectatiy the Afghan armed forces who fell ths agony more than anyone ele, exerelsiog ex: ‘treme patiense hoping. thal to day oF tomorrow the wile rotten system in Afghanis trould become aware of the ery of the nation and endeavour fovrctorm {uel But the result proved that these hopes are fay, Pertinent, and the revime and System, beeame so corrupt that ‘no hope of expectation for Itt ‘elorm existed. Consequently al patrlot,speclally the pate. tic armeg forces of Afghanistan ddccideg to put am end to. thls foiton eystem and deltver the ‘aon from tele pilght ‘Dear Countrymen: Let me tnform you that, that system bas been overthrown, snd anew order which is the Repub- Tieam rexime ‘has been estabteh- fed hich conforms to the tne ‘pint of Islam "wy friends ana ¥ from the depth of our hearte eongrataate Sou om this fest Repebtie of Rfenanistan and condder Mt ans: bilclous for prosperity and steers oF the country and its people, ricongratulate the dedicated feta army In all parts of the Country and all of you Tam sure ‘ven ave aware "of your date whe ie emuring secertty and Drotectin=. te matfonal severe enty of Afghanistan "The new order matoraly as setth it bane reform. Ohe det3is (St whlch are not posse fn this ‘hort time But oer dear compat aa rots wll be tata abent them tn ‘Afghanistan's international po- Aiey has been formulated in 26 ‘cordance with the matienal de- Sires of ihe country for the sound moral and material existeace Of ‘our people. From our national needs and sspirationg 41 becomes clear that {ie attainment of our goals more than anything else le dependent fon world. peace, and ne country fan "achieve. 1) natlonal wishes Wwitneat peace, Since we. “inore than anyone else, are In need. of ‘endeavours for the development ‘of our country, therefore we ‘more than anyone else, are deat ous of peace ang security in the ‘world. Hence the first pillar of the polley ef Afghanistan ie 8 desire for pesee and friendship with all, the ‘nations and people ofthe world. In thls wish no diver ation against any. country oF Ddeaple whether near ot far, big ‘Thus the ties of amity between Afghanistan and the frlently m- ‘ens wil persist on washable foundations. and moves for thelr feriher expansion sed consol iatlen throu diplomacy and Sersonal_comtacts for internatio- speration ‘will be created ng tracted. 1s ou hope that positive and practical tesult Wil be oblatned from this poles. This system re: pects the” principles embodied in the charter of the United Na- tions the ebject of which Is BE Sperliy "et the homan race ad Franaalty of the world. Sts key" ik Sete he feeds Sad he Panton In the end T once again eavgra- talete all my countrymen on fraade to all patriots pectally fhe Atchan armed forces who Metra fom any sincere Sia "selfjess efforts. Stace hopes ana expectations fave any end point the contnua- tion of this ‘cooperation by ‘he people of he country. espe- ithe youth which Lamm cor. {ain will be, fortueomting’ ts the Ieartfelt desire of all of ws LONG LIVE APGHANISTAN and LONG LIVE THE Mohammad Daoud elected President of State and Prime Minister of Republic of Afghanistan The streets of Kabul The first meeting of the Central Committee of the Republic” of Af convened yesterday. It elected Mohamn Daoud: the Founder of the Republic of Afghanistan as the President of the State and Prime Minis s Foreign Ministry members, nent will be a later, Pending appointment of new mem f the government, waty ministers will nue to discharge du- of their ministries. 50,000 welcomed the new onder in by marching through the streets, carrying por- traits of the founder of the Republic, Vohanmad Daoud. PRESIDENTS PRESS CONFERENCE KABUL July 25, (Bakhtar)—The President of State and Prime Minister of the Republic of Afghanie tan, Mohammad Daoud held a press conference yes. torday which was attended by Afghan and foreign newsmen. ‘The press conference was held at six in the eve- ning and attended by the President of the Bakhtar News Agency. the editors in chief of the Kabul Times, Islah-Anis, and Heywad dailies, the French radi television, the Italian radio-television, BBC, Austral- ian radio, U.P.L, AP. Reuter, the United Press of India, the United News of India, telat of Tehran, Figaro, London Times, Washington Post, Yumuri Shimbun of Tokyo and Time—Life Magazine, Following is the transcript of the press conference: 1. Would the President explain guy out? the reasons for the coup ‘detat fF Answer fang the proclamation of the ‘Re [MH I'do rot intend to go into de- pubic? tails, but suffice it t0 say thet ‘Answer when necestary reforms fal to be Whenever © nation verges on [if introduced by. ‘normal meat, disaster and ‘corruption in gov. fi Shen a resort to revolutfonare ae framental institutions teach "its fi tons must take place highest, sed hope for reform ‘is | 3. What isthe position today of totaly ost: them it befalls every | members of the royal family ad Patriot to come to the rescue of What part af any can they play bi ‘country. in the new republic? 2. Can the Prosident tell us Answer: when itwas frst deeded to stage fM_ The members of the previous 4D coup and how it was, earsed royal family are safe snd’ “oni oto at oe tree oe San rea fect fer to say’ that a dedicated. and envisage for the new Republic and what role fui'the conta} commitee pay When wil the President anaokn- te ie membership of the new ‘answer Our ta) statement f0 the People ‘on the morning of Jul rth shed suficent light on this ‘A all can witness, we undertook this revolution solely” for the Sake of achieving and realising the prosperity and happiness of fur people. andi is our duty t0 Tlf is sims and objectives. The Central Commitee: shall"super: Wise this task The future constiqution ofthe Republic shall devise and assien tans and rorans of achieving Our ational goals: We seck persoualities and pat riots with the capacity to under ‘ake the heavy responsibilities to te entrusted them 10 the best OF their abilities ann tine with the noble spirit of the revolution. "the resident has sad that Pakistan ie the only country with ‘vic Atghamtstan has any” quar el Gan be tellus hat this quar el about and whet acon his fovernment intends to take to re Solve ‘Answer “The Pashwunistan question is 4 reality which canst be den ied. We hope that in grasping Us reality, and with mutual goodvil, both sides willbe able to find. an amicable, eacefal and honourable at he considers to be the main pr- over ‘ment on the= domestic front! ‘Answer ‘This Government's main prio- ‘be economic” develop- Sent the else of the standard of fving of our people, the ensur~ ing of istic andthe, introduc ton ‘of basle socal reforms 8: You ar si o be cppaed to the terms of the Helmand Waters treaty with Iran, reeenty signed fut ot vet ratified. Is it your i ention either to serap oF Teneso- tiate that treaty? “Answer Thave not as yet studied the Helniand Waters ‘treaty. There fore, Tcannot pass judgement on 9. Will you abolish parliament and the constitution? Hf 50, what form of government do you vie ualise? ‘Answer: With the proclamation of | the Republic of ighanstan, the pre id, The constitution of the Republic shall'be prepared and adopted in due course, Text of new Khotba released by council of devines KABUE, July 21, (Baxhtar) igh’ Augat Administaen “in {hd nite meeting of Thure- fay. dly 78, decided that the ‘monarchy’ "in Atshanistan ‘has been, ed hich has Feceived.overelming welcome ‘0d to. whlch the obedience of tery Afehan 1s called. ‘On the Tasis of the. principle that” "wa Amrohom Shara Bat Zahom” the Republican resime is ‘stallshed. tm accordance with ‘he holy ‘slamie principles. bythe founder and the President of the Republic of Afghanistan All Khateets (celiious preach- crs) should be aware that from few on they should read the fol- Jowine tn thir Friday and Eds Goa Almichty help Islam and Music (0 ‘aminae the Stara eachines) of the great Propet ‘Mohammad Snd sist us tn our activites devoted to the service ‘of our religion and ation. With Sear Musing yout moved (Cote; the ‘ext of the Kotha ssa oti transation of the Arable ersien), iE a RR NER RRR KABUL, Aug. (Bakar) — ‘The fis! meeting of the Cabinet fonvened st 8:DD am, this mor Inu under the chairmanship of the President of she State and rime Minister’ Mohammad. Deowd "in the Foreign Ministry balding fn is inaugural address Mo- hammnad Daoud said “For ‘the ealisaion of the objectives of the Tepulnican government de- fication in the falfilment of du ees hard work, and ‘ee of the people ae required The change of regime, and ue esablcninent of the few Te Publican’ order in Afghanistan hich as cen bailed by al ats of the people has ushered n'a mew paue inthe history Of Alabama, the" memory of wh will remain im the: Pages of history as 2 big achievement The new onder und its new hopes viding nga, supreme atonal sbjecives which follows it its are nol aa casy task Mohammad. Daoud aia he President and Prime Minis: ter of the Republic of Afghanis: ‘an hoped that his colleagues wil si practic a the eb ican Goveinment, for the pro. ress of 1s objectives, wil! doa iream and fo the extent conditions At the end of Mohammad. Da- u's address, Justice Minister Dr. Abdal Majid on behalf of his cabinet colleagues assured” the President and. Prime’ Minster of the Repubiic of Afghanistan that the ministers wil ot refrain from any herd. work dng necessary Sacifce inthe fulfilment of thet “The Justice Minister added For the alleviating of the. pre fent Socal sd economic diffi. ties of the country and realise ‘ion of the high hopes and asp ations 30 President and Ps ‘me-Minister of the Republic of ighanntan ond atamnment of focal justice honesty and hard ‘work will be utilised: And under the high mottos of the. ‘mew order fan or realisation of the national ‘ipirations of the people and alle ation of poverty and ilteracy ho sacrifice and devotion wil be witha CABINET weves FIRST MEETING on July 28, a goodwill delegation from Libya, headed by Shaikh ‘Mahmoud Sobhie, the Secretary- General of the Libyan Islamic Organisation, arrived in Kabul and was given an audience by President of State and Prime Minister Mohammad Daoud, ‘The delegation delivered a special message from Mo'ammar Al- Gaddafi, the President of Libya, to President Daoud, in which official recognition of the Repub- lie of Afghanistan was extended by the Republic of Libya and hopes were expressed for the continued friendly and cooperative relations between the two countrie: President Daoud was also invited to make an official visit to Libya, At the beginning of August, U.S, Senator Charles H. Percy, a ‘member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, paid an ‘unofficial visit to Afghanistan, He delivered warm and sincere ‘messages from President Nixon to President Daoud, and assured reporters that United States aid 4n economic growth and agricul- tural production in Afghanistan ‘would continie. The Tragt good-will delegation at « reception hosted by Bduoation Minister Dr, Pashvak in Baghe Bale restaurant on Amst 5, 1973. The editor of Boabay veekly Blits visited Afghanistan in September, ‘The editor, R. Karanjia is seen here with Information and Culture Minister Dr. levin, the Indian ambasoador, and ‘some Information and Culture Ministry offiosal UUMHOURIAT DAILY MAKES ITS DEBUT AUC, 4, 1973 Jumhoriat daily eee Ste ap te Ee a The ppbiaion of te duty Jum. ithe tome formar ei tt in hagas 93 ac thot Inlormalig tad Cale Mais oa ty symbolises the turning potat {ke any other newspaper, Inthe history of the press in Bat nto dain an ui this country th Jumboriat is the produet of the ial and politcal consciousness, ‘epubliean order the first cone. ond ree sin inthe fleld of informs. Progress snd prosperity um ‘on AS “an educator, ft wil seauaint, feetly reflects the weight and “incest Conception of the new political ‘our people with the gs athe te time, mes at reba as ls mame manifests a mes fn insite which ie completely “ora destination, 2 nation ‘Rew ana the propagation of sit AU destination, national path fet was not allowed. overtiy or thas be built, bead «overtly, in Afghanistan for ha. 8nd leads to the higer aspi- dreds’ of years because of the tons of the common mature of past regimes! 44 developing soelety, the role ‘of uldance Is eaualiy signe 4antTt is am acknowledged fac ita the’ cdaeton ote ‘ought: of the people into sot Jal cause “ind “development is among the most significant ro {es of the press in the develop ing ‘nation aveation ang suidance co hand ‘mn hand, both are part of one another. The siate im every ee ‘veloping country ‘has the for Ponsibility of ulding and fling masses who are I need, tnd io be able'ta achieve these Chjeetves, to provide necessary means, The dally Jumhoriat has heea br. into existence with the whieh sees Sind reads. it needs put Ne "Suopert ike any” ther” ha ‘Sonal stcation" whieh ih ‘cme Jato extstence tn tine ie tthe new: Republican "order ‘Jamhouriat popular in provinces with reading public ABUL, Avg. (Bahan a ‘Roma teting poole se Sieg oy the eto of tt ht la alae, Depart her depaiches yesterday the Directors of Information and (Share a areas province nat The Minister of Information and Culture, Dr, layin, held a conference with’ the delegation from the Comittee of Cultural Affairs of the French Parliament in vhich ‘views vere exchanged on the expansion of edusation and cultural cooperation betveen Afghaniotan and France. Soviet military delegation visits Kabul KABUL, Oct. 16, (Bakbtar)— ‘At the invitation of the National Defence Ministry & Soviet Union Marshal, | Maskoleinko Gabriel Semanovieh arrived here yester day heading a Soviet military de legation, At the sizpor, the Sov. fet military delegation was’ wel- omed by Artillery Commandant Gen. Mohammad Naseem and President of Logistics Gen. Mo- hhammad Nazir Kabir Sera] gud some officers of the National De fence Ministry, representative of the Foreign Ministry and the So- viet Ambassador to Kabul, PRESIDENT ISSUES THREE DECREES KABUL, July 28, akbar) — ‘Three prescenttal detees were ised fo Tit the, yacinin cfeat ta the nullficatton the A Shan Conctituten "ihe following the text of the coffeat announcement mate” 17 the vepuican order as pre aimed In Afghanistan, under ‘which the'rcyal regime’ and all Se ieaal ante was abrogated Tmorder to prevent Atahanis tan fom valli into a legal va frum and the state's "legal ins Nations tom Tacine dificltes hecame ofthe lack of leaislt fn the Present of State of the Republic of Afghanistan’ peo Claims the fslowsngsepubhcan decrees otisally for she noice tion of ths ear countrymen REPCNLICAN DecREE Xo. DATED 26 JULY, 1975 In the name of God Almighty the Benevalene the Merciful, The President of State ofthe Republic of Afghanistan’ prock First™afghanistan te repub- licap state and. accords with the tye spin of Islam Second~The provisions of the Constitution of October 1.1964 are annulled ftom the ‘date of the Broclamation of the Republic, un Jose thes waligity are declared Th rough reprotiean decrees, ‘Thiré-"The provisions of Chap- ter Two of the Constitution of Oe. tober te Thie“related to the king re lid tng valid from Suly Th Fourth he powers embodied In Atte Nine of the Const fon. af Ocuber 1 1988 are teams Ferfed to rhs President of State fof the Repubtic pending the pro: ulation at the new Const "Filth—The provisions of Chan- tet Pour ofthe Constitution “af ON GOVT. WORK October 1, 1964 relating to pariia- ment’ are" annulled and fnvala rom duty T1098 ‘isthe powers embodied in Article Four of the Constitation af ‘October 1.1064 are transferred to the President of the Republic Pending the promulzatipn ofthe few Constation Seventh= The” provisions of ther Tas whieh do nat contra ene: the wcpublican regime. and epublica decrees are enforce ale lght—No other law “can_ be promulgated unless offwially pro Slaimed after endorsement By the President of the Republic ‘Ninth regulate is" dutie’ the government shall prepare, in ateordance ‘with Republican dee ees and laws, regulations which ffter endorsement by the Prime Minister shal be enforced "This opdey ie" issued for the ‘enforcement of the above | mem tioned provisions ‘isned! Motammad Dao, The. Presilent of State of the REPUBLICAN DECREE No. 2 DATED JULY 26, 1975 In the name of God Almighty the Benevclent, the: Meeeful The Peestient of the Tepu lie of Afhanistan proclaims. the following provisions: First DMicers and members of the armed forces and” all ell Servants. and Judges of the state Ser taking. the oath of loyalty fo the Republe of Afghanistan Shall Scoutiaue their duties "Second- Those "officers and vib servants who have been relic. fd of their posts through the de. ion of the Republi shall” te main in a sate of waiung in 3c Cordance pitt the regulations of the armed forces and Cit Ser- ve Law “Third-Ofhcers of the army and civil servonts ave subservient (0 the laws and “republican decrees and shall pertorm their duties in accordance with them and. hold esponsibility i accordance with Fourth The offcers of the ar ry and cil servants, ate du bound sn the areas of thei duties {0 sign the following document oF loyaiy tothe Republic 1 the ue oF the oath forthe any ol the Kepublic of Atgha W'Swvea by: God Almighty _ and the dignity of the Holy Koran that Ushall be Joa to the Ila inc Republic of ighanilstan ‘and facrifiee my Ife m defending and protecting ihe national» bonour End territorial tmegrit of he 2 tion in the honourable. service of the atmy and its flag. under the tuuidance of the President ot the Republic ‘DThe text of the oath for evil {swear by God Almighty 10 be Joyal to the Republic of Athans tan, obey the President of the Staies respect and-enforce the decrees and Iaws af the Republic Sind not discbey their provisions ‘and my aim is to secve for the wrelfare of the people of Althan ‘Blan ‘and the Republic "This ordet is isoued for the em forcement af the above. mention fd provisions Signed! Mohammad Daoud The President of the State of the Republic of Atghanistan. ‘THE REPUBLICAN DECREE NO, THREE DATED JULY 26, 1973 In the name of God Almighty he Benevolent the Merci The President of State of the Republic ot Alghanisan "proc Inte the Tollowing. provisions First The provisions of Chap ter Seven nt the Constittion of Getober I, i964 related tothe Judiciary are abvogated from July ito ced to the Kans st the chapter 08 the power to Bandle cases. which e" Juvenile delinquent courts, of the judiciary of the Republic of ighenistan "Tenth‘the judges of the Re- public of Atthanisten ate appotn: {ed on the proposal of the use Ministry with the approval of the President of the Stee Flevents these siudges who dad the judicial authority in te Comdance’ wth the previous "laws Prior to the promutgation of this fecree are obliged, with the pro: lamation of the Republic, to ta- ke the ollowina oath in the name of the Republic of Afghanistan to Beatle tlpreerve ther sud sweatin the name of God At mighty to perform judictal duties ones and with dignity and Tespect the tenets of Holy “Is Tin and\oiner values of the Re- Dubie of Afghanistan and. dee. Fees and. laws of the state, to Preserve the secrete of my" duty Lind to be foal to the republican ate of Afghanistan *Toelftiin cases under their study the courts should. enforce fhe provisions. ot the republican Aierees sed sate laws "which do fot contravene the values of the Tepublicawam= If there. Is no Grer inthe above mention- Ga cases, “they shall” issue SEcilons in purtuance at the fe- feral principles of tre Hanafi Fee {ho of slam and within the Lint aeteucton set bythe republic Sin decrees which should, it the est way, attain justice ‘Trirten All the definitive de- cisions af the cours which are being issued after the promulga- Ronot iis deere shall be enfor- ceable, but in cases of a” court Seder forthe execution of a per= Son ‘the enforcement of this. or Ger depenes on the endorsement oF the President of the Republic Fourteen adues "appointed sn accordance with the orders of the fepuh!'c segue Judicial a iMerity in accordance with the Provision of ths decree Fiteenth Those judges who do not rightly carey owt their duties. bevcammit offences in perform: ‘ie Te"save, wll be investiga ted in‘ accudance with the, Taw find will be sentenced to Punish ‘ene et by the law ‘Siatcenth- “the administrative personel ot the Sadieasy and = Der state"administrative” perso: tine are subservient 10 the ge eral and’ supplementary prove fons of the state taws Yor” el Servants. The promulgation of th se orders sal be proclaimed 0, Sccordance with the republican nssvenseath The provisions of we laws promulgated prior to Proclamation othe Repub of ‘Afghanistan’ are enforceable on the condition that they do" not ‘contravene the spirit ofthe repube ican “derees and thesr related “Bixteenth—The administrative powers mentioned in his decree fre enforceable pending the pro: mnuigation sot the new» Const ‘Order is issued for the prom: gation ol the abovementioned Sianed Mohammad, Daoud ‘The President of the Republic Recognitions The Republic of Afghanistan| Which was proclained on Suly 17, 1975 was extended recognition by the following nations: dy 12, 197 The Soviet Union, India ‘and Crechoslovakia, Suly 20, 1975 The Federal Republic of Germany. July 2, 1975 Tran, the People's Republic of Mongolia, the German Denooratic Republic, and Austria, 22, 2: The United States of America, Great Britain, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Turkey, snd Bulgaria; uly 254 2975, France, Yugoslavia, Poland, Iraq and Denocratic Republic of Korea. dustraliay and the ‘Arab Republic of Bgypt. & Sul 20 1975 Emgary, Sveden, Japan, Tealy. mae July 274 1973 Arab Republic of Yonen, Algeria, the Peoplé Republic of China, the Soctaliet Republic of Rumania, and Lisbya, 294 2: Syria, Argentina, duly 30. 2973, Ceylon, ‘Switzerland. July 3, 1973 Kuwait, ‘and Union of ‘Arab Entrates, August 1, 1975 The Provisional Govt, of South Vietnam (Continued on page 52) Central Committee rewards Army officers KABUL, Aug. 5, (Bakhtar)—In view of the good sentiments and backing of the Afghan army of the Republican or-der of Afghanistan under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Afghanistan, Mohammad Daoud, the Cent- ral Committee met yesterday and decided that! all sergeants be promoted to the 1jank of third lieutenant, and that one year seniority be granted to all of- fieers of the army, excluding the generals. Republic of Afghanistan issues two statements The following are two statementsmade by the government of the Repub- lic of Afghanistan: Statement 1 : For some time the government of Pa kistan ‘has been, unjustly and_unilate- rally claiming that Afghanistan interferes in the internal affairs of Pakistan. Inspite of this, a plot has been discove red in Afghanistan in which, strong reasons idicate, Pakistani provocations had a part. As the government of pe- ace-loving country which wants nothing but peace in its country, in the region and in the world we seriously yequest that the government of Pakistan does not indulge in such actions which disrupt peace in the region, and ultimately in the world -Statement II - For some time a group of reactionaries has been holding meetings agains the Republican order, for disrupting security, and liquidating the revolution- try movement of the patriots. The frien de of the revolution watched these tta- itors with the utmost patience Fortunately and successfully they were arrested along with all docu. ents und evidence, ‘With the mention of proponents of reaction certain faces shape up before the eyes of all the pecple of Afghanistan. but so that the facts are presented clearly to all, the names are as follows ei ‘Mohammad Hashem Maiwandwal; Khan Mohammad, former Governor Nangarhar: retired General Abdul Razak, together with a-number of others ‘These people v re arrested last Thursday under the orders ofthe governmen PRESIDENT DECREES EDUCATIONAL REFORM Presidential Decree No. 205 dated 30/5/52 (August 21, 1973). Excellency Dr. Abdul Majid, Justice Minister: In Afghanistan primary, secondary, vocational and religious, and higher, education are all provided and organised by the State The Republican State in the light of its obli- gations to the people of Afghanistan guides and’ or- Ganises all educational establishments. For the rea- lisation cf the wishes of the people of Afghanistan from the Republic, the President of the State with the endorsement of the Central Committee notes. the following: 1. Religious medrassahs, primary and secondary schools, vocational training institutions, universities and other institutions of higher education shall be ad- ministered and guided by the Ministry of Elucation, 2. Rectors and faculty members, teachers, officials and employees of educational establishments, in accordance with the Civil Service Law sball be chosen and appointed by the government. For the sake of efficient organisation of ed- uucational aifairs the Ministry of Education is obliged to propose legislations and regulations related to con- cerned areas, 4. Laws and regulations pertaining to application of above provisions shall come into torce in accord- ance with Articles Eight and Nine of the Presidential Decree 5. ‘The provisions of this decree are enforcible until amended and coming into fore of laws which shall be promulgated in accordance with the provis- fons of the new constitution. " Torder the application of the above provisions, Mohammad Daoud, the President of the Republic of ‘Afghanistan Foreign Ministry summons Pakistan ambassador KABUL. Sept. 25, (Bakhta- The Taformation “Depa ment of the Foreign” Ministry ‘tld yesterday that the Pakistan ‘Ambassador to Kabul Abul Hosstn Esthanl wag sumone (othe Forelgn Ministry at 1130 yesterday "morning Daring a meeting with Dr. Abdul’ Wahed ‘Karim it was pointed vat to the Pakistan ambassador shat there were evidence’ and documents aU hang whch proveg-that Po kistin had undertaken provoes. {ive detions against the ational Interests and against. the repab- ean resime of Afghansian, ‘Daving thie meeting, the ff Foreign Ministry rejécts Pakistani embassy note KABUL, Sept. 24, (Ba- khtar)—The “Embassy of Pakistan yesterday brow, ‘ght a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which was related to the speech delivered by Abdurrahm- an Pazhwak, the Afghan Fepresentative to the Algi- ers Conference of the non- aligned nations. Sinee the contents of this note were unacceptable, the note was returned to the Fm- bassy of Pakistan, This was announced by the In formation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday Presiwent Daoud telegrams support to Arab leaders KABUL, Oct, 8, (Bakhtar)— ‘The President of the Republic State of Afghanistan. Mokamm ad Daoug has seat telegrams (0 Presidents Anwar Sadat of Eg: ypt Mater “ALAssad of Sys, ‘Ahmag Hassan al Baker of Treg Meusmmar al-Gaddafi_ of Lib: ya and King Hassan It of Mor trea In which he expresed the Support and, solldarity of the Afghan people and. Repsblican State or Alphanistan for thelt ‘Arab bretaten, the Informa in Department of he Foreign istry sal, ‘in his telegrams the resid ent’ of the Republic af Afghanistan expresteg hopes for {he total vletory of the Arab br thren in thelr struggle to lib. Fate theit territories occupied Since June 1967 by the Israeli aggressors. ADDRESS THE NATION Following is the English tran lation Of speech by the Pres: ‘ent of the 8 _ hister” Mohammad Daoud broad. ast matlonally over Hadio At hanistan on August 23," 197, faring ‘de ‘St annvefsary of fhe retaining of independence ot Tn the name of God, the Merc- ful and the Compassionate. ‘Dear, noble and appreciative countrymen of Afghanistan: On the occasion of this national resturection and incredible po litical transformation which have taken place in our dear country, ‘Afghanistan, once again I wish to offer on bebalf of ‘mjeelf and imy herole colleagues, who, by the power of the will of the AR. ighan nation selflessly undertook to accomplish this great historic sk and thus Iaid down the foun- lations of the first republic in ‘Afghanistan, our most sincere ‘congratulations to the entire no le and hardworking people of the country, particularly to. the selfs and young army of AE shanistan, Sillary I wish to express my gratitude and thanks for the en thusiastle support given by the People of Afghanistan from the first day of the establishment of es 5 rE. % # z the Republican regime in our homeland. My esteemed compat: lots are Ware that the actual date of the recovery of Afghanis- Tan's independence ie May 21th, but since long years i has become’ {tradition to eammemorate this Sacred national event of August 25rd. This year too, in conformity with past practice 1 consider my- Selt bound by conscence to ex. ‘end congratulations on behalf of rself and my collesgues to all zy esteemed countrymen ‘Three major campaigns cox ducted by the Afghan nation ‘against colonial. aggression are ‘reat and irrefutable witnestes Of the selflessness, patriotum and Indefatigueable will of our peo- ple. ‘The recovery of the country's independence through determined efforts by the great leaders “of ‘Afghanistan and. the” selfless army." and “national “forces of the Afghan nation 54 years ago was another” per- fect example ofthis concept, "We Took with appreciation and reve- rence upon the unforgetable tet- ices of Hie Majesty Amanullsh Khan Ghan and His Majesty Ghaxt Mohammad Nader Shah Shaheed ‘and other great men who stood in the first ranks of our struggle against aliens and also the sacr- fices given by the sons of this sol, wh with inherent courage and innate love of freedom ga 4p their life. Our boundless bles ‘ngs upon all martyrs of the war ‘of independence, ‘Esteemed countrymen and dear sisters and brother We shall strive, step by ste to bring about fundamental chan fee In the economic, social and Political life of the society in ac- ardance with the conditions and laws governing evolution of the society and ia conformity with Plans, with the help of God and ‘Cooperation, of our people. "This isa pledge which was ma- de to the people of Afghanistan ‘on the first day of the proclama- {lon of the Republic. 1am hope ful that with the help of Almighty God, T and my colleagues will adhere honestly and loyally to this ideal ar Tong as we live but the question as to why we have sacrificed our family and. class interests for national Interests ‘and the interests of the deprived lasses of the country will un. oubtedly arise in the minds of the public and the peooles of the world, ‘The answer to this question Is chat the unfair and_sntinational policy followed by the monarchy during the past decade and the explict reactions of the masses in Afghanistan, particularly of the intelligentsia to it, as also the rapid changes in the situs. Won of the region and the world {in favour of freedom and progress fand to the detriment of opprey- Slop, reaction and colonialism, did not permit any conscientious ‘and patriotic Afghan to remain Sileat in the face of all these atrocities. It was in the light of this sense of patriotic responsi. lity that we, as we announced in fur first statement, "for the fu ture prosperity of the bomeland”, Wwe hoisted the. banner of “Teal ‘and true republicanism and de- ‘mocracy founded upon service 10 the majority of the people of A- dhanistan” and by the grace of God we took the first step toward the realisation of the full rights Of the people and the fall reac sation of national soveregaty My dear countrymen are aware that those time old. hopes and those good wishes which bad been. ‘expressed with goodwill ten years go, were not only ignored, but the former regime worked against the interests of the deprived clas- ses, and against true democracy and progress of the coustry. Our dear homeland, Afghanistan i @ Tand possessing considerable na tural resources, a fertile sof, a capable and hardworking people, ‘and am ancent culture and civil zation, bat notwithstanding these favourable factors the position of ‘our country and the condition. of ts people are ptiable because of the actions of the discarded te dime, Dear countrymen: During the past ten years deep crisis overtook our society ‘in the various economic, “social ‘and politcal spheres, which is assessed here briefly 1N THE ECONOMIC SPHERE; The country’s economy which under the first and second five: Year plans was achieving. relative ‘owt became stagnant and mo- ved toward complete breakdown, amd bankruptcy.” Economie plan- ning became subservient to per. ‘onal whims and fancies; lost its effectiveness for the economic ‘rowth of the country; the rate of economic growth was elacken= @ and the accumulation of cap tal didnot take place. "The vol. ‘ume of capital investment by the State was reduced from year to year; private savings and capital ere not attracted for the eres: tion of industries. Por example, while the total captal investment ‘under the second five-year plan ‘amounted to 26.00 billion Afgha als, this amount dropped to 19.35 ‘ations under the so-called third fivevear plan. If we set aside & few projects under the second Plan, which, too, were implement ed with the help’ of the friendly countries, then the country’s eco ‘omy in the past one decade, wh: ile keeping tn view the annual srowth in population, the sing prices and the rate of “economic growth in similarly — develoi ‘countries instead of taking @ step forward, retrogresed. As a result of this situation no subetantial Srowth In national income has occurred and on the contrary, the ‘major part of the funds instetd of being utilised as capital lnvest- ‘ment were squandered in wrong ways and on personal whims. Pri ‘ate Investment which under the first five year plan constituted 9.6, percent of the total capital invest- ‘ment, dropped to 67 percent un- der the socalled third five-year plan. Although under the first and Second five-year plans the econo mic infrastructure was built up toa certain dogree, yet it was not utilised for economic growth and Industriliation, No notable increases in indus trial production have occurred uring the past decade. In the Field of agricture, too, no sub tantial changes hate taken place ‘At present the country's econo- ‘my rests upon agriculture and agriculture constitutes 90 percent Of the gross national output. Ant ‘quated agricultural methods cou- led with ancient and backward techniques, which, regrettably are still evident in our socety, ave Jed to the poverty of our farmers, limitedness of national market, lack of purchasing power among the population and scarcity of aw material During these ten Years no effective step bas been taken to improve the texaton sye- tem in Afghanistan. Taxes "om ‘inue to hold an insignificant pla- ce In the state revenues, Land tex, cattle and Tvestock tax and in come tax paybale by merchants and local end foreign "commer: cial concerns, have fallen to. an extremely low level and instead, indirect taxation ‘wae resorted to meet the extra expenditures of the State, Tn the country’s foreign trade, too, during the Past ten years an ‘onen-door policy was pursued: no Aistinction was made Between i. port of essential and unnecessary commodities and no improvement fceurred in the export of, major products from the country. No fantrols were imposed upon for- len exchange in the country and ‘the previous foreign currency rat- es imposed on major export com- ‘modes were dlearded, The mon tary policy of the state regarding Toreien currency was subjected to fluctuations and malpractices of Diack market Not only the foretzn trade aencles and merchants we fe not dealt with acording to aw, but they were granted ie. sal’ concessions and. thus ‘the country’s economy was weskened and bankrupted. In short, daring the past ten years our” country Was exposed to irregularities and economic confusion which brow ht it face to face with complete Yankruptey and ed’ to the total stagnation of industrial, economle and socal progress IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE: ‘The standard of living, exlture ‘and public health in ote home- Ind is at the lowest level in the world. During the last ten years the standard of living of ‘the peo ple of Afghanistan has | consi. tently deteriorated while the cost of living has gone up, there by creating © heavy and intoler- able burden which became back breaking as the years went by. Prices went up tnabatediy, but the salaries of junior government employees and manual workers fn offices as well ax the wages af workers did not exceed subsist fe level, Poverty and xmemploy- Bent Became rampant and home- Teseess and diseases increased ‘than ever before. Education and national calture became decadent fand insecurity” and. lawlessness took hold of society. The despo- ism and cruelty of the tnfluen- tial and higher government off dials became more severe and corruption spread in the adminis: tration resulting in disgrace. Er hozslement from the state tre. fury and abuse of national weal th beeame prevalent. Embezzle ‘At the reseption hela to President Daoud shakes celebrate the 55th anni- hands with wives of versary of independence, Afghan officials, iment, graft, hoarding, smuging usury and profitering steadily {nereaced Ths the majority of fur people who already ved in hardship, were pressed even for ther. IN THE POLITICAL FIELD: ‘The domestic policy of the state in the past ten years was based fon hypocrisy, poltieal fraud and public’ deceit," Resorting to thr ats and incitement, coercion, creation of Tear, discrimination and favouritism against various rrosident Daoud chate ‘to Ahmed Nohamaa Abou Zeid, the imbassador of resident Daoud greet rours of people, the policy of Givide and rule snd intrigues am ng the various tribes in Afghan: istan were the prime factors. for the prepetuation of the monar ay. ‘The incitement of the reaction ary forces and encouraging them to attack the patriots under. the sulse of democracy held sigh Position fn the internal. policy of the fale regime. ‘The people were smothered and suppressed and the cruelty and Injustice perpetrated by the the srab lepublic of Heypt, and hie wife. menbere of the Afghan Cabinet. strong were defended, andthe voice of the down trodden was not heard. The people especalls the youth were Jed towards im morality. Antinational plots lew ding to schism among the people were hatched every day, and po- litical abuse was made’ of the false democracy. The parliament ‘was changed into a voting. ma chine and approval of antination al deeds of the regime aswell as an organ for Tooting the ‘ne nal treasury, and the pockets of the people. ‘The rights and real Iiherties of the people were pinted upon every day and. dis. Togarded in practice, The. lave of the june. despotism and anar chy ruled supreme in the country, ‘The hallmark of the policy of the former resime under” the tain title of policy of neutrality Was the policy of exploitation. “n words fee fudement in for. tien policy was given prominence, Dat ip practice free fudument was never exercised, The state wae not truthful in its foreign. policy. Deceit and intrigue and compro Ilse and obelsance characterised this policy. 'Nelther the cries of the suffer. fing people, nor the sisnals of danger given every where sic: fveded in drawing the attention of that conceited regime to the misery of the nation. All hopes for reform were dead, and. the only way left was the overthrow Of the regime. ‘The deshevelled and calamitous state of affelrs that we have in: herited from the former regime makes our task even more he. Tags exist in all fields of our conomie and” social Ilfe that oust to be bridged and the irwbacks existing in the method fof work overcome. ‘The eeonomy f the country is in reat sham bles and completely’ disorsanised Great difficulties exit in thes tal life of the people. ‘The adm nstration is absolutely corrupt fand outmoded. Social injustices fre evident in all the spheres of life Poverty, unemployment, a cease and ilteracy are overriding the country. Discrimination and inequality have produced wnsonnd fomsequences. Tins, there. ae tens of eifcaties that should be folved, and hundreds of onerous national duties that should be fae ‘ted Bot can these problems be sot all at once? And can’ we per form the hundreds of national i ties that are before us instant? The experience of some eo tries that have Initiated politcal and economic growth confirm the fact that haste and resortine to very possibe and Impossible me: asure for the sudden overcoming of eentuties of backwardness and the immediate reforming of all affairs. fa futile and immature ct. Therefore. we should. move head ywith reforming the soeit and providing better conditions af living forthe people with wisdom and patience, correct. evaluation ‘snd the maximum explotation of al possibilities We should siep by step expand the sphere of practical -achieve- ‘eats Gd go from ooa stage he other. ‘The prime condition for the successful performance of all the fnerous national duties isthe par ticipation of al the people tn the economic, social and polities ife the country Dear countrymen! At this juncture we face the Kahaiya Tal ehta, the owing questions: What can do? Where should we start? Which path should we take? To answer these questions, {t Should be proclaimed first of all that in the present situation, the chief and most Imposing duty of the voung Republican resime of Afehanistan is the consolidation of the foundation ofthe Republic euarantering of security and im: munity snd insuring. the le of Tao" in the country so that sound tristworthy and democratic con Aitione are created for the people rowshout the country withoat discrimination or” privlese, wpnesible a com: opto indy and draft the constitution of the Ree ie nf Afghanistan ehleh wil after Lora steps and. the. appro Wal of'the Grad National Asem. hie ot Afehanisten be" promelges fed for the realisation of | real semocracy, ‘The Republican regime of Af. khanistan Is desirous of profound ‘and basic changes in the social Structure of the county. The sate with “due consideration to. and Ieeting the above mentioned eb Tigations, and concurrently, wil strive to "perform the following duties 1 POLITICAL REFORMS: ‘With the fll ofthe old regime possibilities have now Been eres ted for the transfer of all” state powers to the people and the em Foaiment of nations sovereignty {nthe corpus of the young and de- mocratie Republic of "Afghanis. tan ¢ NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. Fortunately the Republic of Afghanistan ‘commands’ the sin- fore support of the majrity of the people and represents thelr Interests, Tn the future, based on the Constitution of the’ Republic which will be promulgated, the Counci'of the’ Republican State will be reelected, the organs of the state teparated on the basis, Indian mbassador’ in Kabul, congratulates Yresident Daoud on the anniversazy of independenct of the equality of rights andthe Tawfel participation of the peop of Afghanistan. ‘The Reptlican state in orde todetend the territorial intesity Independence as well as nationd fovtrelenty of our countey Agha nistan which are ofits sacred du. ties ag also to insure a balance of power in this part of the world, ‘wil strengthen the country's de Fence forces; the young army of Afghanistan is now the army. of the republic The Republican state will lean up and reform the administration from the viewpoint of person, mode of work, efficiency and ma: hnagement procedures, and. wil recognise snd render it more co- plete, ‘The Republican state of At shanistan whieh has Been estab lished In. conformity wih the fa. terests nf the people by the sac- At the reception, President Daoud talks to Alexander Puzanov, the Imbassador of the U.S... President Daoud welooes and Mrs, Neumann at the Robert Neusann, the reception. imbasvador of the Uss.A., niles of patriotic men of the Re- public wil expand and extend emoceatic rights and betes ‘withthe promulgation of the con: sitution “of the Republic’ and other complementary laws for the Droarese and evolution of society. the consolidation of the new oF der and material wellbeing ‘The Republican state of Afsha nistan inorder to insure the Hb. fries of the people in the frame. ‘work of national interests and those of the Republican regime ‘wll from this very moment. take NATIONAL QUESTIONS: Afghanistan is @ country in whieh different brother tribes are living and, these inhabitants "of ‘Afghanistan. are united together by various bonds, have hada common destiny in the long hise tory of the country and have ought together for its liberty and ‘Therefore, the Republican Ste- teis striving for the creation of unit, fmong the people of Alghanistan based upon equality, brotherhood, and friendship, and'to” uproot ell forms of discrimination 1H ECONOMIC REFORS Is a developing eanemie point ft view, In otder to. overcome this backwardnese we ought 10 take big and rapid steps forward Sind bring about basic changes. @ rational economy, independent ‘well caordinated ‘and haved. oh planning and modern scence and technology ouaht to be establish EXPANSION OF INDUSFRIES: ‘The Republican State of AF fhanistan attaches great import lance to heavy industries, such as Cxtraction of mines, and metal tnd machine bullding. industries, ‘chemical industries “and electric power, which insure rapid econ: mic growth and consolidation of the independeneo of the county, serious stepe are envisaged to be taken in this sectar of the econe- ‘ay, Exploitation of the Haligak ion ore for setting up of a sme tung mill and indusrialisation of the countrys our lang cheruhed wish, ‘The Republican state will en courage, protect and. guide and ‘control private investment and private enterprise is the field. of Tight and medium industries 35 well as hendicrats, and. necess- 413. cooperation will be in-wred Detween the private and state capitals for progress, coordina: ‘on and balanced economic grow, ‘The Republican state considers the protection of national. indus: ies and handicrafts as well as national ars its paramount duty, land will adopt a policy of pro tection for home industries and commercial “enterprises against the competing foreign products ‘and capita CounmERcE: ‘The Republican State will guide the country’s forcign trade om the principle of guided. commerce based ‘upon national interests, IN THE MoEraRY AND FINANCIAY SPHERE: ‘The Republican State will es tablish a strict control upon for ign exchange. The State wil pre- Vent the eireulation of money in the black market at exorbitant protit and it will encourage and uarantec deposits and savings {the Danks The Republic of Afghanistan will modily the system of taxa lon in the country on the basis fof preference of direct to indirect AGRICULTURE: ‘The Republic of Afghanistan will institte land reforms in the {interests of the majority of the people of Afghanistan as one of ARS major steps in the programme for Tundamental reforms Cooperatives. and cooperative companies for agriculture, © pro" ‘duction and consumption ‘will be established with perticpation of ‘majority of farmers and in. thelr Interest. The State will reclaim ‘and provide irrigation faclties, if posible, for arid lands Similarly, the State will adopt seienttic measures for expanding and developing animal husbandry. CONSTRUCTION, COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORT: ‘The Republican State will build public constracions according {0 the requirements of the time. will accderate the pace of owse-construcion and houses will be distributed among. the homeless and the deserving ac: cording to rules and regulations. ‘The State will improve town planning in the country and'in Particular, it will implement the 2year reconstruction plan for ‘Kabul City, The State will expand the communications networks, Tink cities and major pointe of economic importance with moter fable roads and it wil study the ossbiity of building ralioads in the country in the future in order to expedite the pace of transportation and promote public weltare the Republican Government wil ia the frst ine tance, guide and strengthen ‘means of public transportation fd the Targer transport compa: hies and wil provide better fac Lites of bus transport. within the ites. I SOCIAL REFORMS: In the present situation in. our country the absolute majority of the people are deprived of ma- terial and spiritual rights and so- dally they are pessing through Aifficatt times. ls pltiable situa. ton is ia no way compatible with ‘the contemporary evilsason and does not befit the noble and ‘ented. People. of ‘Afghanistan "Therefore, the Goverament of the Republic of Afghanistan coa- templates applying the follow. “int programmes for roca re forme, IMPROVING WORKING CONDITIONS! ‘The Republican State will take appropriate step for improving working conditions and. the Cnditions “of living “of Go vernment officials and em ployees. Promotion to higher government. port will be based Spon suitability piety, capability, past record, the Spirit of patrio: tem and love of serving the coun fry and the cause of the home- land's progress and prosperity The State among its frst steps will fix the minimum wages for workers in proportion to their “aily needs and essential require: ments It will algo fix hours of ‘work and will ensure equal vay Tor equal work ‘The State will formulate and apply a progressive and —demo- ‘cratic labour law for improving working conditions and protect- ing the personal and social rights of industrial and agricultural wor- hers "The Republican State will esta Dish sodal security insurance for workers and other urban and ra: ral tollers in conformity with its financial resources. 1t will also Keep view the Improvement of ‘municipalities in order to. better ‘ving conditions of the people. Tt Will make vigorous effors to fix Feats for houses, organisations ‘and chops. ALLROUND PROGRESS: ‘The Republic of Afghanistan will review and modify education fl programines and it will strive {or eliminating iteracy » am- ong the masses and bringing. ab- fout cultural changes in the 1and ‘on the basis of national and pro- Sressive culture. It wil also en ‘leavour to train the younger ge- nefation in accordance with the principles of piety, patriotism and Fervice to the people "The State will provide general and free primary education forall male and female children by ex- (Continved ppanding and increasing the mum bet of public schools and it will also pave the way for middle, se- ‘ondary and higher education to train'a ecientine cadre. ‘The Republic will provide ef- fective assistance for expanding the prees and democratic publica ‘ont with the object of awaken- Ing the masses and it will stren- ‘then and expand the national arts, theatre and cinemas and the Taio. It wil algo take necessary ‘ction to" create television net- ‘work in the eountry. "In ofder to expand and develop scentifie and historleal research fn the country’s civilisation the Government will take all) neces: sary steps for protecting and preserving historical monuments 4s also for archacologieal resear- h and establishing national mu ‘The State will strive to estab lish ibraries on various Tevels in Afferent parts of the county. ‘The Republican State will expand and develop curative me- ‘icine and state hospitals so. that ‘medical treatment may be made ‘available, a5 far as feastble for all compatriots. Tt wil strive, in particular to expand facilites for Preventive medicine and facities ‘wll be provided to prevent the fourbreak of communicable diy Subject to the country’s finan- dal resources the "Government nll establish maternity hospitals, Turseries and. kindergartens to help mothers and children and promote the cause of Bringing up 2 healthy new generation Tn order to uproot immorality and addiction to hashish, opium Sind alcohol the Government. will opt vigorous measures and it ‘oll combat rising Prices, hoard ing and smuggling. The Republican State will take steps to create caval opportu ties for Afghan women in all spheres of economi, socal, pal: tical and catural fein the coun "The State will take steps as far as possible for resetting) nomads and alloting State lands to land: less people’ and the traces of no. ‘madi and tribal life will thus be cclinsnated Dear countrymen: Its evident that economic and socal progress and cultural chan- fe are closely linked with funda. mental reforms and the establish: ment of a true democracy. Vatt social and political changes. have Taken place in the region and the world and national a5 well as 50: al movements are. om the in. ferease. The forces‘of peace and Freedom are saising over _ wat and aggression. he poli of pea fe and peaceful co-existence is nnn "more supporters inthe ‘Therefore the young. Republic an State of Afghanistan, by keep- Ing in view these world changes and in conformity with is pro freesive domestic policy takes in fo consideration the» following fects in formulating ts foreign polley: ‘Afghanistan always as been and will be a peaceful country ‘This poliey wil in particular, be perpetuated by the. Government fof the voung Fepublic of Afghan ‘The Republic of Afghanistan while remaining Toyal tots faieiv Concluded international” treaties, belleves that with the help of the member-states of the United Nations and in harmony with the , other peace-loving countries of the world, it can participate in preserving international peace ‘and security, removing internatic fnal tensions and contributing to the success of the poly of de ‘The Republic of | Atghs believes that the policy of colon jalism and racialism should. be put an end to; that the principle Of the right of self determination ff nations should ‘be realized: that the traces of Israel's aga restion against the Arab. count: Fes should be erased; and. the national rights of the people of Palestine should be restored ‘The policy of peaceful co-exis tence among countries pursuing diferent socal systems should be {ollowed consistently; the policy of aggression and war. should be fended and that recourse to force Tor setding differences shogld be abandoned By believing in these object ves the policy of the Republic of of Afghanistan is firmly based ‘spon the principle of an indepen ent and peaceful, positive and active neutrality, non-partieipat- fon in military pécts. respect for the United Nations Charter, sap- port for the freedom movements Friendship and cooperation "and the strengthening of amicable re lations with all peaceloving co- tuntres fn the world, and sion of relations and. cooperation in the ecotiomie,fechnieal and eal tral fields with these countries fon the basis of mutual ‘national interest, ‘The Republic of Afghanistan im conformity with the free will of Its people and in confirmation of the Republican proclamation once again announces eearly and. bo- nstly that the substance of | Af- fhanistan’s domestic and foreign polices is compounded on the Princle of peace, Justice, nat- ‘onal freedom, national. soverctg ty and national independence ‘Therefore T wish to repeat. that living in pesce and the stensth- ening of friendly ties with mu- tual respect with all peoples and nations of the world. constitute fone of our heartfert desires, and tn accordance with the princple ot Relehbourliness we wish 10. emt Dhasizg that good-neighbouriy ties and our friendship with the Soviet Union are unfalterabe ‘We have friendly and sincere ‘relations with our other ‘elgh- Dove the People's Republic of China, and wish for the further expansion of this friendship. ‘Our relations with our” Tranian brothers have always been friend- IW and hope for the further on solldation of these friendly tes. ‘As regards our relationg with Pakistan it ought to be ead, that regrettably, it 38 the only coun try with which we have a differ- fence of views regarding the a tional issue of Pashtoonistan and the inalienable right of our Po shtoon_and* ‘Baluchi brethren, ‘The, Republic of Afehanistan with patience and complete calm nese, wll seriously endeavour to find @ peaceful. and honourable Solution for the national sue of Pashtoonistan ‘We belive that the relations of Afghanistan and Pakistan” con form to the iterests of the Wo nations and peace and. prosress qh the resion. We hope that final we will achieve this alm. Numerous spiritual des bind us to the nationalistic and progres sve" Ara, nations. We shall Continue lose cooperation with the. nonaligned nations of "the ‘world forthe insurance of peace, the stnuecte aesine colonialism inall its manifestations and. the tlivsvation fei diserimina ‘Strong bonds and considerable fommon agpecte ensure our fre In Desh, and we are desirous of Take this opportunity 0 ex rest eratitide for all Internat ‘nal oreanisations amd teeny inion. eepreally the. Soviet Un ion ihe alter States of Ame a, the Federal Republic of Get many and the People's Republic ff China and all other friendly hations who have contributed” to the development and progress of ‘our country, and to thank them from the depth of my heart on hehalf of the state and people of ‘Afghanistan Dear Countrymen: Allow me to procaim unambi- tovously which i one of the eae Facterstes of we Afghans, and in the light of real progressive. Ts- Tamic tenets and’ in. accordance ‘with the requirements of the t ‘me that the young Republican State of Afghanistan in order to implement bose reforms will mat fh ahead judiciously without any haste and with measured steps ‘without falling! prey to extremist tendencies. We are fll aware thatthe basie duty of the Repub Tie of Afehanistan at this histor (Continued on vase 52 )

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