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Name: Zarin Tasnim Arshi

Id: 1020049030
Course: English 105.13
Date: 29/11/12

Annotated Bibliography
1. Bangladesh Police. (2012, November 18). Retrieved November 25, 2012, from http://en. collection_id
This is an entry in the Wikipedia were all the information about police is elaborately
described. In the entry from the history of Bangladesh police department to its current
organizational structure, its policies, strengths and many other aspects. Besides this there is
also criticism about such department which will provide us important information for the
2. Bangladesh Police. ( n.d ). STRUCTURE OF BANGLADESH POLICE. Retrieved November
25, 2012, from
This is a website of Bangladesh police department from where the structure of the police
department is clearly given. This document also contains the ranks wise manpower of officer and
police units along with the amount of officer appointed.
3. Hardoon, D., & Heinrich, F. (2011, October). DAILY LIVES AND CORRUPTION: PUBLIC
OPINION IN SOUTH ASIA ( pp. 6-13). Berlin, Germany: Transparency International,
Retrieved November 25, 2012, from
This is an online report provide by Transparency International regarding the corruption problem
is south Asian countries including Bangladesh. The report identifies corruption in different
sectors and institutions and public experience along with their attitude toward corruption. In

addition the report also contains statistical data on public perception on bribery and the fight
against corruption in different institutions including police departments of South Asia.
4. Huda, M. N. (2012, June 17). The friend-foe syndrome, The Daily Star. Retrieved November
25, 2012, from details.php?nid=
The article discusses about a policemans role in a society. What types of boundaries they have
and what are the sacrifices they do to serve the nation more efficiently. In spite of those they
have a negative perception among households due to the influence of political parties
administrative pressure and corruption. Thus the article strongly state that a clean environment
should be created where the police can work with pride and live up to the expectations of
5. Kamal, S. ( 2012, June 2). Police, also, are not above the law and accountability. The Daily
Star. Retrieved November 25, 2012, from Design/
In the article the writer has stated the unethical and indiscipline activities of law enforcing
agencies of Bangladesh along with their minimum respect for their citizens. The article also says
that Bangladeshi police is the violator of Human Rights and tries to act above law by the
influence of political power. Thus the democracy or Bangladeshi citizens are in danger.
6. Karzon, S. H. R. (2006, October 14). Bangladesh Police: Existing problems and some reform
proposals. The Daily Star. Retrieved November 25, 2012, from http://www.thedaily
This article highlights the problems of Bangladesh police department since its establishment and
how our government can come up with the solutions. It gives a detailed description on which
areas our police department is lacking behind as well as focusing on enacting new laws to
establish effective police management and promote professionalism in the department.
7. Research Evaluation Associates For Development Ltd. (2007, January 10). Final Report On
Public Attitude Baseline Survey for the Police Reform Programme- BGD/04/001.
Retrieved November 25, 2012, from

Attitude BaselineSurveyPRP.pdf&ei=rCmyUKn6L4LwrQek04HgDA&usg=AFQjCN
This is an online report by a NGO who have conducted a survey both on households along with
the police officer of Bangladesh about their perception on the need for the reformation of
Bangladesh Police. It has an effective evaluation of public perception on Crime Prevention;
Human Resource Management and Training of Police; and such other related topics.
8. Saferworld. (2010, March). Security Provision in Bangladesh: A Public Perceptions Survey.
London. UK. Retrieved November 25, 2012, from
This is an online version of a survey conducted on the general people on Bangladesh regarding
their perception about different security services in Bangladesh. The book includes many surveys
giving a clear view about police and many other law enforcing agencies of Bangladesh from both
negative and positive point of view.

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