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Sept/Oct Holiday Homework

(due when school starts on Oct 12th.)

Part A (for AS1 only)

Answer the following Paper 1, Section A questions on the Mann study.
Describe two behaviours recorded by observers from the videotapes of suspects in the study by Mann et al (lying).
2) From the study by Mann et al (lying), suggest two reasons why Mann et al thought that liars would not display
nervous behaviours. [4]
3) Describe two aims from the study by Mann et al (lying). [4]
4) Mann et al (lying) say that it is hard to investigate the non-verbal behaviours accompanying
(a) Explain why. [2]
(b) How did they overcome this problem? [2]
5) From the study by Mann et al. (lying):
(a) The observers who coded the behaviours on the videos were only told to code the video
footage. Explain why they were not given information about the hypothesis. [2]
(b) How did Mann et al. ensure that the two coders were coding the video clips in similar ways?

Try your best to answer them without your notes, but use them if necessary.
Make sure to check your answer with the mark scheme under the Mann
section of the website.
You will turn this in when you return to class

Part B
Answer the following essay question based on the Mann study (from paper 2)

Mann et al conducted a quasi experiment. An alternative study method

might have been to conduct a true lab experiment.
1. Describe a laboratory experiment as an experimental method. (5)
2. How could they have conducted an experiment with a similar aim,
but as a true lab experiment?
Write a description of the study, including the who, what, where and

The mark scheme is below:

o Candidates should describe the who, what, where and how.
o Major omissions include the what (what the participant will go through
during the study and how (how the DV will be measured).
o Minor omissions include who and where (and the what and/or how if
unclear can also count as a minor omission).
o It is possible to achieve 9 marks with a small minor omission (e.g.
sampling method). If clearly a field experiment (where the study is
taking place as part of the participants everyday experience) this
must be capped at 6.

Very unethical research must be capped at 4. Must measure bystander

behaviour otherwise cap at 2.

Marking band:
o Alternative study is incomprehensible. 0
o Alternative study is muddled and impossible to conduct. 12
o Alternative study is muddled but possible and/or there are major
omissions. 34
o Alternative study is clear with a few minor omissions. 56
o Alternative study is described with one minor omission and in some
detail. 78 Alternative study is described in sufficient detail to be
replicable. 910

Part C
Take detailed notes on the Loftus study. Make sure you understand the fine
details of the study. Look at the links and files under the Loftus section of
the website (especially the psychtutor link) Watch the videos below for some
note taking strategies.
o Cornell Note Method
o 5 Methods for notes
Look at various summaries to make sure you get a well rounded idea of the
strengths and weaknesses.

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