Family Size and Self EsteemBy

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Family size and Self Esteem

Introduction to Psychology

By: Alberto

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Method
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Appendices
Self-esteem can depend on the gender type including family size. Does
family size affect the self-esteem of a parent? Is there any kind of correlation
between self-esteem and family size? Rosenbergs self-esteem scale will help
support my hypothesis which is, are smaller families prone to a higher selfesteem. From voluntary help from adult Participants used in this experiment
coming from Latino Hispanic or African American descent, male and female
from ages 40 to 45 a group of 15 adult parents will help support my
hypothesis. The method used to perform this experiment was to use the
Rosenbergs self-esteem scale, a set of ten statements, far along the
experiment I will score each of them one by one to figure out if smaller
families have s higher self-esteem. In that there was no correlation, Family
size does not affect your self-esteem although, there was an equal amount of
males and females that had a low self-esteem equally no matter the size of
the family.

Parents who either come from small families ranging from less than
two children and large families having more than four children could have an
effect on parents self esteem. Parents who come from smaller families could
receive more parental attention from their child that could increase their self
esteem. Parents with larger families could have the opposite, lowering self

esteem. Using the help of the Rosenberg self esteem scale it was possible to
determine if this were true,rosenbergs self esteem scale has a set of ten
statements which give you the option to strongly agree,agree,disagree,or
strongly disagree with statements. The purpose of this was to see if family
size affects self-esteem of a parent using the Rosenberg self esteem scale.
This experiment varies from families of many backgrounds from 40 to 45
year old parents with 2 or more children. The hypothesis of the experiment is
to find out if parents with smaller families have a higher self-esteem based
from the Rosenbergs self esteem scale


Fifteen or twenty adults, if you want use 40 male and female.

Coming from large or small families.
Parents usually came from either Hispanic, Latino or African
My participants were not rewarded but wouldve been a good idea. So
they would be motivated to partake the survey

(Consider Small family: more than 2 children. large family: more than 4

Rosenbergs self esteem scale

Notebook for analyzing results


Go from door to door around your neighborhood, with the Rosenberg

self esteem survey in hand for male and female groups from small and
large families (4 of each).tell the adult participants the survey takes
less than a minute (it really does, maybe less if youre in a rush)
The participants should not throw the survey out and should expect
you to come back.
Tell the participants what youre doing, your name, and if they would
want to take the survey for the Rosenberg self esteem scale. Tell them
youll be back and go to the next house. hold.Dont forget to tell them if
they have more than 2 or more than 4 children

Once youve gone through your neighborhood, go back to the

households and collect the finished survey. Get there as fast as you
can some people may be really to even take the survey and bail out.
Go back home, score the results and see if there is any correlation
between the families. Separate the males from females to see if there
is any correlation.
Dependent variable: large and small families, self-esteem of the
Independent variable: effect on self esteem, depending on small or
large family and gender of the parents

Throughout the experiment, I went to each household with large and small
families receiving the survey and figuring out if there was any correlation
between the families. The data below is the data I took from the surveys
Total self esteem for male and females from large families:

2 out of 5 female parents from large families have a low self esteem.
3 out 5 male parents from large families have a low self esteem
Total count : 5 out of 10 large families have parents with a low self

Total self esteem for male and females from small families:
1 out of 3 females parents from small families have a low self
1 out of 2 male parents from small families have a low self esteem
Total count: 2 out of 5 small families have parents with a low self
Overall scores: 7 out of 15 adult parents from small and large families have a
low self esteem.
The end result of the experiment proves to me that family size has no effect
on the parents self-esteem in most cases. There are no results that indicate

that self-esteem result in family size from the use of the self-esteem scale
used in the project. The results did not support my hypothesis because both
of the results from the different or no kind of pattern and other families
didnt seem to have much difference from the scale. Male parents seem to
have more self-esteem than the females according to my statistics; family
size may affect self-esteem more on an female parent but nothing to
ordinary. I had some limitations that could have led me to better results. Only
problem was, some people didnt want to do my survey leading me to only a
number of fifteen adult male and female groups if I wouldve had more time I
would Have gone through more neighborhoods possibly a whole day to get
better results. I wouldve given my participants a treat for participating in my
experiment again, if I had time. Most people I could tell werent being honest
with my survey that I gave out maybe I noticed some completed the survey
out of mere rush because some answers were all agree or vice versa. This
decreased the strength of my experiment probably half the time and affected
me in the long run.
If I were to do this experiment again I wouldve had a large set of
participants from different ethnicities households that wanted to take the
survey wouldve had better results in general if time wasnt crunched up.
Furthermore, if I didnt have these kinds of limitations I in my experiment I
could have had better results to support my hypothesis.

-Rosenbergs self-esteem scale (Male and female surveys, large and
small families including scores

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