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ERD Exercises

Ex 1
Use the scenario described by A
customer can make many payments,
but each payment is made by only one
customer as the basis for an entity
relationship diagram (ERD)

Ex 2
The PYRAID company wants to track each
PART used in each specific piece of
EQUIPMENT; each PART is bought from a
specific SUPPLIER. Using this description,
draw the ER model for the PYRAID company
database. (Hint: A piece of equipment is
composed of many parts, but each part is
used in only one specific piece of equipment.
A supplier can supply many parts, but each
part has been supplied by only one supplier.)

Ex 3
United Broke Artists (UBA) is a broker for not so
famous painters. UBA maintains a small database to
track painters, paintings and galleries. Using
model for the UBA database.
Hint 1: A PAINTING is painted by a particular ARTIST,
and that painting is exhibited in a particular
Hint 2: A gallery can exhibit many paintings, but each
painting can be exhibited in only one gallery.
Similarly, a painting is painted by a single painter,
but each painter can paint many paintings.

Ex 4

Ex 5

Ex 6
A university has a large number of courses in its
catalog. Attributes of COURSE include
Course_Number (identifier), Course_Name,
and Units. Each course may have one or more
different courses as prerequisites or may have
no prerequisites. Similarly, a particular course
may be a prerequisite for any number of
courses, or may not be prerequisite for any
other course. Provide a good ER Model of

Ex 7
A college course may have one or more scheduled
sections, or may not have a scheduled section.
Attributes of COURSE include Course_ID,
Course_Name, and Units. Attributes of
SECTION include Section_Number and
Semester_ID. Semester_ID is composed of
two parts: Semester and.Year.
Section_Number is an integer (such as "1" or
"2") that distinguishes one section from
another for the same course but does not
uniquely identify a section. Draw the ER

Ex 8
A laboratory has several chemists who work on one or
more projects. Chemists may use an equipment on
each project. Attributes of CHEMIST include
Employee_ID (identifier), Name and Phone_No.
Attributes of PROJECT include Project_ID (identifier)
and Start_Date. Attributes of EQUIPMENT include
Serial_No and Cost. It is also important to record
Assign_Date - that is, the date when the given
equipment was assigned to a particular chemist
working on a project. A chemist must be assigned to at
least one project and one equipment. A given
equipment need not be assigned to a chemist nor to a
project. Also a given project need not be assigned
either a chemist nor an equipment. Draw the ERD
corresponding to this situation.

Ex 9
A hospital has a large number of registered physicians.
Attributes of PHYSICIAN include Physician_ID
(identifier) and Specialty. Patients are admitted to the
hospital by physicians. Attributes of PATIENT include
Patient_ID (identifier) and Patient_Name. Any patient
who is admitted must have exactly one admitting
physician. A physician may optionally admit any
number of patients. Once admitted, a given patient
must be treated by at least one physician. A particular
physician may treat any number of patients, or may not
treat any patient. Whenever a patient is treated by a
physician, the hospital wishes to record the details of
the treatment (Treatment Detail). Components of
Treatment Detail include Date, Time and Results.
Draw the ERD.

Ex 10
An owner owns a property. The owner can be a single
individual or a group (ex. if married then the property is
owned by both spouses). The property is sold by a
sales office. A sales office has a manager who also
manages the employees. An employee is assigned to
a sales office. The following are the attributes for each

Employee (Employee_ID, Employee_Name)

Sales Office (Office_Number, Address)
Property (Property_ID, Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code))
Owner (Owner_ID, Owner_Name)

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