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NOVEMBER 28, 2015





Table of Contents
Section 01: Opportunity Analysis .................................................................................................................. 2
Section 02: Competitor Profile...................................................................................................................... 6
Section 03: Market Segmentation ................................................................................................................ 7
Section 04: Target Market Analysis .............................................................................................................. 8
Section 05: Brand Positioning ....................................................................................................................... 9
Section 06: Brand Elements ........................................................................................................................ 12
Section 07: Product Strategy ...................................................................................................................... 14
Section 08: Pricing Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 16
Section 09: Channel Strategy ...................................................................................................................... 18
Section 10: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy ...................................................................... 19
Section 11: Desired CBBE Model ................................................................................................................ 24
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 26

Section 01: Opportunity Analysis

Bangladesh is a country where weddings are extravagant events and parents have wedding funds
for their children instead of college funds. People spend lavishly on weddings as it is a reflection
of their status amongst their friends and family. In Bangladesh, there is no such thing as a private
There are a lot of premium wedding planners in Bangladesh, but from our extensive research, we
have found that there isnt a single brand focused on providing themed wedding decorations.
Most renowned brands, such as BD Event Management and Wedding Planners and Dream
Weaver, are not focused on weddings only, and the only wedding themes they provide are colour
themes and royalty themes. Also, the decorations are given in catalogues and the clients choose
one according to their liking and affordability.
From this, we found the gap in the market. We will focus on weddings only, we will provide
themed wedding decorations, and we will focus on customizability so that the client can control
every single detail of the themed decoration.
The reason why our service will be a success in Bangladesh is that, people are always looking for
something new in order to stand out. Everyone wants their wedding to be remembered as it is
something so special and a once in a lifetime (usually) event. Our themes are directed at achieving
just that, a standout, well organized, unique themed wedding. Also, it is a very emotional time for
the couple and their families. Our customizability will help our clients realize their dream wedding
setting. We will encourage them to be involved in every step.

In order to get a better idea about our target markets needs, we surveyed 40 respondents. We have
included charts of the relevant ones.
1. Do you think most of the weddings you have attended in Bangladesh had the same clichd



2. How much are you interested in a themed wedding? (1 least, 5 most)







3. How much are you willing to spend on a premium themed wedding decoration?

above Tk.4,50,000







4. How involved do you want to be with the decoration?

Set Package
Involvement in every






5. What kind of a theme would you like for your wedding decoration?





Fairy tale



6. What other services would you like to match with your theme?

Dala Decoration

Car Decoration

Nuptial Room

Wedding Attire

7. Have you seen a unique themed wedding in Bangladesh before?



As we want to be as consumer-centric as possible, we tried to incorporate these findings into our

brand offering.

Section 02: Competitor Profile

Direct competitors: As thematic dcor is a new and unique concept, we do not have any direct
Indirect Competitors: Other premium wedding planners and event management brands directed
at the same target market.

Royal Wedding Planner Ltd.

Shahjahan Wedding Planner & Event Management.

Dream Weaver

Section 03: Market Segmentation



Sub Segments
Marital Status





User Status
Loyalty Status

Gulshan 1, Gulshan 2, Banani, Baridhara, Uttara, Old
Khulshi, Dampara, Lal Khan Bazar, Nasirabaadh
18 and above
Muslim, Hindu, Christian
Male, Female
Single, Married
High School, SSC/HSC, Diploma, Undergraduate,
Graduate, Doctorate, PHD
Low income, Middle income, High income
Service provider, House owner, Officer, Executive,
Outgoing, Adventurous, Extroverted, Introverted,
Bold, Adaptable, Versatile, Courageous
Thrifty, Savers, Eco-friendly, Healthy, Workaholic,
Trendy, Sophisticated
Competitors Customers, Potential Customers
High, Medium, Low
High, Medium, Low
Price, Uniqueness, Superior Value, Customisability

Section 04: Target Market Analysis


Sub Segments
Marital Status




User Status


Loyalty Status

Gulshan 1, Gulshan 2, Banani, Baridhara, Uttara, Old Dhaka
18 and above
Muslim, Hindu, Christian
Male, Female
Single, Married
Middle income-High income
(if they can afford it, we are willing to serve)
Adventurous, Bold, Adaptable, Versatile
Thrifty, Trendy, Sophisticated
Competitors Customers, Potential Customers
(since we are providing something completely new,
butterflies are more likely to try it)


Uniqueness, Customizability

We will be utilizing concentrated marketing. This is because we are a premium brand, and we have
just one marketing mix for the segment that we are targeting:
1. Product: Thematic Wedding Decorations.
2. Price: Minimum price targeted towards Socioeconomic Class A and B.
3. Place: Dhaka (launching it for the first time).
4. Positioning: Product attribute and emotional benefit.

Section 05: Brand Positioning

Our brands positioning will be that we provide completely customizable thematic wedding
decorations. Which basically means we will position our brand as the provider of unique thematic
wedding decorations which are customizable in every way according to the customers need. In
order to ensure different aspect of our brands positioning we have taken a few important factors
into account.
Our brands positioning will be desirable because we are providing fully customizable designs.
Since weddings are a form of dream for our target market, this unique benefit will be attractive
and appealing from their perspective as they get the chance to make their dream come true with
every detail intact. Also, from our survey, we see that a higher proportion of respondents were
interested in a themed wedding decoration (24 out of 40 chose 4 and 5 in question 2).
We will be ensuring the deliverability of our promised superior benefit with the help of expert
decorators and wedding planners. We will be employing a skill-enriched team full of wedding
decoration enthusiasts, who are deeply passionate about providing this service and are able to
design themes that cater to every single demands and choices of our customers.
Our positioning will be surely differentiated because none of our competitors are able to provide
thematic wedding decorations. From our survey we see that 90% of respondents had never attended
a themed wedding in Bangladesh. Also, as our unique selling proposition states, we provide fully
personalized thematic designs, therefore our clients can tweak every single detail in their wedding
decoration as they want. The designs will be our customers vision painted over our decorations,
which will be our unique service compared to our competitors.

Positioning Strategy
We have planned to utilize two positioning strategies to strongly position our brand into the
customer mind set. We are going to implement these strategies through various branding elements.
Firstly, we will be positioning our brand by product attribute through providing the customizable
decoration benefit to our customers. None of our competitors are able to provide fully customizable
decorations to the target market, therefore the customers are restricted to choose from the
competitors own pre-planned designs. We, on the other hand do the opposite, we focus on the
customers own vision and make our own designs adapt to that. To us, the customers dream comes
first rather than our own convenience.
Secondly, we will be using intangible emotional benefits that we are providing our customers
through our services to position our brand into their mind sets. Depending on the design the
customer chooses to decorate their wedding venue with, the kind of emotional image the design
represents will be felt by our customers in themselves (i.e. if the design is classy, they will feel
classy for choosing that design). Also by picking our decorations and putting their own touch into
it they will truly feel as if they have made their dream come true with our help, which is an
invaluable emotional benefit.

Point of Parity (POP) and Point of Difference (POD)

The point of difference for our brand will be the customizability of our services. No other brand
in the market is able to provide the flexibility in decorations to the extent that we provide.
Customers will strongly associate our brand as the provider of a fully customizable wedding
decorations which they wont be able to expect from any other brand.

Our brand will possess the ability to provide wedding decorations which include: venue
decorations, stage decorations and construction, wedding card decorations etc. to fall under the
category of a wedding decoration business. In order to neutralize competitors point of parity,
we are focused on providing any sort of thematic designs as a competitive point of parity.

Brand Mantra
Our brand mantra is to focus on fulfilling our consumers dream by helping to design their dream
wedding and therefore giving life to the mental picture of their wedding day. We have utilized
three parameters in order to design this brand mantra.

Brand Function : Thematic wedding decoration.

The nature of our service is basically thematic wedding decorations. The benefit to the consumer
is that they can have a themed wedding.

Descriptive Modifier : Men and women who are planning to get married.
Our focus is to attract people who are planning to get married to the idea of having a thematic
wedding. We want to attract them to the idea of this type of wedding by giving the opportunity to
get engaged in the decoration of their own wedding in the simplest ways.

Emotional Modifier : Completely customizable thematic decorations.

We have taken the word customizability to its ultimate extent in the field of wedding decorations.
We will be providing a wedding decoration service where the customer will be given the freedom
to tweak every single detail of the themed decoration that we provide based on their needs.

Section 06: Brand Elements

Brand name: We have chosen the name Purple Chimes Decorations for our brand. Our
brand name is a combination of words (compound) and is descriptive as it explains that it is
associated with decorations. Our brand name is familiar and meaningful. The colour purple
represents dreams, future, and imagination. The word chimes represents wedding bells and the
sound of happiness. As the words used in our brand name is familiar and meaningful, consumers
do not have to go through additional learning. Thus, it will enhance brand awareness and

URL: The name of our URL will be As our URL contains our brand
name, there will be no need for additional learning for our consumers as it is memorable. This will
enhance brand awareness.

Brand symbol and logo: Our symbol is wedding bells as wedding bells are a kind of
decorations used in weddings. As our brand name is quite big, we used a sphere around the
wedding bells to come up with our logo so as to make it compact. As a result, it fits the eyes and
the audience does not have to move their eyes much. We also used a light colour with purple so
that it does not become overwhelming for the audience. Whenever our target audience sees a
symbol of wedding bells, they will instantly remember our brand. These creates an association,
and thus enhances brand awareness.

Slogan: The slogan for our brand is Your Wedding, Your Way. This helps to communicate
one of the key associations and positioning of the brand, which is customizability. The client
gets to control everything about the themed decoration, and thus they are decorating their wedding
in their own way. Also, it has a sales call, it creates a motive in the customer to choose our brand.

If they choose our brand, they get to have their wedding in their own chosen theme instead of a
clichd package deal.

Logo Design

Section 07: Product Strategy

We are going to provide unique thematic decorations to our customers who want to get married in
a unique thematic setting of their choice. While developing our service we are going to focus on
three things: unique theme, quality of service, and customization.

Unique theme
Our service targets those consumers who have a fantasy to get married in a particular theme. Each
person has their own unique dream wedding in mind. Our service will strive to make this dream a
reality through delivering the unique theme exactly as the customer has it in mind. Some unique
themes can be:
1. Symbolic Theme: Peacock (royalty), Red Rose (Love), etc.
2. Cultural Themes: Asian (Mughal Based), French-inspired, English (Victorian), etc.
3. Fairytale Theme: Cinderella (Happy Ever After), Frozen, Little Mermaid, etc.

Quality of Service
We will ensure that everything that we use for the decorations is of superior quality by building
good relationship with our suppliers. Also, we will pay attention to our customers every want and
maintain efficiency in delivering these wants.

Couples want their marriage to be unique and different than others. We will encourage our
customers to participate in the creative designing from beginning to the end, so that their wedding
day perfectly reflects their style and personality. The only limit will be our customers imagination
but the possibilities will be endless.

Different levels of product

Core Customer Value
Couples who want thematic and unique dream wedding which will reflect their high class and
sophistication will be addressed by our service.

Actual Product Level

The actual product level is our thematic wedding dcor which will serve the core customer value.
Different themes such as Victorian, Cinderella, etc. are going to make sure that core customer
value has been fulfilled.

Augmented Product Level

These are the additional services that we are going to provide:

Send thank you note to the couple with a photo album that reflects the wedding theme.

Send greeting card with a small gift on their anniversaries.

Impact on Brand Performance and Brand Judgment

To enhance brand performance, we will focus on service efficiency, by delivering what the
customer wants in the right manner, and service empathy, by paying attention to the customer as
the service addresses a very emotional need of the customer. To enhance brand judgment, we
will focus on customer value. Consumers spend huge amounts on wedding decorations. Our
service is something unique in Bangladesh, and it satisfies the target markets unique need of a
themed wedding. We provide quality themed decorations, which no other brand provides, and
there lies our value.

Section 08: Pricing Strategy

Value Based Pricing
In value based pricing strategy, we will be able to uncover the right blend of service quality, cost
and price that will fully satisfy the needs and wants of the customer and profitability of our
business. We want to make profits from our business but also, our customers are at the heart of our
service so we want our pricing to be as consumer-centric as possible.
We are providing unique themes to our customers to have their dream wedding and also they get
the opportunity to customize the design. We will be catering to their every want, and wants vary
from customer to customer. Unique themes means that each theme will vary, and as a result, the
cost of each theme will also vary. We will be incorporating the variable costs so that customers
can satisfy any additional need that they have if they can afford it. For example: a royalty themed
carriage entrance for the bride.
As we saw from our survey data, 45% of our respondents preferred the price range of Tk. 1,50,000Tk.2,50,000. Taking into account the uniqueness, superior quality, customizability, and consumercentricity of our service, the minimum price that we are setting, excluding the variable prices, is
Tk. 2,00,000.

Impact on Perceived Quality and Customer Value

We are charging a minimum price of Tk. 2 lacs, and there will be additional charges based on the
customers requirements. The overall price will depend on the customization as well as the quality
of the customization. The customer gets what they want but at higher prices depending on quality.
This will create a link between price and quality, and perceived quality will be higher as price
increases with the quality of the service that they want.

As we have learnt, customer value is a function of available choices relative to their respective
benefits and prices. Customer value increases when there are more benefits at lower costs, in
comparison to other brands available. Our service itself is unique and one of a kind, so the benefit
of our brand far outweighs those of other brands when what the customer is looking for customized
thematic decoration. The minimum price is also quite low compared to some of our indirect
competitors. So, we do believe that our customer value is quite high.

Section 09: Channel Strategy

We will follow the direct channel strategy as we are personally catering to the customers needs.
We will not use any third party marketing intermediaries to provide service to the customers. We
will either have contracts with or hire the services of professional designers who will design the
different themes and execute it.
We are going to use vertical marketing system strategy. We will have our own office where
customers can come and discuss about their requirements. We will also have our own website and
Facebook page from where customers can have an idea about our service.

Impact on Brand Equity

As we are using direct channel strategy, we can control the image that our consumers have about
us. We will be able to tell our consumers about the quality and customizability of the themes, and
tell them about the full scope of our service. As we are not using any third party marketing
intermediaries our sales team will be able to communicate with our customers directly about the
quality, value and benefit of our service. We will also be giving them some post-wedding services
(augmented product). This will help us to build a strong relationship with customers and create a
positive brand image in the customers mind.

Section 10: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

For our marketing communication, we will be utilizing both above the line (ATL) and below the
line (BTL) media. We will be using ATL media because almost everyone will get married
someday. If our communication covers the mass population, and if we can position our brand in
their long term memory, then they will remember our brand even if they decide to get married,
say, five years from now. Our BTL media will consist of relevant touchpoints to directly reach our
target customers.

Advertisements (ATL and BTL)

1. Newspaper ads. We will use newspaper ads on relevant sections of the newspaper. For
example, most newspapers have a Lifestyle section. We will try to get complete bottom
breadth-wise spaces so that there arent other ads cluttering the space beside ours. We will give
these ads more frequently during July-December (wedding season, July because they have to
book at least two months prior to the wedding). This will help raise awareness that the brand
exists, and thus enhance brand salience.
2. Magazine ads. We will give smaller ads (usually bottom one-eighth of a page) in magazines
related to lifestyle and current trends. Full page ads will be given in more specialized event
related magazines/brochures, such as a fashion houses brochure of their bride and groom
wedding collection. For example, Mirror magazines Vasavi Bridal Festival is covered in their
November issue. We will give a full page ad in this November issue. This will help create a
link between the brand and the brand category, and thus enhance brand salience.
3. Billboard ads. These will be close to parlours such as Persona and Womens World, and also
close to retail stores specializing in wedding related products/services, such as Manyavar and
Vasavi. These are places associated with weddings and will thus help us reach our target

consumers. Billboard ads will help raise awareness that our brand exists, and thus enhance
brand salience.
4. Online ads. We will have our own website as well as a Facebook page. Our Facebook page
will utilize the sponsored ads option for a greater and more relevant reach. Banner ads in
various wedding related articles and videos (such as from Mirror Magazines online version or
from a Youtube wedding video) will lead the audience to our website if they click on it. Also,
we will utilize sponsored Google leads so that our website comes up on the right side if they
search for Bangladeshi wedding planners and decorations. These online ads are directed
towards raising awareness about our brand as well as reminding the consumer about our brand.
Thus it enhances brand salience.
5. Posters. These will be close to beauty parlours, universities, florists, and other specific places
that a potential customer might visit. Posters will raise awareness and remind the audience that
our brand exists. Thus it enhances brand salience.

Personal Selling (BTL)

We will have stalls in various Wedding Fairs and Wedding Expos. For example: Mirror Vasavi
Bridal Festival & Lifestyle Fair and Radisson Blu Grand Wedding Fair 2015. We will also give
stalls in universities which can be gained through sponsorship of student events. These stalls will
be equipped with our best representatives who will talk to each individual customer about our
brand and the superior value (brand positioning) that it offers. The representatives will also answer
any query that the individual customer might have. This will help build relationship with our
customer and enhance brand resonance. Our stall itself will be a reflection of our brand offering,
i.e. it will depict some whimsical wedding decoration themes that the customer can experience.
For example, a cardboard body cutout of a bride and groom standing in front of a wall depicting a

royal sultan wedding. Couples can stand behind the cardboard cutouts and take photos. This is a
form of experiential marketing that can help enhance brand judgment and brand feeling.

Direct Marketing (BTL)

We will create a database of email ids of our current and potential customers and send one e-mail
per month as well as whenever we are organizing a stall. This will remind the customer about our
brand and also inform them about our activities. We will ask for permission before sending emails.
This will help build relationship with our customer and enhance customer loyalty as we are
focusing on true friends and butterflies.

Publicity (BTL)
We will try to get as much positive publicity as we can through word-of-mouth. Our objective is
to serve and fulfill the customers every wish when it comes to their dream wedding. We are certain
that if we can deliver this then it will result in positive word-of-mouth.
Also, we will create an online platform (forum) for our current and potential customers so that
current customers can talk about their experiences and potential customers can get in touch with
these past users of our brand. This will ensure transparency and help us understand our customers
through valuable feedback. This is similar to creating a brand community.
As publicity is much more credible, it will enhance brand judgments as the consumer forms
opinions about our brand based on what others have to say about it.

Public Relations (BTL)

Every year, we will hold a contest for the best themed wedding of the year. Participants have to
send in an image of their wedding decorated by our brand. We will upload the images to our

Facebook page, and as people vote through likes, it will create a hype amongst both our current
and potential customers. The winning participant will get a free couples gift pack of some
good/service, such as couples spa treatment, dinner for two at a renowned restaurant, tickets for
two to a fashion show, etc. This will help build relationships with our customers (both current and
potential) and help build brand resonance.

Sales Promotion (BTL)

Our brand is a premium brand, which means prices are pretty high. We will give consumer
promotions only during the off-season period for weddings, i.e. if the wedding is in March-August.
This will enhance behavioral loyalty during the off season for weddings.

Our communication media tools utilizes both ATL and BTL strategies in order to surround the
consumer with the message of the brand. They will be exposed to the communication whenever
they are at a relevant touchpoint (for example, a soon to be bride getting skin treatments every
week at a beauty parlour will be exposed to our posters and billboard ads, or looking at bridal
clothing in Mirror Magazine will be exposed to a full page ad). Thus, we have successfully
established a 360 degree branding strategy.
Also, as we have seen, our communication strategy and media is mainly aimed towards building
brand salience (as it is something completely new) and brand relationships (amongst our current
and potential customers).

Print Advertisement

Section 11: Desired CBBE Model

Brand Identity
Brand identity can be created through brand salience, which is the foundation of the CBBE model.
Brand salience can be created through four steps.
1. Brand name: We have named our brand Purple Chimes Decorations.
2. Create a link between the brand and the category and the need that the brand addresses.
Category: Wedding Decorations
Purple Chimes

Need: Unique, Thematic, Customizable wedding decoration

3. Create a link between the brand and the usage situation and purchase situation (breadth of
brand awareness).
Usage situation: Wedding Planning

Purple Chimes

Purchase situation: Searching for wedding decorators

4. Ease of recall (depth of brand awareness): The target consumer should be able to remember
Purple Chimes Decorations when the category Wedding Decorations is mentioned, when the
need arises for a unique, thematic, customizable wedding decoration, when they are
planning a wedding, and when they are searching for wedding decorators with the
intention to hire their services.

Brand Meaning
Performance: Purple Chimes Decorations primary ingredients are the themed decorations itself,
and its supplementary features (high demand shown in survey) are dala decorations, car decoration,
nuptial room decoration, and wedding attire that matches the theme. As we are communicating

with our client in every step, and as it is a very emotional time for them, we will be as kind and
attentive as possible, because we care.

Imagery: Our consumers should love Purple Chimes Decorations for the human characteristics
that it possesses. We will achieve this through our brand personality, which is sincere and
sophisticated. The sincerity of our brand will be reflected through the kind and caring behaviour
of our planners who will be communicating with the clients. They will cater to the clients every
wish and desire, and help them make their dream wedding come true instead of choosing
convenience. For this, we will choose an enthusiastic team of decorators and planners who are
passionate. Purple Chimes Decorations will also reflect sophistication through the high quality of
its service which befits the higher class.

Brand Response
Brand judgments: After hiring Purple Chimes Decorations, our customers must feel that we
truly cared about their wedding, and our execution of their dream theme should exceed their
expectations. Also, our price is comparatively low, and we provide the benefits of unique, themed,
customized decorations. So it should result in higher customer value.

Brand feelings: Our clients should love Purple Chimes Decorations for the care and love they
receive. When they think of us, they should remember how efficiently and empathetically we
served them.

Brand Relationships
Purple Chimes Decorations will create a community through its online forum, where the users will
talk about their experience, and actively engage in positive word of mouth.

We really do believe that Purple Chimes Decorations can be a successful brand in Bangladesh. We
are providing something completely new in the wedding market, and the wedding market itself
has a huge demand. People are always looking for something new and appealing that they can use
to standout in their community. Also, there are couples who have the fantasy to get married in a
theme of their own fantasy. Our brand provides this, and much more, we offer themed wedding
decorations that are completely customizable, and we promise to execute them with efficiency and
empathy. We actually care about our clients and want to make their dream theme a reality.
We hope that our brand is portrayed as sincere and sophisticated as we want it to be, and we aspire
to deliver our clients expectations.y

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