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Gender roles

1. Should boys and girls be brought up differently?

- Yes, they should be. Because they have different psychology and physical
2. Do you think that life was harder for women in the past?
- Yes, it was. Because previous society was a men-dominated society, women
were not appreciated, they always had to do what men told them and
couldnt live a life that they wanted.
3. Are there different barriers for men and women at work?
- Yes, there are. Because friendship has no limit and friendship between
man and woman is not alaways turn into love.
4. How do you interpret the proverb, Man makes house, woman makes home?
- I think it means : the husband has responsibility to support his family but
it only becomes a real home when it is made warm and comfortable by the

Generation gaps
1. In what ways are twenty-year-olds usually different from fifty-year-old?
- Theyre different from each other in: thinking, lifestyle and point of views
2. Do you think old people are often more conservative than young people?
- Yes, they do. Because society develops very fast and human thinking cant
always get new things in life immediately so old people always want to
keep their own opinions
3. Why do so many-old people treat us as if we were immature children?
- Because we are younger, we have less experience in life than old people
and we behave more ebulliently than them.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an extended family?
- Living in an extended family, we can live with grandparents and get a lot
of love as well as good advice from them but the lifestyle of family
members are different and that may cause some difficulties in keeping the
peace in family.
5. What could be some problems with a partnership or marriage of different
- Different point of views, lifestyle and age gaps could be problems.
6. Have you ever debated with your parents? If yes, what was it about?
- Yes, I have. It was about traveling. I like to travel a lot so that I can have
more experience in life but my mom disagrees with me.
7. At what age should young people be treated as adults by their parents?
- I think young people in age of 20 should be treated as adults by their
8. What are some common issues that people of different generations disagree on?
- They usually disagree on dressing, talking and social relationship because
they have different point of views and lifestyle.
9. Do generation gaps cause problem in the workplace?
- Yes, it does. Because young people usually disagree with old people on the
way of working. Their work attitude and habits are also different.
10. How can we improve mutual understanding between the generations?
- We should talk to each other more and open our mind to accept the point
of view of people of different generation if their opinion are right.

Love, marriage, and Career

1. In your opinion, what is love? Have you ever been in love?

I cant define what love is because I havent been in love.
2. What age do you think is best for getting married?
I think age of 25 for female and 30 for male is best for getting married
3. Do you think getting married means giving up freedom?
Yes, they do. Because getting married means you have more
responsibilities to your family so you will have less free time to do what
you like than before.
4. Do you think it is better to be single or to be married?
I think which is better is depends on the point of view of each person, some
people want to be single because they love freedom but some people love
family life because they think their partners will help them share burdens
in life.
5. Should couples of love live together before getting married?
No, They shouldnt. Because they not sure that they will get married and
when they break up, women will be the one who get more disadvantages
like unexpectant pregnancy, infertility due to abortion and psychological
6. If you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved or a rich man
whom you did not love, which one would you choose?
I will choose the poor man because love is more important than money
7. What qualities of a love partner are important to you?
I think he/she should be kind, honest and humorous.
8. Should people have stable jobs before getting married?
Yes, they should. Because stable jobs will bring them stable earnings to
support family and bring up their children.
9. In your opinion, which is more important, career or marriage?
I think both of them are important but when you are young, career is
more important you should have a good job and may be in age of 28 or
more marriage more important.

Social Evils

1. What are social evils nowadays?

They are: theft, prostituition, drugs, murder and so on.
2. Are there any places you are afraid to visit beacause of the high crime rate?
Yes, there are. Ethiopia is that place because the rape rates in this country
is really high.
3. If a person steals a loaf of bread because he needs to feed his starving
children, should he be punished?
Yes, he should be. Because theft is still theft. First, he should be warned,
and if he still steals repeatedly, he should be punished.
4. What is the punishment for stealing in Vietnam?
If you steal something under 2 million VND, you are fined. If you steal
more than 2 million you are arrested
5. Is there a link between drugs and crime?
Yes, there is. If someone has drug addiction, they need drugs all the time
and when theyre run out of money, they will steal anything, even
murdering to get money to by drugs.
6. What do you think could be the reason why people commit serious crimes?
I think greed, revenge, poverty and unemployment could be the reasons
why people commit serious crimes
7. Do you think your country is a safe place to live in?
Yes. I think so. Because the politics in my country is more stable than
many countries.
8. What kinds of crimes are most common in your country?
Theft, prostitution, drugs are most common in my country.
9. What makes some people become criminals?
I think the personality and bad education make some people become
10. What should the government and police do to reduce crime?
The government and police should reduce the poverty by creating more
jobs for poor people, improve good living condition and have strict laws in
punishing criminals to reduce crime.

Time Management

1. How many hours do you study/work a day?

I study about 6 or 8 hours a day.

2. At what time of the day do you study/work most effectively?

I study most effectively at 8 a.m
3. When you have a lot of work to do, how do you get it all done?
I list my work and do them one by one, from the most important to the
least important.
4. What should you do to manage your time effectively?
I will create a plan of need to do work and the certain time for each work.
5. Why can some people complete their assigned tasks on time, but some
people cannot while they have the same length of time?
Because some people can manage their time effectively so they complete
assigned tasks on time, but other people dont know how to use their time
logically so they cannot although they have the same length of time.
6. What are the most common distractions or interruptions to your
Noise and being disturbed by other people are most common distraction to
my study
7. What do you so when some one is late and prevent you from accomplishing
you task?
I will tell them try not to be late and if I have to work with them another
time, I will urge them every day to finish the task on time.
8. If you could stop time, what would you do and why?
I would study all of my lesson because I have a lot of things that need to
learn and review but I dont have enough time.
9. In your opinion, which is more important, time or money?
Time is more important because you cant use money to buy time but if
you use your time logically, you can work effectively and earn a lot of
10. How do you interpret the proverb, Time is money?
Time is money means : time is very valuable, so dont waste it.

1. Can you define what advertising is?






Advertising is a form of introduction which provides information of a

product to the consumers by paying for social media.
What kinds of advertisements have annoyed you so far?
- Advertisement on the social network has also annoyed me so far because
some advertisement that I dont care or I dont want to see just keep on
appearing on my new feeds
What does advertising differ from marketing?
- Advertising is only the action which provides product information,
marketing is a large-scale system to popularize a product and people can
touch a real product by marketing.
What are some effective ways of advertising?
- Advertising on social network, TV, newspaper and by mouth to mouth are
some effective ways of advertising.
Should a well-known product be regulayly advertised?
- Yes, it should be because advertising regularly will help that product be
remembered by consumers better and better.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of afvertising?
- Advertising help the buying and selling product takes place more
effectively. Beside that, advertising also has some disadvantages such as:
expensive and it makes consumers misunderstand the benefit of a product
because it only introduces excessively the good side of product.


1. Do you want to study higher after your graduation?

Yes, I do. Because study higher will bring me more knowledge and
opportunities to get a good job.
2. In your opinion, why do many people want to study higher?
Because the unemployment is very popular nowadays, so many people
want to study higher to get good jobs. And some people study higher to get
higher promotions in their career.
3. How long does it take to complete a course for a master/doctor degree?
It takes about 2 years to complete a course for master degree and 3 years
to complete a doctor degree.
4. Does higher education offer graduates more jobs?

Yes, it does. Because study higher means graduates have more knowledge
to do more jobs.
5. Is it difficult for people without a college/university degree to get a good
job nowadays?
Yes, it is because nowadays the economic development requires you to
have a good degree, so if you dont have college or university degree, it will
hard for you to get a good job.
6. Do you think that higher education improves an individuals quality of life?
No, I dont. Because higher education just gives you knowledge, if you
want to improve quality of life, you have to apply your knowledge to work
so that you can make more money.
7. Do you want to marry a person who has higher education than you do?
Yes I do. Because he/she can help me a lot in my life and my work.
8. Do you think that a leader should have higher education than his/her staff?
Yes, they should because with higher knowledge, they can lead their staff
and have more power in their position.
9. Do you want to study higher in your country or abroad?
I want to study higher in abroad because foreign education is very
developed, study abroad can help me improve my knowledge, culture and
experience in life.
10. An American saying goes, The more you learn, the more you earn. Do
you agree or disagree to this saying?
I agree with this saying because good knowledge can give you a lot of
opportunities to get a good job so that you can earn more money but the
important thing is that you have to apply what you learn to your work.

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