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Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Eye Complaints, infections,

fatigue, ophthalmic Diseases


Belladonna is, perhaps, the most frequently indicated remedy in eye troubles. It is
suitable to ophthalmias where there is great inflammation, dry, injected eyes, a total
absence of lachrymation; in fact, the intensity and violence of its symptoms are its
leading indications. In the early stage of acute conjunctivitis, iritis or retinitis, with
sudden violent spasms and great intolerance of light and iritis, will call for Belladonna,
and here its photophobia will distinguish it from Aconite.
It is also useful in affections of the eyes from overuse or from use in poor light. It
corresponds to iritis of traumatic origin, retinal congestion and retinitis, recent and acute,
with bright sparks before the eyes. It is a remedy, along with Lachesis and Crotalus, in
retinal haemorrhage. Aconite is to be preferred in the beginning of a conjunctivitis, or in
fact any acute inflammation of the eye, when of traumatic origin, as from a foreign body,
the eyes feel full of sand, there is photophobia and painful inflammation of the eyes from
exposure to cold, or from the action of acrid substances in the eyes, as from wounds or
burns. It is also the first remedy in other forms of conjunctivitis. Glaucoma; here also
Opium should be consulted in this affection, as it gives us a very suggestive picture of
glaucoma, as does also Cocaine muriate. Spigelia has violent, sharp-cutting eye pains, but
it lacks the congestion of Belladonna. It has a sensation that the eyeballs feel too large,
which is also found under Paris quadrifolia, which is a valuable remedy in certain forms
of asthenopia with inability to fix the eyes on anything steadily; it has, too, the peculiar
symptoms of a sensation as if a string were drawing the eye back into the head, as if the
optic nerve were too short. It is of more use than any other remedy for the sharp shooting
and sticking pains accompanying glaucoma. They are worse at night and on motion
Glonoine has protrusion of the eyes and troubles from exposure to bright light, heat,
argand burners,etc., producing a retinal congestion. The elements of Belladonna are: 1.
Suddenness and acuteness of symptoms. 2. Great intolerance of light.




One of our most important ophthalmic remedies, and oedematous swellings, redness and
acrid discharges mark the drug. It corresponds to chemosis and produces a great tendency
to the formation of pus. It is of great use in scrofulous ophthalmias and is also specific in
orbital cellulitis with great intolerance of light, so much so that the eyes cannot be opened
even at night. The ears are hot and scalding and cause pimples on the parts bathed in
them. A gush of tears on separating the lids is a trustworthy indication. The secretion is
rather scanty and there is much pain in the eyes and often spasmodic closure of the lids. It
corresponds to conjunctivitis from getting wet, rheumatic iritis, with pain shooting from
eyes into head, worse at night and in damp weather. Rheumatic ptosis calls for Rhus.
Causticum, Gelsemium and Kalmia have stiffness of the lids. Rhus is of marked use in
suppurative iritis and is often beneficial after cataract extraction to control threatened
iritis and formation of pus. Apis has oedema of the conjunctiva, and may be a useful
remedy in asthenopia, staphyloma and in strumous ophthalmias. Nux and Sepia have
drooping lids and Terebinth and Thuja have a useful in iritis.


The various preparation of mercury are of a paramount use in eye affections. Mercurius is
of use where the general catarrhal symptoms are prominent. Blepharitis and conjunctivitis
from cold or in those who work about fires as in foundry men; the pains are worse at
night, the lids are thickened, the eyes discharge a thin muco-pus, making the cheeks sore
and pimply; superficial ulcers appear on the cornea with a tendency to spread. It is one of
our most important remedies in ophthalmias neonatorum, especially if due to syphilis. No
form of iritis has been noticed in workers of mercury, and though the drug has been
prescribed with success in syphilitic iritis, another preparation of mercury, Mercurius
corrosivus is almost specific. Therefore, do not give Mercurius in iritis; it is an allopathic
legacy of no value. Mercurius has also been found useful in styes, glandular affections
and rheumatic troubles of the eyes. Where the glandular swellings are excessive
Mercurius biniodide may be chosen; Mercurius protoiodide is especially of use in corneal
ulcers. Deady regards this remedy as our best in this affection; the ulcerated surface looks
as if it had been chipped out by the finger nail, and there is accompanying a yellowcoated tongue and a tendency to a rapid extension of the ulceration. Mercurius dulcis also

a remedy for eye troubles in scrofulous children. Mercurius corrosivus. This remedy is
marked by violent symptoms, burning, agonizing pains, profuse excoriating
lachrymation, which takes the skin off from cheeks, tearing pains in the bones of the
orbit, ulcers of cornea with tendency to perforation. If there is any best remedy for iritis
it is Mercurius corrosivus. It is almost a specific for simple and syphilitic iritis,
accompanied with pains in the eyes, extending over the top of the head. The exudation is
rather serous than plastic. Retinitis Albuminuria also finds a remedy in Mercurius
corrosivus. Jaborandi is an excellent internal remedy in iritis; it allays inflammation,
controls spasms of the muscles and will absorb adhesions. Cinnabaris has inflammation
and pain in the eyes and its indicating symptom is pain going from one canthus around
the eyebrow to the other. Kali bichromicum is a prominent remedy for ulceration of the
cornea where there is a tendency to perforate, especially in the circumscribed ulcers with
clear cut edges, as if cut out with a punch. It is indicated by indolent inflammation,
swollen and agglutinated lids in the morning, little photophobia, the indolence is marked,
eyes not very red; in fact, there is with this remedy an absence of inflammatory redness
and proportionate absence of photophobia. It is use in catarrhal and strumous ophthalmias
with tendency to granulation. Clematis follows Mercurius corrosivus well in iritis, and
Hughes speaks highly of it in the syphilitic variety. Great sensitiveness to cold is one of
its leading indications of the iris from cold, with pressing pain, great photophobia,
lachrymation and heat in the eyes, with the sensitiveness to cold air. The eyes are so
sensitive to the air that the patient covers them. It is closely allied to Rhus toxicodendron
in its action. Buffum claims Gelsemium to be the most valuable remedy for the serous
variety of iritis.




The tissue remedies have taken an important place in the therapeutics of eye affections.
Two or three of them have proved themselves almost indispensable, thus, Ferrum
phosphoricum is especially useful in acute catarrhal troubles in their early stages
accompanied by the burning sensation, aggravated by motion, and red, congested,

inflamed appearance. There is no secretion of mucus or pus. It is especially adapted to

conjunctivitis with great relaxation of that membrane, and surpasses Aconite in the
majority of acute superficial inflammations about the eye. Kali muriaticum is another
tissue remedy that has proved itself useful in eye affections. It corresponds especially to
corneal troubles, inflammation and ulceration, and especially in the ulcers of an asthenic
type, tedious cases with no special redness of the conjunctiva, lachrymation, pain or
photophobia. It is suitable to the non-vascular variety of parenchymatous inflammation of
the cornea. Kali sulphuricum is sometimes most useful in ophthalmias neonatorum, in
gonorrheal ophthalmias and in abscess of the cornea, also Calcarea sulphurica. Calcarea
fluorica has a noticeable influence in diminishing opacities of the lens, partial blindness
from cataract; it is worthy of extensive experimentation in cataract. Also useful in cysts
of the eyelids.


A most valuable remedy in eye troubles. It has an abundance of paralytic symptoms,

diplopia, double vision and ptosis. These symptoms are associated with soreness of the
eyeballs, dark red face and general symptoms of the drug. Double vision is very
characteristic, and giddiness and pains in the eyeballs are sure indications for the remedy.
Intra-ocular inflammations, where serous exudations occur, dull pains, double vision and
vertigo will indicate Gelsemium. In serous iritis, choroiditis where there is a gradual
impairment of vision and heavy lids, it is the remedy. It produces also an inability to
accommodate quickly. It has been used for detachment of the retina and some forms of
asthenopia and in astigmatism with considerable success. Strabismus from weakening of
the muscles is also characteristic and therapeutically it has been found useful in
strabismus and ptosis following diphtheria Gelsemium is one of the most valuable
remedies in glaucoma, often palliating the severe pains and improving the neurotic
symptom of the disease. Gelsemium dilates the pupil through its paralyzing effect on the
third nerve.


Bryonia may be though of in rheumatism of the eyes, with violent pains shooting through
the eyeball into the back of the head or up towards the vertex; worse by moving the eyes.
In rheumatic iritis it is the first remedy to be thought of , and it is quite as useful in

syphilitic; in fact, in any form of iritis; the pains are sharp shooting in character,extending
into the head and face, moving or exciting the eye aggravates the pain. A sensation as if
the eyes were being forced out of the socket is also found under Bryonia. It comes in after
Aconite or Ferrum phosphoricum, which are the remedies for the first stage, especially
for the sudden variety with burning and dryness. Terebinth has rheumatic iritis with
intense pains in the eyes and head, and the urinary symptoms are perhaps present. Arnica
is a useful remedy in rheumatic iritis,but it corresponds especially to the traumatic form;
here Hamamelis should be thought of, especially if there be haemorrhage into the iris or
anterior chamber. Bryonia may be found useful in glaucoma. There is an increased
tension of the eyeballs, lachrymation and photophobia. The eyeballs are sore; it is no
useful when the external coats of the eyes are involved. Phosphorus has hyperaemia of
the choroid and retina, hence is useful in retinitis pigmentosa and Albuminuria; the
symptom that objects look red leads to its consideration; also amblyopia and asthenopia
are benefited by Phosphorus. Cataract; also Silicea, Conium, Natrum muriaticum,
Magnesia carbonica and Causticum are used here. It is useful in glaucoma beginning with
recurrent neuralgic attacks; it will diminish the pain and check the degeneration. Conium.
The characteristic of this remedy in scrofulous ophthalmias is the intense photophobia,
which is all out of proportion to the degree of inflammation, for little or no redness is
present. This is due to an increased irritability of the nerves of the eye. Tears gush out on
opening eyes. Dr. Talbot, of Boston, reports success with this remedy in cataract. It has
many symptoms similar to acute cataract. Dr. Dudgeon thinks it useful in premature
presbyopia, but of little use in adult presbyopia. Zincum has proved of service in
pterygium with smarting stinging at the inner canthus and in opacities of the cornea
following long-lasting attacks of inflammation. Ratanhia has also cured pterygium in
both man and animals. In the provings is a sensation of a membrane growing over the
eye. It is worthy of a careful trial. Casticum has a well-established reputation of checking
acute cataract. Dr.A.B. Norton found it the most useful remedy.


The general symptoms of the drug will guide to Pulsatilla as much as the local. As a
remedy for styes it has no equal; it causes them to abort before pus has performed.

Pulsatilla has a special affinity for the lids, inflaming them and increasing the Meibomian
secretion agglutinates them. Twitching of the eyelids with dazzling sight. Conjunctivitis
from cold or accompanying measles. Catarrhal ophthalmias, especially of the lids, with
agglutination in the morning, profuse lachrymation and secretion of mucus worse
evenings, especially call for this remedy. The mucus is thick, bland, profuse, yellow or
yellowish green and more abundant in the open air. Ophthalmias neonatorum; too
exclusive a reliance should not be placed on it here. In its action on the eye it resembles
Argentum nitricum; it reinforces the action of this remedy, stirs it up, spurs it on.
Pulsatilla is especially serviceable for the mild, passive, lymphatic temperature and
locally profuse, thick, bland discharges and not much pain or photophobia. Argentum
nitricum also has the profuse purulent discharge and swollen lids, swollen from being
distended by a collection of pus in the eye. It corresponds well to very old cases of
blepharitis with thick crusts, worse from heat of fire; after measles also. Granular
conjunctivitis, with profuse mucopurulent discharge. Asthenopia form want of
accommodation. Purulent ophthalmias. Aurum metallicum. Vilas states that care should
be taken not to give this remedy too low. Opacities and ulcers on the cornea with great
congestion. It is more useful in the trachomatous form of conjunctivitis than is Pulsatilla.




vascularity is



lachrymation; sensitive eyes. Syphilitic iritis with soreness of the bones; also Asafoetida,
which has burning pains above the eyebrows. It is a wonderful remedy in iritis. There is
much retinal congestion, with relief from heat and half sightedness, the upper half of
objects being visible. Muriatic acid has one lateral half cut off; also, Lithium carbonicum
and Lycopodium. The pains of Asafoetida are relieved by pressure on the eye; they are
throbbing and burning. Lycopodium has ulceration, redness and styes, nocturnal
agglutination and lachrymation by day. Blindness of right half of visual field is also a
symptom of the remedy. Staphisagria has styes and nodosities on the lids; they do not
suppurate, but become hard, and there is great itching of the margins of the lids.


This remedy will be found especially useful in conjunctivitis from a foreign body, after
Aconite or Ferrum phosphoricum; in scrofulous inflammation of the eyes, with tendency
to congestion; the eyes are red and injected and there are splinter-like pains in them,

worse in hot weather; it suits old chronic cases. Keratitis sub-acute conjunctivitis,
particularly scrofulous cases with acrid discharge, hot tears flow out on opening eyes,
also Rhus toxicodendron. Calcarea carbonica. Out best remedy for scrofulous
ophthalmias, corresponding to the worst cases; no remedy excels it in opacities and
ulcerations of the cornea; the general symptoms will indicate the remedy. Discharge
bland, cornea opaque and lids thickened. Conjunctivitis form getting wet, here
resembling Rhus toxicodendron.The eyes are so sensitive to the light that patient insists
on thick covering, and lachrymation is constant. There are phlyctenules and pustules on
the cornea and the lids are glued together. Fistula lachrymalis. Its effects are speedy and
permanent in the characteristic Calcarea child. Hepar sulphur has red, thick margins of
lids with little points of pus appearing at the roots of the cilia; excessive soreness and
sensitiveness of the lids is an indicating symptom. Vilas states that it will cure more cases
of keratitis than any other remedy. It is invaluable in the suppurative form. It speedily
absorbs hypopyon, and abscesses of the cornea require no other remedy. It has been
called the king of remedies in ulceration of the cornea. Acute symptoms, severe pains,
worse by cold touch and bright light, hypopyon. The ulcers of Silicea are sluggish. Boyle
prefers Ipecac to Conium in phylctenular keratitis in children with redness, photophobia
and lachrymation.


One of our best remedies in eye affections; it has an inflammation of the lids, which
appear red and injected, or perhaps ulcerated, with a profuse excoriating discharge,
photophobia, cannot bear artificial light. Pustules near the border of the cornea. Reading
or writing brings on pain in the eyes. Conjunctivitis, blisters and phlyctenules on the
conjunctiva, blurred sight, acrid purulent discharge. Traumatic conjunctivitis. Rheumatic
iritis, burning , stinging, shooting pains worse at night. Phlyctenular ophthalmias with
excoriating discharge. It is especially useful in acute exacerbations of granular
ophthalmia. Euphrasia and Ruta are very old remedies in eye affections.
Purge with Euphrasy and Rue The visual nerve, for he had much to see. MILTON.
Blurring of vision, relieved by winking thus wiping the eye is especially characteristic of
Euphrasia. The 12X is a very useful strength. Kreosote has a blepharitis with a discharge

of hot tears. Arsenicum. Here the great characteristic is burning, as if from fire, burning
discharges relieved by warmth, intermittent pains, ulcerations of cornea, running a rapid
course with a high degree of inflammation, are greatly benefited by this remedy
according to Bayes. It is useful in obstinate cases of ophthalmia of he strumous variety
when other remedies fail. Useful in glaucoma with periodical exacerbation of the pain
which is intense and burning. Nitric acid is often indispensable in ophthalmia
neonatorum, but its main use is in superficial ulcers of the cornea with splinter-like pains.
It is also considered to be one of our best remedies in corneal opacities; also Cannabis
sativa must not be forgotten. Digitalis, according to Copeland, must not be forgotten in
blepharitis, and Hahnemann mentions it in Meibomian inflammation. Sepia. In
asthenopic conditions we have a number of remedies and among them is Sepia, which
especially suits asthenopia from uterine disease and sluggish, scrofulous, sub-acute cases.
There is dryness of the eyes in the evening, the lids may be scaly and there will be
drooping of the lids, worse in the morning and evening and in hot weather, relieved by
cold bathing. There is blurring of slight and asthenopia from seminal losses, sudden
vanishing of sight. It has also been used in trachoma and cataract. It is perhaps, the chief
remedy in vernal conjunctivitis; the morning and evening aggravation is its great
characteristic.Natrum muriaticum. A fine remedy in asthenopia, there is weakness of the
internal recti, the eyes feel stiff while moving them, letters run together. It is also a
valuable remedy in scrofulous ophthalmia with acrid tears and spasmodic closure of lids,
in ulcers with inflamed eyes agglutinated in the morning, and in fistula lachrymalis. It
suits scrofulous children having eruptions on border of hairy scalp. Artemisia. Asthenopia
due to muscular defects and errors of accommodation. Colored light produces dizziness.
Cina. Asthenopia, on attempting to read, letters become blurred and a cloud over the eye.
Ruta. Is also a most a valuable remedy for affections of the eyes from overwork, where
every tissue of the eye is irritable. Eyes burn, feel hot like balls of fire. Onosmodium is a
very useful remedy in eye strain, with dull, heavy , sore, aching eyes. No inflammatory
troubles but patient is troubled with headaches and weakness. Dr. A. B. Norton finds the
remedy gives prompt relief to many annoying symptoms. Santonine. Hyperaemic
conditions from continuous fine work, as in seamstresses. Also to be remembered in
cataract. Objects look yellow. Ammoniacum gummi stands between Belladonna and Ruta

in asthenopia; the eyes smart and burn, especially when used at night by light. Agaricus.
Asthenopia from prolonged strain with great twitching of the palpebral and ocular
muscles. Agaricus 12 has, in the experience of Dr. E. T. Allen, of Chicago, cleared up
several cases of cataract. Asarum. Eyes feel stiff and burn or feel cold, better when in
cold air, or bathed in cold water, worse in the sunlight.


Phlyctenular ophthalmia. It is one of our best remedies in vesicles on the cornea and
ulceration in scrofulous children; there is intense burning, lachrymation; the canthi crack
and bleed. Scrofulous ophthalmia with tendency to wild hairs. According to Norton this
remedy comes nearer being a specific in blepharitis than any other. Borax, also , with
soreness along lids. Graphites is the great remedy in gummed up, photophobia eyes.
and it is most useful in blepharitis, especially in eczematous subjects or following
measles. Petroleum is also a remedy in blepharitis when the lids are red, raw and moist.
Hepar sulphur has especially throbbing in and about the eye, formation of pus, hypopyon,
styes, cannot bear the eyes to be touched, pimples, great photophobia and relief of pain of
by warmth. Hepar is one of our most important remedies for conjunctivitis, especially in
cases that do not yield to Aconite or Belladonna, following these remedies well. Alumina.
Asthenopia from irritated conjunctiva, granular lids, loss of power of the internal rectus;
also Conium, Ruta and Natrum muriaticum . Dryness of the eyes also, Crocus, Berberis,
Natrum carbonicum and Natrum sulphuricum. Alumina is a remedy for ophthalmia
senilis; its well-known power of producing dryness of the mucous membranes is seen
Homeopathy for Eye Problems
Homeopathy overview A B C E-H K-L N-R S





Reviewed & updated by Dr. Marc Grossman




Learn more about homeopathic products for specific eye conditions.

Homeopathic medicine is a specialized discipline or branch of Alternative, Holistic, or
Natural Medicine.
The word "Homeopathy" comes from the Greek word "homeo" meaning the same or like.
Otherwise, Homeopathy means "like cures like". Homeopathy uses substances found in
nature, either plant, animal, or mineral, which would ordinarily cause a problem or a
disease (or mimic symptoms of a condition) if one comes in contact or ingests these
substances. Homeopathic remedies are used to treat that same or similar dysfunction in a
human being.

For instance, as a natural eye care treatment, if someone has red, swollen eyes, using a
targeted homeopathic preparation such as Apis can often resolve this problem. Let's look
at Apis which is honeybee serum. Normally, when the honeybee stings, it causes a red,
swollen area on the body where it occurred. Yet using Apis in an extremely diluted
homeopathic preparation has the opposite effect by improving and even resolving the red,
swollen eye issue. The dilution is so small that there is no physical evidence of the
honeybee serum left in the homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy utilizes only highly diluted
substances and not the full strength herb, plant, mineral or animal. This is the distinction
between natural medicines and homeopathic medicines, although a possible comparison
is when one receives a flu shot where a tiny fragment of genetic material from the

bacteria or virus is given to the body to initiate an immune response that helps prevent
getting the actual flu later.
Homeopathic medicines are good choices for home treatment of simple first aid or acute
(non-emergency) health problems, because they have no harmful side effects unlike
chemical drugs. If the remedy chosen is incorrect for the problem, then nothing will
happen and the problem will not resolve. There will be no adverse side effects from using
it and this makes it particularly safe for giving to children and animals.
Here are a few homeopathic remedies and their keynotes, which may prove helpful for
eye problems:
(Please note, that if there is any serious injury or trauma to the eyes, then
professional help should be sought. These remedies are for simple, non-complicated
eye problems. If the problem persists, please visit your eye doctor or obtain
emergency care.)
relieves the pain and inflammation in an eye injury, usually given as the first line of
defense as soon as the injury or trauma has occurred. It is also given for pain due to a
foreign object in the eye (this does not replace a visit to your eye doctor as needed).
Aconite's relief is just temporary and often immediate.
is good for bruising, black eyes, and bleeding. It can be taken internally every hour if
needed until the eye feels better or when the bruise and swelling is decreased. It is also
good for eye socket injuries, and for injury to the soft tissue surrounding the eyes.
is useful for dryness due to lack of aqueous

Arsenicum album
is useful for dryness due to inflammation
is useful for pain, swelling, heat, allergy eyes, and pressure sensation.
is good for sudden onset of red, hot, burning, itchy eyes.
Calcarea flourica
is good for capillary integrity
Calcarea phosphorica
is helpful for the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
is helpful for corneal healing and corneal health and vitality.
is used for eye pain and cloudy vision.
may help dimming of the vision.
Cineraria maritima
supports circulation within the eye to supply nourishment and drain toxins.

is helpful for general dryness, redness and irritation of the eye and eyelid.
is helpful for eye pressure balance
is used for eye injury, excessively painful eyes or blood shot eyes or any nervous
affliction of the eyelids or eyes, such as excessive blinking. Also used for eye pain, which
follows removal of a foreign object from the eye. Also for long-lasting enduring pain.
Kalium phosphoricum
is helpful for weak vision, health of the optic nerve
can be useful for bruising or black eyes if Arnica does not alleviate the problem. The
keynote for using ledum is the presence of puncture wounds.
is helpful for the optic nerve
Natum muriaticum
is useful for the health of the eye
is useful for retinal haemorrhage
Ruta graviolens

is useful for eyestrain, computer eyes, or close up work. For painful, red, hot eyes. Also
for headache due to eyestrain.
is helpful for cataract, sensation of spots and specks on cornea
supports relief from glare, veiled vision, streaks of light.
is helpful for cataract, conjunctiva health
is helpful for the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
is used for dryness, redness of the eye and lid and allergies.
is beneficial for eyeball injuries, such as being hit with a snowball, a tennis or baseball, or
any other blunt object striking the eye.

Dry, itchy eyes, or "Dry Eye Syndrome", is the most common complaint that eye doctors
hear from patients. Americans of both sexes, of all ages, and of all racial backgrounds
have mild or severe instances of dry itchy eyes.

The eyes often reflect a larger problem that needs to be treated systemically. Certain
nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, E, & B6, Magnesium, GLA & DHA,
Mucopolysaccharides (mucopolysaccharides are sugar molecules clumped together in a
long chain) & tumeric may help ease chronic and severe dry eyes.
Dry itchy eyes are often related to other health conditions in the body such as other
mucous membrane dryness, brittle nails, and in interior surfaces like the joints. The
condition can an indicator of digestive imbalances or of serious autoimmune diseases,
like Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus erthematosus.

Symptoms typically include irritation, dryness, burning, grittiness, difficulty reading for
long periods of time, and, even though it may seem contradictory, excessive watering or
tearing as the eyes attempt to solve the problem.
There are three interrelated layers of the "tear film" - the moisture laden surface of the
eye and continuity of that surface and the production of tears relies on the function of
three interrelated layers:
1. Mucus

layer which




2. Slightly alkaline watery layer comprising up 90%
of the thickness of the tear film.
3. Oily layer which slows evaporation of the tear film.
4. Blinking renews the tear film by bringing material
from the watery and oily layers removing debris.
While normal blink rate is about 10-12 blinks per
minute, when working on the computer our blink
rate often slows. After about 10 seconds the tear
film becomes unstable - leading to tired, dry eyes.

This is also partially true when the blink is

incomplete - not fully covering the cornea. It is the
cornea that tells the brain to send messages to the
body to produce more or less tears and when to
Causes of Dry Eyes

Any disruption in the tear production process

Blepharitis with inflammed eyelids can cause dry itchy eye


Computer Users tend to blink much less frequently (about 3-4

times per minute verses the normal about 10-15 times per
minute). This causes increased tear film instability and
evaporation accompanied by eye strain and fatigue that comes
of staring at a computer screen. The position of the monitor
below eye level allow the upper eyelid to cover more of the
eye's surface protecting the tear film from evaporation.

LASIK surgery temporarily disrupts the normal activity of

the tear film mechanism. Also, during LASIK, about 60-70%
of the superficial nerve fibers in the cornea are cut, which
affects both sensing of dryness and production of aqueous
tears. As a result the rate of blinking can slow so much that the
tear film deteriorates before the next blink reconstitutes it. The
end result may be many months of mild to severe symptoms.
Eventually, this situation usually heals itself.

Other diseases that may be connected

to dry eyes

are Diabetes, (especially with high blood sugar),migraine

headaches,1 Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid disease (lower lid
does not move when blinking), Asthma, Lupus, and
possibly Glaucoma and

Age: Dry itchy eyes are experienced by 75% of those over 65,
by which time you have 40% of the volume of tear film that
you had when you were 18.



changes can




production caused by menstruation, by pregnancy, lactation,

and especially post menopausal hormonal changes.

Other causes for dry eyes are smoking, drinking a lot of

coffee, wearing contact lenses, being in air-conditioning or
heated places with low humidity.

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with eye pain, inadequate

tear film, and unstable tear film according to 2015 research.2

Drugs that can cause dry eye symptoms See "Drugs That
Harm the Eyes" for a more complete list of harmful drugs
which include:




Appetite suppressants

Birth control pills

Blood pressure medications


vasoconstrictors (i.e. Visine)

Ulcer medications

Diagnosis There are a number of tests used by eye doctors to find the source of problems
- which layer of the tear film is involved:

Schirmer tear test (commonly used in dry eye research)

Tear film break-up time (10 seconds) (commonly used in dry

eye research)

Conjunctival impression cytology (commonly used in dry eye


Rose Bengal staining pattern

Tear Osmolarity

Tear protein levels (lactoferrin and lysozyme)

Presence of corneal filaments

Evaluation of debris in tear film

How Your Eyes Stay Moist

The Mucous Membranes

The mucous layer is the innermost layer of the tear film, closest to the surface of the
cornea. "Goblet cells," floating in the conjunctiva, are cells that are gland-like in that they
produce mucin. Mucin interacts with the watery layer of the tear film to form the thin
mucous layer of the tear film, which coats the cornea and allows for even distribution of
the tear film. Goblet cells can be stimulated to greater production of mucin when the eye
is irritated by environmental pollutants, but some irritants such as some solvents can
destroy goblet cells.
Eye surgery which holds the eyelids open can damage the conjunctiva and destroy goblet
cells. This may be the reason so many patients experience severe dry eyes after eye
surgery. Goblet cells can also be destroyed by certain solvents.

The Tear Glands

An aqueous layer (watery) makes up 90% of the thickness of the tear film. It is created by
lacrimal glands, one for each eye, located behind the eyebrow. The slightly alkaline (pH7.4) liquid produced by the lacrimal glands flows through canals into the lacrimal sac
which is located on the inside of each eye beside the bridge of the nose. The action of
blinking pumps tears onto and across the surface of the eye. In addition, tears flow from
this sac into the nose - hence the reason you get a runny nose when there is too much
fluid to stay on the surface of the eyes.
Nerves connect to the lacrimal glands, providing sensory stimulation (i.e., see what
happens when you cut an onion) to stimulate tears. Blood vessels also connect to the
lacrimal glands distributing nutrients and oxygen to the gland. These glands are also tied
to the lymph system and as such help drain toxins and impurities from the surface of the
Meibomian Glands
A very thin lipid (oily) layer covers the outside of the tear film and helps slow
evaporation of moisture. The Meibomian glands, located on the upper and lower eyelids
between the eye lashes, secretes meibum. Meibum is also produced by the Zeis and Moll
glands. Meibum is a sebaceous material, which is fluid at body temperature. It slows tear
film evaporation and also lowers tear-film surface tension so that the tear film remains
contoured to the surface of the eye and tears don't spill down to the cheeks. When the
eyelids are closed, it is meibum which makes the eye within airtight.
The normal blinking process acts as a pump on the lacrimal sac to move more fluid to the
eye and distribute it across the surface of the eye. Blinking is an essential part of eye
comfort because the tear film naturally begins to degrade after about 10 seconds and
needs renewa

There are hoards of homeopathic remedies useful in the treatment of various eye
problems. However, one must remember that for constitutional eye problems like
cataract, glaucoma, recurrent blepharitis or conjunctivitis, corneal opacities, and/or
recurrent styes, one must go for constitutional prescribing after carefully considering the
physical, mental, and emotional characteristic of the individual; then only it is possible to
impart perfect cure! But one must be acquainted with certain remedies that specifically
render beautiful results in varied eye problems so that they can be used for acute
prescribing as well.
Top 10 homeopathic remedies for eye problems
(1) Euphrasia-

Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis

Eyes water all the time with inclination to blink frequently

Acrid burning eye discharge that corrodes the margins of the lids

Corneal opacities with thick discharges that burn

Blistery cornea

One of the great remedies for rheumatic iritis that may be associated with partial


Almost always associated with bland and watery coryza

Swelling of the lids with burning, which feels better when in open air

Worse in the evening, indoors, light, warmth

Better open air, coffee, dark

Must be compared with Allium cepa while dealing with allergic rhinitis associated

with conjunctivitis. In Allium cepa, eye discharges are bland and coryza is acrid.
(2) Ambrosia-

Allergic eye problems

Intolerable itching of lids

Smarting and burning in eyes with watery coryza and nosebleed

Wheezy cough almost always present with eye problems

Compare with Sabadilla, Arundo

(3) Ruta-

Eye-strain headaches

Red hot eyes with pain in eyes

Especially associated with sewing or reading fine print

Accommodation of vision disturbed

Weariness in eyes with headache

Excessive lassitude associated with eye troubles

Bruised, pressure feeling over the eyes

Compare with Natrum mur, Argentum nitricum

(4) Pulsatilla-

Pulsatilla is one of the most invaluable homeopathic medicines for eye troubles.

Bland thick greenish eye discharges call for it

Associated with itching and burning sensation

Recurrent styes invariably need a dose of Pulsatilla during the course

Inflamed agglutinated eye-lids

Sub-acute eye complaints in venous constitutions

Sub-acute conjunctivitis associated with dyspepsia

Veins of fundus oculi enlarged

All complaints are worse in warm room and better when in open air

(5) Spigelia-

Neuralgic eye pains

Pressing pains in eyes on turning them

Extreme photophobia

Rheumatic ophthalmia

Pains in and around eyes feel as if extending deep into the socket

Eyes feel too large

Very sensitive to touch

Worse from touch, jar, noise

Better by lying with head high

(6) Apis mellifica-

Swollen, edematous lids that burn and itch

Bright red puffy conjunctiva

Prevents recurrence of styes

Pain around orbits with serous exudates

Swelling below the lower lid (upper lid- Kali carb)

May be associated with urinary problem

Merc sol-

Syphilitic eye troubles

Thick, red, swollen lids

Profuse burning acrid eye discharges


Eye trouble that starts after exposure to the glare of fire etc

Iritis with thick corroding discharges

Extremely offensive eye discharges

Boils in and around eyes with yellow fetid pus

Worse at night, wet damp weather, warmth

(8) Silica-

Day-light produces sharp pains through the eyes

Tenderness of eyes worse when closed or pressured

Suppuration in the anterior chamber of the eye, iritis

Confused sort of vision where letter run together while reading

Lachrymal duct affections

Has potential to clear corneal opacities when homeopathically indicated

Cataract in office workers

Worse new moon, cold

Better warmth

(9) Hepar sulph-

Corneal ulcers

Suppurative eye troubles, iritis with pus in anterior chamber

Conjunctivitis with purulent discharges

Red and inflamed lids and conjunctivae

Pain in orbits

Soreness is marked in eyeballs

Objects appear red and enlarged

Half-reduced field of vision

Styes with pain and suppuration

Worse exposure to draft of cold, touch

Better warmth, wrapping up head



Double-vision with flickering before the eyes

Twitching of lids and eyeballs

Neuralgic eye pains

Letters seem to move or swim while reading

Agglutinated margins of lids with burning pains with red inner canthi

Eye troubles associated with vertigo and icy cold head

Worse open cold air

During childbirth and after.

During the birth, the skull bones mould to facilitate the passage of head through birth
canal. This causes pressure change and haemorrhages in the retina. Normally they get
absorbed but in certain cases they do not, more so in the cases of forceps delivery. A few

doses of Arnica will absorb the clots. Bell, Crotalus hor; Lachesis and Opium are a few
important medicines found useful for elderly patients for the retinal haemorrhage or
haemorrhagic retinitis or Apopletic retinitis even if the cause differs.
In infants
In infants, infection of the eyes with Gonococci is quite common. The child contacts it
through birth canal while being born and Alumina is the commonly indicated medicine
(for adults Aco, Apis, Arg nit, Calc hypo., Hepar sulph., Merc sol., Puls., Spig and
Sulphur are the commonly indicated medicines).
Excessive watering from the eyes which is due to blockage (Stricture Lachrymalis) in
drainage passages is sometime seen in infants. It is usually in one eye and starts a few
days after birth. Such watering if present since birth, is amenable to medicine therapy.
Watering or stricture of Lachrymal duct
Euphrasia: Much thick, yellow, acrid discharge making the lid sore and excoriated.
Hepar sulph: Stricture closed by exudative swelling, after pus has formed or in
blennorrhoea with great sensitiveness to touch and cold, also profuse discharge.
For adults Argenticum met, Merc sol, Nat-mur, Silicea, and Stanum are the medicines.
Playing with pen, pencil, and other pointed objects in school-going child can cause
damage to the eyes. Such incidents need Arnica, Calendula, and Ledum.
In very small children, cross eye or "squint" is sometimes observed. One very important
reason being: eyeball of the child at birth is 17 mm long. At 7 years of age it becomes
normal i.e. 24 mm. During this period, child is hypermetropic i.e. long sightedness.
Being hypermetropic, he accommodates all the times and accommodation produce
convergence. For this reason, some of the child start squinting and eye turns inward. The

condition needs a very consistent and long-term approach. Delay may lead to partial
blindness of one eye.
Squint or Strabismus or cross eyes.
Chin sulph: Squint is intermittent and on alternate days.
Chel: Convergent in children.
Cic: Cyclamen, Cina, Nat. phos, Spigelia according to indication of squint with worms
If a periodic and of a spasmodic in character, or caused by convulsions, after a fall or
Nat mur: Divergent squint, following inflammatory rheumatism, eyes parallel for one
day then squint comes on from fatigue more marked in hot weather and worse in winter.
Nux vomica: Squint with diplopia, worse from mental excitement or caused by injury.
Stram. : Squint in cholera infantum, from mental emotions, epilepsy, terror or fear, etc.
Medicines, such as Agaricus, Alum., Amygdala, Calc., Calc. phos., Lys, Camphor, Chel.,
Cina, Colc., Dig., Eryng., Jab., Kali br., Kali-phos., Lyco., Mag phos., Merc., Morph.,
Phos., Sulphur, Syphilinum, Tarentula, Ver. v, Zinc, etc. are used both for children and
Some other Eye diseases of the children
Stye or acne hordeolum
Cal carb: Styes leave induration.
Causticum: Sticking as with needles in moving in morning, old styes swell.
Conium: Styes recur, becomes indurated, inflame.

Hep sulph: If suppuration has commenced with throbbing or pulsating pain, great
sensitiveness to touch and amelioration by warmth.
Phosphorus: Styes especially in the lower eyelid, if ears get well otorrhea.
Puls: Styes with conjunctivitis, ciliary blephritis, now in one then in the other canthus
with drawing tensive pains in eyes on moving muscles of face, with ulcerated nostril, if
given early before the formation of pus, will often cause to abort. As a remedy for
successive crop. It is specially useful if depended upon gastric derangement and
accompanied by acne of face, also when found in amenorrhic female especially on the
upper eyelids.
Rhus tox: Styes over eyelids in the early stage when there oedematous swelling of the
Sepia: Styes with redness of eyes. Repeated styes form indurations (tumor) and form
Staphisagria: Styes one after another, on the right and left upper lids, severe pain,
confined to dark room and usually to bed. Amelioration by application of cold water.
Stye remains a hard nodule or hard nodule form stye.
Sulphur: Recurrence of successive crops.
Some other medicines for styes are: Acid phos., Alum, Amonium carb, Aurum sulph.,
Baryta carb., Cal. flour., Colchicum., Cypripedium pubescens, Ferrum met,
Ferrum phos., Graphitis, Hydrastis, Hypericum,, Lycopo., Merc., Nat mur, Psorinum,
Scnega, Silicea.
Chalazion, Meibomian or Tarsal cyst
Besides Ars. iod., Borax, Cali flour, Chel., Clematis, Cochlearia, Colchicum., Conium.,
Digitalis., Euphrasia., Aethusa., Lyco., Merc sol., Niccol., Phytolacc., Phosphorus, Puls.,
Rhus tox, Sepia., Silicea, Staph., Sulphur and Zinc.

Thuja: Whether single or multiple Chalazia specially if they appear like condyloma,
either internally or on external surface of the lid. Also, in polypus of conjunctiva.
Elderly: As age advances, some new diseases crop up. Myopia (short sightedness)
appears at the age of six to seven years and progressed to puberty. Its progress stops at 5
to 6 dioptre and then it is called 'simple' myopia. Beyond 6 D, it becomes 'high' myopia.
Myopia or short sightedness
Agaricus: In myopia, spasm of the ciliary muscle, twitching of lids reading while.
Cal carb: In myopia, nose has to touch paper to read (Strabismus)
Cinch: Myopia after typhus, with diarrhoea.
Carbo veg: Myopia after exerting the eyes.
Grat: Myopia with burning heat in face reading while.
Phosphoric acid: Myopia looking away from work Ameliorates.
Phosphorus: Increasing myopia.
Puls and Sulphur: Myopia after ophthalmia.
Few other important medicines being Arg nit., Euphrasia and Lycopodium.
With the advancing age, some changes occur in lens. This causes Hypermetropia (long
sightedness) and persons who wear small myopic glasses, do not need them now. At this
stage (after about 38 to 40 years of age) lens cannot adapt itself for near work. Some
people are frightened by it. This is not refractive error but error of accommodation since.
1. Glasses will only increase the vision, they do not check the progress of any


Wearing glasses constantly or intermittently has no bearing on the increase in the

number of glasses. It is, therefore, not sacrosanct to keep glasses on all the time.

3. The number of glasses may change, hence, a regular checkup will help the patient
in that regard.
Some persons do not want glasses at all. They can, however, get considerable benefit
from the use of Homoeopathic medicines.
Hypermetropia (far sightedness)
Argn. nit: Hypermetropia, overuse of eyes in fine work.
Conium: Hypermetropia, distant objects appear more distant.
Jabo.: Hypermetropia with asthenopia.
Petrolium: Hypermetropia, reads the fine prints without glasses.
Few other commonly indicated medicines are Carbo sulph., Colocynth and Mezerium.
Injuries or contusions
Aco., Euph., Ham., Puls. and Silicea: Injuries caused by foreign substances.
Arnica: Injury from blows.
Berb. vul: Injury after operation for strabismus.
Calendula: Incised and lacerated wounds.
Cal. Sulph: Injury from splinter or by straw.
Gauaraea: Injury from extraction of cataract.
Hyper: Injury, pain from anterior synechiae

Ledum: Injury, contusions or wounds especially with extravasation of blood.

Sulphur: Haemorrhage in wound of cornea, Sympathetic Irritation after removal of left
eye, constant discharge from stump of left eye, painful sensitive to touch, stitches to
healthy eye.
Red eye
May be due to:
1. Foreign body.
2. Eye lashes inturned (Entropion)
3. Infection of Lachrymal sac.
Entropion (Parwal)
Graphitis: In entropion, wild hair on margins.
Merc. cor.: Entropion in blepharitis.
Zinc.: Entropion, inner surface contracted, lashes inclined to turn in though they do not
press against the ball.
Borax, Nat. mur., and Sepia are a few other medicines.
Trichiasis and Distichiasis
Apis: Lashes ingrowing, pressed inward by excessive swelling (Opthalmia)
Puls: Lashes ingrowing causing pannus.
Aco: Aur met., Borax, Tell., Aethusa are few other medicines.
Pteryzium (Nakhuna)
Arg nit.: Pteryzium pink.
Cal. carb: Pteryzium from outer canthus towards cornea.

Spigelia: Pteryzium from right inner canthus over cornea.

Aur. met., Euphrasia, Nux mosh., Sulphur and Zinc are some other medicines used for
Dacrocystitis, or inflammation of lachrymal sac
Besides Euphrasia, Hepar sulph., Puls., Silicea.
Stanum: In a yellow white discharge from the Lachrymal sac.
Acon.: In first stage.
Apis: In first stage especially in scrofulous children.
Allium cepa: With coryza of the whooping cough.
Asativa: Worse at night.
Dig: After disappearance of coryza.
Euphrasia: With lachrymation and mucus discharge.
Hydrastis: Acute, from result of daily exposure to harsh, dry wind, also when
inflammation nearly extended to border of Iris, profuse watery discharge.
Rhus tox, Dulca., and Silc.: For (eye flue) due to excessively wet or damp weather.
Ana., Asaf., Cham., Chel., Cinch., Cocculus, Colo., Gel., Graph., Kali-bich.,
Lachesis, Lyco., Lyssin, Mer., Phos., Puls., Ruta., Senega, Sepia are other medicines.
Granular conjunctivitis or Trachoma or Egyptian Ophthalmia (Kukere).
Arg. Nit.: Trachoma, bright (beef) red colour.
Nux vom.: Trachoma, old cases with pannus.

Sepia: Trachoma causing astigmation and specially tea drinker.

Thuja: Trachoma large wart like.
Zinc.: Trachoma after Ophthalmia Neonatrum.
Nat. mur., Sulphur, etc. are few other medicines used for Trachoma.
Inflammation of Cornea or Keratitis
Arnica, Calendula, Ham.: Keratitis from injury.
Cal phos: After variola and vaccination.
Conium: Superficial, involving epithelial layer caused by injuries, cold or in scrofulous
Clematis: Keratoiritis, particularly ulcerative type.
Merc.: Keratoiritis with hypoyion, pain very worse at night, also pustular keratitis.
Sulphur: Parenchymatous or Pustular from suppression of eruptions behind ear worse in
the morning, of 7 years duration, sharp pain at 2 p.m., also weakens early in the morning.
Arg. met., Ars. album, Aur. met., Asaf., Bell., Cinnab., Clem., Crot. Hor., Hepar.,
Kali bich., Kreosote, Merc. cor., Merc. cy., Rhus tox, Silicea., Syphil. and Zinc are
some other medicines.
Iritis( Inflammation of Iris)
Cinch.: Iritis from loss of blood after confinement, also in gonorrhoeal iritis.
Dulc.: Idiopathic, after exposure in damp weather, worse at night, also in cold air, better
during motion and from warmth.

Grind.: Iritis from metastasis of rheumatism, pain itense, fever high, traumatic, worse
from cold.
Hepar.: Iritis with hypopion, of left, also suppurative, small abscess and hypopion.
Phos.: Iritis after iridectomy, useful in improving vision and removing subjective
Prun spi: Iridocyclitis with anterior synechiae, shooting, bursting pain particularly in
right eyeball from within outward or through brain to occiput, amelioration by
Arn., Aur., Bell., Colch., Euphrasia, Nux vom., Puls., Sil., Spigelia, Staph., Sulphur
and Tub., etc are some other medicines.
It may be indicative of (1) Corneal ulcer (2) Choroiditis (inflammation of second coat of
the eye) (3) Glaucoma (Kala Motia). These are serious and emergency conditions and
require immediate help.
Corneal Ulcers
Cad.: Corneal ulcer from scar.
Calab. (Physostigma): Corneal ulcer leading to perforation.
Cal. hypo.: In deep sloughing ulcer or abscesses found in weak, debilitated individual.
Kali mur.: Corneal ulcer small, follows a blister.
Few other important medicines are Arg. nit., Nat mur., Nux vom., Sil. And Sulphur.

Glaucoma or Kala Motia

Bell: Shooting and throbbing pain in eyeballs. Heat and redness with intolerance of
light, frontal headache aggravated by touch, noise, jar, and lying down.
Calab.: Glaucoma after iridectomy to relieve intraocular tension.
1. Useful as a palliative of the pain of Glaucoma and Iritis, the pain extending into
the head, amelioration from pressure.
2. Violent pain in eyeball proceeds the development of Glaucoma better pressure for
a while and aggravation from long pressure.
Comocladia: Ciliary neuralgia and pain in eyeball particularly of right side, feeling as if
eye is enlarged or protruded and is being pressed out, aggravation by motion.
Crocus: Ciliary neuralgia, pain in eyeball extending to the top of head, feeling as if cold
air is passing through eye. Aggravated by looking at an object fixed.
Gel.: Dull aching pain in eyeball with depression in vitality.
Nux vom: Tensive and smarting pain in eyeball with lachrymation, red streaks in white
with dim vision owing to atrophy of the optic nerve from the habitual use of intoxicants,
worse in the morning and aggravated by warmth.
Spigelia: Severe pain in and around eyes, extending deep in the socket and lachrymation
and anxiety at heart, generally in the left eye. Feels as if eye would be pressed out, eye
sensitive to light and skin sensitive to touch. Aggravation sunrise to sunset, jar,
movement, amelioration to hard pressure.
Besides above written medicines Aco., Bry, Mag. phos., Prun. and Sulphur are few
other medicines.

Diseases of Lens: Cataract (Chitta Motia)

This condition is commonly found after fifth decade but may start at any age.
Ant tart.: Cataract of cattle.
Arnica: Cataract after operation.
Calab.: Cataractous lens, dislocated into interior chamber by a blow on temple. Also
left lens become cataractous after loss of right eye by Glaucoma.
Carbo sulph: Cataract broken up and was absorbed in Morgagrian cataract.
Causticum: Cataract incipient in right (after sulphur), with perpendicular half sight, also
in reticularis.
Conium: Cataract from contusion. Also grey, left eye.
Euph.: Vision better on a dark day.
Iodoform: Cataract with broad striae or patches of flocculant masses in the cortex of the
Lyco: Slight haziness, worse in right (after Typhoid), with chronic dyspeptic, also with
suppressed menses.
Secale cor: Senile as well in the young people with headache, vertigo, and roading in the
Sepia: Indicative of rapidly progressing cataract.
Sulphur: In the middle as if it had been punctured by a needle, after suppression of
eruption, dim vision.
Tellurium: Chalky, looking white mass on an anterior surface.

Other medicines are: Cal phos, Phosphorus, Puls and Silicea, etc.
Note: A careful selection of drugs according to the Homoeopathic law and their
continuation for a long period will succeed in a large portion of cases in checking the
progress of the disease but after degeneration of the lens fibres has taken place, no
remedy will be found of avail in restoring its lost transparency and improving the sight.

Myopia nearsightedness is a vision condition in which close objects look clearer; instead,
objects farther away appear blurred.
Agaricus Muscarius - homeopathic remedy for nearsighted
Sensation as if pierces by needles of ice, violent bearing-down pains, symptoms appear
diagonally as right arm and left leg. Mind signs are fearlessness, delirium. Head signs are
vertigo from sunlight. Eye signs are reading difficult, as type seems to move, to swim, a
spasm of accommodation. Stomach signs are gastric disturbance with sharp pains in the
liver region. Respiration signs are expectoration of little balls of mucus; cough ends in a
sneeze. Heart signs are irregular, tumultuous palpitation. Signs of extremities are itching
of toes and feet as if frozen. Skin signs are burning, itching, redness, and swelling, as
from frostbites. Sleep signs are paroxysms of yawning, starts, twitches, and awakes often.
Suggested dosage is third to thirtieth and two hundredth potency.
Homeopathy materia medica - Agaricus muscarius (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Carboneum Sulphuratum - homeopathic remedy for nearsighted
General signs are decreased sensibility of arms, hands, feet, stupor mind, and noises in
the head. Eye signs are myopia, asthenopia, dischromotopsia, cloudiness, atrophy of optic
disc, centrol scotoma for light and for red and green not for white, optic neuritis is
advancing toward atrophy, retinal congestion and optic disc pale. Arteries and veins
congested. Everything seems in a fog; vision weakened, color-blindness. Ear signs are
tinnitus aurium, Menieres disease. Abdomen signs are pain with wandering swellings.
Signs of extremities are insensible, sciatica, flying pains, returning regularly, neuritis.

Homeopathy materia medica Carboneum sulphuratum (thanks Homeopathe International)

Euphrasia (eupr) - homeopathic remedy for nearsighted
Euphrasia is Eyebright herb. Head signs are catarrhal headache. Nose signs are profuse,
fluent coryza. Eye signs are catarrhal, the eyes water all the time, frequent inclination to
blink, pressure in eyes and profuse acrid lachrymation. Female signs are menses painful,
and flow lasts only an hour or day.
Homeopathy materia medica Euphrasia (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Lilium Tigrinum (lil-t) - homeopathic remedy for nearsighted
Mind signs are deep depression of spirits, fears some organic and incurable disease,
aimless, hurried manner. Eye signs are myopic astigmia, weakened vision. Excretion
signs are urine hot, constant wish to defecate, from pressure in rectum, bearing-down
sensation with an urgent need for stool. Female signs are menses dark, clotted, offensive,
flow only when moving about.
Suggested dosage is the middle and higher potencies have done. Its curative action
sometimes is slow, in developing itself.
Homeopathy materia medica Lilium tigrinum (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Physostigma (physost) - homeopathic remedy for nearsighted
A general sign is spinal irritation. Head signs are cannot bear to raise eyelids. Eye signs
are night blindness, photophobia, contraction of pupils, twitching of ocular muscles,
partial blindness, Glaucoma, paresis of accommodation, astigmatism, a spasm of ciliary
muscle, with irritability after using eyes, increasing myopia. Mouth signs are tongue feels
sore on the tip. Heart signs are fluttering of heartfelt in the throat.
Suggested dosage is third potency.
Homeopathy materia medica Physostigma (thanks to Homeopathe International)

Ruta Graveolens (ruta) - homeopathic remedy for nearsighted

General signs are flexor tendons; all parts of the body are painful, as if bruised, feeling of
intense weariness, weakness, and despair. Eye signs are eyestrain, followed by headache,
disturbances of accommodation, weary pain while reading, pressure deep in orbits,
pressure over eyebrow, asthenopia. Excretion signs are difficult feces, carcinoma
affecting lower bowel. Extremities feel tendons core, thighs pain when stretching the
Homeopathy materia medica - Ruta graveoens (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Viola Odorata (viol-o) - homeopathic remedy for nearsighted
General sign is warmth affections in children. Head signs are burning of the forehead,
scalp tense, knit the brows, a tendency to pain immediately above eyebrows, headache
across the forehead, ears otorrhea. Urine sign is milky urine. Eye signs are heaviness of
lids; eyeball feels compressed, flame before eyes, myopia, Choroiditis, illusions of vision,
fiery, serpentine circles.
Suggested dosage is first to sixth potency.
Homeopathy materia medica Viola odorata (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Homeopathic remedy's farsightedness
Hyperopia farsightedness is a vision condition in which distant objects are usually
clearer, but close ones do not come into proper focus.
Calcarea Carbonica (calc) - homeopathic remedy for farsighted
General signs are a jaded stale of mental or physical, cause may be because of overwork,
mind apprehensive, fears loss of reason, misfortune, forgetful. Head signs are icy
coldness in, and on the head, much perspiration, wet the pillow. Eye signs are sensitive to
light, spots and ulcers on cornea, easy fatigue of eyes, farsighted, chronic dilatation of
pupils, cataract, dimness of vision, as if looking through a mist. Ear signs are muco-

purulent otorrhea, and enlarged glands. Nose signs are nostrils sore, ulcerated, takes cold
at every change of weather. Mouth signs are sour taste, swelling of tonsils. Stomach signs
are craving for indigestible things-chalk, coal, pencils, frequent sour eructation, sour
vomiting, fat dislike, loss of appetite. The abdominal inguinal and mesenteric glands have
swollen gallstone colic, distention. Children have a sign of diarrhea. Female signs are the
menses too early, too profuse, too long. Respiration signs are painless hoarseness,
suffocating spells, worse going upstairs, chest sensitive to touch, percussion, or pressure.
Signs of extremities are cold, damp feet, soles of feet raw. Sleep signs are same
disagreeable idea always arouses from light slumber.
Suggested dosage is sixth, thirtieth and higher potencies. The remedy should not repeat
too often in elderly people.
Homeopathy materia medica Calcarea carbonica (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Petroleum (petr) - homeopathic remedy for farsighted
General signs are long lasting complaints, mental signs of fright, vexation. Mind signs
feel that death is near, and must hurry to settle affairs, low-spirited, with dimness of sight.
Head signs of sensitive, on a cold breeze blowing on it, vertigo on rising, moist eruption
on the scalp. Eye signs are dim sight, farsighted, cannot read fine print without glasses,
slight blepharitis, and skin around eyes dry and scurfy. Nose signs are nostrils ulcerated,
cracked, burn. Stomach signs are hunger, immediately after stool, nausea, with build-up
of water in the mouth. Abdominal signs are diarrhea only in the daytime, and itching of
the anus. Signs of extremities are tips of fingers rough, cracked, fissured every winter.
Skin signs are skin dry, constricted, sensitive, and rough and cracked, leathery, thick,
greenish crusts, burning and itching; redness, raw; cracks bleed easily worse in winter.
Suggested dosage is third to thirtieth and higher potencies. Material doses often better.
Homeopathy materia medica Petroleum (thanks to Homeopathe International)

Ruta Graveolens (ruta) - homeopathic remedy for farsighted

General signs are flexor tendons; all parts of the body are painful, as if bruised, feeling of
intense lassitude, weakness, and despair. Eye signs are eyestrain followed by headache,
disturbances of accommodation, weary pain while reading, pressure deep in orbits,
pressure over eyebrow, asthenopia. Rectum signs are difficult faeces, carcinoma affecting
lower bowel. Signs of extremities are tendons core, thighs pain when stretching the
Homeopathy materia medica Ruta graveolens (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Homeopathic remedy's astigmatism
Astigmatism eye has been irregular shaped cornea or lens prevents light from focusing
properly on the retina. As a result, vision becomes blurring at any distance.
Lilium Tigrinum (lil-t) - homeopathic remedy for astigmatism
Mind signs are deep depression of spirits, fears some organic and incurable disease,
aimless, hurried manner. Eye signs are myopic astigmia, weakened vision. Excretion
signs are urine hot, constant wish to defecate, from pressure in a rectum. Female signs are
menses dark, clotted, offensive, flow only when moving about, and bearing-down
sensation with an urgent need for stool.
Suggested dosage is the middle and higher potencies have done. Its curative action
sometimes is slow, in developing itself.
Homeopathy materia medica Lilium tigrinum (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Homeopathic remedies squinting or strabismus
Strabismus crossed eyes is a condition of both eyes do not look at the same place at the
same time, occurs when an eye turns in, out, up or down.

Alumina (alum) - homeopathic remedy for strabismus

General signs are dryness of mucous membranes and skin, and tendency to paretic
muscular states. Mind signs are hasty, hurried, variable mood. Eye signs are strabismus;
objects look yellow, eyes feel cold, lids dry, burn, smart, thickened, aggravated in
morning, chronic conjunctivitis. Nose signs are cracked, red, with thick yellow mucus,
ozaena atrophica sicca. Mouth signs are dry mouth. Stomach signs are potatoes disagree,
no wish to eat, can swallow but small morsels at a time. Abdomen signs are left-sided
abdominal complaints, stool hard, no wish; a soft stool is passed with difficulty, great
straining, evacuation preceded by painful urging long before stool, and then straining at
stool, must strain at stool to urinate. Respiration signs are coughed on talking or singing,
in the morning. Signs of extremities are especially when sitting with legs crossed; it
staggers on walking, heels to feel numb, brittle nails. Skin signs are intolerable itching
when getting warm in bed.
Suggested dosage is sixth to thirtieth and higher, action slow in developing.
Homeopathy materia medica Alumina (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Belladonna (bell) homeopathic remedy for squinting
General signs are neuralgic pains, heat, and redness, throbbing, and burning. Great
children's remedy, no thirst, anxiety or fear, belladonna stands for violence of attack and
suddenness of onset. Mind signs are furious, desire to escape, aculeness of all senses.
Head pain, especially in forehead, pain worse light, noise, jar, lying down and in
afternoon. Eye signs are staring, brilliant, dry, photophobia, squinting, sensation as if eyes
were half closed. Ear signs are otitis media. Pain causes delirium; child cries out in sleep.
Mouth signs are grinding of teeth, red, worse right side; throat feels constricted, difficult
deglutition. Stomach signs are great thirst for cold water, dread of drinking. Abdomen
signs are urine retention, dark and turbid, frequent and profuse. Female signs are menses
bright red, too early, too profuse, hemorrhage hot. Respiration signs are tickling, short,
dry cough, worse at night, hoarse, larynx painful, high, piping voice, moaning at every

breath. Cold extremities, swelling of glands of neck, skin hot, glands stuollen, tender,
boils, alternate redness and paleness of the skin.
Suggested dosage is first to thirtieth potency and higher, must repeat often in acute
Homeopathy materia medica Belladonna (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Cicuta Virosa (cic) - homeopathic remedy for strabismus
General signs are bending backwards of the head, neck, and spine; patient is violent.
Head signs are turned or twisted to one side, cerebrospinal meningitis; cervical muscles
contracted, and convulsions. Eye signs are pupils dilated, unconscious strabismus. Ear
sign is hemorrhage from ears. Stomach sign is hiccoughed. Skin signs are hard, lemoncolored cruat.
Suggested dosage is sixth to two hundredth attenuation.
Homeopathy materia medica Cicuta virosa (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Cina (cina) - homeopathic remedy for squinting
General sign is pain in shocks. Eye signs are strabismus from abdominal irritation,
eyestrain, especially when presbyopia sets in, pulsation of superciliary muscle. Nose
signs are wanted to rub it, bores at the nose. Face signs are pale, with dark rings around
eyes, white and bluish about the mouth, choreic movements of face. Stomach sign is
hungry. Respiration signs are gurgling from throat to stomach after coughing. Signs of
extremities are twitching, sudden inward jerking of fingers of right hand; child stretches
out feet spasmodically. Sleep sign is troubles while yavming.
Suggested dosage is third attenuation, for nervous irritable thirtieth and two-hundredth
Homeopathy materia medica Cina (thanks to Homeopathe International)

Cyclamen (cycl) - homeopathic remedy for strabismus

General signs are sleepiness, moroseness, and weakness. Head signs are flickering before
eyes. Eye signs are flickering of various colors, convergent strabismus, sees countless
stars, diplopic, disturbance of vision, associated with gastric disturbances. Stomach signs
are salty taste, hiccough. Rectum signs are pain about anus and perineum. Female signs
are the menses profuse, black, clotted, and too early, with labor-like pains. Signs of
extremities are sore pain in heels.
Suggested dosage is third attenuation.
Homeopathy materia medica Cyclamen (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Hyoscyamus (hyos) - homeopathic remedy for strabismus
General signs are mania of a quarrelsome, trervous agitation, coma vigil, tremulous
weakness and twitching of tendons, toxic gastritis. Mind signs are suspicious, inclined to
laugh at everything. Involuntary stool, dry chest, spasmodic coughs at night, worse lying
down. Signs of extremities are picking at bedclothes. Sleep signs are sleep starts up
frightened; every muscle twitched.
Suggested dosage is sixth, to 200th potency.
Homeopathy materia medica Hyoscyamus (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Santoninum (sant) - homeopathic remedy squinting
General signs are night cough in children and chronic cystitis. Head signs are occipital
headache, with chromatic hallucinations, itching of the nose. Eye signs are sudden
dimness of sight, color blindness, strabismus because of worms, dark rings about eyes.
Mouth signs are grinding of teeth. Urinary signs are incontinence and dysuria, enuresis.
Suggested dosage is second to third trituration. Lower preparations are often toxic. Do
not give to a child with fever or constipation.

Homeopathy materia medica Santoninum (thanks to Homeopathe International)

Tabacum (tab) - homeopathic remedy for strabismus
General signs are seasickness, wants to uncover abdomen. Mind signs are despondent,
vertigo on opening eyes. Eye signs are dim sight, sees as through a veil, strabismus, rapid
blindness without a lesion, followed by venous hyperaemia and atrophy of optic nerve.
Stomach signs are during pregnancy with much spitting, seasickness, terrible faint,
sinking feeling at pit of the stomach.
Suggested dosage is third to thirtieth and higher potencies.
Homeopathy materia medica Tabacum (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Zincum Metallicum (zinc) - homeopathic remedy for strabismus
General signs are period of depression in disease, convulsions, with paleface and no heat.
Mind signs are sensitive to noise; child repeats everything said to it, lazy, stupid. Head
signs are occipital pain, forehead cool, and base of brain hot. Eye signs are squinting,
rolling of eyes, inflammation worse, inner canthus, soreness inner angles. Face signs are
paleface. Abdomen signs are griping after eating. Female signs are ovarian pain,
especially left. Respiration signs are dyspnoea better as soon as expectoration appears.
There is a dull backache about the last dorsal or first lumbar vertebre worse sitting,
burning along spine, nape of the neck weary of writing or any exertion. Signs of
extremities are weakness, trembling, and twitching, feet in continued motion, cannot keep
still, large varicose veins on legs; skin signs are varicose veins, hollow of knees,
retrocession of eruptions.
Suggested dosage is second to sixth potency.
Homeopathy materia medica Zincum metallicum (thanks to Homeopathe International)

Homeopathic remedy's dry eye

People with dry eyes either do not produce enough tears or have a poor quality of tears.
Dry eye is a common and often chronic problem, particularly in older adults.
Aconitum Napellus (acon) - homeopathic remedy for dry eye
General signs are physical and mental restlessness; the most characteristic manifestation
of aconite is an acute, sudden, and violent invasion, with fever, complaints and tension by
exposure to dry, cold weather. Mind signs are great fear, anxiety, and restlessness. Head
signs are heavy, hot, bursting. Eye signs are red, inflamed, feel dry and hot, as if sand in
them, lids swollen, hard and red, hate to light, profuse watering after exposure to dry,
cold winds. Ear signs are sensitive to noises. Nose signs, smell acutely sensitive, pain at
the root of nose, mucous membrane dry; nose stopped up, dry or with, but scanty watery
coryza. Face signs are neuralgia, especially of left side, with restlessness, tingling, and
numbness. Mouth signs are dry, gums hot and inflamed, red, dry, constricted. Stomach
signs are vomiting, with fear, heat, profuse sweat and increased urination, bitter taste,
intense thirst, abdomen sensitive to touch, colic, rectum green, like chopped herbs, urine
scanty, red, hot, and painful. Female signs are the menses suppresses from fright, cold,
after-pains, with fear and restlessness. Respiration signs oppress breathing, hoarse, dry,
croupy cough, shortness of breath. Heart signs are palpitation, with anxiety, pulse full,
hard, tense, and bounding. Extremities are numbness and tingling, hot hands and cold
feet, bright-red hypothenar eminences on both hands. Sleep with anxious dreams.
Suggested dosage is sixth potency for sensory affections; first to third for congestive
conditions, need to repeat often in acute diseases. Acon, is a rapid worker. For neuralgias
condition tincture of the root often preferable, one drop doses (poisonous), or again, the
30th potency according to susceptibility of a patient.
Homeopathy materia medica Aconitum napellus (thanks to Homeopathe International)

Homeopathic remedy's glaucoma

Common form of glaucoma is associated with an increase in the fluid pressure inside the
eye. This pressure may cause damage to the optic nerve and Vision loss may result.
Gelsemium (gels) - homeopathic remedy for glaucoma
General signs are motor paralysis, dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling,
muscular weakness. Mind signs are dullness, languor, listless, apathy about his illness.
Head signs are vertigo, pain in the temple, extending into the ear. Eye signs are eyelids
heavy, glaucoma and descemetitis, dim-sighted, pupils dilated and unaware of light,
orbital neuralgia, detached retina, hysterical amblyopia. Mouth signs are trembled,
feeling of a lump in throat, pain from the throat to ear. Excretion signs are diarrhea from
emotional excitement, urine profuse, clear, and watery. Male signs are without erections.
Heart signs are feeling as if it were necessary to keep in motion, or else heart's action
would cease, weak, slow pulse of old age. Signs of extremities are trembling, and
weakness of all limbs.
Suggested dosage is Tincture, to thirtieth attenuation; first to third most often use.
Homeopathy materia medica Gelsemium (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Physostigma (physost) - homeopathic remedy for glaucoma
General signs are spinal irritation; head cannot bear to raise eyelids. Eye signs are
glaucoma, night blindness, photophobia, contraction of pupils, twitching of ocular
muscles, partial blindness, paresis of accommodation, astigmatism, a spasm of ciliary
muscle, with irritability after using eyes, increasing myopia. Mouth signs are tongue feels
sore on the tip. Heart signs are fluttering of heartfelt in the throat.
Suggested dosage is third potency.
Homeopathy materia medica Physostigma (thanks to Homeopathe International)

Ruta Graveolens (ruta) - homeopathic remedy for glaucoma

General signs are flexor tendons; all parts of the body are painful, as if bruised, feeling of
intense weakness, weakness, and despair. Eye signs are pressure deep in orbits, pressure
over eyebrow, eyestrain followed by headache, disturbances of accommodation, weary
pain while reading, and asthenopia. Rectum signs are difficult faeces, carcinoma affecting
lower bowel. Prolapsus. Signs of extremities are tendons core, thighs pain when
stretching the limbs.
Suggested dosage is first to sixth potency. Locally, tincture for ganglia and as a lotion for
the eyes.
Homeopathy materia medica Ruta graveolens (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Spigelia (spig) - homeopathic remedy for glaucoma
General signs are touch sensitive; parts feel chilly, send a shudder through a frame. Eye
signs feel too large pressive pain on turning them; Pupils dilated, photophobia, rheumatic
ophthalmia, severe pain in and around eyes, extending deep into the socket. Neurological
signs are ciliary neuralgia, a true neuritis. Mouth signs are foul odor from the mouth.
Suggested dosage is sixth to thirtieth potency for neuralgic symptoms; second to third
potency for inflammatory symptoms.
Homeopathy materia medica Spigelia (thanks to Homeopathe International)
Are Eye (Homeopathic) remedies safe?
Homeopathic remedies are safe; many skeptics are trying to prove it as placebo (no
medicine) by consuming a full bottle of the remedy. This proves that even when one
consumes the entire bottle of remedy does not cause any known harm (even though you
do not try this). There are no scientific studies to prove the efficacy or effectiveness of the
homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies are personal (individualized), so it is difficult to
generalize about overall effectiveness. For life-threatening conditions do not try

homeopathy, and should not delay seeking proved therapies for severe health


Allergic Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye

Understanding Allergic Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye
Allergic conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes due to an
allergy. This sort of conjunctivitis is different from the bacterial or the contagious form of
conjunctivitis. The allergic conjunctivitis occurs due to the reaction of the body or the
eyes to the presence of some allergens.
Cases of allergic conjunctivitis start pouring in as the summer starts setting. As the
weather becomes pleasant after a bitter winter, most of the people enjoy the weather. But
this weather becomes very unpleasant for people who suffer from allergic conjunctivitis.
Every year, their eyes start troubling them. The problem persists for the whole of the
summer and subsides on its own as the weather becomes cooler. This happens year after
The prevalence of allergic conjunctivitis is more in boys than in girls. The reason for this
increased incidence in boys is unkown.

How does Allergic Conjunctivitis look like

The eye becomes red and swollen. There is intense itching or irritation in the eye. One is
forced to rub the eye. Watery discharge from the eye is also seen. There is increased
sensitivity to light so much so that one cannot open the eyes easily and look towards any
source of light. There may be thick mucous like discharge from the eyes. In severe cases,
the eyelids may swell and droop so that one has difficulty opening the eyes fully.
Allergic Conjunctivitis does not spread from one to another
As the name itself suggests, this is allergic in nature. It is not bacterial in nature and
therefore it is not contagious. Therefore it does not spread from one person to another. I
have often come across cases in which children have been sent home from school by
teachers because they fear that the infection will spread to other children. This is not true.
Allergic conjunctivitis does not spread from person to person.
Homeopathy-the best natural treatment for Allergic Conjunctivitis
The allopathic system relies mainly on steroids and anti-allergic medicines for the
treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. Even then, it is unable to cure the allergy. It only
ends up controlling it or keeping the symptoms under check. In homeopathy, the intention
is to completely cure the allergy. Homeopathy recognises that the immune system of the
body sometimes overreacts to some seemingly harmless things. This overreaction of the
body is the root cause of problem. Therefore it tries to correct the immune system. In this
the medicines that are used by homeopathy are perfectly natural medicines. None of the
medicines are chemical in nature. They are made from natural sources like plants or fruits
or vegetables or minerals. The basic material is further diluted by a special mechanism
which reduces the content of the original matter while increasing its latent healing
powers. That is why these natural homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects.

5 best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis

I have been treating allergic conjunctivitis for the last 2 decades and have had great
success. I have even successfully treated quite severe cases where patients had been
suffering for a long time. The 5 homeopathic medicines that I am mentioning here have
been used the most frequently and have given very good results. The dosage and the
exact medicine varies from patient to patient and depends on the severity of the problem.
This does not in any way mean that only these 5 homeopathic medicines that can be used
in allergic conjunctivitis. There are dozens of other medicines that are required at times
depending on individual symptoms of the patient. Nevertheless these 5 homeopathic
medicines for allergic conjunctivitis are quite effective and needed frequently.
Apis Mel- one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis with
burning and stinging
When a lot of burning and stinging is present in the eyes, Apis Mel is one of the best
homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is stinging pain as if a honey bee
had stung the parts. This is the defining characteristic of this medicine. There is lot of
oedema in and around the eyes. The eyelids swell and puff up. There is hot lachrymation
or watery discharge from the eyes. The patient is usually thirstless. All the troubles are
worse from heat in any form, whether in summer weather or going out in the sun.
Euphrasia-One of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis with
acrid discharge from the eyes
When there is acrid discharge from the eyes, Euphrasia is one of the best homeopathic
medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is watery discharge from both nose and eyes
but the discharge from nose is bland. This means that it does not cause any burning in the
nose. But the discharge from the eyes is acrid and burns the skin where it touches. There
is burning pain in the eyes itself. The eyes tend to water all the time though the problem
becomes worse in the evening. The patient feels slightly better in open air. There is
frequent inclination to blink the eyes. A peculiar symptom seen in some females is that
there may be amenorrhea with the eye symptoms.

Argentum Nitiricum-One of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic

conjunctivitis with purulent discharge
When there is purulent discharge from the eyes, Argentum Nitricum is one of the best
homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is photophobia or aversion to
light. This photophobia is more pronounced in a warm room. Splinter like pains may be
felt in thhe eyes. There is swelling of the conjunctiva. There is profuse discharge from the
eyes which is purulent. The patient is fond of sweets. Flatulence in the stomach and
abdomen often accompany the problems. There may be excessive belching.
Ruta-One of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis with foreign
body sensation in the eye
When there is a sensation that there is a foreign body or some dust particles in the eye,
Ruta is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is
constant irritation in the eye and one feels that there is something that has got stuck in the
eye. One is unable to get rid of this sensation though there is no foreign body in the eye.
The eyes are red, hot and painful.
Pulsatilla-One of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis with
relief from cold application
When there is relief from any cold application or washing with cold water, Pulsatilla is
one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is thick
yellowish discharge from the eyes. Eyes itch and burn. The eyelids seem agglutinated.
The patient is usually thirstless. There is aggravation from heat or in summers.
Cell Salts to Help with Retina Problems











#12 Silicea 6X improve connective tissue

Retina Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including
infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C
potencies. Learn more about homeopathy >
The following are general remedies for retina problems, Retinal atrophy, Retinal
detachment, and Retinitis :
General Homeopathics for retina problems
Arnica montana detachment; blow to head; from injuries; swelling behind retina.
Aurum metallicum central vision diminished; upper half dark; opacities on cornea.
Agaricus (also Bovista, Phosphorus, Tabacum) optic nerve degeneration: #1 for eye
twitches and facial tics, frostbite, and delirium remedy; nervous twitches; retinal
Belladonna pinpoint hemorrhages; stroke; injuries; vision blue hazy; red.
China (Cinchona) anemia of retina (too pail; not enough blood.
Conium oversensitivity to light; deep in eye; weakness of vision.
Crotalus horr right-sided hemorrhages.
Ferrum phos anemia of retina (too pale; not enough blood).

Gelsemium gooey inflammation of the retina; double vision when looking sideways
during pregnancy; toxic protein buildup especially during pregnancy (toxemia); dimness
of vision; injury.
Lachesis left-sided hemorrhages.
Phosphorus retinal hemorrhages; green halo about lights; detached retina; especially
for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red; oversensitive, fears of the dark.
Retinal atrophy when the retina gets old and wrinkles and causes vision problems
Carboneum sulph central vision diminished; myopia; optic neuritis; reading causes
tearing; quivering eyelids.
Cina dilated pupils, photophobia; ciliary muscle spasms; eyestrain with headaches;
pains when reading; spots on cornea; possible parasites; nervous people.
Kali iodatum puffy, burning, watering eyes; inflammation of the iris; pustules on
cornea; constant oscillations of eyeball; photophobia; winking is painful; lower eyelid
Phosphorus retinal hemorrhages; green halo about lights; detached retina; especially
for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red; oversensitive, fears of the dark.
Sanicula tears in the cold open air or cold applications; eyes burn with a sticky fluid;
ulcerated cornea; dim sight; photophobia.
Tabacum heat and burning in eyes; pupils dilated; retina retains image too long; cornea
covered with mucus; squinting and cross-eyed; digestive problems.
Vanadium neuro-retinitis and blindness; opacity; arcus senilis (opaque ring round the
edge of the cornea, seen in old people); paralysis of optic nerve; with weakness and

Retinal detachment when the retina peels off the back of the eye
Phosphorus (#1 Homeopathic for Detached retina) retinal hemorrhages; green halo
about lights; detached retina; especially for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red;
oversensitive, fears of the dark.
Crotalus horr (#2 Homeopathic for Detached Retina) right-sided; dry burning with
tears; ciliary neuralgia; retinal hemorrhages; sensitive to low light.
Apis mellifica myopia; allergic puffy eyes; hot tears; photophobia; sudden piercing
Lachesis left-sided; intra ocular hemorrhages (bleeding within the eye); detached retina
or bleeding; photophobia; sensitive to tight clothes.
Strychninum hot, painful, protruding, staring; pupils dilated; spastic constriction of
eye muscles; twitching and trembling of eye lids; sparks before eyes.
Retinitis inflammation of the retina that affects vision
Arsenicum album burning in the eyes with hot acrid tears; corneal ulceration;
photophobia; pupils contracted or dilated; restlessness; better from heat.
Calcarea carb tears in mornings and open air; spots and ulcers on cornea; dilation of
pupils; eyes sensitive to light; cant read in low light; eye fatigue; tendency to obesity.
Gelsemium gooey inflammation of the retina; double vision when looking sideways
during pregnancy; toxic protein buildup especially during pregnancy (toxemia); dimness
of vision; injury.
Kalmia stiff, drawing sensation when moving eyes; pains increased by moving the
eyes; stiff eyelids; rheumatic inflammation of the iris; worse evenings and open air.
Lachesis left-sided; intra ocular hemorrhages (bleeding within the eye); detached retina
or bleeding; photophobia; sensitive to tight clothes.

Mercurius solubis burning acrid discharges; inflammation of the iris; retinitis worse by
firelight and at night; pupils dilated; burning in eyes; photophobia; sensitive to
Phosphorus retinal hemorrhages; green halo about lights; detached retina; especially
for diabetic retinopathy; letters appear red; oversensitive, fears of the dark.
Plumbum met pupils contracted; optic neuritis; central vision diminished; glaucoma;
paralysis of upper eyelids.
Prunus ciliary neuralgia; shooting like lightning through the brain to the back part of
the head; sudden pain in eyeball as if it would burst, better by tearing; irido-choroiditis
(inflammation of the iris and vascular coating between the sclera and the retina); opacity
of vitreous humor.
Sulphur feels like wand in eye; heat and burning in eyes; corneal ulceration;
photophobia, worse from heat; retinitis cause by overuse of eyes; vision like black gauze
or motes before eyes; halo around lights; intellectual, messy people.

The herb euphrasia has a typical similarity with our eyes. The general physical symptoms
cured by this herb include eye irritation accompanied by hurtful and smouldering pains as
well as muggy mucus. In such cases, the sufferer usually experiences an intense
sensitivity to light together with inflamed, swollen eyelids and repeated blinking. The
eyes also have a tendency to water heavily - a symptom worsened when the sufferer is
exposed to open air, is coughing or lying down. This medication is primarily used to treat











instance, colds, conjunctivitisand/ or hay fever. In addition, Euphrasia is often

recommended for eye symptoms following any injury.

Since the Middle Ages people have been employing eyebright to cure straining and
inflamed eyes. In contemporary times, practitioners of herbal medicine use eyebright to
treat allergies and infections of the eyes, nasal passages, sinuses and the middle ear.
Euphrasia is a remedy that becomes effective very fast and assists in brightening the eyes
and clearing blockages. It provides immediate relief when anyone is suffering from
burning, inflamed, red and aggravated eyes attributable to hay fever, allergies or a










include headaches, coughs and noses changing from congested and stuffy to profusely
runny. It may be pleasant to your eyes when their condition worsens in a smoke-filled
warm room compared to being in a garden when it is in full bloom.
As a homeopathic remedy, Euphrasia is inclined to work excellently for individuals
whose nature is somewhat melancholic. Such people may have a tendency to daydream
and may be engaged easily into their environs as well as people around them. In addition,
such individuals have a propensity to struggle with physical symptoms that may result in
exasperation and frustration in their personal lives too.
Parts used
The entire fresh flowering plant including the root.
In homeopathy, Euphrasia is the main cure for several eye conditions, including cataract,
allergies of the eyes, conjunctivitis, granular eyelids and glandular swellings. It is an
excellent remedy for catarrhal conjunctivitis accompanied by cloudiness of cornea and
ulceration. This medication is most suitable for people who have a feeling of dryness,
inflammation and stinging in their eyes. In such cases, the eyes water profusely almost
always and the water has a pungent smell. It is also given to people who experience
copious acrid lachrymation accompanied with copious bland coryza. Usually, the eyes are
sticky in the morning. In addition, Euphrasia is also effective for curing granular eyelids.
In such cases, the edges of the eyelids turn red, distended and there is a burning sensation

- making the eyes extremely susceptible to touch. This homeopathic remedy is also useful
for conditions like violent prickling of the eyes that results in frequent rubbing as well as
winking. It is also an appropriate remedy for delicate rashes in the region of the eyes
accompanied with swollen eyelids and unclear vision. In addition, the patients may
experience a biting pain in their eyes, which spreads out towards the head, and there is a
sensation as if the eyes are straining owing to the presence of sand particles.
The traditional use of the eyebright based herbal remedies go back to Scotland of the 14th
and 15th centuries, during this time the Scottish highlanders made an herbal infusion of
the Euphrasia officinalis and used this herbal infusion for the treatment of different eye
conditions caused by a variety of factors. Herbalist traditionally used to give eyebright to
patients affected by coughs, by hoarseness of voice, those with an earache, and those
affected by headaches during the 19th century and the plant was one of the most
important herbs used in the treatment of these conditions. Its use as an antiseptic herb and
an anti-inflammatory herb continues till this day and many herbalists prescribe this herb
for the treating inflammation in their patients. Some of the typical problems in which
Euphrasia based medications are used include the different disorders of the eye, like the
inflammation of the conjunctiva or conjunctivitis, it is also used in the treatment of the
disorder called blepharitis, which is the inflammation affecting the eyelids, it is also used
in treating the inflammation of the irises or iritis, in addition, the herbal remedies made
from the Euphrasia are also used in the treatment of dimmed vision, in treating
intolerance to bright light, in alleviating and reducing the production of sticky mucus in
the body, in the treatment of small blisters which affect the cornea of the eye, the cornea
is the keratinized hardened surface tissue of the human eye, the remedy is also used in the
treatment of dry eyes which often afflict women during menopause. The remedy also
finds extensive use in the effective treatment of physical injuries to the eyes and in those
cases where the eyes turn watery or are otherwise affected by an intense stinging
sensation, coupled with the presence of abundant, intensely burning and sticky
discharges. Patients affected by common colds and seasonal symptoms of hay fever in
whom symptoms such as very hot and reddened cheeks along with abundant watery
mucus can be treated with this remedy for a full recovery. Euphrasia is also very effective

in the treatment of individuals suffering from seasonal disorders such as the allergy
induced hay fever; the eyes are the main part of the body affected during this condition.
Hay fever causes irritation and swelling in the eyes of the person, this symptom is often
accompanied by the presence of a bland watery nasal discharge at times. The herbal
remedies made from the eyebright herb are also used in the treatment of intense and
splitting headaches affecting patients; it can be used as an herbal remedy for the treatment
of intense and painful constipation, and is an excellent remedy for the initial stages
of measles in patients. The herbal remedy based on the eyebright is also often used in the
treatment of women, especially during problems such as short and painful menstruation,
where the menstrual flow might last only for about an hour each day during the entire
menstrual period, the painful inflammation affecting the prostate gland in men can also
be treated using the herbal eyebright remedy.
Individuals suffering from any type of eye condition are likely to find the homeopathic
remedy Euphrasia beneficial. It is useful in curing sticky eyes, especially when it is
accompanied with a burning sensation. This homeopathic remedy is also effective in
treating eyes that are prone to profuse watering or eye problems that have a tendency to
worsen when they are exposed to open air. In such case, there may be some kind of
irritation as well as pain in the eyes owing to allergies.
While most people especially rely on the homeopathic remedy Euphrasia to get relief
from their eye problems, this medication can also assist in curing the primary causes
related to almost all eye problems. In this case, it is worth mentioning that Euphrasia may
be very effective in treating hay fever as well as the symptoms and complications
associated with this condition. These symptoms may comprise irritating eyes, ears and
The homeopathic remedy Euphrasia is made with the entire freshly obtained flowering
eyebright plant, counting the root, and slicing it in small pieces. Subsequently, these
slices are steeped in alcohol and the resultant solution is the homeopathic Euphrasia that

works excellently in treating several eye conditions. It is important to note that the end
product does not retain even the slightest trace of the original plant and is safe for use


ARGENTUMS NIT: Complaints due to overwork. Muscles around eyes become tired.
Patient feels better by closing eye or pressure. Aggravated by overheated. Good remedy
for restoring power of weakened cilliary muscle
ARNICA: Cnstant close focus cause sore feeling on eye. Fatigue due to overwork.
Patient desire open eyes and feel dizzy on closing them. Backache due to overexertion.
RUTA GRAVE: Chief remedy for eyestrain due to overuse of eye muscle. Patient has
watery eyes, oversensitive to light. Stiffness and pain Ultimately lead to headache Patient
feel pressure behind eyeball. Difficulty to focusing eye.
CONIUM MAC: Artificial light or overwork cause eyestrain. Photophobia. improper
night vision. Patient has foreign substance sensation as brain go to sleep. Aggravation on
night, Amelioration by pressure and dark room. Seing black spot from fatigue. Headache
with lancinating pain on vertex , semilateral.
NATRUM MUR: Continuous reading or school work lead to weak bruised feeling in the
eye, stiffness of muscle around eyeball. Eyelid feel heavy and lastly person complain of
headache. Person feel that letters on screen board runs together. Constant computer
typing cause numbness and tingling in the fingers. Person can not hold the things.
Backache relieved by putting hard things under back.
THUJA: Good remedy for cramp in fingers. Tips of fingers tough ended. Feel dead.
CROCUS SATIVA: Patient complain of constant blinking after eyestrain, and reading a

EUPHRASIA: After continuous eye work problem start. Watery eye. Burning and
swelling lids Sticky mucous on cornea so patient blink often.
KALMIA LATIFOLIA: Stiffness of eyes eyelids. aggravate by moving eyes. Vision
weak or impaired with nerve pain in face, teeth. Joint or muscle stiffness. Shift from
place to place .
XANTHINAM: Good remedy for backache. Patient has pain on coccyx area. Patient can
not sit on hard surface and put soft pillow below while sitting .
PILOCARPUS: Good remedy for eyestrain cause may be whatever. Slightest use cause
tired feeling of eye. Nausea and vertigo after use of eye. White spots before eye.
SENEGA OFFICINALIS: Remedy act on rectus superior. Patient has sensation
as eyeball is too large for orbit. Object looks shaped. Hypersensitive to light. Headache
with pressure and weakness of eye .Pain in temples, bursting pain forehead. Double
vision ,dry eye, ameliorated by bending head backward .

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