Cardiovascular Disease

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Cardiovascular disease: Keep your heart healthy

Cardiovascular disease is also referring to as the heart and circulatory disease that covers
every disease, which affects the heart and circulation. Cardiovascular disease or the
cardiovascular diseases contain conditions like coronary heart disease, which is angina
and heart attack, and stroke as well. It is a group of diseases that engage the heart and
blood vessels, which means the artery and veins.

Cardiovascular disease is something that is related to the atherosclerosis that is arterial

disease. All these conditions have same causes, treatments, and mechanisms. The
cardiovascular disease is normally treated by the cardiologists, vascular surgeons,
thoracic surgeons, neurologists, and interventional radiologists. It depends entirely on the
organ system, which is being treated. Most of the countries today, is facing the high and
rising rates of cardiovascular disease. Each year, the heart disease kills Americans more
than the amount of cancer. Every single year, due to heart disease, Americans die more as
compared to cancer.

Cardiovascular disease is further classified into various conditions like:

• Angina
• Cerebrovascular Accident – Stroke
• Atherosclerosis
• Coronary Artery Disease
• Congestive Heart Failure
• Cerebrovascular disease
• Peripheral vascular disease
• Myocardial infraction – Heart Attack

Here are some of the dietary points that could lower the risk of heart disease like:

• Lowering of LDL cholesterol – It could be done by reducing the saturated fat

• Lowering of Triglyceride levels – It could be done by plummeting the
consumption of sugary as well as processed foods.
• Reduction of Homocysteine levels – It could be reduced by supplementation with
the Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12, and also the folic acid.
• Lowering down of fibrinogen and growth factors – It could be done through the
reduction of foods like dairy products, red meat, poultry, and eggs.
• Augmented antioxidant activity – This could be done by superior intake of fruits
and vegetables.

The things that cause the cardiovascular disease are as follows:

• High blood preasure
• Smoking
• High blood cholesterol
• Overweight or obese
• Diabetes
• Physical inactivity
• Family background of heart disease
• Rising age that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
• Ethnic group – It matters a lot from the ethnic groups as well, where the risk of
heart disease rises. A very common example of this type is the South Asian
people who live in United Kingdom. They have more risk of cardiovascular
disease than the other population in UK.

Cardiovascular disease can be cured through medication and treatments that helps
prevent the symptoms and lowers the risk of further problems. You can simply make
some small changes into your lifestyle and reduce the risk of rising cardiovascular
disease. Some of the changes include:
• Stop smoking
• Control high blood pressure
• Become physically active
• Reduce your cholesterol level
• Achieve and maintain a healthy weight
• Control your blood glucose, especially those people who have diabetes
• Eat healthy and balanced diet
• Drink moderate amount of alcohol

With preventive measures, any kind of diseases can be cured. So if you are suffering
from cardiovascular disease then do not get panic, simply try to overcome from it by
trying these tips.

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