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Socrates' old accusers were...

people who spread rumors/gossip yet nameless, faceless

comic poet who wrote "The Clouds"; associated with
atheism, and natural philosophy
1st thing Socrates was accused of (old)
investigating things above the sky and under the world; in other words not
recognizing gods recognized by the state
2nd thing Socrates was accused of (old)
better reason

making the worst appear the

Socrates' skills included

retoric and cross examination
Miletus, anatys, Lycon
blame Socrates for corrupting the youth and impiety; new accusers;
Socrates' storyline notorious poor; refutes oracle, sets out mission, starts
interviewing politicians, poets, and craftsmen; introduces new deities; hears a
the voice "Daemon" (bad spirit)
Socrates' quote
"The unexamined life is not worth living"
Why does Socrates refer himself as a gadfly?
Socrates compares himself to a gadfly, who stings the lazy horse that is
Athens, provoking it into action and making the Athenians uncomfortable
Socrates' verdict

convicted guilty; death penalty

Class of early Greek philosophers before Socrates whose writings exist only in
fragments.Favored a more naturalistic and scientific approach to answering
questions than the supernatural religious approach
Two most important types of sources for the Presocratics
Fragments and Testimonia


quotations containing the philosopher's actual words

Testimonia passages providing information about the thinker without

quoting his words
"birth of the gods"; poem by Hesiod describing the origins and
genealogy of the gods
What is chaos?
translated as "chasm"; the formless state preceding the
creation of the cosmos
Order of the cosmos

1. Chaos->Gaia(earth) + Ouranos(heaven)-

2. Kronos(youngest Titan) kills Ouranos(heaven)

3. Titans Kronos + Rhea->olympian gods; Kronos eats all but Zeus
4. Zeus defeats Titans and Typhoeus (Gaia+Tartoros(Underworld))
5. Zeus(god of justice and order) swallows Metis and baby to prevent taking
his place as king. Therfore, Zeus's rule will last forever.
kosmos means

order, beauty

Physical structure of kosmos

1. Heaven-top
2. Gap b/w heaven and earth
3. Earth surrounded by ocean
4. Gap b/w Earth and Tartaros
5. Tartaros-bottom
means love; driving force of creation
What does Zeus do to show himself as the arbiter of justice?

Led the olympians to the defeat of the Titans in battle, and gives out rank and
privileges to each; establishes justice and order
Metaphor of metals

a. The Golden Race just died out (childhood)

b. The Bronze Race destroyed itself in war
c. The fate of the Heroic Race was as the mythological tradition required
d. Zeus destroyed the Silver Race for refusing to worship the gods, and he will
destroy the Iron Race because of its moral degeneracy
What is ARCHE?

The original, underlying stuff and that to which all returns at the end. (ROOT
of Architecture, Archaeology, Archaic, etc.)
Who were the three thinkers from Miletus?

Thales, Anaximander (probably an aristocrat), Anaximenes

Where is Miletus?

polis (city-state); ancient Greek city on the Aegean coast of Asia Minor
Which philosopher is associated with chaos?

Which philosopher is associated with water?

Thales; believes this is ARCHE

Which philosopher is associated with "everything has little gods"?

Which philosopher is associated with the APEIRON?

Anaximander; believes this is ARCHE

Which philosopher is associated with AER?

Anaximenes; believes this is ARCHE; Reduce quality to quantity


indefinite stuff; unbounded, homogeneous

Are (Air)

unlimited and inexhaustible; however is definite

Anaximander contradiction

He says the APEIRON is ONE thing but then when the movement starts, the
Four Opposites come out.
Oldest surviving fragment of any PreSocratic philosopher

Anaximander's note on the Justice of the Seasons

We only have Testimonia about who?

By compression....

becomes the hardest (eath)

By ratification...

becomes fire
What is LOGOS?

"General principle" is good definition but that is still even too abstract a
Why is FIRE the ARCHE?

Heraclitus sees fire as more symbolic of the arche than actual; serves as a
place holder
What part do the attraction and repulsion of opposites play in Heraclitus?

The Law of Nature that Heraclitus sees in the world is the Law of Dynamic
Equilibrium of Opposed Forces
Dynamic Equilibrium is...

WAR; Heraclitus
Which philosopher is associated with Logos and fire?

Does Parmenides write in a poem or essay format?


poet; alludes to Heraclitus (contradicting him); wrote in dactylic hexameter;

poem divided into 3 parts
What goddess inspired Parmenides?

Persephone, the goddess of the Underworld

What does it mean, To-be is, To-Not-Be is not?

Routes that investigate 'is' and 'is not.' Methods of investigating what it is for
something to be, or for something not to be.
"You can't step into the same river twice."

concept by Heraclitus; means that rivers (and any large body of water in
motion) are constantly changing
Paradox 1

Dichotomy: There is no motion, because that which is moved must arrive at

the middle before it arrives at the end, and so on ad infinitum.
Paradox 2

The Achilles: The slower will never be overtaken by the quicker, for that which
is pursuing must first reach the point from which that which is fleeing started,
so that the slower must always be some distance ahead.
Paradox 3

The Arrow: If everything is either at rest or moving when it occupies a space

equal to itself, while the object moved is always in the instant, a moving
arrow is unmoved.
Paradox 4

The Stadium(Moving Rows): Consider two rows of bodies, each composed of

an equal number of bodies of equal size. They pass each other as they travel
with equal velocity in opposite directions. Thus, half a time is equal to the
whole time
What are the four elements according to Empedocles?

Earth, Air, Fire and Water


wrote two books (controversy); flamboyant; claimed to be a God

two forces described by Empedocles

love and strike

Force: Love

the force that tended to draw elements together

Force: Strike

the force that was driving elements apart

What is Empedocles's early form of evolutionary theory?

Empedocles believed that in its earliest stages life was an indistinguishable

mixture of species and sexes. Strife forced organisms apart to form the
different varieties of plants and animals. And, a continuing interplay between
Love and Strife caused plants and animals to gradually change their shape
until they evolved into the species known at the time he formulated his
theory. This would become the earliest known "theory of evolution."
Why does Empedocles claim to be divine?

knowledge is key to distinction

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