Guidelines For A Space Propulsion Device Based On Heim's Quantum Theory

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AIAA 2004 - 3700

Walter Dröscher1, Jochem Häuser 1,2
1Institut für Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft (IGW),

Leopold - Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Department of Transportation, University of Applied Sciences


Department of High Performance Computing, CLE GmbH, Salzgitter, Germany



11-14 JULY, 2004

1 Senior scientist, 2 Senior member AIAA, member SSE,,

The text of the calligraphy on the front page means Cosmos, comprising the two chinese sym-
bols for space and time. This calligraphy was done by Hozumi Gensho Roshi, Professor of Ap-
plied Sciences at Hanazono University, Kyoto, Japan in September 2003. The two red squares
depict the seal of Hozumi Gensho Roshi.

Institut für Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft,
Leopold - Franzens Universität Innsbruck,
Innsbruck, Austria
Table of Contents
1 Space Propulsion and Higher-Dimension Quantized Spacetime Physics....................................4
1.1 Basic Concepts of HQT ....................................................................................................5
1.2 LQT and HQT......................................................................................................................6
1.3 Fundamental Physical Interactions in 8-D Quantized Space...........................................7
2 The Physical Principles for Field Propulsion .............................................................................7
2.1 The Physics of Hermetry Forms..........................................................................................8
2.2 The Metric for Electromagnetic Interactions.....................................................................10
2.3 The Metric for Coupling Electromagnetism and Gravitation............................................11
2.4 Physical Model for Gravitophoton Generation...................................................................13
2.5 Conversion of Photons into Gravitophotons......................................................................13
3 Space Flight Dynamics of Gravitophoton Field Propulsion......................................................14
3.1 Gravitophoton Interaction Equations for Space Propulsion .............................................14
3.2 Technical Data for Acceleration Gravitophoton Field Propulsion ...................................16
3.3 Space Flight in Parallel Space...........................................................................................17
3.4 Lunar, Interplanetary, and Interstellar Missions................................................................19
4 Cosmology from HQT and LQT ..............................................................................................20
4.1 Deficiencies in Current Fundamental Physical Theories...................................................20
4.2 Common Concepts in HQT and LQT................................................................................21
4.3 Cosmological Consequences..............................................................................................22
4.4 Dark Matter .......................................................................................................................22
4.5 Dark Energy.......................................................................................................................22
5 Conclusions and Future Work...................................................................................................23
Appendix A: Mass Spectrum of Elementary Particles.................................................................24
Appendix B: Gravitational Coupling Constants............................................................................24
Abstract and immediately lead to contradictions in the
form of infinite self-energies etc. or self-accel-
This paper is the third one in a series of publi-
erations [18]. HQT is an extension of Ein-
cations, describing a novel and revolutionary
stein's GR, using his field equations as a tem-
space propulsion technique, based on a unified
plate in a quantized higher-dimensional space,
field theory in a quantized, higher-dimensional
but also extending these equations into the
space, developed by the late B. Heim and the
subatomic range. This eventually leads to a
first author, termed Heim quantum theory
poly-metric, whose partial metric structures
(HQT) in the following. It is interesting to note
are interpreted as fundamental physical inter-
that this theory shares a similar physical pic-
actions. This theory, seems to complement
ture, namely a quantized spacetime, with the
both QT and GR, in explaining the nature of
recently published loop quantum theory (LQT)
elementary particles as well as their discrete
by L. Smolin, A. Ashtektar, C. Rovelli, M. Bo-
mass spectrum and life times, based on the ba-
jowald et al. [11, 24-28]. LQT, if proved cor-
sis of a quantized geometrodynamics (quan-
rect, would stand for a major revision of cur-
tized elemental surfaces of some 10-70 m2,
rent physics, while HQT would cause a revolu-
termed metron by Heim) in a 12 dimensional
tion in the technology of propulsion.
space. Heim derives a dimensional law that de-
For effective and efficient interplanetary as termines the maximum number of possible di-
well as interstellar travel, NASA's Break- mensions that can exist, along with admissible
through Propulsion Physics Program (BPP) subspaces, and also gives their physical inter-
specified three basic features, namely little or pretation. HQT seems to be able to explain the
no fuel mass, limited amount of energy con- nature of matter (physicists deemed this ques-
sumption (a spacecraft approaching the speed tion to be of importance in the early fifties, see
of light would not satisfy this requirement, [21]). The physical features of the postulated
since its mass becomes infinite), and (prefera- 12 dimensional, quantized hyperspace, de-
bly) superluminal speed. To satisfy these re- noted as Heim space by the authors, is de-
quirements a revolution in space propulsion scribed in detail. The 12D Heim space com-
technology is needed. Such breakthrough pro- prises five semantic units, namely, the sub-
pulsion techniques can only emerge from spaces ℝ3 (space), T1 (time), S2 (organization),
novel physics. If we believed that current phys- I2 (information), and G4 (steering of I2) where
ics held the answer to all questions, a BPP de- superscripts denote dimension. Except for the
vice would not be possible. Recently, how- 3 spatial dimensions, all other coordinates are
ever, more and more evidence has been piling imaginary. Several metric tensors can be con-
up that current physics is far from final an- structed from these subspaces. Each metric
swers and, in addition, exhibits fundamental tensor is associated with a specific physical in-
inconsistencies, even on the classical level. teraction, similar to Einstein's GR, where
Furthermore, quantum theory (QT) in its cur- spacetime curvature is interpreted as gravita-
rent form does not lead to an explanation of tion (graviton). Analyzing the metric tensors
the elementary structures of matter, and does acting in ℝ4, the theory predicts six fundamen-
not lead to a consistent cosmology either. tal interactions, instead of the four experimen-
For a revolutionary space transportation sys- tally known ones. These interactions represent
tem, however, the physical concepts of matter physical fields that are carrying energy. Ac-
and inertia as well as the nature of space and cording to HQT, a transformation of electro-
time have to be understood. In QT the exis- magnetic energy into gravitational energy
tence of matter is taken for granted, defining should be possible. It is this interaction that is
an elementary particle as a point-like structure used as the physical basis for the novel space
[17]. In classical physics, including the Gen- propulsion concept, termed field propulsion [1,
eral Theory of Relativity (GR), science starts 2], which is not conceivable within the frame-
from the belief that space and time are infi- work of current physics.
nitely divisible, in other words, that spacetime The paper comprises four technical chapters.
is continuous (a differentiable manifold in the In the first chapter, a qualitative discussion of
mathematical sense). Both ideas contradict the six fundamental interactions, derived from
Nature's all pervading quantization principle the concept of Heim space and its conse-

quences for a novel propulsion system, are c speed of light in vacuum 299,742,458 m/s ,
presented. In addition, a qualitative discussion
( 1/c =0 0 ).
of the physical principle that serves as the ba-
sis for advanced propulsion is given. In chap- D diameter of the primeval universe, some
ter two, the physical principles of the so called 10125 m, that contains our optical universe.
field propulsion system are quantitatively ad-
dressed, explaining their application in future DO diameter of our optical universe, some
spaceflight2. In particular, it is shown how the 1026 m.
poly-metric from Heim space leads to a metric d diameter of the rotating torus, see caption
describing electromagnetic phenomena and its Table .
conversion into a gravitational3 like metric,
postulating a novel particle, the gravitophoton. dT vertical distance between magnetic coil
In chapter three, the equations of the gravito- and rotating torus (see Fig.1).
photon interaction are derived, and a physical -e electron charge -1.602 × 10-19 C.
model is presented to calculating the magni-
tude of the gravitophoton interaction. This is ez unit vector in z-direction.
also the main chapter, presenting the quantita-
tive physical model of the gravitophoton inter- Fe electrostatic force between 2 electrons.
action and the concept of parallel space from Fg gravitational force between 2 electrons.
which the physical guidelines for the field pro-
Fgp gravitophoton force, also termed Heim-
pulsion device can be derived. In particular,
the technical requirements for a gravitophoton Lorentz force, F gp= p e 0 vT ×H , see Eq. (47).
propulsion device will be discussed. The ex-
G = Gg + Ggp + Gq = 6.67259 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2,
perimental set up of such a device will also be
presented. In addition, a lunar mission, an in- gravitational constant .
terplanetary, and an interstellar mission will be
investigated. In chapter four, similarities be- Gg graviton constant, G g≈G that is Gg de-
tween HQT and LQT are discussed. Cosmo- cribes the gravitational interaction without the
logical consequences dealt with concern the postulated gravitophoton and quintessence in-
amount of dark matter (concept of parallel teractions.
space) and the cause of dark energy. The ac-
celeration of the cosmic expansion is ex- Ggp gravitophoton constant, G gp≈1/672 G g .
plained qualitatively, since it turns out that the
postulated sixth fundamental force (interpreted Gq quintessence constant, G q≈4×10−18 G g .
as quintessence) and represented by the postu-
lated vacuum particle, is of repulsive nature. gi gp
k metric subtensor for the gravitophoton
in subspace I2∪S2 (see glossary for subspace
Nomenclature and physical constants description).
à value for the onset of conversion of pho-
tons into gravitophotons, see Eq. (39). gi ph
k metric subtensor for the photon in sub-
A denotes the strength of the shielding poten- space I2∪S2∪T1 (see glossary for subspace de-
tial caused by virtual electrons, see Eq. (37). scription).
Compton wave length of the electron h Planck constant 6.626076 × 10-34 Js,
h ℏ=h/2  .
C = =2.43×10 m , ƛC =C /2  .
me c
hik metric components for an almost flat
2 This chapter contains a certain amount of mathemat-

 Gℏ
ics. The reader may wish to skip the derivations and 3

continue with the gravitational Heim-Lorentz force, ℓ p= 3

m Planck length.
Eq. (47).
3 The term gravitational is reserved to the two addi-
tional interactions represented by the gravitophoton
me electron mass 9.109390 × 10-31 kg.
and the vacuum particle acting on material particles.

m0 mass of proton or neutron wgpa probability amplitude for absorption of a
1.672623 × 10- 27 kg and 1.674929 × 10-27 kg. gravitophoton by a proton or neutron
Nn number of protons or neutrons in the uni- me
w 2gpa =G gp m p .
verse. ℏc

q electric charge. wg_q conversion amplitude for the transforma-

tion of gravitophotons and gravitons into the
R distance from center of coil to location of quintessence particle, corresponding to the
virtual electron in torus, see Fig.(1). dark energy (rest mass of some 10-33 eV).
wph probability amplitude (the square is the
rN distance from nucleus to virtual electron coupling coefficient for the electromagnetic
in torus, see Fig.(1). force, that is the fine structure constant α)
R_ is a lower bound for gravitational struc- w ph =
2 1 e
= 1 .
tures, comparable to the Schwarzschild ra- 4 0 ℏ c 137
dius. The distance at which gravitation
changes sign, ρ, is some 46 Mparsec. wph_qp conversion amplitude for the transfor-
mation of photons into gravitophotons (see Eq.
R+ denotes an upper bound for gravitation (35)).
and is some type of Hubble radius, but is not wq probability amplitude for the quintessence
the radius of the universe, instead it is the ra- particle,(sixth fundamental interaction), corre-
dius of the optically observable universe. sponding to dark energy (rest mass of some
Gravitation is zero beyond the two bounds, 10- 33 eV).
that is, particles smaller than R- cannot gener-
ate gravitational interactions. Z atomic number (number of protons in a nu-
cleus and number of electrons in an atom)
re classical electron radius
Z0 impedance of free space,
1 e −15

r e= =3 × 10 m .
4 0 m e c 2 0
Z 0= ≈376.7  .
rge ratio of gravitational and electrostatic
forces between two electrons. α coupling constant for the electromagnetic
force or fine structure constant 1/137.
v velocity vector of charges flowing in the
magnetic coil, see Eq. (27), some 103 m/s in αgp coupling constant for the gravitophoton
circumferential direction. force .
vT bulk velocity vector for rigid rotating ring γ ratio of probabilities for the electromagnetic
(torus) (see Sections. 3 and 4), some 103 m/s in and the gravitophoton force
circumferential direction.
 
w ph
= =1.87×10 .
wgp probability amplitude (the square is the w gp
coupling coefficient) for the gravitophoton
force (fifth fundamental interaction) 0 permeability of vacuum 4π × 10-7 N/m2 .
w gp =G gp
=3.87×10−49 probability ampli-  metron area (minimal surface 3Gh/8c3),
current value is 6.15 x 10-70 m2.
tudes (or coupling amplitudes) can be distance Φ gravitational potential, =GM/R.
dependent (indicated by a prime in [9]).
ω rotation vector (see Fig. 1 ).
wgpe probability amplitude for emitting a
gravitophoton by an electron
w gpe =w gp .

Abbreviations Note: For a conversion from CGS to SI units,
BPP breakthrough propulsion physics the electric charge and magnetic field are re-
placed as follows:
GR General Relativity
e  e /  4 0 and H   4 0 H .
HQT Heim Quantum Theory
1 Space Propulsion and Higher-Di-
LQT Loop Quantum Theory
mension Quantized Spacetime Phys-
LHS left hand side ics
ls light second For effective and efficient lunar space trans-
ly light year portation as well as interplanetary or even in-
terstellar space flight a revolution in space pro-
QED Quantum Electro-Dynamics pulsion technology is needed.
RHS right hand side Regarding the requirements of NASA's Break-
SR Special Relativity through Physics Propulsion Program (BPP) a
VSL Varying Speed of Light revolutionary space propulsion system should
• use no or a very limited amount of fuel,
• possibility for superluminal speed, and
• requirement for a low energy budget. This
e electron immediately rules out any device flying
gp gravitophoton close to the speed of light, since its mass is
going to infinity, according to SR. A space-
gq from gravitons and gravitophotons into craft having a mass of 105 kg, flying at a
quintessence speed of 1% of the speed of light, carries an
ph denoting the photon or electrodynamics energy content of 4.5x1017 J. Even if the
spacecraft can be provided with a 100 MW
sp space nuclear reactor, it would take some 143
years to produce this amount of energy.
It is understood that the laws of current phys-
Superscripts ics do not allow for such a revolutionary space
em electromagnetic propulsion system. Propulsion techniques of
this type can only emerge from novel physics,
gp gravitophoton
i.e., physical theories that deliver a unification
ph photon of physics that are consistent and founded an
T indicates the rotating ring (torus) basic, generally accepted principles, either re-
moving some of the limits, or giving rise to ad-
ditional fundamental forces, and thus provid-
Note: Since the discussion in this paper is on ing alternatives to current propulsion princi-
engineering problems, SI units (Volt, Ampere, ples. Theories like HQT and LQT are therefore
Tesla or Weber/m2 ) are used. 1 T = 1 Wb/m2 of great interest, since they might offer the po-
= 104 G = 104 Oe, where Gauss (applied to B, tential for these advanced technologies, see,
the magnetic induction vector) and Oersted for instance, the remark on p. 9 in [29].
(applied to H, magnetic field strength or mag- Hopes for such a unified theory are, indeed,
netic intensity vector) are identical. Gauss and not futile. In classical physics, science starts
Oersted are used in the Gaussian system of from the belief that space, time, and matter are
units. In the MKS system, B is measured in infinitely divisible, in other words, that space-
Tesla, and H is measured in A/m (1A/m = 4π time is continuous (a differentiable manifold in
× 10-3 G). Exact values of the physical con- the mathematical sense) and not subjected to
stants are given in [22]. the quantization principle. Regarding the mi-
crocosm, there exists a large number of ele-
mentary particles that cannot be subdivided

any further. In quantum physics arbitrary di- space. Consequently, Heim’s quantum theory,
visibility of matter has proved to be an illu- HQT, of gravity and elementary structures of
sion. On the other hand, the existence of mat- matter is based on the geometric view of Ein-
ter is taken for granted, i.e., the occurrence of stein, namely that geometry itself is the cause
elementary particles is accepted as such, and of all physical interactions, but it uses the
the cause for the existence of matter cannot be structure of Einstein's field equations only as a
revealed. There is substantial evidence that the template for physical interactions in a higher-
currently favored Standard Model is far from dimensional discrete space, and extends them
being the final theory. also to the microcosm.
In the twentieth century there has been enor- Eventually developed by Heim and the first
mous progress in physics, based on both Ein- author, the theory utilizes an 8-dimensional
stein's theory of general relativity and quantum discrete space4 in which a smallest elemental
theory. Both theories are very successful in surface, the so-called metron, exists. HQT, de-
their own range, but could not be unified so veloped first by Heim in the fifties and sixties,
far. The reason for the unification is ... De- and partly published in the following three
spite the successes of the two theories, the cur- decades of the last century, seems to be com-
rent status of physical theory lacks the under- pliant with these modern requirements. It also
standing of the most fundamental physical makes a series of predictions with regard to
facts. First, it has not been possible, despite cosmology and high energy physics [12] that
numerous attempts over the last eight decades, eventually can be checked by experiment.
to extent Einstein's idea beyond the range of Most important, however, Heim's extended
gravitation. Second, QT has not been able to theory predicts two additional interactions
deliver the mass spectrum of elementary parti- [1, 6-9] identified as quintessence, a weak re-
cles, nor is there a theoretical explanation for pulsive gravitational like interaction (dark en-
their lifetimes, neither can quantum numbers ergy) and gravitophoton interaction, that en-
be derived. None of these theories is able to ables the conversion of electromagnetic radia-
explain the nature of matter and inertia, topics tion into a gravitational like field, represented
that are essential for the physics of a com- by the two hypothetical gravitophoton (nega-
pletely novel propulsion system. tive and positive energies) particles. The gravi-
tophoton interaction is discussed in Chaps. [2,
1.1 Basic Concepts of HQT
3.1]. Quintessence (dark energy) is briefly dis-
Einstein's view was eventually deemed unten- cussed in Chap. [4].
able, because next to gravitation other forces
The interpretation of the physical equations for
became known. The recent article by L. Smo-
the gravitophoton field leads to the conclusion
lin [11] on Atoms of Space and Time, however,
that this field could be used to both accelerate
seems to be a sign that physics may be return-
a material body and to cause a transition of a
ing to the Einsteinian picture, namely the geo-
material body into some kind of parallel
metrization of the physical world, meaning
space, possibly allowing superluminal speed.
that all forces (interactions) are ultimately de-
These effects could serve as the basis for ad-
termined by the structure of spacetime. The
vanced space propulsion technology, and are
two important ingredients that Einstein did not
dealt with quantitatively in the following chap-
use are a discrete spacetime and a higher-di-
mensional space, provided with special, addi-
tional features. 4 To be more precise, Heim's theory was extended
from 6 to 8-dimensions by the first author and
It is known that the general theory of relativity Heim, [7], to obtain the unification of the four
in a 4-dimensional spacetime delivers only one known interactions (forces). In this process, it was
possible physical interaction, namely gravita- found that two additional gravitational like interac-
tion. Since Nature shows us that there exist ad- tions should occur, termed the gravitophoton field
ditional interactions, and because both GR and (attractive and repulsive) and the vacuum field (re-
pulsive, interpreted later on as quintessence) [1, 7].
the quantum principle are experimentally veri- The dimensional law derived by Heim requires a
fied, it seems logical to extend the geometrical 12-dimensional space, but the additional four coor-
principle to a discrete, higher-dimensional dinates are needed only in the explanation of the
steering of probability amplitudes (information).

According to Heim's theory, gravitation, as we Ashtekar, and C. Rovelli [11, 24, 25] and
know it, is comprised of three interactions, HQT, and also to learn how HQT compares
namely by gravitons, the postulated gravito- with GR and QT. A major difference between
photons, and by the quintessence particle. This GR and Heim is that in GR the material field
means that the gravitational constant G con- source does not appear in geometrized form,
tains contributions from all three fields. The but occurs as a phenomenological quantity (in
quintessence interaction, however, is much the form of matter that is an entity of its own,
smaller than the first two contributions. whose existence is taken for granted).
It is interesting to note, that the mass spectrum It should be noted that HQT complements both
for elementary particles, calculated from QT and GR, in explaining the nature of ele-
Heim's mass formula, and partly shown in Ap- mentary particles as well as their discrete mass
pendix A as taken from [12], is very sensitive spectrum and life times, based on the basis of a
to G. A corrected value of G obtained by the quantized geometrodynamics (quantized ele-
first author, accounting for the contribution of mental areas of some 10-70 m2, termed met-
the gravitophoton field, led to substantially im- ron by Heim) in a 12 dimensional space (3 real
proved results of the mass values when com- and 9 imaginary coordinates). As shown by
pared to experimental data. In Heim's theory Heim the fact that all additional coordinates
the existence of matter as an independent en- are imaginary leads to real eigenvalues in the
tity is replaced by the features of a dynamic 8- mass spectrum for elementary particles [4, 6].
dimensional discrete space, and as such is cre- The idea of geometrization is extended to the
ated by space itself. In other words, matter is sub-atomic range. However, in that case, the
caused by a non-Euclidean metric in space ℝ8, Christoffel symbols need to be replaced by
termed 8D Heim space, comprised by a large real tensor components5. Heim derives a di-
number of elemental space atoms (called met- mensional law that restricts the maximum
rons by Heim), interacting in a dynamic and number of dimensions to 12 and requires the
highly complex way. existence of subspaces. From the metric of
A few words about the history of HQT seem to subspace ℝ 6, originally conceived by Heim,
the premises of QT cannot be derived, and the
be in place. Heim first published his theory of
a higher-dimensional discrete spacetime in an quantization principle had to be introduced ad
hoc. For instance, Dirac's equations cannot be
obscure German journal [10] in a series of four
articles in 1959. In 1977, following the advice derived within ℝ6. However, when the metric
in space ℝ8 is considered, all possible physical
of Heisenberg’s successor, H.-P. Dürr, Heim
published an article entitled Vorschlag eines interactions are reproduced. The complete
Weges zur einheitlichen Beschreibung der Ele- space ℝ12 is needed to explain how probability
mentarteilchen (Recommendation of a Way to amplitudes (immaterial) are steering events in
a Unified Description of Elementary Particles) spacetime ℝ4.
[4], which in today's terminology was a sum- In the following, a Heim space is a quantized
mary of his theory for a unified field theory in- space comprising elemental surfaces with ori-
cluding quantum gravity. Later on, he wrote entation (spin), the metron, whose size is the
two text books Elementarstrukturen der Ma- Planck length (apart from a factor) squared,
terie [6, 7] that were eventually published by comprising 6, 8, or 12 dimensions. A Heim
A. Resch (see Acknowledgment). However, space may comprise several subspaces, each
to be fair, it should be mentioned that Heim's equipped with its individual Riemannian met-
publications are difficult to read, and needed to ric. The union of these individual metric
be modified and extended by the first author in spaces is termed a poly-metric.
several ways, for instance [9].
Furthermore, in GR the gravitational potential
is associated with the metric tensor, and thus
1.2 LQT and HQT
has a direct physical meaning. Extending this
In order to understand how to categorize
5 This can be shown by employing the double trans-
Heim's quantum theory, it seems worthwhile
formation described in Eq. (2) to Heim's eigenvalue
to determining the similarities between recent equations for the mass spectrum of elementary parti-
loop quantum theory by L. Smolin, A. cles. Otherwise masses of particles could be trans-
formed away which is unphysical.

concept to the poly-metric in Heim space ℝ8, space propulsion concept [1, 2], which is not
and forming special combinations of these par- conceivable within the framework of current
tial metrics, all possible fundamental physical physics. This is a direct consequence of the di-
interactions are obtained. Since GR has been mension of Heim space, and the interpretation
extremely well verified experimentally, this in- of a partial metric (hermetry form, see glos-
terpretation seems to be justified. sary) as a physical interaction or particle. In
other words, if Einstein's view, namely of ge-
1.3 Fundamental Physical Interactions in ometry being the cause of gravitation is ex-
8-D Quantized Space tended to the poly-metric in Heim space, the
In GR the gravitational force is nothing but an interpretation of all physical interactions is a
effect of the geometric curvature of spacetime. natural consequence. Moreover, the two addi-
The predictions of GR have been tested exten- tional interactions should also be considered
sively, and today GR arguably is the experi- real.
mentally best verified theory. Therefore, there It seems that space G4 does not have a direct
is some confidence that this concept can be physical meaning in a sense that it is responsi-
extended to all physical forces, and that the ble for physical interactions. Its role seems to
structure of the equations of GR is valid for all be acting as a symmetry breaking principle, re-
physical interactions in a higher-dimensional sponsible for a quantized bang, and much later
space. on (some 1010 years ago), for the creation of
A Heim space ℝ 12, where the superscript de- matter.
notes dimension, comprises five subspaces or Starting from Einstein's equations, Heim de-
partial structures that form semantic units. rives a set of nonlinear eigenvalue equations
Combining these semantic units by employing for microscopic particles (mass spectrum of
certain selection rules a set of so called herme- elementary particles), first in ℝ 6. In Heim”s
try forms or partial metric tensors is obtained, theory, quantum mechanics is not contained in
forming the poly-metric, that represents all ℝ6, but in space ℝ8. In this regard, Heim's the-
physical interactions [2]. Each of the semantic ory can be understood as being complementary
units (or subspaces) has its own metric. There to the wave picture, taking care of the particle
are the subspaces ℝ3 with real coordinates (x1, nature of physical objects (see [7] pp. 360 for
x2, x3), T1 with imaginary time coordinate (x4), the linear Dirac equations.
S2 with imaginary coordinates for organization
of structures (x5, x6,), I2 with imaginary coordi- 2 The Physical Principles for Field
nates for information (x7, x8), and G4 with Propulsion7
imaginary coordinates for steering of probality
amplitudes and thus events in ℝ 4 (x9, x10, x11, In the following a roadmap for the derivation
x12). The space ℝ 12 is comprised of the two of the gravitophoton interaction is presented.
spaces ℝ6 = ℝ3∪T1 ∪S 2 and V6 =I2 ∪G4. The The proposed propulsion concept works in two
concept of energy exists in6 ℝ6, while V6 is de- stages. First, a gravitophoton field is generated
noted as immaterial. Considering the space through interaction with an electromagnetic
ℝ8 = ℝ3∪T1∪S2∪I2, that is omitting the space field that exerts a force on the space vehicle.
G4, the theory predicts six fundamental inter- Second, there exist parallel spaces in which
actions, instead of the four experimentally covariant laws of physics are valid that allow
known ones. These interactions emerge in our speeds larger than the vacuum speed of light in
spacetime and represent physical fields carry- ℝ4. Under certain conditions, a spacecraft can
ing energy. According to the theory, a trans- enter a parallel space, see Sec. (3.3).
formation of electromagnetic energy into
gravitational energy (gravitophoton) should be For the gravitophoton interaction to exist, Ein-
possible (see Chap. 2.5). It is this conversion stein's principle of geometrization of physics
that is used as the physical basis for the novel
7 The term breakthrough propulsion is not used, since
6 This is not completely correct, since the vacuum or it does not relate to the propulsion principle that is
quintessence particles of hermetry form H10(I2) (see based on the conversion of photons (electromag-
glossary and [2]) with I2⊂ℝ8 possess (small) ener- netic field) into gravitophotons (gravitational like
gies. field).

needs to be valid for all physical interactions. ∂ x m ∂  ∂ x m ∂ 
g 
According to HQT this is the case in 8D space. ik = . (4)
∂  ∂ i ∂  ∂ k
For instance, in classical physics, there is no
difficulty to include electromagnetism in gen- Parentheses indicate that there is no index
eral relativity by adding the stress-momentum- summation. In [2] it was shown that 12 herme-
tensor of the electromagnetic field T i k to the try forms (see glossary) can be established
having direct physical meaning, involving spe-
RHS of Einstein's field equations in 4D space- cific combinations from the four subspaces.
time The following denotation for the metric de-
scribing hermetry form Hℓ with ℓ=1,...,12 is
R i k =T i k T i k − gi k T 
g em
(1) used:
gi k H ℓ =: ∑ g
 ,∈H ℓ
and T =T k contains both the gravitational and

electromagnetic contribution. The parameter κ where summation indices are obtained from
the definition of the hermetry forms. The ex-
8 G
is of the form = 4
. To complete the set pressions gi k  H ℓ  are interpreted as differ-
ent physical interaction potentials caused by
of equations, Maxwell's equations have to be hermetry form Hℓ, following the interpretation
added. This is, however, not the approach of a employed in GR. The combination of coordi-
unified field theory, because the electrody- nates   and   are characteristic for the inter-
namic field is added from the outside without action, and also characterize the subspace. Ap-
any geometrical interpretation. In the next sec- plying the sieve operator formed from
tion, the concept underlying the unification of Kronecker symbols, namely
all physical interactions is derived, extending
Einstein's principle of geometrization. s 0 ,0 :=   
0 0

2.1 The Physics of Hermetry Forms

to Eq. (5) selects the term g
. A sieve
0 0

As described in [1] there is a general coordi-

operator (or sieve transformation) can be ap-
nate transformation x m  i  from plied repeatedly, and thus serves to convert
ℝ 4ℝ8ℝ4 resulting in the metric tensor one hermetry form into another one. At the
moment a sieve operator is a mathematical
∂ x ∂  ∂ x m ∂  construction only, but it is the aim of this dis-
gi k = m (2)
∂  ∂ i ∂  ∂ k cussion to show how such a conversion can be
obtained in physical reality. For the sake of
where indices α, β = 1,...,8 and i, m, k = 1,...,4. simplicity, the following short form, omitting
The Einstein summation convention is used, subscripts ik, is introduced  :=g
ik .
that is, indices occurring twice are summed
over. The above transformation is instrumental Next the hermetry forms pertaining to the
for the construction of the poly-metric used to three subspaces S2 , I2, S2 × I2 are investi-
describing physical interactions. The Euclid- gated. Cosmological data clearly show that the
ean coordinates xm and curvilinear coordinates universe is expanding, which indicates a re-
i are in ℝ 4, while curvilinear coordinates   pulsive interaction. Gravitational attraction is
are in ℝ8. The metric tensor can be written in well known since Newton. Both interactions
the form act on matter, so that there should be two her-
metry forms having anti-symmetric properties.
gi k =: ∑  
gi k (3) The spaces corresponding to these interaction
 ,=1
are identified as S2 and I2. The gravitational
and the individual components are given by field, as described by gravitons, is given by
hermetry form H12

gi k H 12 =55566566 , (7)
simultaneously in pairs, and H11 is the only
hermetry form that is identically 0, that is
while the vacuum field (quintessence) is given gik H 11 =g ik S 2 ×I 2 =0. (11)
gi k H 10 =77788788. (8) It is a strange fact that a hermetry form that is
zero should have any physical effect at all.
There is a third hermetry form whose metric is This reflects the fact that the total energy being
in the space S2 × I2. Since this metric is a com- extracted from the vacuum by pair production
bination of an attractive and a repulsive inter- of gravitophotons is zero. However, the physi-
action, it is assumed that there are exist two cal effect lies in the different absorption coef-
fields. The first partial metric is considered to ficients of negative and positive gravitopho-
be attractive, since its components contain the tons. As it turns out in Chap. 3, gravitophotons
gravitational metric of Eq. (7). For the same are generated by virtual electrons, that is, they
reason the second part is considered to be re- are generated by vacuum polarization 8. In this
pulsive. The particle for mediating this interac- process energy is conserved, but two different
tion is called the gravitophoton because of the types of energy both negative and positive are
possible interaction with the electromagnetic obtained, adding up to zero. H11 is the only
field. The reasons will become clear in the hermetry form that is comprised by space
next section. It is postulated from the metrics S2 × I2, the so called transcoordinates9. No
of Eqs.(9, 10) that there are two types of gravi- other of the hermetry forms is identical to 0,
tophotons associated with the attractive and since this is the only hermetry form associated
the repulsive gravitophoton potentials. Their with creating particles from the vacuum.
respective coupling constants are denoted by
- +
G gp and G gp that will be described below. Hence, the gravitational constant G is com-
prised of the three individual coupling
The attractive gravitophoton particle is de- strengths of these interactions
scribed by Eq. (9), the minus sign denoting
negative energy density, because it contains G=G g G gp G q (12)
the metric of the graviton which is directly
visible from Eq. (7). The repulsive gravitopho- where10
ton particle is described by Eq. (10), the plus G gp≈1/672 G g and G q≈4×10−18 G g .
sign denoting positive energy density, because
it contains the metric of the vacuum or quin- In the following section the metric describing
tessence particle that describes a repulsive photons, given by hermetry form H5 (T1, S2,
force. Their partial metric have the form I2), and its interaction with the gravitophoton
metric is investigated.
g i k H 11 =55566566+

57675868 (9)

gi k H 11 =77788788+

75768586. (10) 8 A nonzero vacuum density during the early universe

resulted in an exponential expansion (inflationary
phase), and also is the cause of the Casimir effect,
To conclude this section, it has been shown
although extremely small. GR alone cannot provide
that in Heim space ℝ8 there are three physical the physics for field propulsion. Moreover, vacuum
interactions acting on material particles, energy is also considered to be responsible for the
namely, gravitation represented by hermetry expansion of the universe.
form H12 (S2) (attractive), the quintessence or 9 Coordinates of S2 are associated with GR and those
vacuum field hermetry form H10 (I2) repulsive), of I2 are assigned to QT.
10 In the physical interaction picture, generally the first
and the gravitophoton field, hermetry form H11 partner emits and the second one absorbs a messen-
(S2, I2) (both attractive and repulsive). Nega- ger particle. Since the quintessence is formed from
tive and positive gravitophotons are generated the vacuum itself, there is no generating mass, for
instance, a proton mass emitting a photon. Thus the
value Gq is some kind of fictitious value.

2.2 The Metric for Electromagnetic Interac- ẍ =M ik c ẋ .
i k

tions (16)

The metric tensor for photons depends on sub- This form can be directly compared with an
spaces I2, S2, and T1 with coordinates  4, electron moving in an electromagnetic field
5,...,8, see [2]. ẍ =
i e
F ik ẋ
8 me c (17)
gi ph
k :=g i k H 5 = ∑ g
 ,=4
∂ Ai ∂ Ak
where F ik = −
and no distinction
∂x ∂ xi k
The coupling constant of this hermetry form is
1 e2 needs to be made between covariant and the
=w ph=
. ordinary derivative. The electromagnetic field
4  0 ℏ c
tensor is obtained from the 4-vector electro-
For weak electrodynamic and also for weak magnetic potential that is defined as
gravitational fields, spacetime (4D) is almost  , Ai . From comparison of Eqs. (16) and
flat, so one obtains
(17) the following expression for the metric is
0 0
gi k =g hi k
ik where g =−1
44 and obtained
0 h4 k = 14 k  Ak .
g =1 where i=1,2,3 and k, ℓ=1,...,4. The
ii me c 2 (18)
hik are small quantities whose products are
negligible. In the following the hik are used to In the next step, the third term of Eq. (14) is
describe the metric for electromagnetic inter- investigated. Tensor potentials hi k can be
actions. All other components are 0. The geo- written, see [1], by means of retarded poten-
desic equation [1] takes the form tials

1 ∂ h il ∂ h kl ∂ hik k l

1 eQ vi vk e ẋ
ẍ i =− −  ẋ ẋ . hi k = = A (19)
2 ∂ k ∂ i ∂ l 4 0 me c 2 r c c me c 2

where the dot denotes the time derivative. with i, k=1,2,3. Combining Eqs. (17) and (18)
Evaluating the terms on the RHS gives with Eq. (19), one obtains

−2 ẍ i =2 h i4 , 4 −h 44, i  ẋ 4 ẋ 4 + 1 eQ vi v k
hi k = 14 i  4 k 
2h i4 , l hil , 4 −h 4 l , i  ẋ 4 ẋ l + (14) 4 0 2
me c r c c (20)

h ik , l hil , k −h kl , i  ẋ k ẋ l . with i, k =1,...,4.

Analyzing Eq. (20) shows that for i=4 and k=4
with i,k,ℓ=1,2,3 and the comma denoting a par- the metric describes the electric potential  ,
tial derivative. Investigating the first two terms
while for k=4 and i=1,2,3 the metric represents
of Eq. (14) and using x 4 =ct 11 one obtains
the vector potential A. For indices i, k=1,2,3
an additional tensor potential is obtained,
ẍ = h 44, i −h i4 , 4 c h 4 l , i −h i4 , l c ẋ .
i 2 l
which is not present in classical electrodynam-
2 (15) ics. Therefore, a 4×4 matrix is needed to de-
scribe all electromagnetic potentials.
Introducing the quantity Tensor potentials hik with i, k =1,2,3 are be-
M i k=
 1
1 k 4 
h k 4, i – hi 4, k , longing to the hermetry form for photons and
thus have coupling coefficient =w ph , but

Eq. (15) can be written in shortform cannot be associated with the 4-potential of the
electromagnetic field. Introducing the cou-
pling coefficient α in Eq. (20) leads to
11 It should be noted that in this section contravariant
coordinates are used.

Q ℏ 1 vi v k nonzero probability amplitude for converting a
hi k =1 4 i 4 k  . (21) photon into gravitophotons. This gravitational
e me c r c c
force is the basis for the propulsion concept,
termed gravitophoton field propulsion or field
8 propulsion.
On the other hand, hik = ∑ h
ik is defined
For weak gravitational fields, spacetime is al-
 ,=4
∂ 4
by its sum of partial potentials, so that the sum most flat, so the contribution of is large
∂ 4
of all of these potentials is determining the
coupling constant for the electromagnetic ∂ 4
in comparison to , l=1, 2, 3. Therefore,
field, namely wph. Coupling constants for dif- ∂ l
ferent fields are thus determined by the corre- only the scalar photon potential needs to be
sponding sum of their partial potentials. considered
2.3 The Metric for Coupling Electromagne-  ph 0  ph
g 4 4 =g 4 4 h 4 4 . (24)
tism and Gravitation
As was shown above, the metric tensor for the For the linearized potential a formula similar
gravitophoton depends on subspaces S2 and I2 to Eq. (23) holds,
with coordinates 5, 6, 7, 8, and is written as 8
 ph 4 4
∑ h 4 
=h 4 4 h i k 
gi k :=gi k  H 11 = ∑  
gi k =0. h 44 44 +
 , =5
 , =5 (22) 8 (25)
+ ∑  
h4 4 .
In comparison with Eq. (8), the metric for the  , =5
photon can be written in the form12
Next, the contributions of the partial potentials
gi ph gp 4 4
k =g i k g i k  ∑ g 4 4 
i k g i k .
on the RHS of Eq. (25) are evaluated. From
the known form of the electric and Lorentz
 , =5
forces, F=q Eq vT ×B , vT denoting the
velocity of the rotating torus, there follows the
The second and third terms, as will be shown existence of a scalar electric potential ϕ and a
below, can be associated with the electric force vector potential A with components
(electric scalar potential) and the Lorentz force Qv
(vector potential). The first term represents the Ai =0 i where Qvi denotes the total cur-
combined metric for the negative and positive R
gravitophoton particles. If an experiment can rent in the magnetic coil and i=1,2,3. The first
be conceived which causes the metric of the term in (25) is associated with the electric po-
photon to become 0, then the metric for the tential, seen by a virtual electron with charge
gravitophoton particles remains. The experi- -e at distance rN from a nucleus, located in
ment needs to remove the time dependence the torus, see Fig. (1). The potential thus takes
from the photon metric, so that only the space the form
S2 × I2 remains, responsible for the gravitopho-
ton metric 13. 4 4 1 1 eZe
h 4 4 =− . (26)
In addition it can be shown, see Eq. (35), that 4 0 me c 2 r N
in the presence of virtual electrons, responsible
for the vacuum polarization and the shielding For the first stage of the proposed propulsion
of the charge of a nucleus [16], there exists a mechanism as well as for the experiment of
12 The sum of the second and third terms were denoted
Fig. (1), it can be assumed that speed vi << c.
No field propulsion system will accelerate a
as electromagnetic metric tensor, g i k , in [1]. spacecraft to a velocity comparable to the
13 We are aware of the fact that these theoretical pre- speed of light, since the required energy ren-
dictions sound highly speculative, but they are di- ders such an approach impractical.
rect consequence of the geometrization principle.

The second partial potential can be determined of light, the value of the factor v k /c vTk /c be-
from Eq. (19). The corresponding vector po-
tential is of the form ing in the range of 10-11 to 10-16, it is under-
standable that the tensor potential was not
8 T
1 eQ v i v i separately identified so far. Expressing
∑ h 4  4 
4 4 h 4 4 =−
4 0 me c R c c
2 (27) e Z r e=eZeeZ er  where e(r) rep-
 , =5

resents the additional positive charge of the

with summation over i=1,2,3 and vi /c and Q nucleus resulting from the shielding effect of
the speed and total charge of the electrons in the virtual electrons (see below), Eq. (29)
the current loop (see Fig. (1)), while v i / c de-
takes the form
notes a velocity component of the rotating
1 1
torus (see Fig. (1)). The charge -e denotes h4ph
4 = ×
4 0 me c 2
electron charge. R is the distance from the cen- (30)
eZe eZ  e eQ vi vi eQ vi vi v k v k
ter of the coil to the location of a virtual elec-   − − .
rN rN R c c R c c c c
tron in the torus. This potential represents the
Lorentz force. Considering a nucleus of one of the atoms in
There is a third partial potential in Eq. (25) the material comprising the torus, there is a lo-
that has the form of a tensor potential, which cation rN for which the first and third terms of
has no counterpart in classical electrodynamics Eq. (30) cancel, namely for
theory and comes from the geodesic equation. Ze c c
rN= R
According to the geometrization of forces, a Q v i v Ti (31)
new force should exist, derived from
8 where the constant charge value Ze was used.
∑ h
 
44 = With  e=Ae , see Eq. (35), the following
 , =5
(28) equation holds
1 1 eQ v i v i v k v k
−  
eZ  e AeQ v i v i
4 0 m e c 2 R c c c c
= . (32)
rN R c c
with summation over i and k, assuming values
1,2,3. The potential of Eq. (28) describes a The value of A, derived from vacuum polari-
scalar potential that exists at a location in zation, is specified in Eq. (36) and computed
space carrying a specific charge e/me. Adding in Eqs. (37, 38). If the value rN is smaller than
up all three contributions results in a potential
h −12
1 1 C = =2.43×10 m , the Compton wave-
4 = × me c
40 me c 2
eZ r e eQ v i v i eQ vi vi v k v k
(29) length of the electron, the second term in (30)
 − − . is different from 0 and the speed vi can be cho-
rN R c c R c c c c
sen such that the first and the third terms can-
For distances r < rN, Z(r) is replacing Z, ac- cel, leading to
counting for the shielding effect of the charge 1 1 eQ v i v i
v v

of the nucleus by the virtual electrons that are h4ph

4 =  A− k k  . (33)
4 0 m e c 2 R c c c c
being formed in the vicinity of a nucleus
within the range of the Compton wavelength From the nature of A, it is obvious that the first
of the electron. It should be noted that the elec- term in the above potential is generated from
tron charge, -e, was used in the first term. In the vacuum, wile the second term comes from
the second and third terms it should be noted the tensor potential generated in the coil. The
that eQ > 0, since electrons are involved. total energy extracted from the vacuum is,
From Eq. (27) it is required that the 4-dimen- however, always zero. According to L. Krauss
sional vector potential, (ϕ, Ai) with i=1,2,3, of in [3] the cosmological constant is 5×10-10
classical electrodynamics has to be replaced by J/m3. This means that the conversion of pho-
the 4-dimensional tensor potential (ϕ, Ai, Aik) tons into gravitophotons begins to occur as
with i,k =1,2,3. Since velocities of charges in a soon as the condition h4ph
4 ≈0 is satisfied.
material body are much smaller than the speed

2.4 Physical Model for Gravitophoton Gen- gravitophoton potential with associated prob-
eration ability amplitude Nwgp. From Eqs. (35) the fol-
lowing relation holds for gravitophoton pro-
In the following, starting from Eq. (33), the
duction, requiring the existence of a shielding
physical mechanism is presented, responsible
for the conversion of photons into gravitopho-
tons. The mechanism for the generation of the Nw gp =Aw ph . (36)
postulated negative and positive gravitophoton
particles is based on the concept of vacuum The function A(r) can be calculated from Lan-
polarization known from Quantum Electrody- dau's radiation correction [16] and is given by
me c
namics (QED). In QED the vacuum behaves −2 ∞ r
∫ e
2 ℏ 1 (3
like a dielectric absorbing and producing vir- A= 1 2 −11/2 /2 d 
tual particles and the Coulomb potential is as- 3 1 2 2 7)
sociated with the transfer of a single virtual with numerical values for A ranging from 10-3
photon. Vacuum polarization in form of the to 10-4. For small r (r << λC) the integral in Eq.
electron-photon interaction changes the Cou- (37) can be evaluated
lomb potential of a point charge for distances
within the electron Compton wavelength with
respect to a nucleus.
3 
m c
ln e rC E 

6  (38)

The velocities vi , v i in combination with the

where CE = 0.577 is Euler's constant. For r >>
total charge Q in the current loop or magnetic λC, the integral Eq. (37) falls off exponentially
coil need to be chosen such that me ℏ
as e−2 c r . Vacuum polarization changes the
r N C , (34)
Coulomb potential of a point charge only for
otherwise vacuum polarization does not occur. distances r < λ C. The radiation correction is
It should be noted that the experiment allows not only caused by electron-positron interac-
to vary these three parameters. However, as tion, but interaction with muons and pions is
will be shown below, two more conditions also possible. QED works for muons, but does
have to be satisfied. In addition, the material in not work for pions, since they are subject to
the torus should contain hydrogen atoms to get the strong interaction. Therefore, for r ~ h/mπ c,
a value of Z as small as possible, that is close QED will not suffice anymore, i.e., there is no
to 1. applicable theory. Hence, the physical model
presented below is limited to this fact.
A conversion of photons into gravitophotons is
possible according to Eqs. (35). The first equa- The third condition is, according to Eq. (33),
tion describes the production of N2 gravitopho- to make the photon potential vanish, i.e., to
ton particles14 from photons. This equation is trigger the conversion of a photon into nega-
obtained from Heim's theory in 8D space in tive and positive gravitophotons, which re-
combination with considerations from number quires that A takes on a value à that is
theory, and predicts the conversion of photons v k vTk
into gravitophoton particles. The second equa- 
A= (39)
c c
tion is taken from Landau [16]
where the value of à depends on the velocities
w ph r −w ph=Nw gp of the charges in the coil and the rotating torus.
w ph r −w ph =Aw ph . This conversion takes place at a larger value of
The physical meaning of Eqs. (35) is that an r, since the product on the RHS of Eq. (39) is
electromagnetic potential containing probabil- some 10-11.
ity amplitude Awph can be converted into a
2.5 Conversion of Photons into Gravitopho-
14 The factor N2 results from the fact that in Eq. (35)
probability amplitudes are considered, but the gen- To summarize, there are the following three
eration of particles depends on actual probabilities. conditions to be satisfied in order to convert a
It should be noted that N is not needed, but the prod-
uct Nwgp.
photon into a pair of negative and positive

gravitophotons while insuring that the total en- more, since it describes a purely gravitational
ergy extracted in form of gravitophoton parti- field.
cles from the vacuum is zero. Replacing A by Eq. (36) and insuring that the
vk vk
potential of Eq. (41) identically vanishes, the
A converted gravitophoton field takes the form
c c
h Nw gp N ' w gp 1 eQ vi v i
r N  C = hgp∓ =∓  
me c (40) 44
w ph w ph 4 0 me c 2 R c c
Ze c c
rN= R
Q v i v Ti The ∓ sign in Eq. (42) represents the fact
that there are both attractive and repulsive
The crucial point in the interpretation of Eq.
gravitophotons as described by the two metric
(40) is that the first equation provides a value
forms in Eqs. (9, 10). The sum of the two po-
of Ã≈10-11. This value is needed to start con-
tentials adds up to 0, satisfying Eq. (22). The
verting photons into gravitophotons. However,
gravitophoton field is a gravitational like field,
for this value of à the conversion process is
acting on material particles, except that it can
not efficient, i.e., the number of gravitopho-
be both attractive and repulsive, and is repre-
tons produced is too small to result in an ap-
sented by two different types of gravitopho-
preciable force. Equations two and three deter-
tons. However, the coupling constants of the
mine the conditions at which, according to Eq.
two particles are different, and only the nega-
(42), an effective gravitophoton potential ex-
tive (attractive) gravitophotons are absorbed
ists for which the respective value rN is deter-
by protons and neutrons, while absorption by
mined. The corresponding value for A > Ã is
electrons can be neglected16. Under certain cir-
some 10-3. It should be noted that Eq. (39) is
cumstances, a material body may be able to
not interpreted as a resonance phenomenon,
transition into a postulated parallel space that
but sets a condition for the photon potential to
is not subject to the limit c, the vacuum speed
disappear and the gravitophoton potential to
of light. Any gravitophoton propulsion device
appear that is, for the onset of the conversion
therefore works as a two-stage system, first
of photons into gravitophotons. Once this hap-
accelerating the spacecraft by gravitophoton
pened, the value of A can be increased further,
force and then, for certain values of the mag-
giving rise to an efficient and effective gravi-
netic field and torus properties, causes a tran-
tophoton potential for field propulsion15.
sition into parallel space.
In the following these conditions will be em-
ployed to determining the technical require-
3 Space Flight Dynamics of Gravito-
ments of a gravitophoton propulsion device. photon Field Propulsion
Since an almost flat space was assumed, the In this chapter the two-stage gravitophoton
equation for the gravitophoton metric, Eq. propulsion system is discussed. In Secs. (3.1,
(22), is reduced to a single component in direct 3.2) the acceleration phase is described, and
analogy to Eq. (25), and thus the equation for Sec. (3.3) discusses the transition into parallel
the gravitophoton potential can be written as space, presenting the physical laws governing

1 1 eQ v i v i parallel space. In addition, the physical condi-
4 = A.
4 0 m e c 2 R c c (41) tions for transition into and leaving parallel
space are outlined.
From the nature of A, it is obvious that the
above potential is generated from the vacuum. 3.1 Gravitophoton Interaction Equations for
N ' w gp Space Propulsion
In addition, a factor =1 is introduced
w ph Negative gravitophotons are subsequently ab-
in Eq. (42) to emphasize that this equation sorbed by the protons in the torus which have
does not contain any electrical charges any- a large absorption cross section compared to
positive gravitophotons. In the non-relativistic
15 It should be noted that this not a proof that the con- case, the scattering cross section for photon-
version process takes place as indicated. Only the
experiment can prove the correctness of this as- 16 The amount of energy extracted from the vacuum in
sumption. gravitophoton pair production is zero.


 

Figure 1: Instead of a simple current loop, a coil with many turns can be used. Both, the current in the coil and
the rotation are in counter-clockwise direction. The field of this coil gives rise to an inhomogeneous magnetic
field that has a radial field component. The radial component and the gradient in z-direction are related
r ∂Hz
through H r =− . It should be noted, however, that if the ring possesses a magnetic moment, M, there is
2 ∂z
a magnetic force in the z-direction of magnitude F =M . This force does not depend on the rotation of the
ring. For a diamagnetic material the force acts in the positive z-direction (up), while para- and ferromagnetic
materials are drawn toward the region of increasing magnetic field strength (down). The gravitophoton fore
superimposes these effects.
The gravitophoton force comes into play as soon as the ring starts rotating and the condition according to Eq.
(40) is satisfied. i.e., the velocity components vk and vkT must have the same sign. Perhaps equipment used to
measuring magnetic moments can be employed to determine the gravitophoton force. For instance, if a para-
magnetic substance is used, the gravitophoton force (up) could be used to balance the magnetic force, so that
the resulting force is 0. From Refs. [23 and 24] it is found that a quartz sample (SiO2, diamagnetic) of a mass
of 10-3 kg experiences a force of 1.6 × 10-4 N in a field of Bz=1.8 T and a gradient of dBz/dz=17 T/m. A cal-
cium sample (paramagnetic) of the same mass would be subject to a force of -7.2 × 10-4 N. It is important
that the material of the rotating ring is an insulator to avoid eddy currents. For the acceleration phase, the
torus should contain hydrogen atoms. For transition into parallel space another material should be used.

8 2 the Heim-Lorentz force [1], which is a gravi-
proton interaction is given by = r , tational force, has the form
3 p
where rp is the classical proton radius, given
 gp
by F gp=−w N e 0 v ×H .
2 T

1 e

r p= =w ph
. (43)
4 0 m p c 2 mp c
The total force of the negative gravitophotons
on the rotating body can be expressed in a
For gravitophotons, wph has to be replaced by17 form analogous to the Lorentz force
Nwgp, since in the conversion process from F gp=− p e 0 vT ×H
photon to gravitophotons , N2 gravitophoton (47)
pairs are generated according to Eq. (35). The
absorption cross section for a attractive (nega- where  p indicates that only proton and
tive) gravitophoton particle by a material parti- neutron absorption processes were considered.
cle (here a proton or neutron is assumed) is
given as From Eqs. (45, 46)  p is determined as

     
2 2 2
8 ℏ 32 Nw gpe ℏ d
 Nw gpa  Nw gpa 
 gp = . (44)
Z. (48)
3 mp c
3 w ph mp c d 30

However, if the absorption is by an electron,  p (dimensionless) is a highly nonlinear

the proton mass mp has to be replaced by elec- function of the probability amplitude of the
tron mass me. Therefore, the absorption cross gravitophoton particle.
section of a proton is larger by the factor
(mp/me)2. Hence, the absorption of negative It is important to note that Eq. (47) only de-
gravitophotons by electrons can be neglected. scribes the acceleration stage of gravitophoton
field propulsion. It should be noted that the
For the generation (emission) of a gravitopho- current understanding is that the kinetic energy
ton pair from the vacuum by means of a virtual of the spacecraft is provided from the vac-
electron, the coupling constant is given by18 uum19 and not from the magnetic field that is
m 2e
w 2gpe =G gp . For the absorption of a negative needed only to maintain the conversion proc-
ℏc ess. The role of the magnetic field seems to be
gravitophoton by a proton, the coupling con- that of a catalyzer.
m Conditions for entering a parallel space are
stant has the form w gpa=G gp m p ℏ c . Using the
2 e
given in Sec. (3.3). As will be seen, a com-
absorption cross section for protons, the prob- pletely different physical scenario needs to be
ability for this process is obtained as established, requiring magnetic induction of

 
2 some 30 T and torus material different from
32 ℏ d hydrogen.
w=  Nw gpa 
Z. (45)
3 mp c d 30
3.2 Technical Data for Acceleration Gravito-
photon Field Propulsion
d is the diameter of the torus, d0 the diameter
of the atom in its ground state, and Z denotes Formulas (47, 48) will be used to calculate the
the mass number of the atom. Since the first strength of the gravitophoton field. To increase
equation in Eqs. (35) describes the conversion the strength of the interaction, a material con-
of photons into N2 gravitophoton pairs, α gp taining hydrogen atoms should be used, be-
needs to be replaced by N2αgp. The force re- cause of the small value of r. For interstellar
sulting from this conversion process, termed missions a different material should be used.

17 In the following, a distinction between emission

(electron mass) and absorption (proton mass) of
gravitophotons is necessary.
18 The value of Ggp is given in Appendix B. 19 It is emphasized that the total energy extracted is 0.

3.3 Space Flight in Parallel Space
n N w gpe 0 H Fgp Gravitophoton propulsion takes place in two
(N) phases. In phase one a spacecraft is subject to
(T) acceleration in ℝ4. Covering large interplane-
104 2.6× 10-14 2.0 7.14×10-43 tary or interstellar distances, requires the tran-
105 1.1 ×10-5 6.3 3×101 sition into parallel space, which is phase two
of the field propulsion system.
106 1.5×10-4 20.0 4.5×107
A complete mathematical discussion of paral-
106 2.5×10-4 50.0 1.45×109 lel space cannot be given in the framework of
Table1: The right most column shows the total gravitophoton this paper. Therefore, only the salient physical
force in Newton that would act on the rotating ring. The features and their consequences are presented.
force results from the absorption of the gravitophoton by a
proton. The absorption through a proton results in a much As was shown in Chap. 2, an electromagnetic
larger force, so that in principle the interaction of a gravito- field can be transformed into a gravitational
photon with an electron, regardless whether real or virtual,
can be neglected. The number of turns of the magnetic coil is like field, producing both negative and posi-
denoted by n, the magnetic induction is given in Tesla, and tive gravitophotons from the vacuum. The fun-
the current through the coil is 100 A, except for the last row damental fact for transition into parallel space
where 250 A were used. The mass of the rotating torus is 100
kg, its thickness, d (diameter) 0.05 m, and its circumferential is that the gravitational potential of a space-
speed is 103 m/s. The wire cross section is 1 mm2. The mean- craft with mass M is reduced by the interaction
ing of the probability amplitude is given in the text. of the positive gravitophotons with gravitons
For instance, if a larger spacecraft of 105 kg and their conversion into (repulsive) vacuum
with a rotating ring of 103 kg needs to have a particles. There is an additional conversion
constant acceleration of 1g, a magnetic induc- equation, similar to Eqs. (35), for converting
the gravitons of the spacecraft together with
tion 0 H of some 13 T is needed together the positive gravitophotons into the postulated
with a current density of 100 A/mm2 and a coil vacuum particles (or quintessence particles),
of 4×105 turns for a value N w gpe =4.4×10 . thus reducing the gravitational potential of the
The resulting force would be 106 N. Thus a spacecraft. The gravitational potential, Φ, is
launch of such a spacecraft from the surface of given by
the earth seems to be technically feasible. G  g r '  3
 r =−∫ d r'
∣r−r '∣
The high current in the superconducting coil
produces a magnetic field H, that can be de- which implies that Φ obeys the Poisson equa -
rived from a vector potential. Velocity vk is the tion
speed of the charge in the current loop or coil
(Fig. 1). It is assumed that a superconductor is 4 G M =∮ ∇  r ' ⋅d S (49)
producing charge speeds of some 103 m/s. To-
gether with the velocity v k of the rotating where integration is over the closed surface S
torus, this magnetic field generates the conver- of a volume V in physical space that contains
sion potential according to Eq. (33). Photons the spacecraft. Following the arguments by
are converted into negative and positive gravi- Penrose [5, 18] (violation of causality) and by
tophotons. Negative gravitophotons are ab- Krauss [3] (a signal is needed to tell spacetime
sorbed by protons and neutrons, while positive to warp, but its speed itself cannot exceed c),
gravitophotons do not interact, thus resulting GR clearly does not allow to travel faster than
in a measurable force. the speed of light in spacetime ℝ 4. Since ab-
sorption of positive gravitophotons is reducing
Φ, this would require either the mass of the
spacecraft to be reduced in ℝ4, or the gravita-
tional constant G to become smaller, owing to
Eq. (49). As a consequence of a reduced mass,
conservation of momentum would require a

velocity c' > c 20 in ℝ4, which has to be ruled crete (quantized) spacetime dilatations (con-
out. The decision for a reduced gravitational tractions).
constant G' < G in ℝ4 is more difficult. To this The two important questions to be addressed,
end, we refer to quantum gravity theory [26], concern the value n, in particular, how it is in-
according to which area is quantized, that is fluenced by experimental parameters, and the
back-transformation from ℝ 4(n)ℝ4. The re-
=16  3  j  j1 . (50) sult of the back-transformation must not de-
c pend on the choice of the origin of the coordi-
nate system in ℝ 4. For the lack of space, the
ℏG detailed discussion for the two mappings from
The minimal surface =8  3 is ob-
ℝ4ℝ4(n)ℝ4 cannot be presented, but the
tained for j=1/2. Therefore any physical phe- result is that the spacecraft has moved a dis-
nomenon that requires a gravitational constant tance nvΔT when reentering ℝ4. This mapping
G' < G or a speed of light c' > c in ℝ4 has to be for the transformation of distance, time and ve-
ruled out, violating the fact that τ is the mini- locity differences is not the identity matrix that
mum surface. On the other hand, because of is, the second transformation is not the inverse
positive gravitophoton action, Φ actually is re - of the first transformation22. The spacecraft is
duced, and thus the concept of parallel space assumed to be leaving ℝ4 with velocity v, and
(or parallel universe or multiverse) is intro- ΔT denotes the time difference between leav-
duced, denoted as ℝ4(n) with nℕ. For n=1, ing and reentering ℝ4, as measured by an ob -
v(1):=v (velocity of the spacecraft) and ℝ4(1):= server in ℝ 4. It should be noted that energy
ℝ4. It is postulated that a spacecraft, under cer- conservation in ℝ4 has to be satisfied that is,
tain conditions, stated below by Eq.(52), will the energy of the spacecraft remains un-
be able to transition into such a parallel space. changed upon reentering (provided no accel-
For G(n)=G/n, M(n)=nM, and c(n)= nc, the eration occurred in ℝ4(n)), given by the relativ-
spacecraft would transition into nth-parallel istic formula
space ℝ 4(n). An indirect proof for the exis- 2

and v 1 = v n = nv 1 .

M0 c
M vc 2 =

tence of parallel spaces could be the observed
 
2 c 1 c n nc 1
phenomenon of dark matter, see Sec. (4.4). v 1
c 1
A parallel space ℝ (n), in which covariant

physical laws with respect to ℝ4 exist, is char- The value of n is obtained from the following
acterized by the scaling transformation formula, Eq. (52), relating the field strength of
the gravitophoton field, ggp , with the gravi-
1 1
x i n= 2
x 1, i=1,2,3 ; t n= 3 t 1 tational field strength, gg, produced by the
n n
v n=n v 1; c n=n c 1 (51) spacecraft itself,
G n= G ; ℏ n=ℏ ; n∈ℕ . g +gp G gp
n n= . (52)
gg G
The fact that n must be an integer stems from
the requirement in LQT for a smallest length This formula will be used in the next section to
scale. Hence only discrete and no continuous calculate the conditions for a transition into
transformations are possible. The Lorentz parallel space. The positive gravitophoton field
transformation is invariant with regard to the is generated together with the negative gravito-
transformations of Eqs. (51) 21. In other words, photon field, and, because of energy conserva-
physical laws should be covariant under dis- 22 In other words, a quantity v(n)=nv(1), obtained from
20 This is in contrast to [2] where a reduction in mass a quantity of ℝ4, is not transformed again when go-
was assumed, and a velocity c' > c was postulated. ing back from ℝ4(n) to ℝ4. This is in contrast to a
The important fact, however, is the reduction of the quantity like ΔT(n) that transforms into ΔT. The rea-
gravitational potential.
son for this unsymmetrical behavior is that ΔT(n) is
21 It is straightforward to show that Einstein's field
equations as well as the Friedmann equations are a quantity from ℝ4(n) and thus is being trans-
also invariant under dilatations. formed.

tion, has the same value. Therefore, its rotational speed of the torus of vT = 103 m/s,
strength can be directly calculated from Eq. and a torus mass of 2×103 kg, an acceleration
(47). Assuming a magnetic induction of 30 T, larger than 1g is produced so that a launch is
a current density of 230 A/mm2, and 4×105 possible. Assuming an acceleration of 1g dur-
turns for the magnetic coil, the positive gravi- ing flight, the first half of the distance, dM, to
tophoton field should result in an acceleration the moon is covered in some 2 hours, which

of 3×102 m/s2, in direct vicinity of the torus. 2 dM
Some 10 m away from the torus the accelera- directly follows from t= , resulting in a
tion should be some 0.1 g or 1 m/s2. This value

total flight time of 4 hours. Since the distance
for g gp is being used in calculating the value is very short, entering parallel space is not
of n for the interplanetary and interstellar mis- necessary.
sions of Sec. (3.4). The rotating torus gener- A Mars mission, under the same assumptions
ates pairs of both negative and positive gravi- as a flight to the moon, that is, if only stage
tophotons. Negative gravitophotons are ab- one of the field propulsion is used, would need
sorbed by protons and neutrons, while the re- an acceleration phase of 414 hours. The final
maining positive gravitophotons interact with velocity would be v= gt = 1.49×106 m/s. This
the gravitons of the spacecraft, being con- would be a hypothetical value only, if the
verted into vacuum particles, thus reducing the amount of energy needed would have to be
gravitational potential of the spacecraft. Eq. provided by the electromagnetic field. How-
(52) then determines the condition for transi- ever, this kinetic energy is extracted from the
tion into parallel space ℝ4(n). Since n is an in- vacuum, although the total energy extracted
teger, the effect is quantized and requires a from the vacuum that is in the form of nega-

threshold value for g gp . tive and positive gravitophotons, is zero. The
total flight time to Mars with acceleration and
deceleration is 34 days.
3.4 Lunar, Interplanetary, and Interstellar
Missions Using stage two field propulsion that is enter-
ing parallel space, a transition is possible at a
In the following we discuss three missions, a
speed of some 3×104 m/s that will be reached
lunar mission, a Mars mission, and an inter-
after approximately 1 hour at a constant accel-
stellar mission. From the numbers provided, it
eration of 1g. The transition into parallel space
is clear that gravitophoton field propulsion, if
has the effect that the velocity increases to
feasible, cannot be compared with chemical
0.4 c. In that case, total flight time would be
propulsion or any other currently conceived
reduced to some 2.5 hours23.
propulsion system. Furthermore, an accelera-
tion of 1g can be sustained during flight for lu- For an interstellar mission, the concept of par-
nar missions. allel space is indispensable. An acceleration
phase of some 34 days with 1g would result in
Gravitophoton field propulsion is a two-stage
a final velocity of one per cent of the speed of
process. First, an acceleration is achieved by
light, 0.01 c. Again, gravitophoton field pro-
the absorption of negative gravitophotons
pulsion would obtain the kinetic energy from
through the protons and neutrons of the torus
the vacuum. The transition into parallel space
material. In the second stage, a transition into a
would need a repulsive strength of the gravito-
parallel space takes place that leads to a huge
photon field (positive gravitophotons), produc-
increase by a factor n, see Eq. (52), in speed
with regard to our spacetime ℝ4 (see previous ing an acceleration g +gp =1 m/ s 2 at some 10
section). m (order of magnitude) away from the space-
For lunar missions only stage one is needed.
The high values of magnetic induction for a
transition to parallel space are not needed. For 23 Today's propulsion systems demand long mission
the lunar mission a launch from the surface of times to Mars, and adequate protection must be pro-
the earth is foreseen with a spacecraft of a vided against radiation hazards. Reinforced polyeth-
mass of some 1.5 ×105 kg (150 t). With a mag- ylene (hydrogen content) is being investigated, but
may significantly increase the mass of the space-
netic induction of 20 T, compare Table (1), a craft.

craft. The gravitational field strength of the Despite its success in predicting the mass of
spacecraft itself with mass 105 kg is given by some new particles, quantum electrodynamics
M and quantum chromodynamics are plagued by
g g =G ≈6.67×10 m/ s . Inserting these
2 logical inconsistencies, i.e., by infinities. Re-
R normalization gets rid of these infinities by
values into Eq. (52), transition into parallel subtracting infinities from infinities in order to
space would cause a velocity gain by a factor get something finite. This is only justified by
of n = 3.3×104, resulting in an effective speed the meaningful results that follow from this
of 3.3×102 c. This means for an observer in ℝ4 physically inconsistent process [17].
that the spacecraft seems to have moved at A major question therefore is on the roles of
such a superluminal speed. A distance of 10 and the relationship between GR and QT with
light-years could be covered within 11 days. regard to the explanation of physical reality,
The deceleration phase requires another 34 and how these theories could be modified to
days, so that a one-way trip will take about 80 describe the material world in a consistent
days to reach, for instance, the star Procyon way. Furthermore, it has to be clarified
that is 3.5 pc24 from earth. There are about 30 whether current theory has found all possible
known stars within a radius of 13 light-years physical interactions. For instance, many sci-
from earth. entists have already guessed that an interaction
between electromagnetism and gravitation
4 Cosmology from HQT and LQT should exist [3], not contained in the laws of
Despite the successes of modern physics, the current physics.
most fundamental questions, as will be shown Einstein's GR of 1915 is a revolutionary theory
in the subsequent section, cannot be answered. that could provide the framework of a geo-
It is clear that the current status of physics is metrization of all physical interactions: gravity
far from being the final theory. Therefore, to is no longer treated as a force, but is repre-
argue that something is not possible based on sented by the curvature of spacetime. Over the
the insights of current theory, is not necessar- last two decades GR has been tested to be cor-
ily true. Advanced propulsion systems do re- rect to one part in 1014 by measuring the
quire novel physics beyond present concepts. shrinking in the orbit of the Hulse-Taylor bi-
Quantum gravity could be a key theory. nary pulsar (two neutron stars where one is a
pulsar) [23], i.e., measuring the periodic Dop-
4.1 Deficiencies in Current Fundamental pler shift of the pulsar's radiation. The energy
Physical Theories loss is attributed to gravitational waves.
The wave picture of QT does not describe the Hence, the accuracy of GR is greater than for
particle aspect occurring in Nature. The cur- QT or even QED. If gravity is not to be treated
rent standard model, trying to describe particle different from all other physical interactions,
features by introducing new additional quan- and since it is confirmed to such a marvelous
tum numbers, has not been successful in ex- accuracy, it seems to be justified to use this ap-
plaining fundamental physics such as the proach for all physical forces, and also to ap-
measured mass spectrum of elementary parti- ply this concept to the subatomic range. There-
cles and their lifetimes [17], neither can the fore, in Heim's approach Einstein's theory
very nature of matter be explained. It is also serves as the paradigm, on which all other
not known how many fundamental physical in- physical theories are to be modeled.
teractions exist, neither is the dimensionality Consequently, Heim has extended four dimen-
of space, nor can quantum numbers be de- sional spacetime to higher dimensions (addi-
rived. If all the quantum numbers describing tional imaginary coordinates), constructing a
an elementary particle have to be introduced poly-metric, and assigning all physical inter-
ad hoc, it would be difficult to imagine such a actions their proper metric. In the subatomic
particle as elementary. According to Heim this range, the quantization of spacetime proved to
is actually not the case [4]. be necessary. In this way a unified theory was
obtained. In other words, physics is geometry,
and matter is geometry, too.
24 Parsec is a distance and 1 pc= 3.26 ly.

When Heim solved the resulting eigenvalue Heim's hyperstuctures are both used to repre-
equations, the mass spectrum of ponderable sent dynamical quantum states of space. Heim
particles was obtained as described in [6, 12], uses a higher-dimensional space, for instance
along with their quantum numbers. Elementary in 6D space there are 30 metron surfaces
particles themselves are dynamical, cyclic bounding a volume, to construct a poly-metric
structures built from metrons, elemental sur- to unify all physical forces [4]. Loop quan-
faces with spin, in a hierarchical way [4, 7]. tum theory currently is formulated in 4D
Thus, a complete geometrization of Nature is spacetime and does not explicitly rely on a
achieved, reducing matter to a cyclic feature of metric. As mentioned by its authors the exten-
higher-dimensional space itself. Most impor- sion to higher dimensional spaces should be
tant, however, if the admissible metric combi- possible. However, if physical quantities need
nations are investigated, they lead to the con- to be computed, a metric eventually is indis-
clusion that six fundamental interactions must pensable25.
exist. While Heim's derivation of the metron is based
on heuristic physical arguments, the picture of
4.2 Common Concepts in HQT and LQT
quantum spacetime in LQT is on firm mathe-
Though HQT is based on geometrical aspects matical ground, see, for instance, [28]. It
in a 6, 8, or 12-dimensional space, it is neither seems that Heim's approach resembles the
continuous nor smooth, but contains an ele- Bohr model of the atom, while LQT is more
mental surface area, the metron, equipped with like the Heisenberg picture. On the other hand,
a spin vector. A quantized volume element, Heim constructed a unified theory through the
bounded by metron surfaces, may have all introduction of a poly-metric in a higher-di-
spins pointed outward (exogen) or all spins di- mensional space, predicting the existence of
rected inward (endogen). Because of the isot- two additional fundamental interactions.
ropy of space the metronic lattice (also called Moreover, he constructed a set of eigenvalue
 -lattice) contains both types of volumes. equations from the field equations of GR re-
Empty space comprises a dynamic lattice of sulting in the derivation of the mass spectrum
orthogonal elemental cells. Any lattice that de- for elementary particles [4, 6, 12]. Nothing can
viates from this Cartesian lattice is called a hy- be said at present whether HQT, in analogy to
perstructure and is capable of describing Einstein's GR, could be cast into the frame-
physical events. The curvature of space, inher- work of Ashtekar's novel formulation in which
ent to a hyperstructure, is termed condensa- GR is in a similar form to Yang-Mills theory
tion, since the number of metrons (because of [24, 26]26. It should be noted that according to
their fixed size) on a curved surface must be Heim any material particle has its associated
larger than on its projection into Euclidean proper hermetry form, and, as a consequence
space. Hyperstructures are described by an ei- of this, there is a unity of field and field
genvalue problem, leading to quantized levels source.
of space that are associated with real physical One important consequence of any theory
states. Space itself is ascribed a structural po- based on quantized surfaces and volumes is
tential, meaning that fundamental ontological that the picture of an elementary particle as a
qualities of space itself appear as geometric point-like entity [17] becomes untenable. Ac-
structures. cording to GR and QT, point-like particles
When compared to recent ideas from loop with mass will collapse into black holes [26]
quantum gravity, there is similarity on the and disappear, which is in stark contrast to the
ideas of the quantized structure of spacetime. very existence of elementary particles. With
Furthermore, both theories start from Ein- the classical radius of the electron of some
stein's GR, requiring background independ- 25 This includes the fact that all intermediate volumes
ence (no fixed coordinate system, but a dy- connecting initial and final volumes on the lattice or
namical evolving geometry) and independence the spin network could be identified and numbered.
on the coordinate values (the physics must not To this end, Heim developed his own mathematics
depend on the choice of coordinate system, and coined the term selector, see Chap. 3 in [6].
26 The idea for the comparison of the two theories is
also termed diffeomorphism invariance). Spin due to Dr. Jean-Luc Cambier, Senior Scientist, Pro-
networks in quantum loop theory [11] and pulsion Directorate, EAFB.

3×10-15 m, and a metron size of some 10-70 m2, structures, comparable to the Schwarzschild
about 1041 metrons are needed to cover the sur- radius. The distance at which gravitation
face of the electron. An electron therefore changes sign, ρ, is some 46 Mparsec. R+ de-
must be a highly complex geometrical quan- notes an upper bound and is some type of
tity. According to Heim, elementary particles Hubble radius, but is not the radius of the uni-
having rest mass constitute self-couplings of verse, instead it is the radius of the optically
free energy. They are indeed elementary as far observable universe. Gravitation is zero be-
as their property of having rest mass is con- yond the two bounds, that is, particles smaller
cerned, but internally they possess a very sub- than R- cannot generate gravitational interac-
tle, dynamic structure. For this reason they are tions.
elementary only in a relative sense. The argu-
ment, put forward by C. Rovelli [25] that had- Consequently, the cosmological redshift is ex-
rons cannot be elementary, because there are plained by the repulsive gravitational potential,
too many quantum numbers needed for their and not by the Doppler shift. A more detailed
description is not necessarily true. Heim, in his discussion is given in Sec. 5 of [2]. According
1977 paper [4], uses a set of 12 quantum num- to Heim the age of the universe is some 10127
bers to describe an elementary particle, and years. Matter, as we know it, was generated
claims that these quantum numbers can be re- only some 15 billion years ago, when τ, the
duced to a single quantum number k=1 or k=2 metron size, became small enough.
and the decision =±1 for particle or anti-
A very interesting fact is that in HQT the con-
particle. stants G, ћ, ε0, μ0, and τ are all functions of the
diameter, D, of the primeval universe in which
4.3 Cosmological Consequences our optical universe is embedded. Since matter
Going back in time, the volume of the universe is very recent in comparison with the age of
becomes smaller and smaller [1, 2, 28]. Be- the primeval universe, these constants re-
cause of the quantization of area and volume a mained practically unchanged for the last 15
singularity in space cannot develop. The uni- billion years (for more details see Sec. 2.2 [1]).
verse would have started with the smallest
possible volume, namely a volume being pro- Although HFT and LQT [28] provide a differ-
ent cosmogony, they both solve the singularity
portional to the Planck length cubed, ℓ 3p . Ac-
problem based on quantized spacetime as well
cording to Heim this was, however, not the as the problem of initial conditions. Both theo-
case, since the metron size, τ, is increasing ries make proposals that can be confronted
when going back in time while, in parallel, the with cosmological observations.
number of metrons decreases, until there is a
single metron only, covering the primeval uni- 4.4 Dark Matter
The existence of parallel spaces could indi-
rectly support the observed amount of dark
This links the dynamical evolution with the
matter. According to our computations, the
initial conditions, and allows for one single
mass in all parallel spaces ℝ 4(n) should be
choice only. Thus, the problem of initial con-
some 7 times the mass in ℝ 4, and should be
ditions for the universe is solved by quantiza-
felt via gravitational interaction in ℝ 4. Dark
tion 27.
matter therefore should be around 28% with
regard to the sum of visible and non-visible
Moreover, in HFT, gravitation is attractive be-
matter (currently at about 4%) in ℝ4.
tween a distance R- < r < ρ, and becomes
slightly repulsive for ρ < r < R+ and goes to 0 4.5 Dark Energy
for r > R+. R- is a lower bound for gravitational
Dark energy is explained by hermetry form
27 No discussion is intended of pre-structures before H10, and is the sixth fundamental interaction
the universe came into being via creation of the first proposed by HQT. This interaction is termed
metron, see [9]. The idea presented there, the apei- vacuum field and is repulsive.
ron, is similar to Penrose's ideal mathematical
world [5].

5 Conclusions and Future Work ing to our computations there is an upper limit
of 6.6×1010 for n). The concept of parallel
The authors are aware of the fact that the cur- spaces could indirectly be justified, since it
rent paper contains shortcomings with regard also can be used in calculating the amount of
to mathematical rigor, and also proposes two dark matter. Additional matter exists in these
highly speculative concepts28. It should be kept parallel spaces, and via gravitational interac-
in mind, however, that any type of field pro- tion may cause the observed effects in our uni-
pulsion29 necessarily must exceed conventional verse, attributed to dark matter. The question
physical concepts. In addition, the important of navigation in a parallel space with regard to
conversion equations for photons into gravito- ℝ4 cannot be answered at present.
photons and gravitophotons into vacuum
(quintessence) particles were not derived, sim- Substantial work needs to be done to refine the
ply for the lack of space, see [9]. calculations for the gravitophoton force and
the experimental setup.
The first of these concepts is the complete geo-
metrization of physics, extending the Einstein- With respect to the theoretical framework of
ian picture to all physical interactions. This re- HQT, the authors feel that HQT could benefit
quires an 8D space, termed Heim space, com- much from the mathematical structure of LQT.
prising four subspaces that are used to con- Recent LQT seems to have the potential to
struct a polymetric. Each of the partial metric, revolutionize the physical picture of space-
termed hermetry form (see glossary), repre- time. Most interesting, from the concept of
sents a physical interaction or interaction parti- minimal surface it follows directly that super-
cle. As a consequence, there are six fundamen- luminal speeds or the reduction of G are pro-
tal interactions, instead of the four known hibited in our spacetime. HQT postulating the
ones. The two additional interactions are existence of gravitophotons that can reduce a
gravitational like, one allowing the conversion gravitational potential, thus requires the con-
of photons into hypothetical gravitophoton cept of parallel space.
particles, generated from the vacuum that It is interesting to see that HQT, being devel-
come in two forms, namely repulsive and at- oped much earlier than LQT, is based on simi-
tractive. This interaction is the basis of the lar assumptions. Therefore, in view of the pro-
proposed gravitophoton field propulsion. gress in quantum gravity and the similarities
Whether or not the mechanism, described in between the two theories, the attempt to cast
detail in Chap. 2, on which this field propul- Heim's theory into the modern formulation of
sion is based, is true can only be decided by loop theory seems to be worthwhile, because,
experiment. Consequently, an experimental set if such a formulation can be achieved, it would
up along with calculated gravitophoton forces be a clear hint that these additional interactions
was presented. actually might exist, having an enormous im-
The sixth interaction is identified with the pact on the technology of future flight and
quintessence and is repulsive, thus giving an transportation in general.
explanation for the observed expansion of the
universe. Acknowledgment
The second concept concerns the transition of The authors dedicate this paper to Prof. P. Dr.
a material object into a so called parallel space Dr. A. Resch, director of IGW at Innsbruck
(i.e., there are other universes), in which the University, at the occasion of his 70th birthday.
limiting speed is nc 30, where c is vacuum Prof. Resch has not only published the theories
speed of light and n > 1 is an integer (accord- of Burkhard Heim, but was also instrumental
in editing the complete scientific work of
28 The reader should remember the remark by
A.Clarke that any future technology is indistin-
Heim. This proved to be an enormously diffi-
guishable from magic. cult and time-consuming task, since Heim as
29 Field propulsion means that the propulsion mecha- an author, because of his handicap, was not
nism is not based on the classical principle of mo- able to proofread complex manuscripts, and
mentum conservation as being used in the rocket thus could not help with the typesetting of the
complex formulas. The authors also wish to
30 The problem of causality is still present. Also, the
qestion of navigation a spacecraft in acknowledge the voluminous scientific work

of Dr. Resch, Imago Mundi, whose prime sub- Gravitational Coupling Constants
ject was and is the creation of a consistent
Weltbild, acceptable both in science and hu- wg 7.683943001×10-20 graviton
manities to bridge the gap that currently di- wgp 1.14754864 ×10-21 gravitophoton
vides these two disciplines.
wq 1.603810891×10-28 vacuum particle
The authors are very much indebted to Dipl.- (quintessence)
Phys. I. von Ludwiger, currently secretary of
 
Ggp 1/672 G wg G
the Heim Forschungskreis and former manager =
and physicist at DASA, for making available w gp G gp
relevant literature and for publishing a recent

 
article about Heim's mass formula calculating Gq 4.3565×10-18 G wg G

the mass spectrum of elementary particles, wq Gq
providing a comparison with latest experimen-
tal results. αg 5.904298005×10-39 Gm 2p
g = calculated
The second author was partly funded by Arbe- ℏc
itsgruppe Innovative Projekte (AGIP), Minis-
try of Science and Education, Hanover, Ger- G 6.6722037×10-11 calculated
Ge 6.673(10)×10-11 experimental value
We are grateful to Prof. Dr. T. Waldeer of the
University of Applied Sciences at Salzgitter
Campus for helpful discussions. The help of T.
Gollnick and O. Rybatzki of the University of Glossary31
Applied Sciences at Salzgitter Campus in the aeon Denoting an indefinitely long period of
preparation of this manuscript is appreciated. time. The aeonic dimension, x6, can be in-
terpreted as a steering structure governed
by the entelechial dimension toward a dy-
Appendix A: Mass Spectrum of Ele- namically stable state.
mentary Particles anti-hermetry Coordinates are called anti-her-
Mass spectrum of elementary particles as cal- metric if they do not deviate from Carte-
culated from HQT together with comparisons sian coordinates, i.e., in a space with anti-
of recent experimental data are available from hermetric coordinates no physical events
can take place.
ml. condensation For matter to exist, as we are
used to conceive it, a distortion from
Euclidean metric or condensation, a term
Appendix B: Gravitational Coupling introduced by Heim, is a necessary but not
Constants for the three gravitational a sufficient condition.
interactions as obtained from number
theory (see [9]). conversion amplitude Allowing the transmu-
tation of photons into gravitophotons,
For the table below, it should be noted that all wph_gp (electromagnetic-gravitational inter-
coupling constants are computed with respect action), and the conversion of gravitopho-
to the proton mass. In this regard, wq is a ficti- tons into quintessence particles, wgp_q
tious value only, since there is no emitting real (gravitational-gravitational interaction).
proton mass. Most likely, the generation en-
ergy for vacuum particles is the Planck mass. coupling constant Value for creation and de-
Dimensional units used for table entries are kg, struction of messenger (virtual) particles,
m, and s. relative to the strong force (whose value is

31 A more comprehensive glossary is available under, see Publications

set to 1 in relation to the other coupling one for gravitons, but allowing for the pos-
constants). sibility that photons are transformed into
gravitophotons. Gravitophoton particles
coupling potential between photon-gravito- can be both attractive and repulsive and
photon (Kopplungspotential) As cou- are always generated in pairs from the vac-
pling potential the first term of the metric uum under the presence of virtual elec-
gp trons. The total enery extracted from the
in Eq. (23) is denoted, that is g i k . The
vacuum is zero, but only attractive gravi-
reason for using the superscript gp is that tophotons are absorbed by protons or neu-
this part of the photon metric equals the trons. The gravitophoton field represents
metric for the gravitophoton particle and the fifth fundamental interaction. The
that a →sieve (conversion) operator exists, gravitophoton field generated by repulsive
which can transform a photon into a gravi- gravitophotons, together with the → vac-
tophoton by making the second term in the uum particle, can be used to reduce the
metric anti-hermetric. In other words, the gravitational potential around a spacecraft.
electromagnetic force can be transformed
into a repulsive gravitational like force, graviton (Graviton) The virtual particle re-
and thus can be used to accelerate a mate- sponsible for gravitational interaction.
rial body.
Heim-Lorentz force Resulting from the
cosmogony (Kosmogonie) The creation or newly predicted gravitophoton particle
origin of the world or universe, a theory of that is a consequence of the Heim space
the origin of the universe (derived from ℝ8. A metric subtensor is constructed in
the two Greek words kosmos (harmonious the subspace of coordinates I2, S2 and T1,
universe) and gonos (offspring)). denoted as hermetry form H5, see [1, 6, 7].
The equation describing the Heim-Lorentz
entelechy (Greek entelécheia, objective, com- force has a form similar to the electromag-
pletion) used by Aristotle in his work The netic Lorentz force, except, that it exer-
Physics. Aristotle assumed that each phe- cises a force on a moving body of mass m,
nomenon in nature contained an intrinsic while the Lorentz force acts upon moving
objective, governing the actualization of a charged particles only. In other words,
form-giving cause. The entelechial dimen- there seems to exist a direct coupling be-
sion, x5, can be interpreted as a measure of tween matter and electromagnetism. In
the quality of time varying organizational that respect, matter can be considered
structures (inverse to entropy, e.g., plant playing the role of charge in the Heim-Lo-
growth) while the aeonic dimension is rentz equation. The force is given by
steering these structures toward a dynami-
cally stable state. Any coordinates outside F gp= p q 0 v ×H .
Here p is a coef-
spacetime can be considered as steering ficient, vT the velocity of a rotating body
coordinates. (e.g., torus, insulator) of mass m, and H is
the magnetic field strength. It should be
geodesic zero-line process This is a process noted that the gravitophoton force is 0, if
where the square of the length element in a velocity and magnetic field strength are
6- or 8-dimensional Heim space is zero. perpendicular. Thus, any experiment that
places a rotating disk in a uniform mag-
gravitational limit(s) There are three dis- netic field that is oriented parallel or anti-
tances at which the gravitational force is parallel to the axis of rotation of this disk,
zero. First, at any distance smaller than R_, will measure a null effect.
the gravitational force is 0. Second,
hermetry form (Hermetrieform) The word
gravitophoton (field) Denotes a gravitational hermetry is an abbreviation of hermeneu-
like field, represented by the metric sub- tics, in our case the semantic interpretation
tensor, ggp
ik , generated by a neutral mass of the metric. To explain the concept of a
hermetry form, the space ℝ6 is considered.
with a smaller coupling constant than the

There are 3 coordinate groups in this empty world, and thus allows for physi-
space, namely s 3=1 ,2 ,  3  forming cal events to happen.

the physical space ℝ 3, s 2= 4  for isotropic The universe is the same in all direc-
tions, for instance, as velocity of light
space T1, and s 1=5 ,6  for space S2. transmission is concerned measuring the
The set of all possible coordinate groups is same values along axes in all directions.
denoted by S={s1, s2, s3}. These 3 groups
partial structure (Partialstruktur) For in-
may be combined, but, as a general rule
stance, in ℝ6, the metric tensor that is her-
(stated here without proof, derived, how-
mitian comprises three non-hermitian met-
ever, by Heim from conservation laws in
rics from subspaces of ℝ 6. These metrics
ℝ6, (see p. 193 in [6])), coordinates 5 and
from subspaces are termed partial struc-
6 must always be curvilinear, and must be
present in all metric combinations. An al-
lowable combination of coordinate groups poly-metric The term poly-metric is used with
is termed hermetry form, responsible for a respect to the composite nature of the met-
physical field or interaction particle, and ric tensor in 8D Heim space. In addition,
denoted by H. H is sometimes annotated there is the twofold mapping ℝ 4→ℝ8→ℝ4.
with an index such as H10 , or sometimes It can be shown that when this mapping is
written in the form H=(1, 2 ,...) where 1, applied to the Christoffel symbols they
2 ,... ∈ S. This is a symbolic notation take on tensor character.
only, and should not be confused with the
notation of an n-tuple. From the above it is probability amplitude With respect to the six
clear that only 4 hermetry forms are possi- fundamental interactions predicted from
ble in ℝ6. It needs a Heim space ℝ8 to in- the →poly-metric of the Heim space ℝ 8,
corporate all known physical interactions. there exist six (running) coupling con-
Hermetry means that only those coordi- stants. In the particle picture, the first three
nates occurring in the hermetry form are describe gravitational interactions, namely
curvilinear, all other coordinates remain wg (graviton, attractive), wgp (gravitopho-
Cartesian. In other words, H denotes the ton, attractive and repulsive), wq (quintes-
subspace in which physical events can sence, repulsive). The other three describe
take place, since these coordinates are the well known interactions, namely wph
non-euclidean. This concept is at the heart (photons), ww (vector bosons, weak inter-
of Heim's geometrization of all physical action), and ws (gluons, strong interaction).
interactions, and serves as the correspon- In addition, there are two → conversion
dence principle between geometry and amplitudes predicted that allow the trans-
physics. mutation of photons into gravitophotons
(electromagnetic-gravitational interaction),
hermeneutics (Hermeneutik) The study of and the conversion of gravitophotons into
the methodological principles of interpret- quintessence particles (gravitational-gravi-
ing the metric tensor and the eigenvalue tational interaction).
vector of the subspaces. This semantic in-
terpretation of geometrical structure is quantized bang According to Heim, the uni-
called hermeneutics (from the Greek word verse did not evolve from a hot big bang,
to interpret). but instead, spacetime was discretized
from the very beginning, and such no infi-
homogeneous The universe is everywhere nitely small or infinitely dense space ex-
uniform and isotropic or, in other words, isted. Instead, when the size of a single
is of uniform structure or composition metron covered the whole (spherical vol-
throughout. ume) universe, this was considered the
beginning of this physical universe. That
hyperstructure (Hyperstruktur) Any lattice
condition can be considered as the mathe-
of a Heim space that deviates from the iso-
matical initial condition and, when in-
tropic Cartesian lattice, indicating an

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