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Brief Descriptions of Windows OPTIMOOR Pull-Down Menu Items

DOSx-x.x refers to a paragraph in the DOS OPTIMOOR Users Guide. The text is basically a
quotation from that Guide.
Windowsx.x refers to a paragraph in this Windows OPTIMOOR Supplemental Users Guide.
Authorization: This is used for transfering the Authorization Code to/from the Optimoor License
Disk. This is also used to display information regarding the status of the Authorization Code. It
will be helpful when calling for technical support.
Initialize Time: If a final draft and trim different from the initial condition were defined (Case
Screen) and/or tide data were entered, then the conditions at the initial time can be restored with
the command Ctrl-I.. All mooring lines will be restored to approximately the specified
pretension (if defined) before the current and wind forces are applied, and then to the tensions
resulting from the applied forces, and the vessel will assume the resulting position. DOS3-4.5
Finalize Time: When the command Ctrl-F is given, the vessel draft and trim and the state of
tide are immediately brought to the conditions at the Final time. The mooring line forces and
vessel position corresponding to this final time are thus displayed. DOS3-4.5
Set Time to Now: The Analysis for Time is the time for which the calculations are to be carried
out. Any appropriate time can be entered here. To set that time to the present time from the
computer clock, press Ctrl-N. DOS3-2.3
Update Recorded Time: The Recorded Time/Date serves as a means of placing a "time stamp"
on a Case File when it is created. The present computer time and date can be placed in this field
by the command Ctrl-U. DOS3-2.4
Ignore Tide: This was the default condition in the DOS version.
Regular Tide: Windows 2.4.
Use Tide Table: This was the condition in the DOS version if a Tide Table was defined.
About OPTIMOOR: This displays a screen giving the version number and license number of
the installed OPTIMOOR program. It will be helpful when calling for technical support.
System Information: This displays a screen giving information on the operating system,
computer, and peripherals. It will be helpful when calling for technical support.
Hide Unused Lines in Table: This hides the columns for fairleads which are not defined.
Swap Line and Bollard Tables: This inverts the positions of the Line and Bollard Tables on the
Mooring Screen. Normally the Line Table is at the top. But when Bollard forces are of concern
it may be desirable to place the Bollard Table at the top of the screen.

Adjust Length to Control Excursion: If the vessel moves from the initial position, the mooring
line tensions can automatically be adJusted to bring the vessel approximately back to that initial
position with the command Ctrl-J. DOS3-4.6
Take Up Slack to Zero Tension: If a line goes slack during line tending or as a result of
environmental forces, the message slack is displayed in the % of Strength line. During line
tending, that line can then be pulled in to zero load by placing the cursor on the Pull-in for that
line and pressing Ctrl-Z. DOS3-4.3
Correct Current and Wind for Yaw: Windows2.7.
Sweep All Times: Time can be fast forwarded by pressing Ctrl-T. The calculation starts with
the initial time and increments by 10 minute intervals to the final time as defined in the Case
Screen. Overloaded and slack lines are indicated as described below for wind. DOS3-4.5
Sweep All Wind Directions: A sweep through all Wind directions with the present wind
velocity can be made by pressing Ctrl-W. After the wind sweep is completed, the message All is
shown in the wind direction field. The highest tension in each line is displayed after executing a
wind sweep. The $ symbol is displayed next to the tension data for any line which went slack
during the wind sweep.
Displayed above these output data is the Worst Direction, that wind direction which created the
highest load in each line. If winch break settings are entered on the Vessel Data Screen, the
amount of any winch slippage which occurred in each line during the Wind Sweep is displayed
above the Worst Direction.
After a wind sweep, the vessel position display at the top of the Mooring Screen indicates the
extreme vessel position reached during the wind sweep. This extreme position is also shown in
the Arrangement Screen. DOS3-4.4
Wind Limit Rose: Windows 2.8.
Fixed Berth: This was the default condition in the DOS program.
Floating Berth: If this option is selected, then the heights of all bollards remain at the defined
elevation above the present water level, as though they are on a floating pier, as tide elevation
changes. However the underkeel clearance of the vessel above the sea floor, and hence current
forces, are still effected by tide elevation.
Spread Mooring: See Part 5.2 of DOS OPTIMOOR Users Guide. This feature is only available in
the Plus version.
Pier Shields Wind: Windows 2.5
Pier Shields Waves: If this option is selected, then when wind approaches the vessel from the
pier side, there are no wave forces. This was the default condition in the DOS version. Note that
wave forces are only approximated in OPTIMOOR.

Lock Bollards and Fenders: Windows 2.13.

Datum at AP: Another convenient point of reference for longitudinal fairlead positions is the aft
perpendicular (rudder post). That option be selected by the command Ctrl-A. This will change
the title of the second line read AP$Fairlead. DOS4-2.3
Datum at Manifold: When the manifold is not defined at midship, the manifold reference
option, Ctrl-O, can be used to place the longitudinal fairlead position reference at another point
along the vessel length. DOS4-2.3
Datum at Midship: The longitudinal fairlead positions are measured from midship by default.
This default condition is identified by the label Midship$Fairlead as the title of the second line.
Set Typical Windage: For tankers and similar bridge aft vessels, the user may alternatively
elect to have OPTIMOOR calculate approximate above-deck End and Side windage areas by
pressing ? with the cursor on the respective space. The program calculates these approximate
areas based on data for typical vessels of the particular class (as defined by the selected Wind
Coefficient data set) and an assumed ratio of hull area to superstructure areas which varies with
vessel size. (more information is given in the DOS OPTIMOOR Users Guide) DOS4-3.2
Lock Fairleads and Lines: Windows 2.13
Line Properties: Windows 2.1.
Snap Drag-Drop to Nearest Unit: Windows 2.11
Retain Previous Images:

commands.sum : April 2, 1999

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