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Dr Z

Joseph Zernik, PhD

PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750; Digitally signed by Joseph H Zernik
DN: cn=Joseph H Zernik, o, ou,
Fax: 801 998-0917; Email:, c=US
Location: La Verne, California
Blog: Scribd: Date: 2010.02.03 15:52:09 -08'00'

10-02-03 Request for case-work assistance by the Honorable Dianne Feinstein

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein

United States Senator
By Fax: (415) 393-0710

Dear Senator Feinstein:

Thank you again for your help in matters of significance beyond my personal benefit in the past two
years. I am writing again to ask your assistance in obtaining response from United States agency, where
I have filed complaints several months ago, and the agency refuses to even acknowledge in writing
receipt of the complaints, let alone respond in any way whatsoever.
Request is for response by Glenn A Fine, Inspector General of the United States Department of Justice
regarding complaints filed in November 2009 against:
a) Kenneth Melson, Director of the US Attorney General Office,
b) Kenneth Kaiser, and Assistant Director of FBI for Criminal Investigation.
The complaint pertained to responses provided in August-September 2008 by such senior United States
officers to the United States Congress – to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein and the Honorable Diane
Watson. Such responses were on inquiries issued by the United States Congress on my behalf,
regarding refusal of the FBI and US Attorney General to provide the 10 millions who reside in Los
Angeles County, California, equal protection against alleged racketeering by the judges of the Los
Angeles Superior Court.
The complaint to the Inspector General alleged that the responses to United States Congress constituted:
a) Refusal of US officers to perform their duties and provide Equal Protection to the 10 million residents
of Los Angeles County, and
b) Fraud by senior US officers on the US Congress.
The responses provided by Director of the US Attorney General Office, Kenneth Melson, and Assistant
Director Kenneth Kaiser of FBI to the United States Congress never explicitly denied my claims of
racketeering by the judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Instead, they provided false and deliberately
misleading responses, such as:
a) That I never proved "federal investigational jurisdiction" it the matter, and
b) That I never claimed any "specific violation of federal law".
Events that took place since such false and deliberately misleading responses were provided to United States
Congress produced the definitive proof of my claims of racketeering by the judges:
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a) In October 2008 the California Court of Appeals, 4th District ruled that payments that were secretly
taken by ALL judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court for over a decade, at about $45,000 per judge
per year, were “not permitted”.
b) In February 2009, the Governor of California signed into law, albeit a law of of dubious validity,
“retroactive immunities” (SBX-2-11) for all such judges who took the “not permitted” payments,
since they faced criminal liability.
As stated above, complaints were filed with Glenn A Fine, Inspector General of the United States
Department of Justice in November 2009. By phone, staff at the Investigation Division of his office
confirmed receipt of my complaints. However, they refused to confirm receipt in writing.
No response whatsoever was ever received on the complaints.
Such conduct by the Inspector General of the US Department of Justice stands in contrast to the stated
challenges of highest significance in his online web site:
“Restoring Confidence in the Department of Justice”
I request your assistance through issuing inquiry on Glenn A Fine, why he would not respond on my
complaints, alleging that conduct of Kenneth Melson and Kenneth Kaiser amounted to refusal of such US
officers to perform their duties and provide the 10 million residents of Los Angeles County with Equal
Protection under the Law.

Dated: February 03, 2010
La Verne, County of Los Angeles, California Joseph H Zernik, PhD

By: ______________
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750
Email <>

PS: Your office has on file a current waiver signed by me.

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