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c Wodonga Institute of TAFE 2005

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Refund payment of course fees paid by a sponsor will only

be made to the sponsors account and not to the student.
If you have entered into a payment plan, necessary
adjustments will be made, including a refund to your bank
account (or to your credit card if this was your method of
payment) of any amounts owing.
In some cases fee refunds may be transferred to credit
fees for another course in the same calendar year. Fee
credits cannot be used in this way beyond the end of the
calendar year.
Refund payments in cash are not made.
Appeals on refunds
If you are unhappy with the outcome of a request for
refund, or if you are in circumstances of financial hardship,
you are entitled to appeal the decision through your
course coordinator or customer service area. If you are still
not satisfied after this appeal process, you may lodge a
grievance by putting your concerns in writing to the Chief
Executive Officer of Wodonga Institute of TAFE.
International students
The fees and charges described in this document are not
applicable to international students. International students
should refer to Wodonga Institute of TAFEs website for
more information about the fees and charges that apply
to them. Information regarding payment of refunds to
international students can be found in Wodonga Institute of
TAFEs POL20 International Student Refund Policy.
Further information on fees, charges, and refunds at
Wodonga Institute of TAFE or DECA
Traineeships and apprenticeships
Phone: 02 6055 6656
Fax: 02 6055 6333
National Industrial Skills Training Centre
Phone: 02 6055 6672
Free call: 1800 667 778
Fax: 02 6055 6666

DECA Sites

The information contained within is subject to change

without notice.

Altona North
Phone: 03 9318 0044
Fax: 03 9318 0055

This document explains Wodonga Institute of TAFEs fees

and charges and also includes important information
about enrolment fees, concessions, financial assistance
and refunds. The Victorian Governments Guidelines about
fees apply to all Victorian Government subsidised courses,
including apprenticeships, traineeships and courses
delivered through distance education. Separate fees and
conditions apply to courses funded by the governments
other than Victoria, according to the government directions
relevant to each jurisdiction.

Carrum Downs
Phone: 03 9775 0196
Fax: 03 9775 1040
Phone: 03 5127 8474
Fax: 03 5126 2059

Your fees, or part payment thereof, must be paid prior

to course commencement. If you have any difficulty in
paying your fees please discuss this with us.

Phone: 03 5821 1099
Fax: 03 5822 2472
Phone: 03 6228 0600
Fax: 03 6228 0814

If you are unable to complete your work within the required

timeframe of your enrolment, and you have not formally
requested an extension to the completion date, or leave
of absence, you may be required to re-enrol and pay
enrolment fees to complete the unit/course.

Phone: 02 9626 1600
Fax: 02 9626 1610

Eligibility for a Victorian Government

subsidised training place
Your eligibility for a Victorian Government subsidised place
under the Victorian Training Guarantee is guaranteed
if you meet the governments citizenship/residence*
requirements and at least one of the following criteria:

All other course enrolments Customer Service

(the Institutes main enrolment centre)
Phone: 1300 MY TAFE (1300 698 233)
Fax: 02 6055 6707
More information is available from:
Wodonga Institute of TAFE
87 McKoy St, West Wodonga Victoria 3690
Correspondence to:
Wodonga Institute of TAFE
PO Box 963, Wodonga Vic 3689

you were under 20 years of age on 1st January of the

year in which your course commences; or

you are seeking entry to a foundation skills course

(additional eligibility conditions apply - list available from
Wodonga Institute of TAFEs website); or

you have entered into an apprenticeship arrangement; or

you are seeking entry to a qualification that is at a higher

level than any qualification you currently hold.

NOTE 1: There are some restrictions around the number

of Victorian Government subsidised courses you can
commence or be undertaking in a calendar year as well
as how many at the same qualification level you have
commenced in your lifetime; talk to us about whether this
criteria impacts on you.

The information in this brochure is intended as a guide for

prospective students. The information is subject to change
and is correct as at 14 November 2014.
23047_WT NOVEMBER 2014.CRICOS 01961J

Where a credit card was used to pay the original fees, the
refund must be paid to that credit card. In this instance
payment of the refund into a nominated bank account is
not permitted.

NOTE 2: If you are a student attending secondary school, or

equivalent, (excluding school based apprentices and trainees),
you are not able to access the Victorian Training Guarantee.
*If you are an Asylum Seeker (confirmed by the Asylum
Seeker Resource Centre) or a Victim of Human Trafficking
(confirmed by the Australian Red Cross), the citizenship/
residency eligibility requirements may be waived.

As part of your enrolment, you will be asked a series of

questions relating to the above and you will be asked to
provide relevant evidence to support your responses. You
will also be required to complete a declaration attesting to
the accuracy of your responses. If you are not eligible for
a government subsidised place, your training will be under
a fee for service arrangement.
Enrolment Fees
Victorian Government subsidised training
If you meet the eligibility criteria your enrolment fee will be
determined by the hourly rate of the course you will be
undertaking and the number of training hours being enrolled.
For information on the enrolment fee of the course that
you wish to enrol in visit the fee schedule on our website
Victorian Government subsidised training for
special groups
If you satisfy the criteria listed in this document to access
a Victorian Government subsidised training place and
you are also an Aboriginal or a Torres Strait Islander, your
enrolment fees will be charged at the concession rate (see
information following). Other fees may still apply to your
enrolment such as materials, uniform, etc.
Fee for Service (FFS) courses
If you do not meet the Victorian Government eligibility
criteria for a subsidised training place your enrolment
fee will be charged at Fee for Service (FFS) rate, whilst
other courses are only FFS. This rate will include all costs
associated with the units you undertake.
Materials and additional expenses
Some courses may have additional charges to cover the
costs of incidentals and course materials such as tools of
trade, equipment, excursions, extra class notes, and so
on. You will be provided with a list of such additional fees
to be paid at the commencement of your course. In some
instances you may be able to choose to source equivalent
items from another supplier.
Enrolment fees for training subsidised by the
Commonwealth or other State Governments
Specific rules apply to the application of fees and charges for
courses that are subsidised by different governments. These
are different from the Victorian Governments guidelines.
For more information on specific courses, and the fees and
charges that apply, please call Customer Services on
02 6055 6766 or email

FEE concessions
Enrolment fees
If you meet the eligibility criteria for a Victorian Government
subsidised course, you may be entitled to a concession
on your enrolment fees if you are an indigenous student or
you hold a valid:

Commonwealth Health Care Card (or if you are the

dependent spouse or child of the card holder); or

Pensioner Concession Card (or if you are the

dependent spouse or child of the card holder); or

Veterans Gold Card.

Note: Any material fees will be in addition to the enrolment

fee, i.e. the concession rate does not apply.
The concession rate will be charged at 20% of the hourly rate
set for a government subsidised non-concession student.
Concession rates are not available for Diploma and Advanced
Diploma level courses; however, VET FEE HELP is available to
assist with payment. Talk to us about how to apply.
To claim the concession you will be required to show your
original concession card (paper based or digital wallet) to
an enrolment officer who will sight it and take a copy of it
at the time of enrolment. If you cannot attend an enrolment
centre you will need to provide a verified copy of your
concession card, refer Evidence of eligibility for a Victorian
government-funded place
audience/information/fees-and-enrolment.aspx for a list
of people who can verify your concession card. In such
circumstances we reserve the right to verify your concession
card with the appropriate government agency. If you are
unable to meet these requirements at the time of enrolment
we are not able to provide the concession rate.
Concession rates do not apply to fee for service enrolments.
VET FEE-HELP (VFH) is an Australian Government loan
scheme that is available to you if you are studying at the
Diploma or Advanced Diploma level, whether you are
paying fees at the Victorian Government-subsidised rate or
at the fee for service rate (Note:- A 20% loan fee applies for
fee for service enrolments). There are also a select number
of Certificate IV qualifications being funded under VFH
arrangements which are available for Victorian Government
subsidised enrolments, but not for fee for service students.
If you meet the VET FEE-HELP eligibility criteria (see
below) you can apply to the Australian Government to pay
fees on your behalf.
You will then have to repay this loan through your income
tax when you start earning above a certain threshold
amount (in 2014/15 this amount is $53,345).
To be eligible for VET FEE-HELP you must:

be an Australian citizen or permanent humanitarian

visa holder; and

be a resident in Australia during your training; and

have (or have applied for) a tax file number (TFN), and

not have exceeded the FEEHELP borrowing limit

($97,728 in 2015).

It is important that you understand the VFH system

before applying for this loan, for more information on
VFH refer to
helppayingmyfees/vet-fee-help or

To seek VET FEE-HELP assistance call 02 6055 6601 or

A variety of fee payment options is available:

cash/cheque/money order;

EFTPOS / credit card Visa or MasterCard only;

direct debit payment plans not available for

enrolments with a duration less than 3 months*;

Centrepay (for those eligible) is not available where

the total course cost is less than $100; or

direct credit (lump sum payment) ) BSB 083971,

ACC 027786373 (must include reference to student
ID number when making payment);

* For direct debit payment plans you will be required to

pay an application fee of $30. At the time of application
for direct debit, and before your course commences,
you will be required to pay a deposit of 10 % of your total
fees (including enrolment fees and any materials or other
fees), followed by regular direct debit payments from a
nominated bank account until final payment is received
(over a maximum 6 month period or 1 month before the
end of your enrolment, whichever is the earliest).
To enter into a payment plan you will need to complete
a CF009 Payment Plans for Fees and Student Loans
- General Information and Direct Debit Request Form.
In exceptional circumstances we will accept over the
counter payments under a payment plan. However,
a CF045 Payment Plan (Non-Direct Debit) General
Information Form must be completed and approved.
For centre pay arrangements a 10% deposit is required.

Please note that if you withdraw from your course and are
not entitled to a refund (please refer to refunds section of
this document) you will still be bound by your payment
plan agreement and be liable for the remaining payments
on your plan.
For Diploma and Advanced Diploma enrolments direct
debit is not a payment option offered, however, VET
FEE-HELP assistance is available for students who meet
the VFH eligibility requirements.
Where accessing VFH or upfront payment of fees will
create financial hardship, please discuss this with our staff
or refer to the Financial Hardship section of this document
for further information.
If your fees are being paid by a third party on your behalf,
e.g. an employer or government agency, you must provide
a purchase order or a written and signed authority to
invoice from that individual, enterprise or agency before
your enrolment can be finalised.
What if I cannot afford to pay?
Please ask our enrolment staff about payment plans and
Centrepay arrangements.
If you have financial difficulty let us know and we can have
one of our Learner Support staff assist you in exploring
other funding opportunities and payment arrangements.
We want to prevent financial difficulties being a barrier to
your educational goals where we can.


It is your responsibility to make sure that all fees and
debts (including library fines, childcare or accommodation
fees and so on) are paid. If you have outstanding debts
to Wodonga Institute of TAFE you will not be allowed to
continue your studies or to enrol in any further courses.
Outstanding fees and debts may also have an impact on
any enrolment fee refunds being paid.
Wodonga Institute of TAFE engages the services of debt
collection agencies to recover unpaid fees or debts; as
such, reserves the right to recover these debt collection
costs from you.
If you have lost a qualification that has previously been
issued by Wodonga Institute of TAFE it can be re-printed
and re-issued to you. There are charges associated with
this process and payment is required before documents
can be re-issued.
The cost of a re-issued qualification that you originally
received before 2000 is $60.
The costs for re-issued qualifications that were originally
issued after 2000 are as follows:
Accredited certificate


Institute-accredited certificate


Short course certificate


Attendance certificate


Statement of attainment


Student ID card


For all course categories and funding arrangements, if at
any time Wodonga Institute of TAFE cancels a course you
will receive a full refund of all fees paid.
Non Vet Fee Help courses
Withdrawal before course commencement
Where a written withdrawal notification is received more
than 7 working days before course commencement a
full refund of enrolment and material fees, less a $50
administration fee, will be paid.
Where a written withdrawal notification is received with
less than 7 working days notice a full refund of enrolment
and material fees, less a $100 administration fee, will be
paid. Where the refund amount is less than the $100
administration fee, no refund will be paid.
Withdrawal after course commencement

and sign a CF005 Enrolment Variation / Withdrawal Form

and submit it to the Institute no later than 4 weeks
after the date of your last participation. Applications
received greater than 4 weeks after the date of your last
participation may result in no refund being paid.
A refund will not be paid for any units that you have
commenced, i.e. if the teacher has a record of participation
in a unit no refund will be available for that unit(s).
A refund maybe available for those units which you have
not yet commenced.
Note 1: If you fail to attend scheduled classes for four
consecutive weeks without notifying your teacher you may
be classified as withdrawn, no refund will be payable and
you may be required to re-enrol if you wish to resume.
Note 2: A refund of unused materials will be at the
discretion of the delivery department Director.
Note 3: If you are paying your fees via a payment plan or
Centrepay arrangement you will still be liable for payment
of fees associated with the units you have commenced.
Should you stop payment without notification to us,
we reserve the right to engage the services of a debt
collection agency which may impact on future enrolments.
Note 4: For NSW funded courses all clients are bound
by NSW DEC Traineeship & Apprenticeship Guidelines
for courses that attract NSW Government funding, refer
Refund arrangements for VET FEE-HELP classified courses
VET FEE-HELP requirements apply to courses at these
levels and the specific rules that apply to refunds under
VET FEE-HELP override the refund policy above. The VET
FEE-HELP rules on refunds apply to all VET FEE-HELP
eligible students whether or not they are accessing VET
FEE-HELP assistance (refer to the Vet Fee Help information
booklet or web site).
You will be entitled to a full refund of any enrolment
fees paid and will not incur a VET FEE-HELP debt if you
withdraw in writing on or before the published census date.
If you withdraw after the census date you will not receive a
refund and will be liable for any VET FEE-HELP Loan.
Census dates are available on Wodonga Institute of
TAFEs website -
Note: Any non-recoverable materials or additional fees
are not refunded.

For any short course enrolments where the course duration

is less than 4 weeks, no refund will be payable if prior
written notification has not been provided before course
commencement as described above.

Methods of payment of refunds

If you are accessing VET FEE-HELP assistance, your
refund will be in the form of a re-credit to your VET
FEE-HELP balance.

For all other enrolments, a $100 administration fee will apply

which will be deducted from the refund calculated. Where
the refund amount is less than the $100 administration fees
no refund will be paid.

Refunds will only be made to the nominated bank

account provided at the time of enrolment or at the time of
withdrawal as long as the account details are verified as
having a connection with the student. Where suitable bank
details are not provided payment will be via cheque.

For withdrawals after course commencement you will need

to follow the Institutes CP005 Withdrawal and Refunds
Procedure, which is available on the web site. Complete

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