Battle of The Brains: By: Hamza Ghani

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Battle of the Brains

By: Hamza Ghani

It was a dark, dark day. The rain had been pouring for hours without a ray of sunlight. Deathstroke
had been recovering from a day of laborious crime fighting and finishing his psychology
dissertation. Back-to-back villains play a toll on a man.

On the other side of town was a scientist studying chemical effects of plutonium on the brain. Just
then a bolt of thunder shook the lair causing the scientist to drop the brain into a vat of chemicals.
The scientists hard work had gone to waste as he returned to bed heartbroken.

The vat began to splash and bubble and out came what appeared to be a brain except with eyes and
legs. The brain laughed an evil snare as he crawled out of the vat and began hissing across the lair.
On the way out his precuneus was jogged as he saw the scientists plan for world domination

through mind control. The brain knew his place in the world now. He would no longer be limited to
being jailed inside of a human. The time for brains to rise had begun!

The brain assembled his army and wreaked havoc over the city destroying buildings and invading
science facilities.

Just then the crime alert sounded, startling Deathstroke. Calls over the city were being heard over a
brain infestation. Deathstroke rushed to the scene of the crime only to see an army of brain parts

making up Super Brain. Deathstroke attacked but was quickly stopped as the brain knew his every
move using his power of telekinesis. The brain sprayed hazardous brain juice and Deathstroke fell to
the ground with burns. Deathstroke retreated; he knew this battle cannot be won with mere brute. He
had to fight brain with brain.

Being a psychology major Deathstroke knew Super Brain was comprised of his minions each
functioning a different task. He knew now how to defeat the Super Brain. Deathstroke came back
this time with a plan.

He first attacked the brains motor cortexes. First the right, then the left. Super Brain lost control of
his left and right feet. He then fired hitting his amygdala and frontal lobe in his limbic regiment. The
brain became furious, not able to control his emotions. He fired nonstop, Deathstroke dodging each
of the attacks. Deathstroke then fired at the cerebellum. The beast losing balance fell to the ground.
The beast retreated half paralyzed crawling back into the sewers. Deathstroke knew he would be
back soon so went home to plan his next move.

Super Brain could not understand what was going on. Not only was he half paralyzed, but he also
couldn't sleep and was very hungry. Little did he know that some of the fragments had hit his
Hypothalamus and Super Chiasmatic Nuclei, thus disturbing his sleep pattern. As he finally fell
asleep he woke up screaming as he had a horrible nightmare of being defeated by Deathstroke. The

fragments were causing the bad dreams as its Pons was also affected. Super Brain had to defeat
Deathstroke to regain his sanity.

Super brain arrived at Deathstrokes lair, striking from behind but Deathstroke had planned for this
and quickly moved out of the way. He fired hitting Super Brain's Basal Ganglia and Cerebrum.
Super brain could not control his movements and didn't know where to shoot. His shot ricocheted
hitting his Visual Cortex and he lost sight. Deathstroke took advantage of the loss of sight and hit his

Left Frontal Lobe regiment causing Super Brain to lose function of his Broca's and Wernicke's area.
The brain could no longer scream out of terror.

The last step was simple yet he only had one chance. He had to hit Super Brains Medulla
Oblongata. It was a good thing Deathstroke had a strong Parietal Lobe giving him good aim as he hit
the Super Brains M.O. The creature had stopped breathing as it was the end of his evil reign.

Deathstroke reclaimed his victory and returned home triumphant. Reporters rushed asking him if he
had remembered what had happened. It was because of his strong temporal lobe he was able to
remember the whole story. Peace was returned to the city at last.

I shall not be defeted.

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