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Diet Treatment for Gastritis

The patient should undertake a fast in both acute and chronic cases. In acute cases, the patient
will usually recover after a short fast of two or three days. In chronic condition, the fast may
have to be continued for a longer period of seven days or so. In the alternative, short fasts
may be repeated at an interval of one or two months, depending on the progress being made.
The fast may be conducted on fruit juices.
By fasting, the intake of irritants is at once effectively stopped, the stomach is rested and the
toxic condition, causing the inflammation, is allowed to subside. Elimination is increased by
fasting and the excess of toxic matter accumulated in the system is thrown out.

Diet for Gastritis:

After the acute symptoms subside, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for further three
days. Juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples, peaches and
melons may be taken during this period at five-hourly intervals. The patient can, there after,
gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely; seeds, nuts
and grains, vegetables and fruits as outlined in Chapter 1 on Diet in health and Disease. The
health benefits of peaches includes gastritis,anaemia,poor digestion,dry cough. So one
should always include peach in every day diet.
The patient should avoid the use of alcohol, nicotine, pieces and condiments, flesh foods,
chillis, sour things, pickles, strong tea and coffee. He should also avoid sweets, pastries, rich
cakes and aerated waters. Yoghurt and cottage cheese may be taken freely.
Carrot juice in combination with the juice of spinach Is considered highly beneficial in the
treatment of gastritis. Six ounces of spinach juice should be mixed with ten ounces of carrot
juice in this combination.
Too many different foods should not be mixed at the same meal. Meals should be taken at
least two hours before going to bed at night. Eight to ten glasses of water should be taken
daily but water should not be taken with meals as it dilutes the digestive juices and delays
digestion. And above all, haste should be avoided while eating and meals should be served in
a pleasing and relaxed atmosphere.
From the commencement of the treatment, a warm water enema should be used daily for
about a week to cleanse the bowels. If constipation is habitual, all steps should be taken for
its eradication. The patient should be given daily dry friction and sponge. Application of heat,
through hot compressor or hot water bottle twice a day either on an empty stomach or two
hours after meals, will also be beneficial.
The patient should not undertake any hard physical and mental work. He should, however,
undertake breathing exercises and other light exercises like walking, swimming and golf. He
should avoid worries and mental tension.


I. An all-fruit diet for five days. Take three meals a day of fresh-juicy fruits at five-hourly
intervals and use warm water enema during this period.
II. After an exclusive fresh fruit diet, gradually adopt a well-balanced diet on the following
lines:1. Upon arising:
25 black raisins soaked overnight in water along with water kept overnight in a copper vessel.
2. Breakfast:
Fresh fruit and a glass of milk, sweetened with honey.
3. Lunch:
A bowl of freshly-prepared steamed vegetable, two or three whole wheat wheat tortilla and a
glass of buttermilk.
4. Mid-afternoon:
A glass of carrot juice or coconut water.
5. Dinner:
A large bowl of fresh green vegetable salad with lemon juice dressing, green gram bean
sprouts, cottage cheese or a glass of buttermilk.
6. Bedtime Snack:
A glass of milk or one apple.
1. I do not take water with milk, but half an hour before and one hour after a meal.
2. Never hurry through a meal, never eat to full stomach.
3. And do not eat if appetite is lacking.
4. Wet girdle pack for one hour during night daily.
5. Cold hipbath for 10 minutes.
6. Yogic asanas such as uttanpadasana, pavanmuktasana, vajrasana, Yogamudra,
bhujangasana, shalabhasana and shavasana.

More About Gastritis & gastritis diet Gastritis is an infection or mild irritation of the stomach lining. As a result of this, the mucosa
or stomach lining gets inflamed. When the inflammation is sudden and severe it is known as
acute gastritis and when it persists for a long time it known as chronic gastritis. Following a
gastritis diet can help you get relief from gastritis in the long run. Here are a few simple tips
you can keep in mind to get relief from gastritis.
A gastritis diet which includes coconut water is an excellent remedy. It will not only give
your stomach the required rest but will also provide the necessary minerals and vitamins. A
gastritis diet of coconut water for the first 24 hours will help your stomach return to its
normal condition.
The juice of the potato also helps relieve gastritis. Drink half a cup of the juice twice or thrice
daily prior to your meals as a cure for chronic gastritis.
A diet for gastritis should foods that can be easily digested. Opt for foods which are high in
fiber such as vegetables, fruits, cereals, and whole grain. Chilies and red pepper should be
avoided. Skimmed milk and dairy products which are low fat are helpful in controlling the
secretion of acid.
Seasoning in your gastroenteritis diet should be limited. Cut back on the intake of seasoning
such as garlic, onion, cloves and cinnamon in your food. These increase the discomfort that is
related to heartburn.
A gastritis cure and treatment depends on what the cause of the problem is. Sometimes acute
gastritis results from increased alcohol consumption and certain medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Stopping intake of alcohol and these drugs will provide relief.
A diet for gastritis sufferers involves eating food that is steamed and soft. Toast and cooked
cereals work great for those suffering from gastritis. Salt intake should be reduced as it works
as an irritant.
As per gastritis diet recommendations you can include the following foods in your diet.
Chicken, turkey, tender meat, seafood, peanut butter, tofu, cottage cheese, soft boiled or
scrambled eggs, potatoes, rice gruel, and coconut water are some of the foods that you can
include in your diet.
A chronic gastritis diet should first begin with a fast for two to three days. You may only
drink fruit juices in these three days. This allows the inflammation to subside and also helps
eliminate the excess toxins from the body. This should be followed by an all-fruit diet for
another three days or so. You may eat fruits such as grapes, apples, pineapples, oranges,
melons, peaches, and grapefruits during this period. You may then start consuming a wellbalanced diet that includes nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables.
A diet for gastritis sufferers should also exclude the excessive use of tobacco, spices, alcohol,
red pepper, strong tea, coffee, pickles, and sour food. Care should be taken not to mix too
many different types of food at the same meal. You should also not eat your meals in a hurry,
but make sure you eat in a relaxing and pleasing atmosphere.
Gastritis Nutrition
Gastritis and Gastroenteritis are two medical conditions that can cause a person extreme
discomfort if left untreated. Gastritis is a condition where the stomach lining gets inflamed.
These inflamed lesions may either be chronic or acute. Symptoms that crop up in the case of
gastritis are vomiting, nausea, dizziness, headache, and loss of appetite. In some cases the

tongue may be coated, excessive saliva flow, reduced flow of urination, uneasiness, foul
breath, and depression. More chronic cases of gastritis cause heartburn, constipation, and, at
times, diarrhea.
Gastritis may occur due to various reasons; such as, frequent overeating, poorly cooked food,
frequent excessive consumption of alcoholic, strong tea or coffee, excessive use of
condiments or sauces, stress, grief, anxiety, certain drugs, etc. There are several remedies and
dietary foods that can be taken to control this condition. It is essential for a person suffering
from this condition to adopt a well balanced gastritis diet. A gastritis diet includes adequate
consumption of coconut water. Coconut water provides the stomach with the necessary
vitamins and minerals it requires to heal faster. It is advisable to avoid consuming any food or
liquid except coconut water for the first 24 hours of a gastritis attack. This gives the stomach
the ability to heal itself and return to its normal condition. Another excellent remedy that is an
effective gastritis treatment is rice gruel. Consume at least one cup of rice gruel, twice a
day. Another helpful remedy included in a gastritis diet is potato juice. Half a cup of potato
juice should be consumed twice daily, an hour before each meal. After the intense symptoms
subside, it would be advisable to follow an all fruit diet for a few days. It is essential to avoid
consumption of alcohol, pastries, sweets, cottage cheese, cakes, aerated water, yoghurt,
chilies, pickles, strong tea or coffee, and smoking.
Gastroenteritis on the other hand is a condition where the stomach and the intestines get
inflamed. This results in diarrhea and vomiting, which are largely caused by some viral
infection. Gastroenteritis diets require adequate consumption of fresh fruit juices, or flat
soda. This helps to considerably reduce the pain. Once the intense pain is abated, it would be
advisable to include in your gastroenteritis diet apple sauce, bananas, and white rice. Avoid
any dairy products, citrus or greasy foods, alcohol, and caffeine. Refrain from large meals,
instead have small meals evenly spaced through the day.

Gastritic Treatment
Had Acute Attack of Gastritis. Allergic to all fruits in your gastritis diet and dairy.What do I eat?
(About all I can eat is spinach and mangos)HELP!
(October 11, 2010)

The condition of gastritis occurs when the lining of the stomach which is called mucosa
becomes inflamed. The lining of the stomach contains cells that are specialized in producing
enzymes and acids that help in breaking down the food to aid in digestion. It also produces
mucus that prevents acid from damaging the stomach lining. When the lining of the stomach
becomes inflamed, there is a reduced production of mucus and enzymes. Gastritis can either
be chronic or acute.
When the inflammation of the stomach lining is severe and temporary it is called acute
gastritis, and when it persists for a long duration, it is called chronic gastritis.
Most often there are no symptoms associated with gastritis, but sometimes upper abdominal
pain or discomfort, nausea and vomiting can be experienced. Some of the tests that are used
for the diagnosis of gastritis are blood tests, upper gastrointestinal series, and stool test.
Gastric treatment involves medications that help in bringing down the quantity of acid in
the stomach. This brings relief to the gastritis symptoms and facilitates healing of the lining
of the stomach. Antacids like sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, aspirin, magnesia, and
alumina help reduce dyspepsia or mild heart burn by neutralizing the acid in the stomach.

Acid blockers like ranitidine and nizatidine can also be used as a gastritis treatment, if
antacids are not effective enough. This helps in reducing the quantity of acid that the
stomach produces.
You could also use some home remedies as a treatment for gastritis. An effective home
remedy is to eat two bananas in the morning when you wake up, and drink a glass of milk
after 10 minutes. Continuing this gastritis treatment for a few days will ensure more
permanent relief. Drinking coconut water is also very effective as a gastritis treatment.
Coconut water provides the stomach with minerals and vitamins and returns the stomach to
a normal condition.
For patients with gastritis, a gastritis diet treatment should be done that involves a fast for
2 to 3 days for acute gastritis and around 7 days for chronic gastritis. You could also perform
shorter fasts that are repeated every one or two months, depending on how you progress.
During this period, only warm water should be taken. This will provide the stomach with
rest and will reduce the inflammation. Once the symptoms are reduced, the patient should
go on an all fruit diet for three days after that. Juicy fruits like melons, apples, grapes, pears,
oranges, peaches, pineapple, and grapefruit should be taken. A chronic gastritis diet should
not include coffee, tea, pickles, chili, and spicy, fried and oily foods. Alcohol and smoking
should also strictly be avoided. You must make sure that the food is taken at proper timings.
It is also essential that you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. However, avoid drinking
water during your meals as the digestive juices will be diluted, which will delay digestion.
For the gastritis symptoms and treatment to be most effective, you must also include
breathing exercises and other mild exercises like swimming and walking. By maintain a
healthy diet and getting sufficient exercise, you will be able to get rid of gastritis
Submitted by C N on October 11, 2010 at 06:01

Gastritic diet includes foods which are easily digestible. All vegetables, which are not
allergic, are considered, except a few. These are the veggies that result in flatulence, such as
cabbage, peas, broccoli, cooked and dried beans, onion and so on. Opt for high fiber foods,
which are not harmful, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and cereals. Red pepper and
chillies are not preferred. Low fat dairy products and skimmed milk help in control of acid
Inflammation and infection of the mucosal layer of the intestine is referred to as gastritis.
Bleeding of the stomach is seen in case of erosive gastritis. Symptoms of acute gastritis
include hairy tongue, mild fever, vomiting, dehydration, thirst and pain in the stomach.
Causative factors of gastritis are diseases such as chronic bile reflux, pernicious anaemia
and auto immune disorders. Traumatic injury, severe infection, major surgery and burns are
some more aetiological factors that results in gastritis. Abstain from any food that irritates
the stomach and results in pain. Decrease the intake of tomatoes, citrus juices, fatty foods,
pepper mint and tomato juices.
Substances that irritate the mucus lining such as cigarettes are also not considered, due to
the presence of nicotine. Replace fried foods and high fat diets with soft and steamed foods.
Cooked cereals and toast prove beneficial to individuals suffering from acute gastritis.

Reduce the intake of salt, as it acts as an irritant. Caffeinated beverages are a big 'no-no'.
Some of the caffeine containing beverages are cola, chocolate drinks, tea, cocoa and coffee.
Tender meat, chicken, turkey and seafood are allowed. Eggs are soft boiled or scrambled.
Tofu, peanut butter, casserole and ricotta or cottage cheese can also be included in your
gastritic diet.
Limit your seasoning in the gastritic diet such as cinnamon, onion, cloves and garlic. These
increase pain and discomfort associated with heart burn. Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
Manage your stress in a proper manner. Aerobic exercise also proves effective in raising the
heart rate. It also improves the movement of the intestinal muscles, thereby allowing a hasty
movement of wastes through the intestine. Prior to an insight about what to eat, it is
important to follow meal timings in a strict manner. Eat small meals in a frequent manner.
But, eating very often also increases the risk of acidity. Eat in a peaceful environment,
devoid of any kind of physical or psychological stress. Spinach juice is considered affective
for gastritis. Opt for slightly bland diet foods and include potatoes, rice or rice gruel and
coconut water.
Gastritic treatment depends on the cause of gastritis. Acute gastritis is a result of alcohol
intakes or certain medications, such as NSAIDs (Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs).
Stoppage of these helps in immediate relief. Helicobacter pylori infection causes chronic
gastritis. Treatment pattern involves the elimination of the bacteria. Proton pump inhibitor
and antibiotics are some of the medicines that help. Acidity is kept under control by the
intake of antacids, acid blockers and proton pump inhibitors. Antacids that are available
over the counter help to buffer the acidity and provide relief. These remedies prove
beneficial, in addition to gastritic diet.
Follow the following tips for acute gastritis

Have small frequent meals at regular intervals and time everyday.

If you can tolerate coconut water, then drink daily as it helps in gastritis.

If you are not allergic to vegetables then along with spinach you can also include
other vegetables in the diet.

If you cannot tolerate milk as well, try to take milk in cooked or fermented form
(curds or yoghurt) or milk products if possible if well tolerated.

Avoid smoking, alcohol, fried/oily foods, spicy foods (black pepper, chilies, chilly
powder, hot pepper and garlic), tea, coffee, cocoa, colas and chocolates.

Try and avoid any psychological stress and worries in life.

Bland Food Diet

I have been diagnosed with chronic gastritis and have been recommended to follow a bland food
diet. Can someone please advise on what is a Bland Food and how will it help me?
(October 14, 2010)

With the increasing prominence of obesity all over the world, some countries have gone to
the extent of declaring the condition a pandemic. While the most obvious effect of the
condition is the negatives that it places on a persons aesthetic appeal, this is by no means

the biggest problem that an obese individual is likely to face. Under the surface, a number of
rather serious conditions start to develop. Most obese people are under serious threat or
severe and life threatening conditions such as heart failure, respiratory illnesses as well as
stroke. Before looking at the methods of preventing the condition from developing even
further, it is important to understand the root cause of the problem.
There are two primary causes of the development of obesity a lack of healthy nutritious
food and a lack of adequate exercise.
The first cause, an unhealthy diet is a rather common problem and can be blamed on the fact
that our fast paced lifestyles do not allow us the time to prepare nutritious meals causing
us to rely on junk food such as hot dogs and burgers. However, these foods are distinctly
lacking any kind of nutrition and contain nothing but empty cells that serve no purpose other
than adding themselves to the fatty tissue in the body. Adequate exercise goes a long way
into burning the additional calories that the body has stored in the fat tissue. A lack of
exercise in your daily routine matched with an unhealthy diet will result in the fat cells
expanding even further. There are a number of bland diets that will not only help a person
deal with the weight problem, but also beat a number of other medical conditions that are
likely to be present at the time as well. For instance, a lot of the bland diets are known to be
very effective methods used in the treatment of conditions such as peptic ulcer disease,
reflux esophagus and dyspepsia.
A bland diet primarily consists of a mixture of soft foods that have a low acidity level as
well as minimal seasoning with rather strict restrictions on carbonated sodas, chocolate,
coffee and dried beans. Some of the allowed soft foods that are present in most bland diet
menus include cream of wheat, cooked rice and mashed potatoes. The portions are
substantially controlled in order to minimize the effects of digested food passing through the
digestive tract will have on the body.
Bland diets will usually allow the individual to intake certain amounts of milk and milk
products although any chocolate flavored dairy products are very high on the disallowed
bland diet food list. While a bland diet helps the individual with weight loss, given the
restrictions on his or her food intake, it does not work particularly well as a long term
weight loss program. However, the bland diet foods will help patients recover much faster
from medical conditions that are present in the gastrointestinal tract. The combinations of
bland diet foods help reduce the amount of stress placed on the digestive tract throughout
the digestion process.
Submitted by S M on October 14, 2010 at 01:22

Benefits of Bland Food Diet

Doctors usually recommend a bland diet that contains foods which are extremely soft and
almost very lightly spiced in addition to the food substances being extremely low in fiber.
This diet is meant to be followed by someone with either gastric ulcers, problems related to
the bowels, vomiting, or gastritis etc. Bland food diets are also highly recommended to
patients who have recently undergone surgery of the stomach or intestine. The diet

prescribed by the doctor usually differs from person to person, but the diet usually is devoid
of any kinds of heavy seasonings or spices. Most people do not however favor a bland diet
owing to the lack of salt or seasonings in them. Please check if your doctor has given you a
list of foods to be eaten in the diet mentioned to you, else you can start with eating mashed
potatoes or salt-free light soups for your problem. You will need to check the kind of foods
that are permissible to eat in your condition, in addition to the duration that the diet has to be
Foods in a soft or bland diet are usually highly digestible due to extremely low fiber and
being extremely tender. The purpose of the diet is to prevent those foods that can cause
further problems to digestion, in the current condition the patient is experiencing. Aerated
colas and alcohol are completely off the list in this particular diet and so are fatty foods,
deep fried substances, gas-causing vegetables or legumes. All types of pepper and spices
must be stayed off in this particular diet, whole chocolate and cocoa products are also
harmful for a patient with stomach and intestinal issues. Rich desserts or pastries, salted
snacks and chips, fast food items, meats that are seasoned or cured etc. are some of the
foods that must be avoided by someone following the bland food diet.

Balanced Diet, Health And Nutrition

A balanced diet comprising of diverse and healthy foods is key to
promoting good health. After all, we are what we eat - Research continues
to prove that eating healthy food promotes good health and unhealthy
food habits lead to a diseased body. Foods contain vital nutrients that aid
our bodys metabolic function. However, a lack of consumption of these
nutrients or feeding upon the wrong kinds of food leads to an
accumulation of toxins within the body, resulting in chronic diseases in the
long run.
A nutritious diet while ensuring overall well being, helps to maintain a
healthy Body Mass Index (BMI), reduces the risk of several debilitating
diseases like cancer, cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, osteoporosis and
stroke. Thus a nutritious & healthy diet is important in the prevention
and cure of various diseases.
Diet for diseases
There are several health conditions that can be caused or aggravated by
the food we eat. However, there are also several foods that you can
include in your diet to help prevent or treat diseases. It is simplest to
draw up a balanced diet chart as this will ensure that you get all the
nutrients you require on a regular basis. A nutrition diet chart is a diet
chart that helps you to keep a track of your nutritional diet requirements
and is a very useful tool when drawing up a personalized diet plan.
Heart diseases: Coronary heart diseases are a very common health
problem and they are closely linked to a diet that is high in unhealthy
fats. Decreasing ones intake of fatty foods, especially fried food, will go a
long way in preventing heart diseases. On the other hand, a healthy diet
chart with an adequate amount of high fiber foods is seen to prevent
heart diseases. People who suffer from heart problems are often advised
to follow a specific high fiber diet for heart diseases that is rich in raw

fruits and vegetables.

Diabetes: While genetics does play an important role in the onset of
diabetes, an unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits are also
contributing factors. A diabetes diet chart is a diet plan that is high in
fiber and low in fat with a minimum amount of saturated fats. A Vegan
diet is very effective in controlling this problem.
Anemia: Anemia is generally caused by nutritional deficiencies and is
most commonly associated with a diet that is low in iron. Iron rich foods
such as green leafy vegetables should be included in a diet for anemia.
In addition to these diseases, conditions such as high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, gout, and even cancer are affected by the individuals
diet. There are several diet plans such as the Alkaline Acid Diet plan, the
Low Glycemic Index diet and the DASH diet plan that are meant to treat
specific medical conditions.

Healthy Food Groups

Since no single food group can nourish the body with all the vital
ingredients it requires, it is important that we consume a variety of
healthy foods to derive the nutrition our body needs. There are five main
food groups, they are:

Cereals and Pulses
Poultry, Fish and Meat products

A healthy balanced diet of these five food groups ensures essential

vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The food group serving size will
depend upon various factors like age, activity level, body size and gender.
It is also important that one eat a variety of healthy foods from within and
across the food groups. As some foods from within a food group provide
more nutrients than others. This will ensure that one gets the maximum
recommended nutrition from the food group; besides the food variety will
make for an interesting meal.
Diet for weight loss
Problems related to excessive weight gain are commonplace as we tend to
lead a sedentary lifestyle and have unhealthy eating habits. People with
excessive weight gain often try to crash diet in the hope of obtaining a
svelte figure. However, this type of a restrictive diet chart for weight loss
is extremely unhealthy and not easy to stick to and so the individual
succumbs to temptation and goes back to his/her unhealthy eating habits.
The cycle of repeated trial and failure can leave the individual disillusioned
and finally the person stops trying to lose weight. However, a simple and
easy weight loss diet chart can work wonders for overweight and obese
people. It is best to follow a daily diet chart as this will help you to stick to
your diet. In order to balance a diet chart, it is important to take into

account your physical activity levels as a person who exercises daily will
have a higher calorie need as compared to a person who leads a
sedentary lifestyle.
You can include healthy snacks in your daily diet charts as this will allow
you to snack without having to worry about excessive weight gain. It is
important to have realistic goals and dieticians often suggest that
overweight individuals should not concentrate on weight loss but rather
try to follow a healthy diet plan. Once a person has decided that sticking
to a healthy diet chart on a daily basis is their main goal, they will not
unnecessarily fret over their progress in terms of weight loss. This will
allow a person to lose weight at a steady pace with a higher chance of
sticking to their diet plan. Once an individual has lost a considerable
amount of weight, they can then use a follow-up diet chart to ensure that
the weight loss is permanent. Keep in mind that a healthy balanced diet
will lead to a slimmer and healthier you!
In conclusion, it must be noted that allopathic medicine treats the
symptoms rather than the root cause of the disease, which is usually
caused by wrong eating habits leading to an accumulation of toxins within
the system. Whereas a nutritious healthy diet can rectify underlying
causes of diseases and restore one to wholeness of mind and body. Once
we realize the connection between a wholesome balanced diet and good
health, our food will be our medicine and maintaining good health will be
a matter of making the right food choices and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Our Diet Chart may help you get started quickly. Also, look for more blog
posts on Diet and Weight Loss, Cholesterol Diet Plan.

Weight loss diet:

It often seems a Herculean task to lose weight, however with the right weight loss diet menu
and an exercise plan, this is possible. There are many quick weight loss diet plans for
women that claim to give fast results. Many women try these out, only to fail and give up
halfway. The key to losing weight and making a plan for this is that the plan should be
highly structured. It should involve a change in diet and have well organized nutritious
meals in it.
Keep in mind that it is not the amount of food that you eat; it is the quality of food that
matters. Eat proper healthy foods and balance them with complex carbohydrates, protein
and healthy fats as well.
Healthy diet plan:
Perhaps the best healthy diet plan for men or women or even teenage girls, is the one that
they make for themselves. Remember that there is no one perfect diet. What works for one
person may not work for another. This is an important point to keep in mind when you are
making a plan for weight loss. A healthy diet plan should not have any junk food in it and
should include a great deal of fresh fruits and vegetables and water as well. Stay away from
diet pills. Ensure that you eat smaller portions more frequently. If you find yourself giving
into the temptation to indulge, do not give up on yourself. Just eat even more healthily than

Diet chart for weight loss:
There is also a weight loss diet chart for vegetarians. The best kind of vegetarian weight loss
diet plan is one that follows a balanced diet. Follow the vegetarian food pyramid to ensure
that you reach your goal of weight loss without losing out on adequate nutrition. Include
grains, vegetables, fruits, dry beans, nuts, seeds, egg and dairy substitutes and total fat
according to the amount of weight you wish to lose. There is also a diet chart for weight loss
in 7 days. Such a diet allows people to indulge in certain foods on certain days. Such diets
claim to detoxify the body and lead to weight loss.
Weight gain diet:
A weight gain diet plan should be one that includes healthy foods. Eating healthy to gain
weight involves eating a variety of foods. The most important point you must remember if
you wish to gain weight, is to eat more food than a person normally does. Such a weight
gain diet should be healthy and high in calories but nutritious too. It should include high
protein, carbohydrates and fats. Have 3 large meals and 3-4 snacks a day. Spread out the
intake of the carbohydrates, protein and fats over these meals/snacks. Include cereals, fruits,
vegetables, fruit juices, smoothies, milk and dairy products and so on.
Diet chart:
If you are determined to lose weight, a diet chart for weight loss is a must. A diet chart, for
either men or women, will help to stay focused on your weight loss and ensure that you
reach your target as well. A balanced diet is essential for a healthy body. Following a well
balanced diet will make it easier to stick to, rather than following a diet chart where you
have to eat the same foods, day in and day out. Before you make your diet chart, remember
that a balanced diet is one which includes the six basic nutrients that are required for the
development and growth of the body. These are fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins,
proteins and fibers.
Good health:
Good health means taking good care of ourselves and our bodies. Eating healthy snacks,
following a balanced diet or an exercise plan- all these contribute to good health. Good
Health Natural Foods is a company that promotes healthy foods. This brand of foods can be
found in most U.S. stores. If you are following a nutritious and balanced diet for good
health, include some healthy snacks like apple chips or a strawberry sandwich to make it
more interesting and enjoyable.
Diet for weight loss:
If you include running along with your diet for weight loss, you are sure to see excellent
results within a short time. Remember that running by itself will not result in any weight
loss. You must eat healthy foods; avoid snacking, alcohol and so on in order to lose those
pounds. Nutrition plays an important role in fat loss and muscle gain and this is where a
balanced diet comes in. Ensure that you have five or more small meals throughout the day.
Avoids sweets, sugary foods, get the required amount of fats, calories and protein daily.
After surgery for weight loss it is important to follow a nutritious diet as advised by your


Weight loss chart:

There are many online and printable weight loss charts available on the internet. These
charts will help you to keep track of the weight you have lost, and also display it in a bar
graph and table form. The chart can be plotted once every week and you can add comments
as well. This chart can be used as a weight loss journal. Other features that such charts
have, include your BMI and also how much more weight you need to lose to reach your
desired weight.
Weight loss diet chart:
A weight loss diet chart for men will help them to stay focused on what needs to be eaten
throughout the day. Such a chart should include food that is low in calories. It should be a
high protein diet and low carbohydrate diet as well. There are many healthy diets available
for men but you should use one that is most suited to yourself. What works for one man may
not work for you.
Diet chart to reduce weight:
There is also a diet chart to reduce weight in 10 days. You will need to exercise daily,
completely avoid junk food and canned food, eat smaller portions of food, chew slowly
avoid eating out for the entire 10 day period. Eat fruits, carrots and nuts when you feel like
snacking. Avoid smoking and drinking too. Remember to consult your doctor before starting
any diet like this one.
Submitted by E L on January 30, 2011 at 11:14

Diet for Weight Loss

I want to loose weight within 1 month.plz let me know what to do.If u can tell me what to eat thatis
the diet chart.I am a Female. Weight is 65 Kg height is 5 inch.

According to your height your ideal body should not be more than 47-48 kg. That means
you need to lose the extra 17-18 kg which you have gained. Dont aim to lose all this weight
in a time span of just 30 days. It might be possible but it is not advisable. Try to lose 1kg per
week that makes to 4 kg per month. Remember weigh loss is a gradual process where diet
and exercise goes hand in hand, stress on any one aspect will lead you no where, leaving
you with a feeling of discouragement.
Follow these simple tips to lose weight

Eat small meals at frequent intervals. Avoiding both starving and binging. Eat
slowly, that gives our body time to tell us that it is full before we've eaten more than
we need.

Avoid simple sugars and processed carbohydrates. Choose whole cereals or whole
wheat products and avoid white flour and its products as far as possible. Eat healthy,
mostly unprocessed foods, including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and
limited amounts of lean animal protein. This also includes fiber in your diet which
makes you feel full soon and also moves fat through our digestive system faster so

that less of it is absorbed.

Consume at least 8-9 servings of fruits and vegetables including 1 green leafy
vegetable daily.

Eating salads is a healthy option, but dont replace your meals only with salads, and
be careful with salad dressings, mayonnaise, and other condiments that are high in
fat content. They greatly increase the calorie count and can negate the healthy
aspects of a meal.

Avoid too much of deep fried, oily or fried foods. Include good proteins in the form
of pulses, sprouts, milk, eggs, fish, and lean meats or de skinned chicken.

The most important nutrient that is always forgotten is water. Drink sufficient water
daily to keep yourself well hydrated.

Keep in mind fat free or sugar free products do not mean calorie free. Make sure
to read the food labels before any food item you consume. Be an aware customer.

Physical activity or exercise is a very important criterion to remain fit and lose
weight. Just a simple brisk walk for 40-45 minutes or stretching exercises for lower
body will help. Exercise makes it possible to create a calorie deficit and lose weight
without starving your body and slowing your metabolism.

Read useful information on BMI and bmi chart. Know your weight that comes from fat is
within the normal range or not.

Tratamentul Dieta pentru Gastrita

Pacientul ar trebui s efectueze o rapid n ambele cazuri acute i cronice. n cazurile acute,
pacientul se va recupera de obicei, dupa un post scurt dou sau trei zile. n stare cronica, rapid
ar putea fi continuat pentru o perioad mai lung de apte zile sau cam asa ceva. n subsidiar,
posturi scurte poate fi repetat la un interval de una sau dou luni, n funcie de progresele
Postul poate fi realizat pe sucuri de fructe.
Prin postire, aportul de iritani este la oprit odat realizat, stomacul este odihnit i starea
toxice, cauznd inflamarea, este lsat s dispar. Eliminarea este crescut prin post i excesul
de materie toxice acumulate n sistemul este aruncat afar.

Dieta pentru Gastrit:

Dup simptomele acute dispar, pacientul ar trebui s adopte un regim alimentar all-fructe
pentru nc trei zile. Fructe suculente, cum ar fi mere, pere, struguri, grapefruit, portocale,
ananas, piersici i pepeni pot fi luate n aceast perioad, la intervale de cinci-or. Pacientul
poate, there dup, se angajeze treptat la un regim alimentar bine echilibrat din cele trei
grupe de produse alimentare de baz, i anume; seminte, nuci si seminte, legume si fructe
prezentat n capitolul 1 la dieta in sanatate si boala. Beneficiile pentru sanatate ale piersici
include gastrita, anemie, digestie slab, tuse uscat. Deci, ar trebui s includ ntotdeauna
piersic n fiecare zi dieta.
Pacientul trebuie s evite consumul de alcool, nicotin, piese si condimente, alimente carne,
chillis, lucruri acru, muraturi, ceai tare i cafea. El ar trebui s evite, de asemenea, dulciuri,
produse de patiserie, prjituri bogate i ape gazoase. Iaurt si branza de vaci poate fi luat n
mod liber.
Suc de morcov n combinaie cu suc de spanac este considerat extrem de benefic in
tratamentul gastritei. ase uncii de suc de spanac trebuie amestecat cu zece uncii de suc de
morcovi in aceasta combinatie.
Prea multe alimente diferite nu trebuie amestecat la aceeai mas. Mesele trebuie luate cu
cel puin dou ore nainte de a merge la culcare. Opt-zece pahare de apa trebuie luate zilnic,
dar apa nu ar trebui s fie luate n timpul meselor, deoarece dilueaza sucurile digestive i
ntrzieri digestia. i mai presus de toate, graba ar trebui evitate n timp ce mnnc i mese
ar trebui s fie servit ntr-o atmosfer plcut i relaxat.
De la nceperea tratamentului, un clisma ap cald ar trebui s fie utilizat zilnic timp de
aproximativ o sptmn pentru a curata intestinele. Dac constipaie este obinuit, ar trebui
s fie luate toate msurile pentru eradicarea acesteia. Pacientul ar trebui s aib frecare uscat
zilnic i burete. Aplicarea de cldur, prin compresor fierbinte sau sticla cu apa fierbinte dou
ori pe zi, fie pe stomacul gol sau dou ore dup mas, va fi, de asemenea, benefice.
Pacientul nu trebuie s ntreprind nici o lucrare fizic i mental greu. El ar trebui, totui, s
ntreprind exerciii de respiraie i alte exerciii uoare, cum ar fi mersul pe jos, not i golf.
El ar trebui s evite grijile i de tensiune psihic.
A - gastrita dieta
I. Un regim alimentar all-fructe timp de cinci zile. Ia trei mese pe zi de fructe proaspete,
suculent, la intervale de cinci-or i de a folosi clisma apa calda in aceasta perioada.
II. Dup o dieta exclusiv fructe proaspete, s adopte treptat un regim alimentar bine echilibrat
pe urmtoarele linii: 1. La trezire:
25 stafide negre nmuiate peste noapte n ap, mpreun cu ap meninut peste noapte ntr-un
vas de cupru.
2. Micul dejun:
Fructe proaspete i un pahar de lapte, indulcit cu miere.


3. Pranz:
Un bol de legume proaspt pregtit aburita, dou sau trei ntreaga tortilla de gru de gru i
un pahar de lapte btut.
4. Mid-dup-amiaz:
Un pahar de suc de morcov sau apa de nuc de cocos.
5. Cina:
Un castron mare de salata de legume proaspete verde cu suc de lamaie sos, verde varza gram
de fasole, brnz de vaci sau un pahar de lapte btut.
6. Bedtime Snack:
Un pahar de lapte sau un mr.
1. Eu nu iau apa cu lapte, dar o jumtate de or nainte de i o or dup mas.
2. Nu grbii prin mas, nu mnnc niciodat la stomacul plin.
3. i nu mananca poftei de mncare dac lipsete.
4. pachet bru umed timp de o or n timpul nopii de zi cu zi.
5. hipbath rece timp de 10 minute.
6. asane yoga, cum ar fi uttanpadasana, pavanmuktasana, Vajrasana, Yogamudra,
bhujangasana, shalabhasana i shavasana.
Mai multe despre Gastrita si gastrita dieta Gastrita este o infectie sau iritare usoara a mucoasei stomacului. Ca urmare a acestui fapt,
mucoasa stomacului sau mucoasa devine inflamate. n cazul n care inflamatia este brusc i
sever este cunoscut sub numele de gastrit acut i atunci cnd aceasta persist pentru o
lung perioad de timp cunoscut sub numele de gastrit cronic. Urmarea unei diete gastrita
poate ajuta s obinei ajutor de la gastrita pe termen lung. Iat cteva sfaturi simple putei s
v pstrai n minte pentru a obine ajutor de la gastrit.
O dieta care include gastrit ap de nuc de cocos este un remediu excelent. Aceasta va oferi
nu numai stomacul restul necesar, dar va oferi, de asemenea, minerale si vitamine necesare.
O dieta gastrita de ap de nuc de cocos pentru primele 24 de ore va ajuta ntoarcerea stomac
la starea sa normal.
Sucul de cartofi, de asemenea, ajuta la ameliorarea gastrit. Bea jumatate de cana de suc de
dou ori pe zi, sau de trei ori nainte de a mese ca un remediu pentru gastrita cronica.
O dieta pentru gastrita trebuie alimente care pot fi usor de digerat. Optati pentru alimentele

care sunt bogate in fibre, cum ar fi legume, fructe, cereale, cereale integrale i. Ar trebui
evitate ardei iute i piper rou. Lapte i produse lactate degresat, care sunt coninut redus de
grsimi sunt utile n controlul secreia de acid.
Condimente n dieta dumneavoastr ar trebui s fie limitat gastroenterit. Taie din nou pe
aportul de condimente, cum ar fi usturoi, ceapa, cuioare i scorioar n alimente
dumneavoastr. Acestea crete disconfortul care este legat de arsuri la stomac.
O cura gastrit i tratament depinde de ceea ce este cauza problemei. Uneori rezultatele
gastritei acute din consumul de alcool a crescut i anumite medicamente, cum ar fi nonsteroidiene medicamente anti-inflamatorii.
Oprirea aportul de alcool i droguri va oferi aceste ajutor.
O dieta pentru pacientii gastrita implic alimente mnnc, care este aburit si moale. Paine
prajita si fierte cereale lucru mare pentru cei care sufer de gastrit. Aportului de sare ar
trebui s fie redus, deoarece funcioneaz ca un iritant.
Ca pe recomandrile dieta gastrita putei include urmtoarele alimente din dieta ta. Pui,
curcan, carne de licitaie, fructe de mare, unt de arahide, tofu, branza de vaci, moale fierte sau
ou, cartofi, orez, terci i ap de nuc de cocos amestecat sunt unele dintre alimentele pe care
le pot include n dieta dumneavoastr.
O dieta cronice gastrit trebuie s nceap mai nti cu un rapid pentru dou-trei zile. Putei
bea numai sucuri de fructe, n aceste trei zile. Acest lucru permite inflamatia s dispar i, de
asemenea, ajut la eliminarea toxinelor in exces din organism. Acest lucru ar trebui s fie
urmat de o diet toate fructele pentru nc trei zile sau cam asa ceva. Poi s mnnci fructe,
cum ar fi strugurii, merele, ananasul, portocalele, pepeni, piersici, grapefruit i n aceast
perioad. Putei ncepe apoi consuma o dieta bine echilibrat, care include nuci, seminte,
cereale, fructe si legume.
O dieta pentru pacientii gastrita, de asemenea, ar trebui s exclud folosirea excesiv a
tutunului, condimente, alcool, ardei rosu, ceai tare, cafea, murturi, i alimente acru. Trebuie
avut grij s nu se amestece prea multe tipuri diferite de produse alimentare la aceeasi masa.
De asemenea, nu ar trebui s mnnce mese ntr-o grab, dar asigurai-v c mncai ntr-un
atmosfer relaxant i plcut.
Gastrita Nutriie
Gastrita si Gastroenterita sunt dou afeciuni medicale care pot provoca o persoan extrem de
disconfort daca este lasata netratata. Gastrita este o afectiune in care mucoasa stomacului
devine inflamate. Aceste leziuni inflamate pot fi fie cronic sau acut. Simptomele acestei
culturi n cazul gastritei sunt vrsturi, grea, ameeli, dureri de cap, i pierderea poftei de
mncare. n unele cazuri, limba poate fi acoperit, flux excesiv saliva, fluxul de urinare,
nelinite, respiraie fault, si depresie redus. Mai multe cazuri cronice de cauza gastrita arsuri
la stomac, constipaie, i, uneori, diaree.
Gastrita poate aprea din diverse motive; cum ar fi, supraalimentarea frecvente, mncare
prost gtit, consumul frecvent excesiv de alcool, ceai sau cafea tare, utilizarea excesiv a
condimente sau sosuri, stres, durere, anxietate, anumite medicamente, etc. Exist mai multe
ci de atac i alimentele dietetice care pot fi luate pentru a controla aceast condiie. Este
esenial pentru o persoan care sufer de aceast condiie de a adopta un regim alimentar bine
echilibrat gastrit. O dieta gastrita include consumul adecvat de ap de nuc de cocos. Nuc
de cocos de ap ofer stomac cu vitaminele si mineralele necesare are nevoie pentru a se
vindeca mai repede. Este recomandabil s se evite consumul de mncare sau lichide cu
excepia apei de nuc de cocos pentru primele 24 de ore de la un atac de gastrit. Acest lucru
d stomacului posibilitatea de a se vindeca i de a reveni la starea sa normal. Un alt remediu
excelent, care este un tratament eficient gastrit este terci de orez. Consuma cel putin o cana
de terci de orez, de dou ori pe zi. Un alt remediu util incluse intr-o dieta gastrita este sucul

de cartofi. O jumatate de cana de suc de cartofi ar trebui s fie consumate dou ori pe zi, o ora
inainte de fiecare masa. Dup simptomele intense dispar, ar fi de dorit sa urmeze o dieta toate
fructele pentru cteva zile. Este esenial s se evite consumul de alcool, produse de patiserie,
dulciuri, branza de vaci, prjituri, ap aerat, iaurt, ardei, muraturi, ceai sau cafea tare, si
Gastroenterita pe de alt parte, este o condiie n cazul n care stomacul i intestinele se
inflameaz. Acest lucru duce la diaree si varsaturi, care sunt n mare msur cauzate de unele
infecii virale. Dietele Gastroenterita necesit un consum adecvat de sucuri proaspete de
fructe, sau sifon plat. Acest lucru ajut la reducerea considerabil durerea. Odat ce durerea
intensa este redus, ar fi recomandabil s se includ n sos dvs. gastroenterit dieta mere,
banane, i orez alb. Evitati orice produse lactate, citrice sau alimente grase, alcool, si cofeina.
S se abin de la mese mari, au loc mese mici repartizate uniform pe parcursul zilei.


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