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Level of Students


: Junior High School / 7th / 2nd semester


Language Skill : Writing


: Elina Rahmawati Halawa

Farah Sahirah Zahra
M. Lukman Nur Hakim
Ramin Aslanov
Yuli Kwania

Ibu Yuli

: Assalamualaikum wr wb.


: Waalaikumsalam wr.wb

Ibu Yuli

: How are you today?


: Im fine, thank you.

Ibu Yuli

: How was your weekend?


: It was interesting.

Ibu Yuli

: Really?


: Yes, because I went to Bali.

Ibu Yuli

: Wow! Anybody else went to Bali last weekend?


: Yes, I also went to Bali.

Ibu Yuli

: Did you meet Bintang there?


: No, I didnt meet her.

Ibu Yuli

: OK, then. Im glad to know you have a great weekend. Now I need to
check the attendance. Nisa


: Im here

Ibu Yuli

: Elina


: yes

Ibu Yuli

: Ok, so everybodys here today. Thank you, class.

Ibu Elina

: Ok, before we start todays lesson, I have a song. And I want you to
follow me.

Im speaking writing reading thats because I am a verb

Im swinging jumping drinking thats because I am a verb
Im driving swimming gliding sliding bleeding coming running buying
barking sweeping sleeping because Im a verb
Im a verb verb verb
Im an action word
So put me where the action is cause Im an action word

(The class sings together)

Ibu Elina

: Ok, thank you. Now, can you guess what the song is about?



Ibu Elina

: Excellent, Ria. Who wants to give an example of a verb?


: In the sentence I go to Bali, went is the verb, Ibu Elina.

Ibu Elina

: Good answer, Bintang. Now do you know what does verb possibly


: It shows an action.

Ibu Elina

: Yes, thats right Nisa. So, we can conclude that verb shows the action
in a sentence which the subject takes.

Ibu Farah

: OK, class. Today were going to learn about verb. I have 3 pictures
here, and I want you to guess what the activities are. Dewi, what is he


: Shopping, Ibu Farah.

Ibu Farah

: Excellent, Dewi. Now please make a sentence from that word.


: I go shopping with my mother

Ibu Farah

: Thats a good sentence, Dewi. Now Ill show you the second picture.
Kurrota, whats she doing?


: Shes dancing, Ibu Farah.

Ibu Farah

: Thats right, Kurrota. Now create an example with that verb.


: Bintang is dancing while eating.

Ibu Farah

: hahaha thats funny. Do you think we can dance while eating?


: No, but Bintang can do it.

Ibu Farah

: Really? Thats incredible. Lets go back to the topic. Now, I need a

volunteer to answer the last picture.
(Iqbal raises her hand.)
Ok, Yuli please.


: barking, my dog is barking all the time

Ibu Farah

: yes thats correct, ok thank you, now I have a lyrics of song and I want
you to find the verbs, underline it, and later bapa lukman will discuss it.
Do you hear me?
Im talking to you.
Across the water, across the deep blue.
Ocean under the open sky, oh my baby Im trying.

(All students are doing the assignment)

Bapak Lukman

: yes

Bapak Lukman

: Good. Next, which word is the verb on the second line, Farah?

: Talking, Bapak Lukman.

Bapak Lukman

: ok now elina where is the verb on the first line?

: Hear, Bapak Lukman

Bapak Lukman

: ok have you finished?

: Very good, Farah. Why do you think its the verb?

: Because talking explains the action that the subject does.

Bapak Lukman
: Thats correct. What about the next line? Do you find any verb

: No, Bapak Lukman. I cant find the action word in that line. Can I say
that theres no verb there?

Bapak Lukman
: Yes, of course you can. Because, as you said before, theres no
verb in that sentence. Now what about the last line?

: Yes I find one verb, its trying, Pak Lukman. Is it correct?

Bapak Lukman
: Terrific! Well, after doing the exercise that we do today, can you
show me what the conclusion of verb is?

: Verb is an action word and it explains the activity that the subjects do.

Bapak Lukman
: Thats correct!! Ok, its good if you all have understood the
material I deliver today.

Bapak Ramin : OK, I think thats all for today. Ok to help you more understand about
todays lesson I will give you a homework. Do the exercise on page 90
and submit the homework next meeting, is that clear?

: yes

Bapak Ramin : for next meeting we will talk further about verb so dont forget to
learn at home. ok thank you for coming, and dont forget to submit the
assignment. Good bye see you next time.

: ok, bye bapak ramin.

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