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1784-U2DHP USB to Data Highway Plus Interface

1. Install RSLinx 2.53 or higher.

2. The 1784-U2DHP operates at 57.6 Kbps, 115.2 Kbps or 230.4 Kbps.
3. The DH+ baud rate is set by a selector switch on the side of the interface.
The baud rate is only read on power up and the 1784-U2DHP USB cable
must be disconnected from the computer when changing the rate for the
changes to take effect.

4. Plug the 1784-U2DHP into the USB port on the computer.

5. Found New Hardware should be displayed followed by Welcome to the

New Hardware Wizard.

6. Select Yes, this time only and click Next.

7. Select Install the software automatically and click Next.

8. Wait while the wizard searches.

9. If the driver is not found click Back.

10. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced).

11. Click Next.

12. The path to the driver file 1784_u2dhp.inf may have to be entered
manually or you can hit the Browse button to select the path. Typically the
path is C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\RSLinx\PnP_Drivers\1784U2DHP.
13. Click Next.

14. After the software has been installed click the Finish button.

15. Found New Hardware should be displayed and your new hardware is
installed and ready to use.

16. The operating system assigns the COM port for the 1784-U2DHP. Verify
which COM port the computer is using the Device Manger:
a. Right click on the My Computer icon and choose Manage then
select Device Manager or go to Start > Run > type devmgmt.msc
and click OK to open Device Manger.
b. Click the + to the left of Ports to expand.
c. Note the COM port assigned to the 1784-U2DHP.

17. Open RSLinx Classic and select Communications and then select
Configure Drivers.
18. From the Available Driver Types select 1784-U2DHP for DH+ devices and
click Add New.

19. Enter a new name for this driver and click OK or just click OK to keep the
default name.

20. Configure the Comm Port and Station Number or node address:
a. Using the pull down arrow select the Comm Port noted previously
in step 16.
b. Enter the decimal station number or node address of the 1784U2DHP. Valid station numbers or node addresses are 0 to 77 octal
or 0 to 63 decimal. In our example 24 decimal = 30 Octal.
c. Click OK.

21. Configured Drivers and their Status are shown. If the 1784-U2DHP driver
is not Running click the Start button.

22. To change the station number or node address of the 1784-U2DHP open
RSLinx Classic and select Communications and Configure Drivers.
a. Select the 1784-U2DHP Driver and click Stop.
b. Click Configure and enter the new station number or node address.
c. Click OK.
d. Unplug the 1784-U2DHP USB connector from the computer and
plug the USB connector back into the computer. This cycling of
power causes the new settings to take effect,
e. From RSLinx Classic select the 1784-U2DHP Driver and click Start.
23. RSLinx Classic RSWho display should show the DH+ Devices.
Node 7 is a SLC 504
Node 10 is a ControlLogix DHRIO Module
Node 24 is the RSLinx 1784-U2DHP Driver computer
Nodes 30 and 41 are PLC-5s

24. USB-to-Data Highway Plus Cable Installation Instructions
25. 1784-U2DHP Reference Pictures:

8 Pin DH+ Connector showing the sliding collar.

USB, PWR and DH+ Status LEDs.

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