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This is a thorough guide to all the TR infantry weapons. It will be used to showcase uses of weapons
and the play-styles they are associated with as well as useful technical info behind the weapons. If
one weapon needs another slide, the continuation slide is to have only the title of CONT. You may
use other video guides to create this, but please link to them with small descriptions or inside a CONT
(for if I add any more editors). Also, shots to kill are all chest-shots without Nanoweave or Flak
Armors on a 1000 Hit Point (500 shield + 500 health, Infiltrators only have 400 shield) target. If you
can find the unlisted damage values, many thanks (and tanks) will be given. Shoutout to Imgur for
hosting all the .gifs at their 1.5MB average size and Instagiffer for their software to record them. When
recording hip-fire-only guns (MAX guns), note that I compensate for recoil and Im mainly showing the
Here is a good video by Drathamus Gaming for recoil compensation and cone-of-fire using the same
spot in the VR that I use. Ill be adding any Post-PU02 video reviews, but there arent many out yet.
Also note that all Playstyle descriptions are MY opinion and weapons can be used other ways. For
example, I personally use the SMG-46 Armistice with a 3.4x Red Dot, Compensator, Extended
Magazine, and Soft Point Ammo and I love it, but its not at all the way the weapon was designed to be
used most effectively. Any feedback can be sent to my email at or to






LC2 Lynx

AS16 NightHawk

NS Deep Freeze

ASP-30 Grounder


LC3 Jaguar

FA1 Barrage

NS Patriot Flare Gun

M9 SKEP Launcher



TAS-16 Blackjack

NS-357 Underboss




TRS-12 Uppercut

NS-44 Commissioner

NS Annihilator



TS4 Haymaker

TR Patriot Flare Gun

NS Decimator


TS2 Inquisitor

T2 Striker

TRAC-5 Burst




Cycler TRV

T16 Rhino


T32 Bull



T1 Cycler


T1B Cycler



TX1 Repeater
TX2 Emperor

T7 Mini-Chaingun


T1S Cycler

PDW-16 Hailstorm


SMG-46 Armistice



M1 Heavy Cycler


M2 Mutilator


M3 Pounder HEG
M6 Onslaught


MR1 Fracture


MRC3 Mercy
NS-10 Burster

AI MANA Turret
AV MANA Turret


99SV | Semi-Auto Sniper

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 400@10m - 334@75m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 0.69 Seconds
Available Attachments:
6x (default), 7x, 8x, 10x, 12x
Flashlight, Forward Grip
No Ammo Attachments
Playstyle: Mobile Sniper and Recon. Spotting targets and quickly
eliminating them in 3 quick, successive shots. Suppressor is an option
for extra stealth, but it takes a toll on the bullet velocity. 12x scope is
useful, but not always advised due to gravity compensation being
needed for almost any shot at the ranges that scope is most useful
for. Very good at long-medium range and in open areas.

Recoil Pattern: Up with Sway

Cost: Stock


Wrel Reviewed

AMR-66 | Battle Rifle

Usability: Engineer, Heavy Assault
Damage: 250@8m - 225@75m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 4-6 Shots / 1.1 Seconds
Available Attachments:
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot , 4x Chevron , 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Support and Ranged Assault. Engaging the enemy from 25100m and picking off enemies. Kills very quickly on unsuspecting
enemies and does very well at a range in open biolab areas as well as
open plains with little-to-no cover due to the large range advantage
you gain over most targets.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: 250C / 500SC


AS16 NightHawk | Auto Shotgun

Usability: Light Assault, Combat Medic, Engineer, Heavy Assault
Damage: 125@8m (6 pellets) - 45@18m (4 pellets)
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 2 Shots / 0.46 Seconds
Available Attachments:
HS/NV, 1x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
No Barrel Attachments
Extended Magazine, Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
Slug Ammunition
Playstyle: Direct Close-Quarters Assault. Clearing small areas very
quickly. Extended Magazine (from 6 Shots to 10) is recommended for
longer bursts of shotgun mayhem and higher kill-potential, but Slug
Ammo is not due to the spammy nature of the gun. Good with drifter
jet circle-strafing and in closed areas and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 750C / 700SC


ASP-30 Grounder | AA/Dumb Rocket

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 1,000 Direct / 1000@0.5m - 1@5m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / 1 Second/100m
Playstyle: Anti-Air or Desperate Infantry Crowd Control. As of PU2s
projectile acceleration, this launcher is not as good against infantry as
it has no acceleration without a lock. With a lock, this launcher takes 3
shots alone to destroy an ESF, but 2 will set them on fire. Good in
open areas after the target has used their flares because, after lock,
you can forget about it and it WILL hit them if nothing gets in the way.
Not recommended, but still usable against infantry (doing 135 less
than the ML-7 and 335 less than the NS Decimator) as it can kill with
a direct or 0.5m or less indirect hit and can cause damage up to 5m.
Only direct damage is dealt to vehicles.

Recoil Pattern: None

Cost: 250C / 500SC


AI MANA Turret | Deployable Turret

Usability: Engineer
Damage: 193@10m - 150@100m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 6 Shots / 0.65 Seconds
Playstyle: Deployable Cover or Overwatch Support on Defense. This
turret is best fired in short bursts due to not being ammo-based, but
heat-based. Upgrading it, as well as holding a linked Amp Station,
can increase the time it takes to overheat, but the CoF bloom is so
quick that a quick 2 second burst is all you really need. You can snipe
with it be clicking in even shorter bursts which is surprisingly effective
at a range. This turret can also be used as cover because the shield
takes absolutely no damage. In PU02, the hitboxes on MANA turrets
was updated to be more accurate, but you still need to be poking out
from the side or top by quite a bit before you can shoot past it.

Recoil Pattern: None

Cost: Stock


AV MANA Turret | Deployable Turret

Usability: Engineer
Damage: 1,000 Direct / 500@0.35m - 0@5m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / Rocket Speed Unlisted
Playstyle: Deployable Cover and Tank/Infantry Sniper. This turret is a
guide-by-wire turret so the rocket will attempt to go to the location
under your reticule if it has not already passed it. It can be upgraded
to recover more quickly after each shot. It can also shoot at extreme
ranges, but is best with lower-sensitivity for precision shots. It will 1shot infantry and 2-shot MAXes. Best used when you find a good
ridge with a lot of cover so the enemy sees as little of the turret as
possible, even better if you can get above the enemy so they cant
headshot because your turret blocks them. It can also be used as
conventional cover, but has no protective shield.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


Cycler TRV | Assault Rifle

Usability: Combat Medic
Damage: 143@10m - 112@60m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.49 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight, Advanced Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition
Playstyle: Close Quarters and Close Range Assault. Using the fastest
RoF (845) of all TR assault rifles as well as the Adv Laser and Soft
Point Ammo, this weapon was meant to be an accurate hip-fire gun in
short range. Good for taking out an enemy quickly with headshots.
Aim for the chest and the CoF will increase to the head.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Left

Cost: 250C / 500SC


FA1 Barrage | Shotgun

Usability: Light Assault, Combat Medic, Engineer, Heavy Assault
Damage: 130@8m (6 pellets) - 50@16m (3 pellets)
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 2 Shots / 0.54 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
No Barrel Attachments
Extended Magazine, Laser Sight, Flashlight, Forward Grip
Slug Ammunition
Playstyle: Close Quarters Assault and Slug Sniper. With this weapon
s more-accurate CoF and tighter pellet spread than all other TR
shotguns, it goes very well with Slug Ammo and a 3.4x Sight with
Extended Mag (6 Shots, 10 Extended Mag) and is good for charging
into CQC areas and also good for Tower Stomping in the middle-top.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 750C / 700SC


HSR-1 | Semi-Auto Scout Rifle

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 334@15m - 250@75m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 4 Shots / 0.96 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot , 4x Chevron , 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
No Ammo Attachments
Playstyle: Mid-Combat Sniper or Support. Much like the AMR-66, this
weapon excels at mid-long range combat, but due to the required
multiple-shot kill as an infiltrator, either shoot a quick 4 shots or get 2
headshots before they notice theyre being fired upon. Suppressor is
an option for those who sneak around, but note the bullet drop.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 750C / 700SC


KSR-35 | Semi-Auto Scout Rifle

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 400@10m - 334@75m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 0.78 Seconds
1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x Crosshair
Flashlight, Forward Grip
No Ammo Attachments
Playstyle: Mid-Range Sniper or Support. With the highest damage of
any TR semi-auto (tied with 99SV), it can 3-shot almost any target at
ANY range, 4-shot definitely if target has Nanoweave. Best way to
use it is to come out of cloak just long enough to kill your target, then
cloak again and reposition. It also has a bad habit of running out of
ammo due to its small ammo capacity (70 total).

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 500C / 700SC


LC2 Lynx | Carbine

Usability: Light Assault, Engineer
Damage: 143@10m - 100-@60m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.53 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Advanced Laser Sight, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition
Playstyle: Rapid-Fire Close-Range Assault. With its high RoF and
tight CoF with the Advanced Laser sight, it excels in close range
combat. Hip fire is strongly recommended as the recoil is one of the
most harsh for carbines due to the high RoF. Best in and around
buildings and watchtowers. Using either Suppressor is a good idea.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


LC3 Jaguar | Carbine

Usability: Light Assault, Engineer
Damage: 143@10m - 112@60m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.56 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Suppressor, Flash Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Advanced Laser Sight, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition
Playstyle: Short-Medium Range Assault. Very similar to the Lynx (but
much cheaper), this gun has a much better recoil pattern and much
better range capabilities. With the HS/NV and the Advanced Laser, it
s good at both its usable sighted range as well as at short ranges
with hip-fire. Good with Ammo Belt for a very survivable loadout.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC


M1 Heavy Cycler | MAX Chaingun

Usability: MAX
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 1.05 Seconds
Extended Magazine
Playstyle: Anti-Infantry Assault MAX. This is the most versatile
chaingun for the TR MAX. In short bursts, you can deal damage at a
range (about 50m) due to the low initial CoF. If fired constantly
though, it can rip through close range as well with its capacity of 60
bullets (90 with Extended Mag). Good when paired with itself as both
guns can shred at both close range and medium range. A good
comparison is the LC2 Lynx due to very similar damage and both
guns together match its RoF (400x2 RPM and 800 RPM) while
having the added benefit of the MAX suit. Good in semi-closed bases
with cover and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC

and Stock


M2 Mutilator | MAX Chaingun

Usability: MAX
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 1.05 Seconds
Extended Magazine
Playstyle: Solo AI and Defensive MAX. This is most notable for its
huge ammo capacity of 100 bullets (150 with Extended Mag) giving it
amazing sustainability. Its ranged capabilities are not very good, but
it makes up for it by being able to simulate English weather with
bullets. Its amazing when paired with the MAX Lockdown ability
which gives it a higher RoF and better reload speed allowing it (with
the help of an Engineer) to defend a position near-indefinitely with
Flak Armor. It can also fare well when soloing due to the large total
ammo pool of 800 rounds (1100 with the Ammo Storage Canisters)
and Nanite Auto Repair for health. Good choice for a second AI gun.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC


M3 Pounder HEG | MAX Anti-Vehicle

Usability: MAX
Damage: 285 Direct / 125@0.6m - 1@3m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 4 Shots / 3 Seconds
Playstyle: Quick Anti-Infantry/Anti-Vehicle Destroyer. It is best when
paired with itself as you can cut the TTK in half (1.5 Seconds) and
double the chance to hit your target. Against vehicles, you MUST
have both because the DPS isnt enough to kill it in any reasonable
time and when you have both, you can kill a sunderer that is being
actively repaired by an Engineer. Once you get the arc down, you
can even snipe people with it. Best in open areas with scattered
cover or very enclosed areas against an enemy push. Since PU2, the
splash damage was buffed significantly and can kill quite effectively
against clusters of enemy infantry. Its also inexpensive.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC

and Stock


M6 Onslaught | MAX Chaingun

Usability: MAX
Damage: 125@10m - 100@50m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 8 Shots / 0.98 Seconds
Extended Magazine
Playstyle: Close Range Shredder. Having the highest RoF and
shortest TTK of all MAX chainguns, it is extremely useful in close
range combat. Its CoF is not very good at medium ranges, but
excels when paired with itself for close range shredding or any other
chaingun for additional range or sustainability. Good when combined
with the Charge ability to rush in past the frontlines and shred
support hostiles and then assault hostiles from behind. Its also good
when combined with Lockdown due to the RoF increase which leads
to an even faster TTK and increased defensive capabilities. Not very
good in large, open areas with very little cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


M77-B | Bolt-Action Sniper

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 650@10m - 400@350m / Headshot-Kill@250m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 2 Shots / 1.6 Seconds (First@0s)
6x (Default), 7x, 8x, 10x, 12x
Flashlight, Forward Grip
Playstyle: Patient Long Range Sniper. This gun can only be used
most effectively when within 250m of your target seeing as its very
difficult to land 2 consecutive shots on a person with a bolt-action.
Positioning must also be thought out because you want to be able to
snipe across a long range (12x scope recommended), but also not
be detected. Fire a shot before-hand as well and take note of which
Mil-Dot it lands on/between to find the proper place to aim at range.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC


M9 SKEP Launcher | AV/Dumb Rocket

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 1,000 Direct / 1,000@0.5m - 1@6m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / 0.87 Seconds/100m
Playstyle: Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Infantry Assault. This is capable of
dealing great amounts of damage to vehicles with both the lock-on
and dumb-fire modes. If the target is zooming past too quickly for a
lock, you can fire anyway to get decent splash damage and possibly
a kill if the target if you get a direct hit. If the target is moving and/or
too far to dumb-fire guess, the lock-on can make up for it. Note that
the further the target is away from you, the longer it takes to lock-on
and track. Its a much better Anti-Infantry equivalent than the ASP-30
Grounder due to its faster rocket speed combined with the best
splash damage radius. Good versus MAXes and almost any area.

Recoil Pattern: None

Cost: 250C / 500SC


ML-7 | Dumb Rocket

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 1,135 Direct / 1,000@0.5m - 1@5m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / 1.17 Seconds/100m
Playstyle: Anti-Infantry/Anti-Vehicle Assault and MAX Destroyer. This
has a decent amount of projectile acceleration as well as starting
firing slightly upward (both added in PU02) right out of the launcher.
This means you can aim at a target in your sights and easily
compensate for gravity. At 50m, you should aim half-way between
the center and the edge of the inner circle and at 100m, you should
be almost at the edge of the inner circle of the ironsight. It works well
in close to medium range areas against infantry (especially against
MAXes) and in medium to long range encounters with vehicles. One
shot will set an ESF on fire to explode 2 seconds later.

Recoil Pattern: None

Cost: Stock


MR1 Fracture | MAX Anti-Vehicle

Usability: MAX
Damage: 210 Direct / 30@0.6m - 1@3m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 5 Shots / 3.75 Seconds
Playstyle: Ranged Anti-Everything Assault. This has a versatility as
an explosive weapon that is match by no other TR weapon. Its good
against air due to its high velocity (180m/s) and reasonable damage
(10 shots to set an ESF on fire, 12 to kill). Its good against vehicles
due to the RoF (80RPM) mixed with dealing decent explosive
damage (5 shots for an M9 SKEP equivalent) per second. Its also
good against infantry, but not as much because it requires a direct hit
to deal any significant damage, but that takes not a whole lot of
practice to get down. Its best by far when paired with itself, but still
works with other weapons well. Good in medium-long range.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


MRC3 Mercy | MAX Chaingun

Usability: MAX
Damage: 125
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 8 Shots / 1.13 Seconds
Extended Magazine
Playstyle: Close-Mid Range Assault. This is very unique in that it has
no damage falloff whatsoever and is the only TR bullet-based
weapon that has this. It also has the tightest CoF of all the chainguns,
making it an excellent choice at medium-range combat and has the
ability to fire full-auto without suffering. It also does quite well in
close-range, but suffers in close-quarters compared to the others due
to its lower RoF. Very good when paired with either itself for duality or
an M6 Onslaught for tighter situations against other MAXes or large
amounts of hostile infantry. Best in semi-closed areas or open fields
with scattered cover and few vehicles.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


MSW-R | Light Machine Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.72 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x,
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Advanced Laser Sight, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition
Playstyle: Close-Quarters to Medium Range Assault. With an
Advanced Laser and Soft Point Ammo, this weapon excels in close
quarters with hip-fire, but also has a fairly easy to control recoil,
making it also good for burst fire at a range. Good in enclosed areas
and open plains with scattered cover. Excellent in surprise attacks.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: 250C / 500SC


NS Annihilator | AV/AA Rocket

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 1,000 Direct / 1,000@0.5m - 1@5m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / 1 Second/100m
Playstyle: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Air Support. If youre trying to hit
infantry, over a 99% chance is youll fail. This weapon locks on to
both land and air and deals a decent amount to both. Its good for
battles in which both are present because you can lock on and make
your enemy feel threatened by just having the lock, so its always a
good idea to have one rocket spare. In ground fights, focus the
closest targets so as to relieve pressure on friendly ground armor and
infantry. After ground is pushed back, liberators are primary targets,
but chances are, youll just send them back to repair and not kill,
buying a lot of time for your team though. Best in open areas.

Recoil Pattern: None

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


NS Decimator | Dumb Rocket

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 1,335 Direct / 1,000@0.5m - 1@5m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / 1.66 Seconds/100m
Playstyle: Armor Destroyer and Anti-MAX/Infantry Assault. Having
the highest damage of any infantry weapon in the game, it also has
the slowest flying rocket, but it does have projectile acceleration as of
PU02, which makes aiming at various ranges easier to hit and
compensate for. It does amazing damage in vehicle critical spots
(rear engine most of the time) and also works very well against MAX
suits, bringing them to 665 health in one direct hit, and then swapping
to a close range LMG like the MSW-R or T9 CARV leads to an easy
finish if you have the drop on the MAX. Its also really good against
clusters of infantry. Best at close-medium range.

Recoil Pattern: None

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


NS Deep Freeze | Vanity Pistol

Usability: All Non-Max Classes
Damage: 375@8m - 200@42m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 6 Seconds
Playstyle: Snowball Fighter/Melee Killer. Only use this if you plan to
have a more difficult time killing with your pistol slot or youre having
a snowball fight. This is a limited-availability weapon from the 20132014 winter break, introduced in PU02 along with the snowmen on
Esamir. If you get 100 kills with it, you earn the Snow Balla title to
wear proudly and make everyone think Holy cow, that guy knows
what theyre doing. It does equal damage to the other Vanity Pistols
and can be used right after a knife swipe for a fairly easy kill. The
projectile comes from the side where the gun is and not your head,
which makes it hard to aim. Good in melee fights.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC

Limited Availability


NS Patriot Flare Gun | Vanity Pistol

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 375@8m - 200@42m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 6 Seconds
Playstyle: Partygoer/Melee Killer. Only use this if you plan to have a
more difficult time killing with your pistol slot or youre having a party.
If you get 100 kills with it or the faction-specific variants, you unlock
the Pyro title. This can be used in melee combat just after a knife
swipe for a quick kill. Its better than the faction-specific variants in
that it fires randomly in all patterns and 6 different colors, 3 of which
cant be made by any of the variants.Its very good in melee combat,
but not very useful anywhere else and youd be better off with a NS44 Commissioner for finishing blows, but a title is a title. Best in
melee combat, and the best part is it announces your location.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC

Limited Availability


NS-10 Burster | MAX Anti-Air

Usability: MAX
Damage: 100@50m - 20@200m Direct / 56@6m - 1@8m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 10 Shots / 2.73 Seconds
Extended Magazine
Playstyle: Anti-Air Destroyer. This is nearly useless by way of actually
destroying air without using both because having both without
Extended Mag (28 without, 42 with) can blow up an unarmored ESF if
all shots hit. This gun is a flak weapon so it will explode in proximity
to any aircraft, but note that it will not explode at really close range
and that it will explode around hostile drop pods as those are
classified as air vehicles and can actually be destroyed fairly quickly.
Best in open areas where the MAX is in cover, but has a good line of
sight to the target. Good inside spawn rooms as well seeing as you
can shoot out, but hostiles cant shoot in.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC

and Stock


NS-11A | Assault Rifle

Usability: Combat Medic
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor, Compensator
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition, High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Mid-Range Assault/Support. This has a versatile
assortment of attachments to accommodate most playstyles, but fits
mid-range combat best. With a forward grip, compensator, 2x or 3.4x
sight, and High Velocity Ammo, it excels in killing at medium and
close ranges with ADS. Best in semi-open areas with cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Left

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


NS-11C | Carbine
Usability: Light Assault, Engineer
Damage: 143@10m - 112@60m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor, Compensator
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition, High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Close-Mid Range Assault/Support. With the lower RoF
than other TR guns, it has a very easily manageable recoil and a
slow CoF bloom that allows ADS to work well with a Compensator,
Forward Grip (or Laser for closer), 1x, 2x, or 3.4x scope, and your
choice of Ammo. Good in open areas with cover. Aim for the chest.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Left

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


Wrel Reviewed

NS-15M | Light Machine Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.67 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor, Compensator
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition, High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Mid-Range Assault. This has a very easily controlled recoil
due to the lower RoF. Its best with a Compensator and Forward Grip
with High Velocity Ammo for longer range or Suppressor and Laser
with Soft Point Ammo. Good in medium-long ranges and in open
areas with scattered cover and in towers with a suppressor.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Left

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


NS-357 Underboss | Pistol

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 375@8m - 200@42m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 0.81 Seconds
Flashlight, Laser Sight
Playstyle: Close-Range Finisher. This is one of two revolver-type
weapons and is the faster, but less-damage variant. Its best in close
range due to the quicker refire rate (221RPM) and reload rate than
the NS-44 Commissioner. The best way to use it is by using your
primary weapon until you run out of ammo in your clip and using the
NS-357 Underboss as a finisher due to its high damage per shot at
close range. It does require some aiming experience in both hip-fire
and ADS because of the relatively slow fire rate compared to most
other pistols. Good in close range combat with a Laser Sight and hipfiring or in medium/close range ADS, but has a very small sight.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


NS-44 Commissioner | Pistol

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 450@8m - 225@42m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 1.06 Seconds
Flashlight, Laser Sight
Playstyle: Stealth Support or Heavy Finisher. This has the highest
damage per bullet of any other pistol in the game. Its also the higherdamage and bullet-velocity cousin of the NS-357 Underboss, but has
a longer reload time. With 3 shots to kill anyone at close range, you
can use the short reload (3 seconds at 1-3 shots, 4 seconds at 4-6
shots long reload) and come back more quickly with a full clip on your
next target. Best way to use it is either as a support item for a longrange primary like a Bolt-Action Sniper or as a finisher for if you run
out of clip ammo on any primary weapon. Good in close-medium
range in open bases or hills. Laser sight is a must.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


NS-7 PDW | Sub-Machine Gun

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 125@15m - 100@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 8 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Extended Magazine, Flashlight, Forward Grip, Advanced Laser
Sight, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition
Playstyle: Mid/Close-Range Assault. This has a very easily handled
recoil (as NS), so its very good at mid-ranged combat. Its quick TTK
and Advanced Laser also make it amazing in close-ranged combat.
Good in semi-closed areas like outdoor compounds and towers.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Left

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


PDW-16 Hailstorm | Sub-Machine Gun

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage:125@6m - 84@42m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 8 Shots / 0.6 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Advanced Laser Sight, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition
Playstyle: Close-Range Assault and Assassin. This is the larger mag
(60 Shots) and lower RoF (800RPM) SMG. It can kill many targets in
a mag if you can hit reliably and performs well in close quarters and
close-range combat. With an Advanced Laser, it has a very small hipfire CoF. Good in semi-closed areas and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


RAMS .50M | Bolt-Action Sniper

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 700@10m - 400@400m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 2 Shots / 1.5 Seconds (First@0s)
6x (Default), 7x, 8x, 10x, 12x
Flashlight, Forward Grip
Playstyle: Long-Range Sniper. This has the fastest bullet velocity
(650m/s) of any other TR infantry weapon, making it perfect for long
range shots. Its one-hit-headshot range is inside 300m. The best
scope for general use on this is the 12x due to it being the closest
and anything within 300m has only a slight drop from the center of
the mil-dot crosshair. Best if you wait for your target to stop as a
living target cant track you. Good at very long ranges while in cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


SABR-13 | Assault Rifle

Usability: Combat Medic
Damage: 167@10m - 143@75m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 6 Shots / 0.6 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Suppressor
Flashlight, Advanced Forward Grip, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Mid-Long Range Support/Assault. Having the highest
damage and a unique 2x burst fire, this excels at medium-long range
combat. Best with a Compensator, Advanced Forward Grip, High
Velocity Ammo, and a 3.4x scope for multi-range use. Be sure to
click for every 2 bullets. Good in open areas with scattered cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


SMG-46 Armistice | Sub-Machine Gun

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 125@6m - 84@42m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 8 Shots / 0.54 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Advanced Laser Sight, Laser Sight,
Extended Magazine
Soft Point Ammunition
Playstyle: Close Range Assault/Assassin. This has one of the
shortest TTKs in the infantry game. Its best with an Advanced Laser
with Soft Point Ammo. Best when hip-firing or ADS with a 1x or 2x
scope. Good in close-quarters combat and indoors with cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Left/Right

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


SOAS-20 | Auto Scout Rifle

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 143@10m - 125@60m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
Playstyle: Mid-Range Assault/Assassin. Being a full-auto scout rifle
reduces its range, but if fired in bursts can be very effective at
ranges up to 100m with a 3.4x scope. For shorter-range
engagements, use a lower-power HS/NV or 2x scope, but still ADS.
Always aim for the head on the first shot and drag down from there.
Good in large open areas with little cover and in small, closed areas.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC


SR-7 | Bolt-Action Sniper

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 650@10m - 400@350m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 2 Shots / 1.3 Seconds (First@0s)
6x (Default), 7x, 8x, 10x, 12x
Flashlight, Forward Grip
Playstyle: Mid-Long Range Sniper. This has a one-shot-headshot
range of 250m and a faster reload speed and (4.7 Long - 3.1 Short)
slightly slower bullet-velocity than the RAMS .50M. Its most effective
with the 12x scope and should experience very little bullet drop inside
the headshot range, making it a somewhat good candidate for a
suppressor, but note that youll have a lot more bullet drop with one.
Good in large, open areas when in protective cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up with Sway

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


T1 Cycler | Assault Rifle

Usability: Combat Medic
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.56 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
No Ammo Attachments
Playstyle: Mid-Range Assault. This is pretty good for being a stock
weapon. Its an all around good weapon, but it isnt really amazing at
anything. Best with a low-power HS/NV or 2x scope in medium to
close ranges. It has two specialized variants: T1S Cycler and T1B
Cycler. Good in semi-open areas with scattered cover and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: Stock


T16 Rhino | Light Machine Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x,
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Extended Magazine, Flashlight, Advanced Forward Grip,
Forward Grip, Laser Sight
High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Medium-Long Range Support/Assault. This is very useful
in bursts from 1-6 shots before the CoF is no longer useful at a
range. Best with Advanced Grip and a 3.4x scope. Has a high ammo
per mag (100, 200 with ExtMag) Good in open areas with little cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC


T1B Cycler | Assault Rifle

Usability: Combat Medic
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.56 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
High Velocity Ammo
Playstyle: Mid-Range Support/Assault. This, being a burst variant,
can only fire in 3-Burst or Semi modes. With 3-Burst, it has a near
insignificant CoF expansion and the first 2 shots fire at the same
location. Aim for the chest and 2 will hit the chest and one will hit the
head. Good in open areas with cover and semi-closed bases.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 100C / 250SC


T1S Cycler | Assault Rifle

Usability: Combat Medic
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.6 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight, Grenade Launcher,
Underbarrel Shotgun, Smoke Launcher
Soft Point Ammunition, High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Versatile Assault/Support. This has every non-advanced
attachment for assault rifles with underbarrel attachments and 3 firemodes. 2x, Comp, Grenade Launcher, and Soft Point Ammo is good
at close range. Good at medium-short, but fair at long range.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 500C / 700SC


T2 Striker | AA/AV Rocket

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 335 Direct / 500@0.5m - 1@3m Splash
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 1.8 Seconds
Playstyle: Anti-Air and Anti-Vehicle Assault/Support. This is the TR
Specific launcher. It fires only on lock-ons, but can fire 5 rockets in
total at one target. The lock must be maintained while the rockets fly
or else they will lose the target, fly up, and explode. It does the most
damage to any vehicle in one mag of any other launcher as well
(1675 Direct). Vehicles are not affected by splash damage, but firing
it at a Sunderer or a vehicle being repaired can possibly deal a great
amount to hostiles around it. Lock time increases with distance, but
the lock usually stays for a few seconds after losing sight, but the
rockets are best fired in-sight. Good in open areas when in cover.

Recoil Pattern: None

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


T32 Bull | Light Machine Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition, High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Medium/Close-Range Assault. This has a easy to manage
recoil that makes for easier headshots and quick kills with as many
hits as possible. It has a fairly quick reload speed and a magazine of
60 shots, making it good for back-to-back engagements with many
hostiles. Good in open areas with cover and semi-open areas.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


T5 AMC | Carbine
Usability: Light Assault, Engineer
Damage: 143@10m - 112@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Suppressor
Flashlight, Advanced Forward Grip, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Medium-Range Assault. This is designed to be fired at
longer ranges more effectively than other carbines. With a 2x or 3.4x,
Compensator, Adv. Forward Grip, and High Velocity Ammo, it excels
in engagements where the enemy cant hit you well due to distance.
Good in open areas with cover and in semi-closed bases.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: 250C / 500SC


T7 Mini-Chaingun | Heavy Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 143@10m - 112@50m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.53 Seconds (Full Spin)
Flashlight, Laser Sight
Extended Magazine
Playstyle: Close Quarters Assault. This has a spinup time before
firing, but due to being a non-stealthy weapon (sounds like a
buzzsaw), pre-firing before walking into a room where hostiles may
be present is a very good idea. It also has a very high magazine
capacity (100 Shots, 200 with Extended Magazine) that can be used
to shred through multiple hostiles in close quarters. It can also be
used effectively against MAXes due to its spammy nature and being
able to deal a lot of damage to one target in a short amount of time.
Good in close-quarters and inside buildings.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


T9 CARV | Light Machine Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.56 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
No Ammo Attachments
Playstyle: Close/Mid Range Assault/Support. As a stock weapon, it
will probably be used very frequently. Its a very good weapon for
survival due to the high magazine capacity (100 Shots), but has a
long reload time. Dont reload at all until around 50-ish shots or until
out of combat. Good in open areas with cover and semi-open areas.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: Stock


T9 CARV-S | Light Machine Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage:143@10m - 125@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.6 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Extended Magazine, Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
Soft Point Ammunition, High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Versatile Medium-Range Assault. This has extras on both
the short-range and long-range fronts from the T9 CARV that give it
many more possible roles. Ammo and scope slots are used to specify
short/medium-long ranges. However, it has a reduced RoF from the
T9 CARV, but also has 3-Burst fire-mode. Good anywhere.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 500C / 700SC


TAR | Assault Rifle

Usability: Combat Medic
Damage: 143@10m - 112@60m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.53 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Suppressor, Flash Suppressor
Forward Grip, Advanced Laser Sight, Laser Sight, Flashlight
Soft Point Ammunition

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Playstyle: Close Range Assault. Its high RoF combined with an

Advanced Laser makes it amazing at close-quarters combat with hipfiring. Its ADS recoil is a bit difficult, so avoid ADSing when you can,
unless you fire in short bursts or use attachments to fix it.
Cost: 250C / 500SC


TAS-16 Blackjack | Pump Shotgun

Usability: Light Assault, Engineer, Combat Medic, Heavy Assault
Damage: 130@8m (11 Pellets) - 50@18m (3.5 Pellets)
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / Instantly
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot,4x Chevron, 4x
No Barrel Attachments
Extended Magazine, Flashlight, Laser Sight
Slug Ammunition
Playstyle: Close Quarters Assault. This does the most damage in one
full hit of all TR shotguns. It also has a small magazine capacity (4
Shots, 6 Ext Mag ), so Extended Mag is a must. Its best when you
approach very close or around corners and fire immediately on
contact to kill instantly. Good indoors and in small enclosed areas.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


TMG-50 | Light Machine Gun

Usability: Heavy Assault
Damage: 167@10m - 143@75
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 6 Shots / 0.62 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Medium-Long Range Assault/Support. With a 3.4x or 4x
scope, Compensator, Forward Grip, and High Velocity Ammo, this
rocks at medium-long ranges. It also has the highest damage of any
LMG per-bullet. Its not the best at close range though due to the low
RoF. Good in large, open areas with little cover and in open bases.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 500C / 700SC


TR Patriot Flare Gun | Vanity Pistol

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 375@8m - 200@42m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 3 Shots / 6 Seconds
Playstyle: Partygoer. This fires small flares that create a large red
explosion overhead. This TR variant can be used to assert Terran
Republic dominance by changing the lighting and making a large
explosive distraction. Can be used in combination with a knife swipe
to get either a quick knife kill, or one kill closer to the Pyro title, which
you unlock with 100 flare gun kills. Its a very high-risk weapon as it
fires from a slightly-right position and cant be used a literal point
blank. range. Bad at any location, but pretty dang impressive when
you kill with it as their death (or a miss, or just a hit) is announced by
a large, red, explosive ceremony sure to attract the eye of all.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC

Limited Availability


TRAC-5 | Carbine
Usability: Light Assault, Engineer
Damage: 143@10m - 112@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.56 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
No Ammo Attachments
Playstyle: Close-Mid Range Assault. This has a fairly balanced mix of
accuracy, recoil, and damage, but is most effective at the closer
ranges (around 15-20m). It can be used in small bursts for fair longerrange combat, but cant really do a whole lot by way of real stopping
power. Good in semi-closed areas with cover and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: Stock


TRAC-5 Burst | Carbine

Usability: Light Assault, Engineer
Damage: 143@10m - 112@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.56 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Suppressor, Flash Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Laser Sight
High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Medium-Range Assault/Support. Having a 3-Burst fire as
the primary makes this weapon better at a range, but you have to
click with every 3 bullets. Dont oversample by clicking too quickly.
The recoil pattern places the first 2 shots of a burst together, so aim
just below the head. Good in open areas and semi-closed bases.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: 100C / 250SC


TRAC-5 S | Carbine
Usability: Light Assault, Engineer
Damage: 143@10m - 112@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.6 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
Crosshair, 6x
Compensator, Flash Suppressor, Suppressor
Flashlight, Forward Grip, Grenade Launcher, Laser Sight,
Underbarrel Shotgun, Smoke Launcher
Soft Point Ammunition, High Velocity Ammunition
Playstyle: Versatile Assault/Support. Having the underbarrel
attachments as an Engineer with this weapon can give you an
unlimited supply of smoke, shells, or grenades, good for suppressing
enemies. Good anywhere, based on attachments.

Recoil Pattern: Up and Right

Cost: 500C / 700SC


TRS-12 Uppercut | Pump Shotgun

Usability: Light Assault, Engineer, Combat Medic, Heavy Assault
Damage: 130@8m (10 Pellets) - 50@18 (3 Pellets)
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 1 Shot / Instantly
HS/NV, 1x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
No Barrel Attachments
Extended Magazine, Flashlight, Laser Sight
Slug Ammunition
Playstyle: Close Quarters Assault. Having a faster RoF than the TAS16 Blackjack, it runs out the magazine very quickly (4 Shots, 6
Extended Magazine). Its amazing when right up in their face, around
1-3m away. Pre-firing around corners is a good plan to hit enemies
before they even see you. Good in close quarters and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


TS2 Inquisitor | Pistol

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 143@8m - 125@50m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 7 Shots / 0.79 Seconds
Flashlight, Laser Sight
Playstyle: Finisher and Medium-Short Range Poker. When silenced,
this has one of the quietest fire-sounds in the game, making it
excellent for hitting enemies and staying stealthy. Its also a very
good finished due to its decent accuracy and easy recoil. Valuable for
sniper infiltrators to quickly kill anyone in close range combat. If you
have the drop on them and have a little practice with it, youll very
likely pull through and go on your way. It also has a very high
magazine size (30 Shots), the highest of any other TR pistol. Good in
close-quarters and in semi-closed areas with cover.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 1000C / 700SC


TS4 Haymaker | Shotgun

Usability: Light Assault, Engineer, Combat Medic, Heavy Assault
Damage: 130@8m (6 Pellets) - 50@18m (3.5 Pellets)
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 2 Shots / 0.53 Seconds
HS/NV, 1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x
No Barrel Attachments
Extended Magazine, Laser Sight, Flashlight, Forward Grip
Slug Ammunition
Playstyle: Slug Sniper and Close Range Assault. It has a high
magazine capacity (6 Shots, 10 Extended Mag), its very good for
picking people off with slug ammo and a 3.4x Chevron scope with
more leeway for misses and is the most inexpensive shotgun. Its
also good against MAXes. Good indoors, and in semi-closed bases.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC


TSAR-42 | Bolt-Action Sniper

Usability: Infiltrator
Damage: 700@10m - 400@265m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 2 Shots / 1.09 Seconds (First@0)
1x, 2x, 3.4x Chevron, 3.4x Red Dot, 4x Chevron, 4x Crosshair
Flashlight, Forward Grip
Playstyle: Medium-Range Sniper. This is much like the M77-B, but
has a faster refire time along with using lower-powered scopes. Very
good when used with a 4x Crosshair or a Chevron scope against
other infiltrators due to having no scope sway and therefore having
more reliable shots and less time to recover from each shot. Best at
medium ranges and can be used to whittle down approaching
hostiles. Good in open areas with little cover and in open bases.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC


TX1 Repeater | Pistol

Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 112@8m - 77@50m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 9 Shots / 0.64 Seconds
Flashlight, Laser Sight
Playstyle: Close-Range Finisher and Quick Killer. With the upward
recoil on both ADS and hip-fire, aiming for the chest and spamming
upward can lead to very quick kills. It can also be used as a panic
finisher due to being a 3-burst spray weapon instead of a semi-auto
because you dont have to focus very hard on making it hit, just
keeping the reticule ticks around your target. Can be used at medium
ranges when ADS-ing, but bursts must be slow and controlled
instead of spammy. Its not very good against MAXes, but can be
used to bug them a lot. Good in closed areas and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: Stock


TX2 Emperor
Usability: All Non-MAX Classes
Damage: 167@15m - 112@65m
Shots To Kill/Ideal Time To Kill: 6 Shots / 0.9 Seconds
Flashlight, Laser Sight
Playstyle: Finisher and Medium/Short-Range Poker. This is very
good at whittling down an enemy from a range, especially because
every hit can case the enemy to question whether or not he wants to
be there. Aiming for the head is always a good idea, but aim on the
low end of it so all your hits are either chest or headshots because
headshots can kill very quickly. Best against infantry, but kinda
terrible against MAXes. Also good as a quick finisher with hip-fire and
a Laser Sight as it does a decent damage for shot at close-range.
Good in open areas, semi-closed bases, and indoors.

Recoil Pattern: Up

Cost: 250C / 500SC

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