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Ontology-driven mashup autocompletion on a data API network



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Zhou, Chunying ; College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China ; Chen, Huajun ; Peng, Zhipeng ; Ni, Yuan
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The building of data mashups is complicated and error-prone, because this process requires not only
finding suitable APls but also combining them in an appropriate way to get the desired result. This paper
describes an ontology-driven mashup auto-completion approach for a data API network to facilitate this
task. First, a microformats-based ontology was defined to describe the attributes and activities of the
data APls. A semantic Bayesian network (sBN) and a semantic graph template were used for the link
prediction on the Semantic Web and to construct a data API network denoted as Np. The performance
is improved by a semi-supervised learning method which uses both labeled and unlabeled data. Then,
this network is used to build an ontology-driven mashup auto-completion system to help users build
mashups by providing three kinds of recommendations. Tests demonstrate that the approach has a

Tw eet


precisionp of about 80%, recallp of about 60%, and FO.5 of about 70% for predicting links between
APls. Compared with the API network Ne composed of existing links on the current Web, Np contains
more links including those that should but do not exist. The ontology-driven mashup auto-completion
system gives a much better recall, and discounted cumulative gain (DCG) on Np than on Ne. The tests
suggest that this approach gives users more creativity by constructing the API network through
predicting mashup APls rather than using only existing links on the Web.
Published in:
Tsinghua Science and Technology (Volume:15 , Issue: 6 )
Date of Publication:
Dec. 2010
657 - 667

Date of Current Version :

17 January 2012

Digital Object Identifier :


Issue Date :
Dec. 2010
Sponsored by :
Tsinghua University Press (TUP)

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IEEE Xplore Abstract - Ontology-driven mashup auto-completion on a data API network

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