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Ingredients: for a liter of sorbet (about 1 quart)

200 grams of raw unbleached sugar

555 ml. of fresh water
75 grams of organic unsweetened chocolate or Maya Kakaw
(a top-quality cocoa powder will do)
Pinch of salt (for a real Maya taste add a pinch of dried red chili)
170 grams of minced organic bittersweet dark chocolate
1/2 teaspoon pure organic vanilla extract
How to Prepare:
Place raw sugar, Kakaw, and salt in a large, deep saucepan. Slowly the
water while whisking this dry mixture together to make an uniform, thick mixture
. Cook over a gentle heat and frequently stir the mixture to retain its uniform
texture. Bring to a boil but don't let it foam; simmer for 45 minutes and remo
ve from heat. Before cooling, add the fine chop chocolate and whisk until melte
d; then, stir in the pure vanilla extract and up to 3/4 cup of fresh water to cr
eate a soft-body mixture.
Smooth mixture in a blender for half a minute for a gourmet lightness.
If you use an Ice-Maker, follow its manual; otherwise try our Maya Chocolatier
Chef Josue Cime's traditional sorbet making hand-system. Here is how he does it
Freeze & Mix Hand Method to make any Sorbet:
Pour mixture in any wide freezer-proof container and cover it tightly with
a lid; to avoid ice crystals and freezer burn. Place in the coldest side of you
r freezer for about one hour (or a bit more until the mixture is solid outside b
ut not ice-hard). Brake the semi-frozen mixture and place it in a blender until
it creates a smooth ice-frozen texture, then return to the freezer following th
e same care done the first time, to avoid ice crystal formation. Repeat three o
r four times, same steps from freezer to blender, until forming a uniform thick
sorbet texture; repeat procedure every half an hour or before mixture hardens.
When the sorbet achieves its final smooth texture, place it in an air-tight
container in the regular cool part of your freezer. Sorbet will remain smooth i
f properly handled between servings. Just make sure the mixture does not melt d
own or over freeze.
Ancient Mayan Hot Chocolate
Indigenous Maya people still drink the following ancient hot chocolate recip
e. In ancient times, Maya never mixed the cacao bean paste with milk, instead th
ey used hot water; it was the Spaniards in Colonial times that began to add milk
, cream, and sugar to the cacao paste to create a soft creamy taste similar to c
urrent hot cocoa. Aurelio Haz Kub, Consulting Chef at Hacienda Chichen was happy
to share his family ancient Mayan Hot Chocolate with you and us.
Chocolate lovers will find a truly rich deep bittersweet chocolate flavor
with a pinch of soft chili pepper touch enhancing the deep aroma of this pure a
nd authentic traditional hot chocolate. Remember, the quality of the Kakaw or c
acao paste, you use, makes all of the difference when it comes to nutrition valu
e, aroma and flavor. Pure organic cacao butter is filled with antioxidants and
mood smoothing polyphenols that aid a healthy body. If you find Maya hot chocola
te a bit too strong and unfamiliar, just exchange the traditional use of water f
or milk, but then you will have altered that which makes a hot chocolate an auth
entic hot Maya drink. Great to revitalize the senses and energize your mind!
3 cups boiling water
1 to 2 cinnamon sticks

8 ounces bittersweet Maya Kakaw or Xocoalt (chocolate paste) or

3 tablets Mexican unsweetened chocolate, cut into small pieces
2 tablespoons of wild pure honey, or raw sugar to taste
1 pinch of dried red chili; this is what makes the difference so try it!
1 dried organic grown vanilla bean, split lengthwise
l tablespoon roasted peanuts, ground extra fine (optional Aztec hot chocolate ta
How to Prepare: Mayan Hot Kakaw or Hot Chocolate Drink was a beverage to honor G
ods and high rank individuals such as priests and lords.
In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, add the cinnamon sticks to boiling
water. Cook until liquid is reduced to 2 1/2 cups. Remove cinnamon sticks; add
the vanilla bean and lower the heat a bit, wait until bubbles appear around the
edge to reduce heat to low and drop the chocolate pieces and wild pure honey, mi
x well and whisk occasionally until chocolate is melted. Turn off heat, remove v
anilla bean. Whisk vigorously to create a light foam effect, sprinkle the dried
chili pepper and serve; and for an Aztec hot chocolate taste, sprinkle the roas
ted peanut powder.
"If chocolate is too rich and you prefer to thin it, do so with a little mil
k to smooth its taste, but remember doing so will change the chocolate from Maya
to a European style hot chocolate!" advices local Maya chocolatier Saturnino No
h Uc, who will be conducting this February 2009, a Saint Valentine's Maya Chocol
atier Festival at Hacienda Chichen (read news clip bellow this note).
Spiced Mayan Pineapple Cubes
Raw Food Recipe: For a refreshing healthy treat, with a zesty flavor, Maya fami
lies enjoy this recipe filled with vitamins and natural carbohydrates to bring e
nergy to a tired body. Buy, if you can, an organic fresh pineapple that is ripp
ed but with a firm flesh! Best when chilled for a few hours prior to enjoying i
ts immune system busting value:
One large ripe organic pineapple peeled and cubed (check flesh is firm but sweet
1/3 cup of fresh peppermint leaves chopped (or mint leaves)
Pinch of cinnamon powder
Pinch of crushed sea salt
Pinch of Chile Piquin (use cayenne powder as a substitute)
1/2 tea spoon of pure honey
Crush 4 whole cloves to mix with sugar and cinnamon
How to Prepare:
Place all ingredients in a chilled clay bowl (crystal bowl will do) and
gently mix them to cover the pineapple chunk; cover treat cubes and refrigerate
them. Eat each as mini-cube treat snacks; if you please, add few drops of Don
Julio Tequila to the mix for adult treats only.
Mayan Papaya and Mango Smoothie
Raw Food Recipe
Small peeled red papaya chunks (check flesh is firm but ripe and sweet)
3 ripe fresh mango pulp (use 1/2 cup frozen mango pulp as a substitute)
2 tea spoons of bee pollen (buy wild bee pollen to ensure high nutrition value)
1 table spoon organic pure honey (best if it comes from Yucatan)
1/4 cup of sweet orange juice (check tartness, avoid too much acid)
2 cups of crushed ice.
Maya taste secret: add a dash of sea salt and a pinch of Chile Piquin or cayenne

Gourmet Decor: Serve smoothie on tall fancy glass, add two fresh mint leaves a t
How to Prepare: Place all ingredients in a high speed blender, best if ice-blen
der is used, blend till smooth texture is achieved. Servings go really well the
the spiced Maya Cubes Treat on a hot afternoon.
Pomegranate Energy Snack
Raw Food Recipe
For a true boost of nutrition and healthy energy, the delightful taste of fresh
pomegranates recharges the body with high amounts of potent antioxidants, Omega3 and Omega-6. vitamin C, potassium and natural fibers; all of this low-cal good
ness also aids prevent cancer and heart disease. Buy organic fresh pomegranates
to assure top nutrition value and eat this great gift of nature regularly. May
an Chef Antonio loves to serve this delicious pomegranate snack during summer an
d fall. Make a habit of enjoying this fruit, you body will reap the benefits wit
h any of the following energy snack delights!
Basic Ingredients:
1 large or 2 medium ripe pomegranate seeds
1 fresh lime or lemon juice (about 2 tablespoons)
1/4 teaspoon of dried cayenne pepper of Mayan red chili powder (more if you like
it hot)
Dash of sea salt or potassium rich table salt.
Create Pomegranate and Fruit Mixed Salads to enjoy the benefits of this delicio
us gift of natureFruit mixing ideas: Add and lightly mix in the flavors of any o
f the following fruits:
Maya taste: add a fresh organic grown Jicama cut in cubes
Fall Colonial taste: add two fresh unpeeled apples, your favorite, cubed to bit
sizes. Use organic grown apples when possible; we like the Gordon apple variety
for this treat.
Gourmet Lunch Salad: Add walnuts or roasted cashews to the Fall Colonial mix, pl
ace them over a baby spinach leaves to create a delicious salad plate; serve wit
h balsamic vinaigrette dressing or blue cheese dressing; best if dressing is hom
How to Prepare:
Choose which fruit mix idea is best for you. Place all ingredients in a
glass bowl; make sure fruits are well coated with the citrus juice and blend ge
ntly the flavors to coat all ingredients well. Chill pomegranate and fruit mix w
ell prior to enjoying its energy boosting flavor. For the Gourmet Salad choice,
we recommend baby spinach leaves but you can use any green salad choice.
Fresh Avocado Salad
Chef Josue Cime uses only 100% Organic Fresh Produces at Hacienda Chichen, Chich
en Itza, MexicoRaw Food Recipe: Nothing beats food craving like a fresh organic
avocado treat does! Ancient Maya knew this fruit had calming, satisfying prope
rties; nowadays, scientists tell us that avocadoes are loaded with nutritional v
alue. With monounsaturated fat, potassium, and vitamins, this rich velvety frui
t's texture calms any stressed moment. Here is Hacienda Chichen's Mayan Chef Fl
orentino's own stress-busting salad:
One large ripe organic avocado peeled and cubed (your choice)
One ripe organic lime juice (can be substituted with lemon juice)
One petit organic red onion peeled and chunked (or half a regular size)
Pinch of crushed sea salt
Pinch of dried red chili or cayenne
A splash of pure Acorn Squash Oil (use virgin pure olive oil as substitute)

How to Prepare: Place all ingredients in a chilled clay bowl (crystal bowl will
do) and gently mix them to coat avocado cubes and onion chunks. Place the avoc
ado seed in center to avoid fruit burn; cover salad and refrigerate it. Enjoy w
ith grilled fish, poultry, or as mini-cube treat snacks with crackers.
Raw Food Recipe
Guacamole is one of the most Internationally famours Mexican recipes ideal as a
healthy snack, a side order for a entree, and a dip for an informal party. Avoca
dos are a wonderful fruit containing a mass of vital nutrients needed for a heal
thy body. Avocados are native to Mexico, called ahuacatl in Nahualt; there are m
any avocado types but all of them are low in sugar, cholesterol free, full of an
tioxidants and pure natural oils, plus filled with vitamins (containing per 100g
-11% of the RDI of vitamin A, 11% of Thiamin, 19% of Riboflavin, 21% of niacin,
42% of vitamin C and 13% of magnesium, to name a few).
Two large ripe organic avocado peeled and cubed (Hash avocados are best)
Two ripe organic lime juice (can be substituted with lemon juice)
One organic red onion peeled and finely chopped
Chopped fresh cilantro (organic is best, do wash it carefully not to burn leaves
Two red ripe tomatoes finely chopped (organic or top quality)
Pinch of crushed sea salt and freshly grinded black pepper
Pinch of dried red chili or cayenne or a jalapeno chili chopped for zesty hot fl
A splash of pure Olive or pure Sunflower Oil (use virgin pure olive oil )
How to Prepare: With a fork mush the avocado pieces then add lime/lemon juices,
pure oil, chopped onion, cilantro, salt, chopped tomato and grinded fresh pepper
. Add cayenne or fresh jalapeno chili to your taste for zest. Serve immediately
with tortilla chips or as a side order with your tacos, fajitas, burgers, or ot
her grill meats.
Guacamole Recipe created for Hacienda Chichen, tastes best when mixed right befo
re serving; use organic ingredients to ensure top nutritional quality, flavor, a
nd aroma. Note: If you make it ahead of time, save the avocados' seeds and plac
e them atop the mix to avoid it from burning and turning dark, best if you don t p
ut it in the fridge- that way it won t turn dark.
Maya Citrus Salad
Raw Food Recipe
Mayan Citrus Salads - Mayan Recipes
Summer's Raw Food Recipe, best fresh fruit treat! Organic ripe and fresh citrus
give a zesty energy that is both filled with vitamins and refreshing, a great wa
y to beat the heat. Hacienda Chichen's traditional "X'ek" a Maya Citrus Salad w
ith a touch of spicy taste, you can create your own mix and enjoy a refreshing b
lend of other citrus found in your region:
Peeled wedges of various citrus:
One large ripe organic red grapefruit
Two ripe oranges
Three ripe mandarins or tangerines
One peeled raw jicama cut in wedges or cubes (you may substitute it for a semi-r
ipe mango)
One ripe organic sweet lime juice (can be sustituted with key lime juice)
Pinch of crushed sea salt
Pinch of red cayenne chili
A few chop leaves of cilantro if you like to add aroma and taste!

NOTE: Jicama, Pachyrhizus erosus, is a popular edible root in Mexico; its Spanis
h name comes from ancient Nahualt: xicamatl. It has a rich crispy-water texture,
high in raw fiber.
How to Prepare: Place all ingredients in a chilled clay bowl (crystal bowl will
do) and gently mix them to coat citrus wedges and jicama cubes; let rest in you
r refrigerator for at least an hour to blend flavors. You can eat this salad as
treats to refresh your body and renew your energy levels as a snack or enjoy it
with grilled shrimp, crab, or cold rosemary chicken (turkey) cubes as a full lu
nch meal.
Fresh Ix'ni Pec Salsa
Raw Food Recipe: Ix'ni Pec
a Mayan zesty salsa filled with nutrients, minerals,
and antioxidants is enjoyed for its fresh crispy texture, aroma, and flavor. It
s nutritional value depends entirely on the freshness and quality of your produc
e choices, so buy the best organic and vine-ripened ingredients. This salsa enha
nces most meats, fish, and poultry grilled dishesit can be enjoyed as a topping
over fried tortilla chips or guacamole dip; try our own organic fresh mix:
1 tablespoon of homemade vinegar (market brands work well, use white vinegar onl
One ripe organic lime (juice)
One small organic red onion peeled and chopped
Three large organic red tomatoes (vine-ripened tomatoes are best)
1/4 cup of chopped organic cilantro leaves (wash leaves with care!)
One small ripe Habanero chile (cut amount for mild salsa)
Pinch of crushed sea salt
How to Prepare: Place in a clay bowl (glass will do) all ingredients, mix gent
ly, let stand for 10 minutes to blend flavors; serve at room temperature as a sn
ack topping or to dress up your grilled meats, fish, or poultry. Should you not
find Habanero chile in your area, use fresh serrano or jalapeo chile as a substit
ute. This salsa stays truly fresh for up to 3 hours; we do not recommend that y
ou refrigerated any leftover salsa because fresh tomatoes tend to ferment easily
Mayan Chaya Cream SoupPatricia Martin Mayan Pottery at Toh Boutique, Chichen Itz
a, Yucatan
Chaya, (Cnidoscolus chayamansa) is a traditional ingredient in Maya Cuisine. Its
tender green leaves are similar to spinach but contains great amount of mineral
s, antioxidants and nutritional value. Chaya recipes are truly recommended for
those that have diabetes, obesity and kidney stone ailments and can be found in
Texas and Florida where its popularity has gained it a place in the food produce
choices of markets. We hope you enjoy this rich velvety recipe, serves four pe
ople, best made with organic fresh chaya leaves:
20 tender Chaya leaves washed.
2 cups of organic whole milk
4 fresh leaves of basil
1 crushed garlic clove
1 small onion diced
1 cup of vegetable bouillon
pepper and salt to your taste.
Final Touch: 2 spoons of unsweetened cream
NOTE: You may use fresh organic spinach leaves and follow this delicious recipe

How to Prepare: Place chaya leaves, chopped onions and crushed garlic in a pot
with the vegetable bouillon and cook for ten minutes or until leaves are blanch
ed (use mid-heat); add milk and let it cool. In a blender mix to a smooth velve
ty texture the remaining ingredients, return mix to pot and cook another five to
ten minutes or until mixture gets really hot but does not boil. Serve hot. Add
the final touch by placing the unsweetened cream in a small bag; cutting the bag
's bottom tip, you can create a lovely design atop your served soup bowls. For a
zesty taste, sprinkle a bit of crush dried red chili as well.
Yucatan's "Sopa de Lima"
Mayan Lima Soup
Yucatan s limas , are hybrid citrus that look like a round Persian lime but have a d
istinctive aroma and flavor no other lime matches. Limas have bumpy yellow/green
thick skin rather than a smooth thin skin texture. It is not known where or how
this lime originated, but must likely it is a hybrid between a Mexican lime and
a sweet citron. Nutrition wise, limas are an excellent source of Vitamin C, with
a high count of calcium, iron, copper and Vitamin A. These limes have antibioti
c effects used by Mayan traditional healers, as well as antioxidant properties i
ncluding flavonoids, called flayanol glycosides helpful to stop cell division in
many cancer cell lines.
Yucatan s lime juice has a unique aroma; its strong tangy and sour-sweet lingering
flavor, key to this delicious soup. This delicious Lima Soup Recipe (bellow) i
s served at Hacienda Chichen Resort.
1 fresh red pepper (sliced)
2 ripe red tomatoes (sliced)
1 small sweet onion (sliced)
2 dried laurel leaf (crushed)
1 crushed garlic clove
3 tablespoons of frying oil
20 oz. of fresh chicken bouillon (salted to your taste)
2 Yucatan Limas (juice, pulp and a little bit of the limas' skin grindings)
Learn more about Yucatan's delightful fruits and floraToppings & Garnish:
1/2 lb. of corn tortilla thin strips (fried to a golden crispy texture)
1/2 cooked chicken breast (shredded)
8 thin lima slices (with skin)
NOTE: You may substitute Yucatan s limas for any sweet lime citrus available in yo
ur area.
How to Prepare: Heat oil in a medium size pot, lightly brown
nion slices adding the rest of the above top list ingredients
imas juice, pulp, skin grindings and chicken bouillon and let
the time to serve the soup, divide in four bowls the topping
nd baste them with the soup mixture. Serve hot (four bowls).

garlic clove and o

and saut; add the l
it boil softly. At
list ingredients a

"Avocado Gazpacho"
Raw Food Recipe
Avocados are native to Mexico, Nahualt people called them ahuacatl. This green
velvety fruit is very tasty and a popular ingredient in Mexican cuisine. There a
re many avocado choices, we prefer the Hall avocado. All avocados are low in su
gar and cholesterol free. They are full of antioxidants and rich in pure natura
l oils, plus filled with vitamins (containing per 100g-11% of the RDI of vitamin
A, 11% of Thiamin, 19% of Riboflavin, 21% of niacin, 42% of vitamin C and 13% o
f magnesium, to name a few). This delightful Summer Recipe is easy to prepare a

nd is an ideal "Row Food Recipe" served at Hacienda Chichen Resort.

Ingredients for Avocado Gazpacho:
2 lb or 480 grs of ripe organic Hall avocados or you can use three Hass avocados
1 Key lime juice (fresh juice only)
8 oz chilled coconut milk (for creamy gazpacho)
or 8 oz coconut water (for light gazpacho)
8 oz of chilled fresh water
Pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Optional: 1 oz of white tequila or mescal (liquor)
How to Prepare Avocado Gazpacho Mix:
Place aside chilled water, avocado seed, salt and pepper. In a mixer blend all.
above ingredientes to create a velvety creamy mixture; add chilled water one.
once at the time till you have the consistency you prefer your gazpacho (add.
water to create thicker or thinner). Salt and pepper to your taste.
Place mixture in a glass bowl put the avocado seed on top so the mixture does.
not darken due to oxidation, sealed it and place for at least 45 minutes in the.
refrigerator or till it is chilled and ready to serve.
Optional: Chill bowls for a gourmet touch, then garnish as follows:
Ingredients for Garnish:
2 organic ripe fresh red tomatoes
2 oz of fresh organic cilantro (finely chopped)
1 medium red organic onion
2 organic small cucumbers
Optional: 1 fresh jalapeno, for a zesty hot taste
How to Prepare Garnish and Serve:
Dice and mixed garnish ingredients and refrigerate in a close container.
Use them to sprinkle atop the avocado gazpacho in chilled bowls and serve.
Add fried tortilla juliennes for a Mexican gourmet touch
Mayan tortilla making
Sikil Pac
Yaxkin Spa's Maya holistic therapist, Maria Hux, learned this ancient Mayan reci
pe from her ancestors; based on roasted baby acorn squash seeds, Sikil Pac was a
Royal Treat among the Mayan. Nutritionist volunteers at the Xcalacoop Health Cl
inic find this appetizer to be a great way to boost the immune system with vitam
ins B & E along with anti-oxidants that help elders lower their blood pressure.
Sikil Pac helps fight the cell damage caused by extreme stress and emotional pr
essure. This Mayan recipe truly works great as a gourmet appetizer and can be s
tored in the refrigerator for up to three days without loosing its freshness.
250 grams or 1/4 lb. of peeled Organic, Roasted Acorn Squash Seeds
(you may substitute for any other squash seeds, if fresh, wash and roast 5 minut
es, peel).
Three ripe organic limes (juice)
One petit red onion peeled and chopped
Two large vine-ripened red tomatoes
1/4 cup of chopped organic cilantro leaves (wash leaves with care!)
Half small ripe Habanero chile (optional, cut amount for mild salsa)
Pinch of crushed sea salt
How to Prepare: Crush the roasted seeds into a fine paste. Mince tomato, chile
(your choice), and red onion. Finely chop the cilantro leaves. Thoroughly mix a
ll of the ingredients above with the lime juice in a clay bowl (glass will do) u

ntil it forms a smooth creamy paste. Add sea salt to taste. Let stand for 15 m
inutes to blend flavors; serve at room temperature as a healthy zesty topping to
handmade corn tortillas, fried tortilla chips, or fresh celery sticks. If you n
ot find Habanero chile in your area, use fresh serrano or jalapeo chile as a subs

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