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1. A culture identifies the presence of disease-causing microorganisms.


2. Vector-borne = Rocky Mountain spotted fever


3. An 88-year-old who lives in an apartment for senior citizens has the highest priority to receive vaccination.


4. Pt with conjunctivitis. will not share towels with others in the house.


6. Planning adequate nutrition would be most beneficial in reducing the susceptibility to infectious disease?


7. The purpose of encouraging fluids for a patient who has influenza is To increase excretion of toxins


8. patients great toe demonstrates warmth, redness, swelling, and minimal drainage, meaning Local infection


9. Staphylococcus aureus cause nosocomial infection?

____ 10. Voiding frequency is a symptom of a urinary tract infection?

____ 11. Teach patient to cough and deep breathe with a fractured femur who is in traction.
____ 12. Wear a fitted high-efficiency particulate air respirator before entering the room of a patient with TB
____ 13. Surgical aseptic is Sterile items untouched by nonsterile items
____ 14. Perform ordered cultures before giving antibiotic
____ 15. a patient who has a systemic infection will have General malaise
____ 16. Rest periods for a patient who has mononucleosis promotes recovery
____ 17. Vomiting indicates manifestations of a GI tract infection
____ 18. a patient who has a respiratory system infection, Wheezing would be most significant
____ 20. use surgical asepsis to prevent infection when dealing with Urinary catheter insertion
____ 21. a patient who has influenza is placed in Droplet precaution.
____ 23. A patient voids and asks to have the urinal emptied. Wear nonsterile gloves
____ 24. The first tier of standard precautions. All patients are presumed infectious
____ 25. Prolonged high temperatures or prolonged drying times are effective in destroying bacterial spores
____ 26. Mucous membranes is an example of a portal of exit for a pathogen in the chain of infection
____ 27. Herpes simplex is transmitted through direct transmission
____ 28. wear a mask for Measles
____ 29. which findings may indicate a local infection?

____ 30. which findings are indicative of sepsis


Mental confusion
____ 31. The nurse is caring for a patient with tuberculosis. What airborne precautions should the nurse take while
caring for this patient?
Individualized respiratory mask
Closed patient room door
Private patient room
____ 32. The nurse is caring for a patient who is in droplet precautions. The nurse must wear a mask when providing
care within what distances of the patient
1 foot
2 feet
3 feet
____ 33. diseases that are transmitted by direct contact
____ 34. diseases caused by a virus
Infectious mononucleosis
____ 35. Teaching for erythromycin Rx.
Take pills on an empty stomach.
Take with a full glass of water but not with an acidic juice.
Gastric distress may occur, but unless it is severe do not discontinue the medication.
____ 36. patient with allergy to sulfamethaxazole (Gantanol) should avoid these Rx
Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin)
Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra)

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