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Volume 1, Issue 1

Its time to SHINE!

Fall 2015

Class of 2016

Finding balance during senior year is key

to finding success in
the future. Being a
senior means that
youve got some extra responsibilities
that are added to your
list of things to do.
Wouldnt it be nice to
be able to have more
time? More time to
do the things we love
while maintaining a
high GPA, getting the
SAT/ACT score you
desire, remaining
committed to your
arts area, taking time
for friends, attending
social events, keeping

up with homework,
volunteering, being
college ready(post
secondary ready), visiting colleges, etc. etc.
etc. etc. OK, did I just
stress you out? My
apologies if I did.
Inside this issue youre
going to find a list of
the most common mistakes you can make
during senior year.
Youll also find info
on SAT/ACT, and
Scholarships. Utilize
these tools to help balance your schedule.

College Application Tips

Now that I have your
attention or at least
I hope that I do
Lets get into some
tips on college applications!
Ever wonder what

college admission
officers look for?
What are some ways
that your application
will shine? Inside
youll find tips on
how to make the

Inside this issue:

most of the application process and how

you can help your
application stand out
in the crowd!

Fall Senior Points to Ponder

What NOT to do

College Application Tips

SAT/ACT Information

ACT, SAT Dates

Make sure you have a Plan B

Your School Counselors Contact Information

Are you using ALL of your resources for

How to request transcripts!

college information? If not, what is one

more that you can think of...

Scholarship Web Site Searches

SAT vs. ACT - which test fits YOU best?

Keep aiming for that dream school! Stay

What NOT to do as a Senior


Miss Classes : Not only ar e you

missing valuable information for
tests, but you could be missing
information that you will need for
your college courses!


Think that your second semester

doesnt count: Dont lose focus! Your second semester is
VERY important to your University/College admissions office. Admissions offices have been known
to rescind their decisions They
WILL ask for your second semester transcript!



Give in to senioritis: Senior

year is busy. Dont let yourself
lose your motivation. Keep your
eyes on the prize!

and timelines for yourself. You

have a lot going on! You can get
through this if you prioritize your
time and keep track of your deadlines.



Get overwhelmed: Make lists

mate the time it will take to complete the assignment, then double

Confuse priorities: Planning for

college does not mean that you can
lose sight of your current obligations inside and outside of the
Forget to study: Keep up with
your assignments, even after a
tough week. While youre taking
time off, theres a student looking
to take your spot at your College
who isnt slacking!


Let your mind wander: Going to

college is exciting, but dont let
daydreaming about your college
dorm distract you from the here
and now.


Blow off your less important

work: Dont fool your self into
thinking that a quiz or writing another draft for a paper doesnt
count it ALL counts!

10. Fail to use the resources available to you: Take advantage of

the information available to you!
Internet, teachers, parents, guardians, SCHOOL COUNSELORS,
college fairs, college visits, etc!!!!

Underestimate the time you will

need to accomplish tasks: Be
realistic with your workload. Esti\

College Application Tips

Diversify your application portfolio.

You should apply to roughly 5 colleges/universities. Place them into
three categories: Reach, Possible,
Likely. Reach Schools ar e those
just above your GPA, SAT/ACT.
Possible Schools ar e schools wher e
you believe its possible that you will
get in based on your GPA, SAT/
ACT. Likely Schools are those that
you feel you will likely be accepted
based on your GPA/SAT/ACT.

Once you send application materials,

FOLLOW UP with the admissions
office. You need to be sure that a
school is receiving your information.
Get in touch with the admissions
office to ensure they are receiving
your documents!

If possible, visit all of the schools

that you are applying toyou will
find that this is the best way to decide if a school is right for you!

Even if you arent proud of your test

results, send your scores anyway.
Schools will want to know that
youre retesting and may be able to
super score or put your highest
scores together from each time
youve taken the test! Ask if the
schools you are applying to will
super score.

Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

SAT, ACT, Oh my!

acceptable calculator, watch, back
up calculator batteries


Sign up at

Cost: $54.50- Oct 2015-Jan 2016

$43-NEW redesigned March & on
(check with your counselor to see
if you are eligible for a waiver)

Test Day check list items: Your

admission ticket, pencil, photo ID,

Page 2



Contact SAT or ACT with your questions!

Sign up at

SAT: 212-713-8000

Cost: $56.50 (including writing)

ACT: 319-337-1270

Test day check list items: Your admission ticket, photo ID, acceptable
calculator, pencil, watch, back up

C L A S S O F 20 1 6

ACT Registration and Testing Dates

Test Date

Registration Deadline

Late Fee Required

September 12, 2015

August 7, 2015

Aug 8-21, 2015

October 24, 2015

September 18, 2015

Sept 19-Oct 2, 2015

December 12, 2015

November 6, 2015

November 7-20 2015

February 6, 2016

January 8, 2016

January 9-15, 2016

April 9, 2016
June 11, 2016

March 4, 2016
May 6, 2016

March 5-18, 2016

May 7-20, 2016

SAT Registration and Testing Dates

October 3, 2015
November 7, 2015
December 5, 2015

Registration Deadline
September 3, 2015
October 9, 2015
November 5, 2015

September 22, 2015

October 27, 2015
November 23, 2015

January 23, 2016

December 28, 2015

January 12, 2016

March 5, 2016
May 7, 2016
June 4, 2016

February 5, 2016
April 8, 2016
May 5, 2016

February 23, 2016

April 26, 2016
May 25, 2016

Test Date

Late Fee Required

". . . the arts have been an inseparable part of the human journey; indeed, we depend on the arts to carry us toward the
fullness of our humanity. We value them for themselves, and because we do, we believe knowing and practicing them
is fundamental to the healthy development of our children's minds and spirits
National Standards for Arts Education


Page 3

Your School Counselors

School Counselor, 9-12, A-Gi, ext. 119
Guidance Department Chair
Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
2445 San Diego Road
Jacksonville, FL

School Counselor, 9-12, Gl-O, ext. 117

Phone: 904-346-5620

School Counselor, P Z Grades 9-12, ext. 116

Where Art and Academics meet in


Follow our Blog!

How do I request transcripts?

All r equests go thr ough the Guidance
Office! The process is slightly different
depending on where your transcripts are
going check out the steps below so
youre in the know!
Request for transcripts to be sent to a
FLORIDA Public College/University:

Guidance will send transcripts electronically at no cost to you

The college will process your transcripts which can take up to 3-4
weeks. Electronic does not mean

The college will post your status on

your application screen. Always
follow up to make sure they have
received your documents!

Request a transcript to go to any other


Looking for a scholarship? Check

out these web site database

Request from Guidance the number

of transcripts that you need

Pick up your transcripts from Guidance. The first three are FREE. Each
one after that is $2.00.

Personally mail them off.

Career and College Search Tools

Want to see reviews on these web sites?

Check out this link for more info!

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