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Course Syllabus
General Course Information
Instructor: Rod Ulrich, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Office: WC 224
Office Hours: Tuesday, 5:00-6:00PM
Campus Phone: 626-815-5427
Course Web Site:
Classroom: Heritage
Class Day/Time: Tuesday, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Emergency Contact: 626-815-5310, CS Office
Prerequisite Courses: CS 330
Textbook and Materials:
Business Data Communications & Networking, (12th Edition), Fitzgerald, 2014,
Wiley, ISBN 9781118086834
Mission and Purpose Statement
Azusa Pacific University is an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars
who seek to advance the work of God in the world through academic excellence in liberal
arts and professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a
Christian perspective of truth and life.
Department Mission
The Department of Computer Science at Azusa Pacific University offers undergraduate
degree programs in computer science and computer information systems; provides
general education computer literacy courses for our student community and support
courses for mathematics majors; prepares students for graduate study and success in
their chosen careers; and seeks to assist students in applying their knowledge and
skills in service to society based on an understanding of Christian truths and values.

Degree Program

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This major offers a solid foundation in computer science and is directly applicable to
current problems in society and industry. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
at Azusa Pacific University prepares students for graduate work in computer science or
for careers in fields such as computer programming or software engineering. The
Bachelor of Arts in Computer Information Systems provides an educational foundation
for students planning a career in the analysis, design, and implementation of information
Course Information
This course teaches the principles, protocols, methods, and standards of:
voice and data communications
networking fundamentals
system configuration
state-of-the-art practical technology
Student Learning Outcomes
The students will have a working knowledge of:

Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of data communication

and computer networking systems
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of modern
telecommunication systems
Demonstrate knowledge of the protocols and underlying principles of the
hardware/software interfaces in computer networks
Understand how different computer networks work and their advantages and
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of data communication
security principles

In addition, we will be using wireshark (open-source application) to simulate several
telecommunication services and protocols.
The topics of this course will include but are not limited to:
An Introduction to Data Communications
Application Layer
Physical Layer

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Data Link Layer

Network and Transport Layers
Wired and Wireless Local Area Networks
Backbone Networks
Wide Area Networks
The Internet
Network Security
Network Design
Network Management

Professional Resources
Web Resources:
Tiny Tools:
Industry Commentary: Industry Commentary-Management
See content of Industry
Commentary-Technical: See content of
Supplementary Content: See content at: Distance Learning:

Web Sites
Supplementary information for the course is available at The Web
site contains class notes, PowerPoint slides, class announcements, course syllabus, test
dates, and other information for the course. There will also be additional information
available at This Web Site will contain class notes, class
announcements, exam summaries, the course syllabus, test dates, and additional links.
All students are requested to obtain an e-mail account. If you have any question about the
course or need assistance, please contact me in person or by telephone during office
hours; or by e-mail at any time.
Course Requirements
This course will comprise in-class instructor presentations, labs, quizzes, and
mini-reports in addition to weekly reading assignments and homework
projects outside of class.
The min-reports will focus on specific aspects of telecommunications and
networking technologies and how they are implemented at each students

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workplace. You will compile reports based upon both Internet research and your
analyses of the use of the weeks focus technology in the workplace.
Weekly Quizzes/Final Exam
You will be expected to complete a series of weekly quizzes on the reading that
will prepare you for the Final Exam.
Reading Assignments
Reading assignments will introduce and help you explore the concepts covered in
class. They will also complement the materials that may not be covered in class.
You must complete the reading before class in order to actively participate in the
whole-class discussions.
Lab Projects
The lab projects will allow you to expand the depth of your knowledge of the
weekly topics by challenging you to implement them, primarily in your
workplace. Your labs will document your investigation of the
communication/networking technologies in use at your workplace; they will be
submitted at the beginning of the following class meeting according to class
The homework assigned will help to reinforce the main topics from the assigned
reading material.
Grading and Evaluation Criteria
Students will be evaluated according to performance in the following categories:

Grading Criteria





Lab Projects (4)

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Faith Integration Essay


Mini-Reports (2)




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Grade Scale
Grade achievement levels are as follows:


Course Letter Grades

For all assignments, their numerical grading equivalent, and course grade, the grading
criteria is described as follows:
A: In addition to the criteria for a B, superior knowledge regarding details,
assumptions, implications, history; superior thinking with information relevant to
application, critique, and relationship to other information. An outstanding mastery of the
subject with excellence evident in preparation for and attendance in class sessions,
curious and retentive mind, unusual ability to analyze and synthesize material, with a
positive attitude making productive contributions to the learning community in the
B: In addition to the criteria for a C, more than adequate knowledge regarding technical
terms, distinctions, and possesses an ability to use information. Above average student in
terms of attendance, preparation, time management, mostly consistent in test taking, and

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C: Basic knowledge needed to function and carry on learning regarding major

principles, central terms, major figures, also possesses an awareness of field or discipline.
Average or typical student in terms of attendance, preparation, time management,
inconsistent test taking, and attitude.
D: Serious gaps in knowledge, confusion of concepts and categories, inability to recall
basic information. Below average or a typical student in terms of attendance, preparation,
time management, inconsistent test taking, and attitude--minimally pass in performance.
F: Absence of knowledge, incapable of carrying on a conversation about the subject,
misunderstands most concepts, confuses all categories... Inadequate/insufficient
performance. Repeat course.
Incompletes will not be given for this course without extenuating circumstances and
convincing reasons demonstrated by the student to the instructors satisfaction.

University/Department Course Policies

Attendance, Preparation, and Participation
Attendance is expected at every class session. You are responsible for all work presented
during a missed class. Arrange to turn in your assignments prior to the class period you
have to miss. Participation points will be awarded for attendance and in-class exercises.
In general, absences will not be excused on those nights that you are scheduled for
making a presentation.
Faith Integration
A Discussion Topic will be posted on Sakai and each student will be required to post a
response. This will be due on Week 8 and is worth 5% of the overall grade.
All assignments/projects for the course are to be completed and submitted on time in
order to receive consideration for full credit of the assignment. Late assignments/projects
will be penalized 10% of the total points available per assignment for each week late or
portion thereof. Permission for late work is granted only by special request to the
instructor. Incompletes are rare and are available only in special or unusual
circumstances as negotiated with the instructor prior to the end of the course. See the
undergraduate catalog for policies regarding withdrawals and grading.
Advance Assistance
Students wishing feedback (comments, no grade) from the instructor regarding initial
drafts of papers/presentations are invited to schedule such with the instructor sufficiently
in advance of the due dates to enable review, discussions, and subsequent refinement (as

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Assignment Options
Students interested in proposing other means (different from those outlined above) of
demonstrating their comprehension, inquiry, and skill relative to the purpose(s) of this
course may do so upon the instructors discretionary consent. Such students are to submit
thorough and well-reasoned proposals (appropriate to high quality study) in sufficient
time for both the instructor to review and accept or modify the proposal and the student to
complete it prior to the end of the course. The instructor is under no obligation to accept
any such proposal for other means of meeting the course requirements.
Make-Up Work
Late work is not permitted for any assignment/project in this course. No make-ups are
available for midterm or final examination in this course. No late or make-up work will
be acceptable for this course without extenuating circumstances and convincing reasons
demonstrated by the student to the instructors satisfaction and negotiated with the
instructor for approval. Late penalties will apply to any such work accepted by the
instructor and are subject to the instructors discretion.
Extra-credit Work
No extra credit work is available for this course. No extra credit work will be offered for
substitution of any assignment of this course. The instructor shall entertain no
solicitations of extra credit work by students.
Withdrawal Policy
See undergraduate catalog for policies on withdrawals, grade permanence and all policies
relating to academic records.
Special Accommodations/Course Policies
Students in this course who have a disability that might prevent them from fully
demonstrating their abilities should meet with an advisor in the Learning Enrichment
Center as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss accommodations
that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of the
course requirements.
The instructor may designate certain assignments/projects as teamwork assignments. If
every member of the team does a similar amount of work, every member of the team will
receive the same grade. However, if the instructor perceives that there is an inequality of
workload, then individual team members may receive more points, or fewer points, than
other members. The decision to adjust the point distribution within a team is reserved for
the instructor's discretion.

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Classroom Etiquette
Pagers and cell phones should be either turned off or set to vibrate mode during class.
Please show courtesy to the class by restricting conversation to in-class topics, and raise
your hand to gain attention when asking a question or raising a point of discussion.
Emergency Procedures
It is highly recommended that you leave the class title, room and building location, and
the APU campus main phone number (626.969.3434) with family and/or other contacts
you wish to be notified in case of an emergency
Academic Integrity Policy
The mission of Azusa Pacific University includes cultivating in each student not only the
academic skills that are required for a university degree, but also the characteristics of
academic integrity that are integral to a sound Christian education. It is therefore part of
the mission of the university to nurture in each student a sense of moral responsibility
consistent with the biblical teachings of honesty and accountability. Furthermore, a
breach of academic integrity is viewed not merely as a private matter between the student
and an instructor but rather as an act which is fundamentally inconsistent with the
purpose and mission of the entire university. A complete copy of the Academic Integrity
Policy is available in the Office of Student Life, the Office of the Vice Provost for
Undergraduate Programs, and online.
Students are expected to do their own independent work, and to refrain from cheating,
copying or plagiarizing the work of others. When drawing from various resources for
research purposes students must provide citations, footnotes and bibliographic
information. Students may not use an editor for any work turned in under their own name
unless approved in advance in writing by the instructor, and only to the extent approved.
Students who engage in academic dishonesty will automatically receive an F in the
course and may be in jeopardy of expulsion from the university. The following statement
appears in the undergraduate catalog:
The maintenance of academic integrity and quality education is the responsibility of
each student at Azusa Pacific University. Cheating or plagiarism in connection with an
academic program is an offense for which a student may be expelled, suspended, or
disciplined. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense that diminishes the quality of
scholarship and defrauds those who depend upon the integrity of the educational system.
Academic dishonesty includes:
Cheating Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information,
or study aids in any academic exercise.

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Students completing any examination should assume that external assistance

(e.g. books, notes, calculators, and conversations with others) is prohibited unless
specifically authorized by the instructor.
Students may not allow others to conduct research or prepare work for them
without advance authorization from the instructor.
Substantial portions of the same academic work may not be submitted for credit
in more than one course without authorization
Fabrication Intentional falsification or invention of any information or citation in an
academic exercise.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to
help another commit an act of academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism Intentionally or knowingly representing the words, ideas, or work of
another as ones own in any academic exercise.
Do NOT copy software from our systems unless the licensing of that software explicitly
permits such copying. In that case, you must use that software in conformance with the
license. Many of the programs used in these classes are available as Academic Editions
from the Cougar Byte, the APU computer store on the main campus.

Lecture Attendance & Participation

Philosophy: Projects and labs present some of the best opportunities for hands-on
learning, but it is still important to receive a first-exposure to course materials during
lecture. It is imperative for learning that students not only show up to lecture, but engage
with the content and fellow students.
General: The instructor will keep a deck of index cards containing each students name.
From time to time (about 5-6 times per lecture), the instructor will call on a name
randomly to answer a question. If the student is not there or does not know the answer
because they were clearly not paying attention, the student will lose 1% of their total
grade, up to 9% during the entire semester. Please note, that if a student is watching
videos or playing games, the instructor may automatically dock the student 1%
without asking them a question.
If a student does not know the answer and was paying attention, it is okay to take a guess
or briefly say I dont know. The intent is not to always be correct, but to encourage
students to do their best to pay attention and retain the information being taught.
All students will be called on in a uniform manner (i.e., a student will NOT be called on a
2nd time before all other students are called on at least once). However, the instructor
may go through the entire deck of names in one lecture at his/her discretion.

Computer Usage Policy

For best learning, it is expected that students be engaged with the lecture by interacting with the
instructor, other students (when applicable) and the material. It is understandable and often
expected that students have laptops open to take notes and/or write code along with the
instructor. However, students may not play games or watch videos during lecture and will be
prompted by the instructor to stop and/or will be docked points on his/her overall course grade.
Not only do these behaviors (games/video) disengage the student from the material, but they
prove highly distracting to surrounding students and the instructor. Please know that the instructor

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does not get offended by these actions, but has noticed a strong correlation between students
who consistently play games and/or watch videos during lecture and poor grades.

Available Support Services

Disability Policy
Students in this course who have a disability that might prevent them from fully
demonstrating their abilities should meet with an advisor in the Learning Enrichment
Center as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss accommodations
that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of course
Library, Computer Center, and Media Center
Azusa Pacific University maintains excellent library and on-line, full-text databases
available to all registered students. It is highly recommended that you visit the Darling
and Marshburn Libraries, become familiar with on-line databases, and apply for internet
access throughout your graduate program. For more information regarding library,
computing and media services contact the Darling Library at 626-815-5087.


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Course Schedule
Readings and Exam Dates





Chapter 1
due by next
Chapter 2
due by next
Chapter 3
due by next

HW #1 Due

Data Link Layer

Chapter 4
due by next

HW #3 Due

Network and
Transport Layer

Chapter 5
due by next

HW #4 Due

Network Design

Chapter 6
due by next

Introduction to
Data Comm.
Application Layer

Physical Layer





Wired and Wireless

Local Area
Backbone Networks


Chapter 7
due by next
Chapter 8
due by next


Quiz #1

HW #2 Due

Lab 1
Quiz #2

Lab 1 Due
Lab 2

Mini-Report 1

Quiz #3

HW #5 Due
HW #6 Due

HW #7 Due

Lab 2 Due
Lab 3


Wide Area

The Internet

Chapter 9
due by
Chapter 10
due by next



Faith Int.
Topic Due
Quiz #4

HW #8 Due

Quiz #5
HW #9 Due

CS 420 Telecommunication and Interfacing


Network Security

Spring, 2015

Chapter 11
due by next


Chapter 12
due by next

IP Telephony






Final Exam/IDEA




HW #10 Due

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Lab 3 Due
Lab 4

Mini-Report 2

Quiz #6

HW #11 Due
HW #12 Due

Quiz #7
HW #13 Due

Lab 4 Due
Final Exam

* Chapters should be read prior to the class in which the material will be discussed

Some of these books may have been superseded by later editions. Check the
Web before purchasing, to make sure you're buying the latest edition.
Business Data Communications & Networking, (12th Edition), Fitzgerald,
Wiley ISBN-13 9781118086834 | 574 Pages | Hardbound | 2014
Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson, Agile Web Development with
Rails, Third Edition [Paperback] Pragmatic Bookshelf; Third Edition (April 4, 2009)
ISBN-10: 1934356166, ISBN-13: 978-1934356166
Cristian Darie and Mihai Bucica, Beginning ASP .NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005:
From Novice to Professional. (Recommended for E-Commerce using C# and ASP.NET.
With online demo site and code) Apress; 1 edition (March 26, 2009) ISBN-10:
1430210745, ISBN-13: 978-1430210740
Reservation of Rights
The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus, at his sole discretion, at
any time, and without prior notice. The contents of the current undergraduate catalog are
incorporated herein by reference. In the event of a conflict between this syllabus and the
undergraduate catalog, the undergraduate catalog shall have precedence.

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