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Destiny: Time and Timing

Many people drift along, taking life as it comes. Neither seeking

opportunity nor running from it, they wait and see what happens.
Current thought from success experts stress the idiom, those who fail
to plan, plan to fail. It would seem from their suggestion, that
if we want things to happen in our lives we should plan and make them
happen. While there is a certain degree of truth in the power
of goal setting, it is amazing how often those who seem to drift with
the current get blessed with good fortune.
Currently the Law of Attraction is all the buzz, and many experts are
claiming we can manifest anything we desire by simply focusing
our mind and emotions long and hard enough to bring things about. They
seem to suggest that we are all our own Gods. Ive warned
many people about the dangers in this thinking. When we take the higher
power out of the loop and start relying solely on our own
decision making, we are essentially stating that we are the wisest mind
in the equation. The problem here is very simple to illustrate.
We play checkers, the higher intelligence plays chess.
In my practice, I speak with a great number of clients who are
frustrated by the lack of results in their manifesting efforts. I then
explain to them why we dont always get what we ask for.
Sometimes what we think we want or need is not in alignment with our
destiny. Sometimes what we want or think we need would actually prevent
something more benecial from happening. Thank God for unanswered
Most of this boils down to time and timing.
Anytime we act on a desired objective there are 4 possible realized

right thing wrong time

wrong thing right time
wrong thing wrong time
right thing right time

When we pursue the right thing at the wrong time, we pursue something
in alignment however we apply force at the wrong moment.
Example, we persist in pursuing the right partner, however they are
currently involved with someone else. Our over-zealous attitude creates
a repulsive factor that results in losing the opportunity to connect at

a later date.
When we pursue the wrong thing at the right time, we have found the
correct need but the incorrect expression of it.
Example, we pursue a specic romantic partner knowing it is time to
connect but are targeting the wrong person, who may not be ideal for
us. This results in either a wasted effort or the prevention of a
better relationship that may have started had we not been preoccupied
with the incorrect target.
When we pursue the wrong thing at the wrong time, we are typically not
tuned in to our path. This results in ego based choices that are
completely wrong in time and timing. An example of this would be when
you are in a cycle of your life where your career should be your
primary focus, and yet you persist in chasing a romantic partner and
fail to achieve your career objectives as a result because you are far too
distracted by your amorous pursuits, which means you have
to wait for the next phase of the career cycle to ow before you get
another chance at the ideal situation.
Finally, when we are seeking the right thing at the right time, the
universe seems to fully cooperate because we are in alignment with our
purpose in that moment. This is synchronicity in action.
Our dilemna then becomes how do we know what actions to take day to
day. The truth is success leaves clues. When we simply slow
down and allow the dialogue to begin between us and the Universe,
often we nd it suggesting the proper course of action through
synchronistic events. This is the green light that says, yes, you have permission.
It is this smooth pace of time and timing that allows the proper path to appear
before us. Failing to do this is like casting a shing line into the ocean with the
proper bait (intention) only to reel it in and cast it again and again and then
wondering why we havent caught a sh!
Yes, we are co-creators of our own destiny but often we get in our own way.
The Universe is very efcient and will nd the easiest way to get you to where
you need to be. Learn to walk by faith and allow things to come in their proper time.

Ploughing The Field/Avoiding The Sidetracks

The rst time you really experience a synchronistic event in your life, you feel a real sense of wonder
and awe. It can be difcult quite simply because you get so excited about it that you want to tell everyone, and
more often than not, youll get blown off and people will discount it as a coincidence. As synchronicity keeps
happening you begin to get that sense of destiny I love to talk about so much. You begin to see the order that lies
beneath the surface of what we think is a chaotic and random world. You begin to feel a sense of safety and your
faith strengthens. You ride the wave and wonderful unexpected things happen, life clicks into place at all the
right moments. You nd yourself in the right place at the right time and you start loving the simple act of living.
Then one day you wake up, expecting the trend to continue and wham, there it goes. Your winning streak
runs out. You look around at things suddenly taking the opposite momentum. Your tire blows. Your boss hands
you the pink slip. Life gets tough again. You wonder, gee, did I do something wrong? Sometimes the answer
is yes, you just took a big step in the wrong direction. You made a choice that was out of alignment with your
destiny. When you do that, rebalancing is going to happen. Youll receive as much displeasure as it takes to
provoke you back along the straight and narrow. This isnt a punishment. It is really nothing personal at all. It is
simply a predictable way to get you back on track.
There are a few things I can assure you will cause this to happen with certainty. It may take awhile
to show up, but it certainly will if you continue in these actions. The most certain way to stop synchronicity
is to dwell in thoughts of anger, judgement or fear. If youre paying too much attention to the news and your
obsessing over the ne job our president has made of ruining our economy, or youre worried about the gas
climbing to 5.00 a gallon, or if you just cant get over an argument you had with your spouse and you brood
about it, it will take you out of the ow. Anger is the fear of not getting what you want, fear is the belief that
something awful will happen, judgement is when you have to be right. All of these things impede the ow.
The reason is you are taking yourself out of the now and either harping on the past or fretting about
the future. Synchronicity occurs when you are living in the NOW. By accepting exactly where you are in this
moment, you embrace the now. So if you are currently laid out with the u, think, This is wonderful, my body
is telling me I need to relax for awhile. I must have ignored it too long. No matter, Ill rest and take this time
to enjoy my bed. If you nd yourself in the unemployment line, say, This is a wonderful new opportunity to
explore new avenues of expressing my talents. By taking this positive attitude about where you are now, you
allow the ow to carry you to the next step. This is one the biggest secrets I used to survive cancer, bankruptcy
and divorce. Trust me, this really works. The Buddha said it is only the things we resist that cause us to suffer.
Sometimes it isnt even that the ow stops at all. Sometimes we just dont recognize it. Not every
moment is an event horizon. We dont work 24/7 and sometimes when it comes to destiny you get a recess.
Sometimes things take some time for all of the elements to gather together in the proper arrangement to lead
you to the next step. Its important to keep moving forward with what you do know about your purpose. Just
keep ploughing the eld. It is during these times that we get a chance to take a breath. Life is like breathing,
sometimes we are drawing things in, absorbing, other times we are releasing things, letting go, moving on. The
key is to keep moving forward.
If life starts breaking down then its time to look at the things youve been doing. Ask yourself simply,
with what I know about my destiny, am I doing everything in alignment with it? If not, why? Can I change
course and get back on track?

Diagnosing the problems. Meet the archetypes.

The archetypes are essentially instinctive roles that we play. Consider them like
master programs that we run subconsciously throughout various situations in our
lives. It is an unlearned tendency to live out or experience things in a particular way.
Some of the primary archetypes are:
The Mother - the nurturing one, the source of life, the provider of security
The Father - the provider, the role model or the authority gure
The Family - the collective idea of blood relationships being deeper than other relationships.
The Child - (she acts so childish) representative of new beginnings, rebirth, the
future (children are our future)
The Hero/Heroine - Represents the ego. Fights the darkness. Often not the most
brilliant person.
The Maiden - The helpless, beautiful one. Purity. Innocence.
The Teacher/Wise Man - Reveals the Secrets to Solve a Challenge, teaches skills or
The Shadow - the darker side of yourself. Everything about yourself that you dislike. Often hedonistic and self serving. Destroyer.
The Trickster/Clown/Magician - Hampers progress and makes trouble. Fun to be
The Orphan - Expects disaster, waiting for the other shoe to drop, abandonment,
loneliness. The victim.

The Creator/Inventor - Creative and innovative. Always looking to solve things.

Breaking things down to component parts. You believe if you can think it you can
do it.
The Queen/King/Ruler - Power is everything, insisting on your own way, getting
things DONE, insistent.
The Anima/Animus - Highest expression of woman and man. Typically when we
take on roles where we are acting uncharacteristic of our gender.
There are more and many variations of each. We will run many of these patterns in
our lives but often run a small number frequently.
To use the archetypes to our advantage, we must rst gure out which archetype we
are portraying, then decide if its the best t for the circumstances. If not, we must
consciously take steps to integrate a more appropriate archetype.
Take any given situation or relationship in your life. ( Romantic, Business, Health/
Fitness, etc.) What is the dynamic of that situation or relationship?
What is your desired outcome with that situation or relationship?
Are your thoughts, words and actions congruent with that outcome? (Yes or No)
If they arent, what do you catch yourself saying or thinking about it and what
archetype does it most resemble? ________________________________________
Which Archetype would be better suited for the outcome? ____________________

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