Declaration of Confidence in God'S Protection Cleansing Home/Apartment

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No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue

which rises against me in judgment I do condemn. This is my heritage as
a servant of the Lord and my righteousness is from you, O Lord of Hosts.

Cleansing Home/Apartment
After removing all the articles of false worship from home/apartment, pray
aloud in every room, if necessary. Heavenly Father, we acknowledge that
You are the Lord of Heaven and earth. In Your sovereign power and love,
You have given us all things richly to enjoy. Thank you for this place to live.
We claim this home for our family as a place of spiritual safety and
protection from all the attacks of the enemy. As children of God seated with
Christ in the heavenly realm, we command every evil spirit claiming
ground in the structures and furnishings of this place, based on the
activities of the previous occupants, to leave and never return. We
renounce all curses and spells utilized against this place. We ask You,
Heavenly Father, to post guardian angels around this home (apartment,
room, etc) to guard it from all the attempts of the enemy to enter and
disturb Your purposes for us. We thank You, Lord, for doing this, and pray
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

If there are those who have been speaking or praying against me, or
seeking harm to me, or who have rejected me, I forgive them. Having
forgiven them, I bless them in the name of the Lord (Matt 5:4-5; Rom
Now I declare, O Lord, that You and You alone are my God, and besides
you there is no other a just God and Saviour, the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit and I worship You!
I submit myself afresh to You today/tonight in unreserved obedience.
Having submitted to you, Lord, I do as Your word directs. I resist the devil:
all his pleasures, his attacks, his deceptions; every instrument or agent he
would seek to use against me. I do not submit! I resist him, drive him from
me and exclude him in the name of Jesus.
Specifically I reject and repel: infirmity, pain, infection, inflammation,
malignancies, allergies, viruses, and every form of witchcraft.

Living in a Non-Christian Environment

After removing all the articles of false worship from your room, pray aloud
in the space allotted to you: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for my place to
live and be renewed by sleep. I ask You to set aside my room (portion of
my room) as a place of spiritual safety for me. I renounce any allegiance
given to false gods or spirits by other occupants, and I renounce any claim
to this room (space) by Satan based on the activities of past occupants or
me. On the basis of my position as a child of God and a joint-heir with
Christ who has all authority in heaven and earth, I command all evil spirits
to leave this place and never to return. I ask You, Heavenly Father, to
appoint guardian angels to protect me while I live here. I pray this in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Finally, Lord, I thank You that through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross; I
have passed out from under the curse and entered into the blessings of
Abraham whom You blessed in all things (Gal 3:13-14: Gen 2:1),
exaltation, health, reproductiveness, prosperity, victory and Gods favour.
I pray all these in Jesus name, Amen.
Bedtime Prayer
Thank you, Lord, that You have brought me into Your family, and have
blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ.
Thank you for providing this time of renewal through sleep. I accept it as
part of Your perfect plan for Your children, and I trust You to guard my mind
and my body during my sleep. As I have meditated on You and Your truth
during this day, I choose to let these thoughts continue in my mind while I
am asleep. I commit myself to You for Your protection and from every
attempt of Satan or his emissaries to attack me during sleep. I commit
myself to You as my Rock, my Fortress and my Resting Place. I pray in the
strong name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


Holy Spirit, please guide and lead me as I pray. I repent of all the sins that
I have committed. Forgive me Lord, I desire your cleanness, holiness and
righteousness. I place upon my body the full armour of God.
1. The belt of Truth: - In the name of Jesus, I put on the belt of Truth
for you Lord are the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Jn 14:6)
Protect me from the errors, lies and deceptions of the enemy. I

seek to be diligent and to pursue You, Lord. Help me not to

deceive or be deceived.

discretion of how to wield the well. IN Jesus Name, I now cut off
from me, with the Sword of the Spirit, all demonic spirits and
activities from my life, all watcher and listener spirits, blockers and
scramblers, principalities and powers, all rulers in the high places
and all strongholds (Eph 6:13) In Jesus Name, I bring every
thought and imagination captive (2Cor 10:5), to the obedience of
the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. The Breastplate of Righteousness: -I place upon my breast the

Breastplate of Righteousness because my own righteousness is
as filthy rags (Isa 64:6). Protect me from evil and sinful desires.
Protect my heart from all shame, guilt, fear, doubt, jealousy, envy,
anger, bitterness, rebellion, resentment, rejection, pride, selfrighteousness and from being judgmental.

In Jesus Name, I cut and negate all curses that have come
through prayers, spells, chants, hexes, incantations, words spoken
against me and my family, through witchcraft, New Age, Satanism,
voodoo, astral channels and prayers prayed that are not of You. In
Jesus Name, I command all demons and spirit beings ruling or
otherwise associated with such, to leave me at once and go to the
pit. I grind into dust all cords attached to me/us all, and throw them
into the pit

3. The Shoes of Peace: -I place upon my feet the Shoes of the

gospel of Peace as firm footing with a clear pathway. Your Word
says Great peace has they who love you and You will even make
our enemies to be at peace with us. Protect me from passivity,
lethargy and a lazy life. Make me alive to Your purpose, in unity
with the Bride of Christ.
4. The Shield of Faith: -I take up the Shield of Faith (Gal 2:20) with
which I can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the enemy. I place
the shield over my belly and with the Sword of the Spirit (Heb
4:12), I cut off all sensitivity, wounding of a wounded spirit and
bruising from verbal abuse.

I cover myself and families, properties, cars and material; assets

with the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 12:11) and ask You
Heavenly Father to place a hedge of protection (Job 1:10), and
Your angels of protection (Ps 14:7), around me/us all.
I pray for the Blood of Jesus to cover my physical, spiritual,
emotional, soul and will and all areas of my life, and I place them
under the Lordship of Jesus. I am complete in Him. My body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit, cleansed, redeemed, justified, sanctified
by the precious Blood of Jesus; therefore the devil has no place in
me and no power over me. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

5. The Helmet of Salvation: -I place upon myself the Helmet of

Salvation (Isa 59:17) the glorious gift of Salvation (Rom 1:16). I
now bind (Matt 18:18), in the name of Jesus, all spirits that would
try to destroy my mind spirits of mind-control, anti Christ, death
and hell, condemnation, oppression, depression, shame, guilt,
unbelief, confusion and mental anguish. I bind these spirits in
Jesus name and I render them powerless.
In Jesus name, I loose into my mind, a clear sound mind (2Tim
1:7), the mind of Christ, of joy, of peace and love; the gift of
discernment, wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Eph 1:17).
Heavenly Father, I place over my mind purity and holiness to think
your thoughts, to see what You would have me see, hear and
Lord, guard my tongue (Ps 141:3), so that it will only speak and
sing your praises, and I claim the liberty that utterance will be
given to speak a word in season (James 3:10)
6. The Sword of the Spirit: -Lord, I take the Sword of the Spirit and I
thank You for Your Word. I pray for wisdom (Prov 4:7) and

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