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SOL Review Quiz #1 (Exploration and Settlement)

1. The New England Colonies were settled by _____________ seeking ________________.

a. Puritans, Religious Freedom
b. Puritans, Economic Opportunity
c. Anglicans, Religious Freedom
d. Anglicans, Economic Opportunity
2. The __________________ established the government for the Plymouth colony in 1620.
a. Mayflower Compact
b. Constitution
c. Community Compact
d. House of Burgesses
3. What type of direct democracy did the Puritans practice in their colony?
a. Elective Legislature
b. Town Meetings
c. Puritan Church Committees
d. Minority Rule
4. The first elected assembly in the New World was ____________. It is now known a ________________.
a. General Assembly of VA, House of Burgesses
b. Mayflower Compact, State Legislature
c. House of Burgesses, General Assembly of VA
d. House of Representatives, Senate
5. Native Americans lost their traditional ______________ and millions died from ____________.
a. Religions, War
b. Lands, War
c. Religions, Disease
d. Lands, Disease
6. How did the French deal with Native Americans?
a. Same as the English
b. Same as the Spanish
c. Cooperatively
d. Took all the land they wanted, but avoided conflict
7. The New England economy was based on all of the following except?
a. Shipbuilding
b. Fishing
c. Plantations

d. Lumber

8. The second leg of the triangular trade route was known as the ______________.
a. Dark passage
b. Middle journey
c. Middle passage

d. Dark journey

9. What was the major religion in VA and other Southern Colonies?

a. Quaker
b. Puritan
c. Catholic

d. Anglican

10. The first Africans (slaves) came to Virginia in 1619 to work _____________________.
a. In Cities
b. On Plantations
c. On Ships
d. In the army
11. Which is matched incorrectly?
a. Presbyterians New Jersey
c. Quakers Rhodes Island

b. Jews New York

d. Anglicans - Virginia

12. Social structure in the Southern Colonies was based on the all of the following except?
a. Ownership of Slaves
b. Family status
c. Ownership of land
d. Member of the Church of England
13. Which was Not a cash crop grown in the Southern Colonies during the 1600s?
a. Tobacco
b. Cotton
c. Indigo
d. Rice
14. ____________________were English nobility who received large land grants from the King.
a. Huguenots
b. Quakers
c. Cavaliers
d. Puritans
15. The religious revival that occurred in New England in the 1740s and 1750 was known as?
a. The Enlightenment
b. The Puritan Movement
c. The Great Awakening
d. The Bradford Experience

16. Which of the following cities was the major seaport in Colonial America?
a. New Orleans
b. Philadelphia c. Boston
d. Baltimore
17. The development of a slavery-based agricultural economy would eventually lead to what?
a. American Revolution
b. War of 1812
c. Mexican-American War
c. The Civil War
18. Town Meetings in the New England are a _______________ direct democracy model.
a. Puritan
b. Anglican
c. Athenian
d. English
19. Which religious group believed in hard work and thrift?
a. Puritan
b. Anglican
c. Presbyterian

d. Jewish

20. Which colony was founded for religious freedom, but intolerant of dissenters?
a. Southern
b. Middle
c. New England
d. Eastern

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