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SOL Review Quiz #5 (Civil War-Reconstruction)


1. Fighting between the North and South resulted from _______.
a. the formation of the C.S.A..
c. the election of Lincoln

b. the secession of South Carolina

d. the attack on Fort Sumter

2. The battle of Antietam was significant because:

a. It was the turning point of the war
b. It lasted over two weeks, resulting in Lees surrender
c. It was the victory which Lincoln used to consider the Emancipation Proclamation
d. It was the greatest Confederate victory of the entire war
3. What battle was the turning point of the Civil War?
a. Gettysburg
b. Vicksburg
c. Antietam

d. Cold Harbor

4. Which of the following is true regarding Appomattox?

a. it was the first land battle of the Civil War
b. it was destroyed by General Sherman on his march to the sea
c. it was the site of the death of Stonewall Jackson
d. it was where General Lee surrendered to General Grant
5. Which commander of the Confederate Army believed States could not leave the Union, but that the United
could not forcefully keep the states in the Union?
a. Grant
b. Jackson
c. Lee
d. Davis
6. What prominent abolitionist convinced Lincoln to enlist former slaves into the Union army?
a. William Lloyd Garrison
b. Elizabeth Cady Staunton
c. Harriet Tubman
d. Frederick Douglass
7. The Emancipation Proclamation did all of the following except:
a. freed the slaves in the Border States
b. discouraged any interference of foreign governments
c. made the destruction of slavery a Northern aim
d. freed the slaves in the rebelling states
8. Where is it written, ... a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are
a. Declaration of Independence
b. Emancipation Proclamation
c. Gettysburg Address
d. 13th amendment
9. What event sparked secession of the southern states?
a. The Civil War
c. Harpers Ferry

b. Election of Lincoln in 1860

d. Bleeding Kansas

10. How did the Emancipation Proclamation help to keep Great Britain from signing an alliance with the
a. It made the destruction of slavery a war goal for the Union, which was supported by Britain.
b. It stated, among other things, that any foreign involvement would not be tolerated by the Union.
c. It offered money to be paid to foreign government who would align with the Union rather than the
d. It proclaimed that all lands taken in the War of 1812 would be returned to Britain.

11. Victory without defeat, with malice toward none, with charity for all best describes:

a. Lincolns plan for Reconstruction

c. The Radical Republican plan for Reconstruction

b. Johnsons plan for Reconstruction

d. The Confederate plan for Reconstruction

12. Under Lincoln, a goal for Reconstruction would have been:

a. a quick reconstruction period where both sides could forgive
b. a moderate period where the wealthy plantation owners would lose their land which would be given to
the former slaves
c. a harsh period to make the South pay for the damage they had caused
d. to bring back some form of slavery to help revive the Southern economy
13. Compared to Abraham Lincoln, the Radical Plan for Reconstruction was much more ___?___ towards the
former Confederate States.
a. lenient
b. punitive
c. moderate
d. kind
14. What marked the formal end to slavery in the United States?
a. The Emancipation Proclamation
c. The 14th Amendment

b. The 13th Amendment

d. The 15th Amendment

15. Which Civil War Amendment overturned the Dred Scott decision, said everyone born or naturalized in the
are citizens, and provided for all citizens to have due process at all levels of government?
a. 13th
b. 14th
c. 15th
d. 19th
16. What political party was supported by the Solid South for nearly a century?
a. Republican b. Democratic c. Independent
d. Progressive
17. Which is not true about Frederick Douglass during the Reconstruction Period?
a. Pushed for the passage of the Black Codes
b. Supported the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution
c. Wanted the federal government to protect the rights of Freemen
d. Served as ambassador to Haiti
18. Which of the following correctly describes Robert E. Lee during Reconstruction?
a. Joined the Republican Party and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1868
b. Served as President of Washington College
c. Urged Southerners to be hostile to former slaves
d. Served in the United States Army until his death in 1870.


20. Which of the following is not true regarding the South after the Civil War?
a. Confederate money was worthless
b. Cities such as Richmond, VA were destroyed
c. Republicans dominated Southern politics for the next 100 years
d. The South would remain a backward, agricultural-based economic society

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