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Iota Xi Chapter

March 04, 2010

In attendance
Professor Nicole Stokes-Du Pass
Christopher Mauro
Megan Andrade
Kristy Lopez
Sheila Casey
Lina Iddisah
Ibtissam A. Abdallah
David Reyes
Dan Marques
Lilia Cotruta
Chrissy Keeley

1. Induction/Membership/Luncheon

• Officers are expected to be at the induction ceremony at 4:30 PM

and new members are to be there at 5:30 PM
• Prof. Stokes clarified that while she understands we have other
commitments, officers and committee leaders are required to
attend the ceremony.
• Help is needed for set up at 4: 30 PM
• Food ,candles, roses and others preparations are ready
• 80 new members are to be inducted this semester, compared to
the 73 members inducted last semester.
• Mentees cards are done, printed ,and ready to be picked up
• Programs are also done and ready to be printed out.
• $80 is needed to pick the cards up
• Induction ceremony will be done at 8:00 PM
• Mandi Norelli , an alumni Phi Theta Kappa member will be the key
note speaker for the induction

2. New Student Leadership Selection for 2010-2011

• Officer and Committee Leader positions are now available
• All the hallmarks and projects done last week will be
incorporated into the application this semester
• A Selection Committee made up by 4-5 members is to be put in
place for the selection of new officers.
• One of the members in the Selection Committee has to be a
member at large and the rest have to be officers and committee
• The application will be ready for the next meeting
• Officers who are not graduating this semester should let Prof.
Stokes know whether they would like to keep their positions, give
them up, or switch positions.
• Sheila and Megan have expressed interest to be part of the
Selection Committee
• Chris mentioned that members holding a position right now
should try to make a lateral move by applying to other, more
challenging positions.

3. Recent Changes in Student Leadership Team (Secretary

position & Out-going NJ State President)
• Vincent has resigned his position as a Secretary
• Ibtissam Abdallah ( Ibty) is currently serving as interim
secretary for Iota Xi Chapter
• Joe Eulo is no longer Phi Theta kappa’s New Jersey State
President as of January 2010

4. Open Forum to discuss issues pertaining to the direction and

functioning of the leadership team

Joe’s Issue
• Some issues have put Joe’s application for International Officer on
hold at the moment
• It turns out that there was misinformation given to Joe as for the
requirements for membership to Phi Theta Kappa. Joe as well is said
to have been withholding some information from the society
• In respect of Joe’s privacy, Prof.Stokes prefers to await more facts
regarding this issue before discussing it thoroughly with the chapter.
• A concern was raised whether these issues could affect the Iota
Xi Chapter or not
• Prof. Stokes hopes it won’t affect the chapter, but she admits on
the other hand that it could.
• Prof. Stokes highlighted that based on a meeting she had earlier
on today with some of the school board members, Joseph Eulo is still
a member of Phi Theta Kappa.

Next Meeting:

Thursday, March 11, 2010 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in

the alumni conference room in the Nomahegan

building( 1st half will be all-members- meeting, other ½ is

reserved to officers- only-meeting)

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