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Name: Ignasius Krisnanta Setiaputra (21482629)

Duration of Exchange: 1 Semester

1. Unit Name: Quantum Mechanincs III
Level of Unit: 3
Elective, Broadening, Option, Complementary or Core: Core
Equivalent UWA unit: PHYS3001
Unit Description:
Building on Quantum Mechanics 2, students will learn quantum mechanics at an advanced
undergraduate level. The course will build physical intuition of Hilbert space and Nature on the
quantum scale while improving students ability to express physical intuition in mathematical
terms and to solve problems. Students will be adequately prepared with regards to their
knowledge of quantum mechanics to undertake further studies in S-lab, E-lab, V-lab, R-lab, TBlab and other labs in both the Department of Physics and Department of Applied Physics at
Nagoya University. Students from other disciplines, such as chemistry, can also benefit from the
deep treatment of quantum phenomena.
Course Contents:
1. Why is quantum mechanics necessary? How does Nature behave on the quantum scale?
2. Review of classical mechanics. Principle of Least Action. Lagrangian mechanics. Hamiltonian
mechanics. Poisson brackets. Symmetry and conservation laws. Rotation of a rigid body; the
rotation group and its representations SO(3) and SU(2). Pauli spin matrices.
3. The postulates of quantum mechanics. The classical limit.
4. The harmonic oscillator. The Heisenberg Uncertainty relations. Systems with N degrees of
5. Symmetries and their consequences. Rotational invariance and angular momentum. Spin. 6.
Addition of angular momentum. The hydrogen atom.
6. Variational and WKB methods. Time-independent perturbation theory. Scattering theory.
7. Path integral formulation of quantum mechanics.
Link to unit description: (Page 3) This is the newest syllabus given
to me by the Lecturer directly (John Wojdylo)
2. Unit Name: Statistical Physics III + Tutorial
Level of Unit: 3
Elective, Broadening, Option, Complementary or Core: Core
Equivalent UWA unit: PHYS3011
Unit Description:
Students will learn quantum statistics of ideal gases, gases of interacting particles and
introductory theory of
phase transitions and critical phenomena. Irreversible processes, the approach to equilibrium
and foundations
are also considered. Applications are considered in physics, chemistry, materials science and

Course Contents:
Stability of thermodynamic systems. Le Chateliers Principle; the qualitative effect of
First Order Phase Transitions. Single-component systems. Discontinuity in the entropy: latent
heat. Slope of
the coexistence curves; Clapeyron Equation. Unstable isotherms. Multicomponent systems;
Gibbs phase rule.
Phase diagrams for binary systems.
Critical phenomena. Thermodynamics in the neighbourhood of the critical point. Divergence
and stability.
Order parameters and critical exponents. Classical theory in the critical region; Landau Theory.
Origin of the
Critical Point Problem. Scaling and universality. (The renormalization group is not considered.)
Statistical mechanics.
Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics. Photon statistics. The ideal Fermi
fluid. The
strong quantum regime; conduction electrons in metals. The classical limit and the quantum
criterion. The ideal
Bose fluid. Non-conserved ideal Bose fluids: black body radiation. Quantum states of a single
Evaluation of the partition function.
Bose-Einstein condensation.
Fluctuations. Probability distribution of fluctuations. Moments and energy fluctuations.
Correlation moments.
Irreversible processes. Magnetic resonance.
Foundations. The principle of equal probabilities of states in equilibrium follows from the
Principle of
Detailed Balance. The H-theorem and the approach to equilibrium.
Statistical Perturbation Theory: the Bogolyubov Variational Theorem. Mean Field Theory.
Link to unit description: (Page 45)

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