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Whole Life questions for our Literate Body about its

relationship with our Non-Literate Other Body/Planet Earth

To help yourself observe how much you meaningfully learn from this program
or course use this page and respond to the best answer and confidence
number to each question below, now
- and later after you take ECHN course(s) or to see if and how you have
changed or grown as time progresses.
We invite you to add your own questions to this list now and review your
growth after the completing a course.
NOTE that the responses expect you to have some response to each question
as well as express how much confidence you have in thinking that you know
the right answer to it with respect to ways and means of the ECHN Webstring
Natural Attraction Ecology Model.
19.- Do you deserve to have good feelings? Why?
In this document, (download) record your best answer to the question along
with the number that indicates your degree of confidence in your response to
the question.).
Best short answer:
Confidence number:
low confidence

high confidence

1. What is the most accurate and trustable form of information? Why?

Best short answer: The one that can be experienced, validated and
cannot be tampered.
Confidence number: 9
2. What is the greatest truth in your life that you can trust? (Clue: the answer
is not God, love, honesty or nature.)
Best short answer: my ability to interact with nature

Confidence number 1-10: 9

3. What is the key factor that makes humanity different or separate from
Best short answer: Humans attracts towards materialistic things and
evil things where as nature doesn't.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
4. How and why doesn't nature produce any garbage or toxic waste?
Best short answer: To maintain the ecological balance
Confidence number 1-10: 8
5. How can you/we be sure that Planet Earth is our Other Body?
Best short answer: since childhood we are taught that earth is our home. we
can't survive if something happens to our planet.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
6. What is the point source of contemporary society's environmentally and
socially destructive ways?
Best short answer: our addiction to the nature separated lives and
nature separated thinking.
Confidence number 1-10: 9
7. How do we know if Nature and Earth are intelligent?
Best short answer: It is able to produce and live in its attractive way of life
and also maintains a balance.
Confidence number 1-10: 9
8. What is the difference between a fact, a thought and a feeling?
Best short answer: Fact has a proof which may (or) may not be true,
thought is an imaginary combination of ideas, feeling is related to the
Confidence number 1-10: 9
9. What produces the wanting void in our psyche, the discomfort, greed, and
loneliness that fuels most human and environmental disorders?
Best short answer: Due to the Nature separated lives.
Confidence number 1-10: 9
10. Why do we deny that we are addicted to stories, technologies and
relationships that separate us from nature's balanced ways and restorative
Best short answer: we do that in order to convince ourselves to do the
same thing.

Confidence number 1-10 : 8

11. If we learn to be who we are, what factor in modern education teaches us
to produce today's unsolvable problems?
Best short answer: The relation that we maintain with nature
Confidence number 1-10: 8
12. To be part of a system, you have to be in communication with it in some
way. We are part of the global life system and vice versa; how does it
communicate with us and we with it?
Best short answer: Following the rules of the system in order to know
which one does good or bad.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
13. What is the essence that makes natures perfection work?
Best short answer: Preservation ,self healing and maintaining a
balance .
Confidence number 1-10: 8
14. What is attractive about fear, stress or pain?
Best short answer: I think stress and pain must be experienced about
one .there is nothing unfair in it.
Confidence number 1-10: 9
15. Where does death exist in nature?
Best short answer: In the destruction of ecological balance.
Confidence number 1-10: 9
16. Does nature have a direction or purpose?
Best short answer: It has a purpose.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
17. What are five steps to letting nature help you reduce destructive
Best short answer: Now, Intelligent, Attractiveness, aliveness and love
Confidence number 1-10: 8
18. What value is there in safely feeling closer nature?
Best short answer: The warmth and the love that we receive from
Confidence number 1-10: 8
19. Do we deserve to have good feelings? Why?
Best short answer: Yes, because we are capable of appreciating the
beauty of nature.
Confidence number 1-10: 9
20. Why do we continue to assault nature and people when it doesn't make
sense and we don't like doing it or its effects?

Best short answer: Due to our selfishness ,Greediness and ego and to
prove that we are powerful
Confidence number 1-10:
21. Can one be sane if they are a good citizen of an insane society?
Best short answer: Yes, it is possible.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
22. What is consciousness and who invented it?
Best short answer: It is the state of being aware of what's happening
around us
Confidence number 1-10:
23. Do miracles happen in contradiction to nature?
Best short answer: Yes , sometimes they do happen.
Confidence number 1-10: 7
24. What is the relationship between nature and the human spirit?
Best short answer: Human spirit is a combination of good and bad, so
nature can be a subset of the human spirit having only good things.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
25. Since nature produces no garbage, is nature unconditional love?
Best short answer: Yes
Confidence number 1-10: 9
26. How and where do you collect self-evidence?
Best short answer: When we interact with nature
Confidence number 1-10: 8
27. Can you cite a model, community or process that successfully produces
Best short answer: A community with responsible people.
Confidence number 1-10: 9
28. How do we know that Planet Earth a living organism? Is it?
Best short answer: Earth also has a soul just like we, humans have.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
29. How much of our ability to sense and feel do we inherit from nature?
Best short answer: we inherit most of the things from nature.
Confidence number 1-10: 8
30. What is the relationship between our increasing personal social and
environmental problems?
Best short answer: Both are indirectly related to each other.
Confidence number 1-10: 8

31. What makes Natural Attraction Ecology be a pure and whole, rather than
limited, objective science?
32. Where do we physically live in the Standard Universe?
33. What is time in nature?
34. How do we know if Nature is alive?
35. What is natural homeostasis in nature and how does it work?
36. Why do we excessively conquer or exploit nature?
37. Why is it best to identify nature as a dance?
38. Does duality exist in nature?
39. What is the difference between nature and life?
40. What is NNIAAL
41. Are the Higgs Boson and NNIAAL identical?
42. What is an Earth Avatar?
43. What is the difference between nature and the Standard Universe?
44. In the Other Body natural attraction Dance when is nature repulsive?
45. In the macro Natural Attraction Dance what are the names given to its
micro pulsating resonances and fluctuations.
46. What is the purpose and contribution of Validating?
47. What is the significance of Tropicmaking
48. Why are webstrings often subconscious and how do we bring them into
49. How many natural senses do we have? Can we think with them? How?
50. How many natural senses can you name that you can know and learn
51. How does nature within you know how to relate responsibly to nature in
others and the environment?
52. If life has a purpose, what is it?

53. Is our innate ability to sense and feel of, by and from nature?
54. Do our formal education or leaders competently address the above
55. Why don't our cultural stories and dollar bills produce balance and purity,
like nature works?
56. Do our unsolvable problems result from the difference between how we
think and how nature works?
57. In nature, why dont two plus two equal four?
58. Where in nature do you find life abstracted?
59. What in Nature is not conscious on some level?
60. What parts of Nature are prejudiced against Nature?
61. What is the relationship between natural attractions and consciousness?
62. Is nature a form of perfection people can achieve and if so, how.
63. What is the element that produces environmentally and socially
destructive economic relationships?
64. Since we are part of Nature, what is the major difference that makes us
destroy the environment while everything else in Nature usually strengthens
65. How can we restore to our thinking the missing 49 sensory intelligences
that contemporary society has buried in our subconscious?
66. Why does contemporary society often identify a person's love of nature
as "escapist recreation and fuzzy thinking" rather than "peaceful, reasonable

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