January 27, 2016 Tribune Record Gleaner

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Tribune Record Gleaner

Volume 122 Number 4


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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Greenwood sets Feb. 3 and Feb. 23 referendum meetings

The Greenwood School District Board of Education
will hold three public information meetings in the next
several weeks to inform residents of the details of an
April 5 referendum to exceed the state revenue cap over
the next five years. The Board will be asking voters in
April to allow it to collect $850,000 in additional taxes
for the 2016-17 fiscal year and $750,000 per year over the
following four years, and the informational meetings will
be part of its process of educating the public of the need
for the additional money.
One meeting will be held on Feb. 3, at 6:30 p.m., in the
high school cafetorium. The second session is set for Feb.
23, at 6:30 p.m., at the Willard Community Center (Athletic
Club). Board members and school administrators will
be present at both meetings to discuss the referendum

amount, why the Board has proposed it, and how local
taxes will be affected.
A third meeting will be held but has not been scheduled yet.
District Administrator Todd Felhofer is preparing an
informational packet that will be mailed to all district
residents soon. They will have it in time to review the
material so they can ask any questions regarding it at
one of the public meetings.
A district referendum to exceed the state-imposed
revenue limits that was approved by voters in 2010 will
be expiring at the end of this fiscal year. It allowed the
district to collect $500,000 more in local taxes each year
for six years. That referendum length of six years was
timed to coincide with the end of the districts loan pay-

In review, books are her life


to new characters, like

by Dean Lesar
Mumpsy, author Louise
Terri Schlichenmeyer
Lawrence Devines star
can vividly recall pesterchild. She describes her
ing her mother to read her
youthful self as a regular
Mumpsy Goes to Kinderhaunter of Grantons
garten again and again,
tiny Samson Memorial
back in their 1960s farmLibrary, where she would
house east of Granton.
check out copies of AgI remember I wanted
atha Christie and Ellery
that book read to me all
Queen novels.
the time, she said, and so
My grandmother and
her mom taught her how
I used to make a pilgrimto read it herself, at age 3.
age there once a week,
She still has her copy of
Terri said. By her adolesThe Rand McNally Junior
cent days, Everything
Elf Book tucked away in
that I was going to read in
a box, its drawing of a
that library, I had read.
bodaciously-blonde little
Terri graduated from
girl holding her kitty cat a
Granton High School in
reminder of her first days
1978. Her experience in
as a reader.
youth speaking contests
Mumpsy was just
and high school forensics
the beginning for the forled her to her first job, at
mer Terri Tolley. Literally
WCCN radio in Neillsthousands of books and
ville. There she became
almost five decades hence,
Granton native Terri (Tolley) Schlichenmeyers lifelong
one of the first female
shes a professional
passion for reading led her to a career as a prominent
disc jockeys in the state,
reader now, someone who
book reviewer whose columns appear in 250 publications.
she said, and that led to
gets paid to read books by
further radio work in
the dozen, to review them,
to tell other readers they are out there, and if they may Marshfield and then La Crosse.
Im not a bit afraid to speak in public, so that came
be worth their $25 to own. Her The Bookworm Sez
column is printed in 240-250 publications these days, natural to me, she said of her radio days.
So did reading voraciously, and Terri began to accuand seen by what she guesses are more than 9 million
readers in any given week. Imagine that, she realizes, mulate stacks of books.
One day my then-husband said I had too many damn
getting paid to do what shes always loved.
Always. Since her first days growing up Wayne and books, she said. I thought, There has to be a way to do
Joann Tolleys little girl on their Granton farm, Terri something with these books.
Terri asked her radio employer if she could do on-air
says she has had a crush on books.
Ive always been a reader. Im a child of the 60s, reviews, and he obliged. It was also in the infancy of
she said. My mother didnt know what to do with me the Internet age, and Terri saw someone else who was
because I was constantly asking her to read me a story. earning money by reading and reviewing.
It didnt really matter what kind of story, just so it took
Please see Book reviewer, page 8
her to new and wonderful places, and introduced her

ments on the high school addition built in 1998. This

April, the district will make the final $498,000 payment
to completely retire that debt.
Even with the end of the loan repayment, financial
projections show the district will not be able to balance its
annual budget beginning next year, if current expenses
and revenues remain as they are, without a revenue cap
According to projections from Baird Inc., a financial
consultant working with the district, the district will
see a projected budget shortfall of $637,000 already in
the 2016-17 year, if no changes are made, and that figure
would balloon to more than $1 million by 2020-21.
If approved, property owners would actually see a
decline in school taxes. According to Baird projections,
property taxes in the first year of the referendum would
drop approximately $180 on a $100,000 home, because the
district will no longer be making the annual debt payment on the high school addition. The districts property
tax rate this year is $13.07 per $1,000 of property value,
but would fall to $11.27 in 2016-17, and then bounce back
to $11.36 the following year and $11.33 in 2018-19. Those
projections are based on current conditions, and would
be subject to change based on state legislative action, etc.

DOT will hold Loyal

Main Street input
meeting on Feb. 11
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is conducting a public involvement meeting to
discuss final design for the reconstruction on South and
Main Streets (WIS 98), from Helm Street to Elm Drive, in
the city of Loyal.
The meeting is scheduled for February 11, from 5-7
p.m., at the Loyal City Hall. The objective of this meeting is to familiarize the public with the purpose and
need for the project and to obtain input on the proposed
The project will be a full reconstruction with new
sidewalks, curb and gutter, storm sewer, and pavement.
The city of Loyal will also be replacing sanitary sewer
and water main facilities. This work will require some
additional right-of-way along South and Main Streets.
Construction is tentatively scheduled for 2017.
The public is encouraged to attend the meeting, provide input, and ask questions concerning this project.
Exhibits showing the plan concepts will be on display.
Project representatives from WisDOT, the city of Loyal,
and Gremmer & Associates will be available to discuss
and answer questions about the project.
Adjacent property owners are encouraged to attend
the meeting. Citizens who are unable to attend the meeting, or would like more information, can contact David
Glodowski, consultant project manager, at (715) 341-4363
or email to d.glodowski@gremmerassociates.com. Written comments regarding the project can be mailed to David Glodowski, Gremmer & Associates, Inc., 120 Wilshire
Boulevard North, Stevens Point, WI 54481.

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Page 2 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Inform and become informed

Six years ago, Greenwood School Dis- dierent, in part because its building debt
trict voters -- or at least the 603 of them will be paid o soon. It needs to clearly
who voted yes -- approved a referendum explain to voters why it will soon be free
to allow the district to assess an extra of a $498,000 annual payment, but then
$500,000 per year over six years to get needs more money to operate.
Secondly, ill feelings still linger in the
the school through the final years of its
high school loan repayment period and Greenwood District regarding the events
still maintain educational programs. That leading up to and following the late 2014
resignation of former District Administrawas then, this is now.
As promised in 2010, the high school tor Jennifer Vogler. The community was
debt will be paid o this spring, but rather sharply divided on that issue, not just
than just allowing the current referendum with its support or lack thereof for Vogler
to fade away, the district Board of Educa- as the districts top employee, but of the
tion has decided to bring another referen- Boards handling of the matter. It certainly
dum -- for more money yet -- to voters this was a dicult situation, and one that was
April. If approved, the referendum would expensive for the district to cope with,
allow an extra $850,000 in local taxes in and it left a bitter taste in some residents
the first year, and $750,000 per year for mouths that has yet to be rinsed away.
The Vogler situation ought to be one
the ensuing four years. Thats a lot to ask
of property owners who have been paying thats been put to rest by now, but alas,
one of the highest school tax rates in the issues that evoke strong emotions are not
so easily forgotten. Thus, the district has
area for years.
That is not to say this new referendum to be prepared to answer any lingering
is not needed, because we know full well questions about it, so it is not a convenient
that the state of Wisconsin has made it reason for people to vote no to a refernext-to-impossible for rural school dis- endum that is a completely separate issue.
Just as Board members and administricts to not only provide quality programs,
but just to survive. When the state Legis- trators must adequately explain why this
lature implemented revenue limits in the referendum may be needed, voters are
1990s, it also promised to fund two-thirds also obligated to learn as much as they
of the costs of public education, but it sub- can. They should carefully read the inforsequently changed its mind on that vow mation that will be coming to them soon,
when political winds blew from a dierent and attend the Feb. 3 and/or Feb. 23 infordirection. That left rural schools dangling mational meetings to have their questions
in those winds, and forced them to turn answered. Just as a school district has no
to the referendum option time and again. right to ask taxpayers for more money if
Greenwood is a normal district in that it cannot justify it, voters have no right to
regard. All of its neighbors are operating say no without first learning the facts and
with current cap exemptions, and those seriously considering the potential need.
Inform and become
whose exemptions will
Members of the TRG editorial
informed-- those are
expire soon (Spencer,
Board include Publishers Kris
the tasks of most imfor example) are or will
OLeary and Kevin Flink,
portance in Greenwood
be calling for new local
Editor Dean Lesar, and
between now and April
votes, too.
Carol OLeary.
Greenwood is a bit

Senate passes bill to toughen OWI laws

A bill to toughen Wisconsins drunk
driving laws is getting unanimous approval.
On Jan. 20, the State Senate unanimously approved a bill to toughen state
laws against repeat drunk drivers. The
bill is authored by State Senator Alberta
Darling (R, River Hills) and State Representative Jim Ott (R, Mequon). Ott says
too often there are examples about why
tougher drunk driving laws are needed.
I was reminded today of how necessary this bill is after a Milwaukee police
officer was hospitalized by a drunk driver,
who is currently on parole for 4th offense
OWI, Ott said, I thank Senator Darling
for her leadership and tireless tenacity
against drunk driving, and thank Leader
Fitzgerald for bringing SB 455 to the floor.
I look forward to voting on this bill in the
State Assembly.
Current law allows prosecutors to let

Student debt problems continue to worsen

The late H. Edwin Young, the University of Wisconsin-Madison chancellor
who led the campus during the turbulent
Vietnam War years, would quip there are
unexpected dangers lurking in going
to college.
Its more than just your childs tuition
payment. Your son or daughter might just
fall in love and get married to another
student who also has a large tuition loan,
explained Young, who later served as
president of the University of Wisconsin
It was Youngs way of trying to focus
attention on the students financial plight
as tuition and collegiate living costs rose
The problem continues to grow.
A national report showed that those
who got a college degree in 2014 have an
average student loan indebtedness of
nearly $29,000. Nationally, student loan indebtedness is now put at $1.3 trillion. Unlike some other kinds of debt, bankruptcy
wont eliminate repaying the money.
The graduates debt load has become a
major issue in Wisconsins state government. Republicans and Democrats are
proposing different kinds of answers to
the issue.
Republicans, led by Gov. Scott Walker,
want to modify Wisconsins personal income tax laws to allow a total deduction
for annual interest payments made on the
outstanding student debt.
Fiscal experts put the cost to the state
treasury at $5.2 million annually. Walker
said those with annual incomes between
$30,000 and $70,000 would be the major
Among other items in the Republican
approach is a $500,000 package for tech-

nical school grants, efforts to promote

internships, and requiring colleges during the first semester of enrollment to
provide full financial information about
the overall costs to families.
Walker is asking for a program of
emergency grants to help students
complete their degree. It would provide
$130,000 for the UW System and $300,000
for technical schools.
The focus on technical colleges reflects
Republican efforts to help train a Wisconsin work force. The
governor has said there
are thousands of unfilled
jobs in the state because
of the lack of trained,
qualified personnel for
technical jobs.
Democrats are focusing on allowing the student borrowers to refinance their loans at
lower interest rates. That
would impact the lenders
Pommer but not the state treasury.
State Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, notes that three states
including Minnesota are opting for the
refinance approach to the issue. Hansen
says 60 percent of those with outstanding
student loans in Wisconsin are over the
age of 30.
Minnesota officials suggest that a person with a $40,000 loan at 8 percent might
save between $200 and $300 in monthly
payments with refinancing.
Hansen suggests the savings in refinancing might push Wisconsin residents
to move to Minnesota and worsen a brain
Some solutions to the loan crisis are

outside the role of government. Students

can reduce the overall costs of a higher
education if they take the first two years
of school at one of the UW Colleges twoyear campuses while living at home.
They could then transfer to a four-year
institution if they were to seek a bachelors degree.
But there is the backside of that approach graduates actually returning to
live with their parents, ostensibly while
they work and pay off their student debt.
However, returning to the family nest
isnt new. It was widely used in the Great
Depression of the 1930s by those who
would become known as the Greatest
Generation of Americans.



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some multiple drunk drivers off the hook.

Senate Bill 455 increases penalties for
multiple offenders and makes the fourth
offense a felony, no matter when it occurs.
The bill aligns state law with surrounding states in how multiple offenders are
Darling said it is time to stop the revolving door.
If our laws treat repeat drunk driving
seriously, hopefully people will start to
get help and not repeat their mistakes,
Darling said. Our laws havent been tough
enough to deal with the problem. Its my
hope that these changes will be a huge step
in that direction.
Senate Bill 455 now heads to the State
Assembly for further action.

Letter policy

All letters to the editor must be signed,

and they must include the address and
telephone number of the writer. While the
address and telephone number will not be
published, they are necessary for the editor
to verify the identity of the writer. Letters
not including this information will not be
considered for publication.

Publishers ........................... Kris O'Leary and Kevin Flink

Editor ............................................................ Dean Lesar
Advertising Sales......................................Phil Greschner
Advertising Designer/Proofreader ..........Mary Ann Lesar
Advertising Designer/Pagination ...........Ashley Kadolph
The Tribune Record Gleaner (TRG) was formed in 1969 by
the merger of The Loyal Tribune, The Spencer Record and
The Greenwood Gleaner. This newspaper has served the
Loyal area since 1894.
The TRG strives to fairly and accurately report the
community news of the area. We welcome comments on
our content and design. Readers who have comments on
any topic related to the content of this newspaper should
direct them to the editor. We welcome submissions of
topics for coverage. Please direct them to the editor.
Pages 2-3 of each edition of the TRG is devoted to
expressing opinions. The opinions presented on this
page are meant to represent the diversity of human
thought and do not necessarily represent the views of
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The TRG welcomes letters to the editor for publication.
Letters must be signed and must contain the name,
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016 -Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 3

Trinity Lutheran ELCA


201 S. Washington St., Unity 715-223-2155

9 a.m. - Sunday school 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Memorial Day to Labor Day: 9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Neillsville Seventh Day Adventist Church

5th & Clay Streets Neillsville 715-743-7988
Saturday Services: 9:30 a.m. - Sabbath school
11 a.m. - Worship, 6:30 p.m. - Thursday Bible study

Trinity Lutheran ELCA

Christ the King Church
101 Wendel Spencer 715-659-4480
4 p.m. - Saturday evening mass 8 and 10 a.m. - Sunday morning mass
Masses for Holy Days of Obligation evening before, 8 p.m.; day of, 5:30 p.m.

201 N. West Loyal 715-255-8880

7 p.m. - Saturday evening worship service
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Zion American Lutheran ELCA

Granton 715-238-7269
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Holy Family Catholic Church

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Willard 715-255-8017 FATHER STEVEN BRICE

4 p.m. - Saturday mass

St. Anthonys Catholic Church

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


407 N. Division Loyal 715-255-8017
6:30 p.m. - Saturday mass, 10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning mass
Greenwood 715-255-8017 FATHER STEVEN BRICE
8:30 a.m. - Sunday morning mass

2207 W. 5th St., Marshfield 715-384-4559

9:30-10:20 a.m. - Priesthood, Relief Society, Young Women
9:30-11:15 a.m. - Primary 10:25-11:15 a.m. Sunday school
11:20 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Sacrament meeting

St. Paul Lutheran

Church of Christ

St. Marys Parish

North Green Grove P.O. Box 206 N13510 Cty. Rd. E

Colby, WI 715-223-1726 REV. PAUL HUNSICKER
9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Christ Lutheran - Chili

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service, 10 a.m. - Sunday school
Holy Communion celebrated the first and third Sundays of each month.

Trinity Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)

109 W. Clark Spencer 715-659-4006 REV. DAVID DEPAOLI

7 p.m. - Saturday worship service
8:40 a.m. - Sunday school; 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service

B3942 State Highway 13, Spencer

9 a.m. - Sunday Bible study; 10 a.m. - Sunday worship service
7 p.m. - Wednesday Bible study
Web site: www. spencercoc.com E-mail: preacher@spencercoc.com

Immanuel United Church of Christ

3 mi. w. on G, 1 mi. n. on Hwy. O. Greenwood
Phone 715-267-6547
8:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Living Hope Evangelical Free Church

Hwy. 10 & Fairground Ave. Neillsville 715-743-2471
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Zion Lutheran
W2894 Granton Road, Granton 715-238-7318
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated first and third Sundays of each month.

Our Fathers House Christian Community Church

W770 County Trunk H, Chili 715-683-2889
9:30 a.m. - Sunday school
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Emmanuel Lutheran - ELCA
W5752 Colby Factory Road Town of Longwood
10:45 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated second and fourth Sundays of each month.

Immanuel United Methodist
Chili 715-683-2886 10:30 a.m. - Morning worship

Granton United Methodist

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran


8 a.m. - Sunday worship service

(Wisconsin Synod) (rural Neillsville)


9 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

Loyal United Methodist

Loyal Office 715-255-9213 Home 715-255-8737
9:15 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Nazareth Lutheran - ELCA

North County T Withee 715-229-2051 REV. BONNIE CAIN
10 a.m. - Sunday worship service. Everyone welcome.

Spencer United Methodist

Church Office 715-659-5551 REV. MICHAEL CARLSON
9:30 a.m. - Sunday Bible study
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

Our Saviors Lutheran - ELCA

110 W. Begley Greenwood 715-267-6142
9 a.m. - Sunday worship service

United Methodist
209 W. Clark St., P.O. Box 533 Colby
JANINE JOHNSON, lay speaker
7 p.m. - Wednesday worship service
No Sunday services
Church school as announced prior to evening service

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church

(Wisconsin Synod)

Christie 715-743-2480
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Holy Communion celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

York Center United Methodist

St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran

(Wisconsin Synod)

711 W. 5th St. Neillsville 715-743-2944

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 10:15 a.m. - Sunday school and Bible class
7 p.m. - Monday worship

Office 715-255-9213 Home 715-255-8737

9 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 10 a.m. - Sunday school

St. Katherines Episcopal Church
206 E. 3rd St. Owen, WI 715-229-2643
10 a.m. - Wednesday morning prayer & Holy Communion
10:30 a.m. - Sunday worship service

St. Pauls Lutheran - ELCA

1131 Meridian St. Curtiss
Church: 715-223-4000 Office: 715-785-7975
10:15 a.m. - Sunday worship service; 9:30 a.m. - Sunday school

Bible Baptist

St. Johns Lutheran - ELCA

700 E. 15th St. Neillsville 715-743-4695

9:30 a.m. - Sunday school; 10:30 a.m. - Worship service,
3 p.m. - Sunday afternoon service
7 p.m. - Wednesday night Bible studies

Riplinger 715-659-5158 EVERYONE WELCOME

11 a.m. - Sunday worship service
Communion every second Sunday of the month.

St. Johns Lutheran - ELCA

Missionary Baptist

B3750 Hwy. 13 Spencer 715-659-5158

8 a.m. and 10 am. - Sunday worship with communion
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday evening worship with communion
Handicapped accessible

302 N. Main Greenwood 715-267-6114

9:30 a.m. - Sunday school for all ages
10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning worship service
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday All For Him (grades 7-12)
6:30 p.m. - Wednesday AWANA club ( age 3-grade 6)

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the advertisers, the listed churches invite you to join them for services.

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Getting it to run and getting accustomed to my old files was yet another
matter. Thats when it pays to know the
right people. Also, spending the winter
down here are Charlie Forss and his wife,
Sandy, from Little Falls, Minn. Charlie is
Florences nephew and Jackies cousin.
I explained to the man in the Lap Top
Shop and to Charlie, that I have used computers for 30 years. I learned how to turn
them on, find the document or program I
needed to write my stories and/or column,
and then turn it off. It got me this far, but
dont ask me how they work or try to fix
something that isnt right.
So far, Charlie has spent a couple of
hours trying to make everything match
and he assured me I could write my column. You know he was right if you are
reading this.
Fortunately for us, the football season
is over and we dont have to promise to be
a good Viking fan from now on. It seems
Charlie has also taken up fishing down
here and managed somehow to put a picture on our Facebook pages of himself
and a 35-pound drum he had just caught
one afternoon this week.

The other unfortunate incident last

week involved Florence. As many of you
know, she has been suffering a loss of
memory ever since she was hospitalized
in 2013. While that loss has continued to
deteriorate over the last couple of years
she has also had problems walking, especially outside.
We have managed, but last Saturday
when we had driven over to Jackie and
Rupes place to watch the Packer game,
things went from bad to worse. Thanks to
a friendly gentleman who just happened
to be there, I was able to get her out of the
elevator and to a bench. From there I got
Rupe, Jackie, Charlie and Sandy to help
get her to their apartment.
On Sunday, Jackie and Sandy went
wheelchair shopping and found a small
collapsible wheelchair that seems to be
doing the trick. She manages to get around
the apartment since there is always something to reach out and touch.

If that wasnt enough, we received an

e-mail from Florences brother and sisterin-law who live in Denver. They informed
us of the death of Florences sister-in-law
who lived in Davenport, Iowa. I have written about several trips down to see her a
time or two.
But, other than our handicaps, we are
both in good health and are truly enjoying
life on the Gulf of Mexico. We awoke this
morning to a very low tide, which made
the beach appear different than we are
accustomed to. Life is still good in spite
of our problems.


It was a nice week weatherwise in Port

Aransas. Temperatures were always in the
high 60s or even 70s. Then a chill hit on
Friday (today). It did hit 60, but the wind
from the northwest was sort of a reminder
of what is supposed to arrive tonight. They
are saying maybe 36 for a low. Then next
week another chill is coming with even
talk of a frost.
We had driven over to Aransas Pass
this afternoon and noticed that Walmart
was starting to stock their garden center. I
guess its OK as in the store valentine displays are reminding us that the special day
isnt that far away. Its hard to believe we
are down to counting days left in January.

This week will go down in history as

not one of the most pleasant for us. I was
explaining to someone that I still write
a column for our local newspaper. He
wanted to know what I write about. I said,
just about anything that comes to mind,
and this week it will probably be about my
search for another computer to replace the
one that got destroyed.
The worst part is that it was destroyed
by my own hands. I cant even call it an
accident. Call it a mishap, which is defined
as an unfortunate accident. You see, accidents in our family are another matter.
We always explained to our daughter, Sue,
when she was small, if something happened and it was an accident, she wouldnt
get scolded. Well, do you how many times
we heard her say, It was an accident, it
was an accident. She just wanted to make
sure she was covered.
The unfortunate accident was my own
doing. I should have known better. I was
drinking a cup of coffee and accidentally
tipped it over, some spilling onto the computer keyboard. We wiped up what we
could and left the machine turned on hoping it would dry out and all would be well.
Not the case. The next morning I tried
sending a few e-mails to let people know
what had happened and had problems
coming up with words that didnt have a
lot of letters that are found in the row of
keys that didnt work.
Thanks to a good memory, I remember
a small Lap Top Computer Shop in Corpus
Christi, where Jan Schmidt had taken us
one time. It was back in the days of my
first computer, which came in the size of
a small television. It also required a separate power tower. It was a bulky mess to
try and haul all the way from Wisconsin
to Texas and back.
So I had my first introduction to a laptop computer. Then, thanks to a friendly
thunderstorm the following summer, my
first computer became history and I ended
up with two laptops. Several years ago,
wed given one to one of Florences nieces
and she continued to use it for several
more years.

If you would like to advertise in

this section, call Phil Greschner
at 715-255-8531 or 715-613-0766.
The cost is $7.50 per square,
per week.

Page 4 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

States public school open enrollment

period runs from Feb.1- April 29
Wisconsins public school open enrollment application period, which allows
parents an opportunity to send their
children to any public school district in
the state, runs from Feb. 1 to April 29 for
the 2016-17 school year.
Traditionally, children in Wisconsin
are assigned to public school districts
based on the location of their parents
home. Open enrollment is a tuition-free
opportunity for parents to apply for
their children to attend a public school
in a school district other than the one in
which they live.
The states open enrollment program
is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and began
in the 1998-99 school year with 2,464
students transferring from their home
district to a nonresident district. The
Loyal Chamber welcomes new business owners
Loyal Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors members Nora Engleberth (left) and program has grown over the years with
Norma Gauger (right) recently presented a welcoming plant to Kim Fricke-Roehl and 53,188 students transferring during the
Lindsey Schoonover, who have purchased Central Wisconsin Insurance Agency Inc. 2014-15 school year.
Under public school open enrollment,
from long-time owners Dave and Karen Fricke. The change took eect on Jan. 1, and
may apply during the threethe new owners will continue to service all existing clients and sell and service auto,
period to the school
home, crop and farm owners insurance from their oce at 211 N. Main St. in Loyal.
they wish
their children to attend using
the online
ApplicaStacy Petkovsek
Joel Cook
tion deadLisa Artac
Barb Ashbeck
lines are
Barb Sladich
Diane Del Fatti
firm. Early
Kaleb Liebzeit
Nicole Vesel
and late apyou to the local businesses and individuals for
Josh Hanson
David Hinker
Terrie Opelt
your generous contributions.
Dennis Syth
Connie Lindner
are not
Brenner Jr.
This fundraising event wouldnt be possible
Diane Standiford
Kloey Black
Irving Timmler
Kaleb Liebzeit
John Briski
without the extraordinary help and support from
will notify
Pete Dejno
Judy Metzke
the community, parents, student volunteers,
Virginia Plautz
Steven Sladich
our teachers, St. Marys Church, and the
by June 10
Brian Johnson
David Denk



Winners of
the 2015
Greenwood Lions
Christmas rafe:

Eleanor Johnson
Olive Meyrick
Ron Molini

their open enrollment applications have

been approved or denied. Although an
alternate application procedure allows
parents to apply for open enrollment
outside of the three-month application
period, there are more restrictions associated with the alternate procedure.
Transportation to and from a nonresident school, in most circumstances, is the
responsibility of the parent. However,
some school districts may provide partial
transportation. Parents with questions
should call the nonresident school district office to find out if any transportation will be provided. Reimbursement
of a portion of transportation costs is
available for families whose children
are eligible for free or reduced-price
school meals based on federal income
This is the first year provisions are
in place to improve access to open enrollment for students with disabilities.
Those changes include a new transfer
amount of $12,000 for students with
disabilities. The regular education
student transfer amount is calculated
on a formula based on the prior years
amount. For the 2015-16 school year, the
transfer amount was $6,639 per student.
Along with the higher transfer payment
for special education students, resident
districts will no longer be able to deny a
students open enrollment application
for cost reasons.
To assist parents in submitting open
enrollment applications, a directory of
public school districts is available on the
DPI website at http://dpi.wi.gov/directories. To find additional information on
open enrollment, visit http://dpi.wi.gov/
open-enrollment. More information also
is available from local school districts or
from an open enrollment consultant at
DPI, (888) 245-2732 (toll-free), or openenrollment@dpi.wi.gov.

Danny Rossow


presented by

This Coming Events column is for nonfundraising events. The exception is for
fundraisers which are accompanied by a
paid advertisement.
Social Security office hours for Clark County
are by appointment only. Appointments
can be made by calling 715-845-1321 on
weekdays from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Jan. 28

The Greenwood Fire and EMS District

will hold its quarterly meeting at 7 p.m.
at the fire hall.

Jan. 29-31

The Loyal FFA Alumni will hold its 35th

Annual 9-pin tap bowling tournament
at Strike Time Lanes/Hideout II in
Neillsville. Shift times are available
all three days. To sign up, call Mark
Gregorich at 715-255-8807.


Feb. 1

The Loyal senior citizens will meet at 1

p.m. at Loyal City Hall. All those 50 and
older are welcome.

Feb. 1

An American Red Cross blood drive will

be held from 1:30-5:30 p.m., at the Loyal
American Legion.

Feb. 1

A Crocheting 101 workshop will be

held from 6-8 p.m. at the Spencer Branch
of the Marathon County Public Library.
Chris Gumz will offer a presentation for
both beginner and experienced crocheters.
Registration is required by calling 715659-3996.

Feb. 3

The Greenwood Food Pantry at

Missionary Baptist Church will be open

from 3-6:30 p.m. for any residents in need

of assistance.

Feb. 5

The Loyal American Legion Post 175 will

serve a Pre-Sweetheart Dinner Special
from 5-9 p.m., with prime rib and lobster.
Reservations are appreciated by calling

Feb. 6

The Professional Ladies of Clark County

will meet for dinner at 6 p.m. at Robs
Redwood in Unity, and will then attend
the play Cooking with Gus at Colby
High School. To RSVP, call 715-255-9100
or e-mail clarkwi@tds.net by Feb. 2.

Feb. 10

The Loyal Red Hat Ladies will meet at

noon at Shelbys in Loyal for lunch and
games. Call with reservations at 715-255-

9910 or 715-255-8127.

Feb. 11

T h e Wi s c o n s i n D e p a r t m e n t o f
Transportation will hold a public
involvement meeting from 5-7 p.m.
at Loyal City Hall regarding the 2017
reconstruction of Main and South streets.
Anyyone with questions or input on the
proposed project is welcome.

Feb. 18

Terry Smith will provide live music at 2:15

p.m. at the Clark County Rehabilitation
and Living Center dining room. The
public is welcome.

Feb. 21

The annual 4-H ice fishing day will be

held at noon at Rock Dam. The event is
open to all youth. Register by Feb. 13 by
calling Roy Tyznik at 715-773-0311.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 5

Jacqueline Jackie Graves

Jerry Locknane

Jacqueline A. Jackie Graves, 57, Marshfield, passed

away peacefully on Friday, Jan. 15, 2016, at the House of
the Dove in Marshfield. A memorial service was held at 6
p.m., on Monday, Jan. 25, at Life Tributes Funeral Home
in Spencer.
Jackie was born on March 9, 1958, in Marshfield, to
Jean and Spencer Graves. She graduated from Spencer
High School in 1976. Jackie had a wonderful and subtle
sense of humor, and was empathetic and caring; so caring,
at times she would sacrifice her own comfort for someone
less fortunate. She loved music and spent many hours
listening to her radio. Her culinary specialty was fudge
and she was ever ready to whip you up a batch.
Jackie is survived by her siblings, April Weaver, Spencer, Spence (Mary) Graves,
Spencer, Greg (Val) Graves, Crystal, Minn., Jeff (Julie) Graves, Hewitt, and Sarah
(Patrick) Kraus, Pittsville; and her nieces and nephews, Michelle Apsey, Elliot
Graves, Erica McCall, Brittany Plummer, Nick Graves, Will Graves, Lauren Graves,
and Timothy Kraus. Jackie was also a great-aunt to 12 energetic and loving children.
She was preceded in death by her parents; and her grandparents, Bernice and
Kenneth Graves, and Orena and John Heckel.
Jackie was at peace with God and prepared to enter Heaven. The Graves family
would like to thank the wonderful staff at the House of the Dove they are truly
special individuals.
Memorial donations may be made to the House of the Dove, 1000 W. 11th Street,
Marshfield, WI 54449.
Condolences may be expressed at www.lifetributesfuneralhome.com.

Jerry A. Locknane, 74, Maple Grove, Minn, formerly of

Loyal, died on Monday, Jan. 18, 2016. Funeral services were
held at 11 a.m., on Thursday, Jan. 21, at the Evans-Nordby
Funeral Home, Brooklyn Center, Minn. Interment was in
Fort Snelling National Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife, Nancy; five children,
Christine (Steve) Hoverson, Dana Kurtz, Anthony (Kim)
Locknane, Christy (Jason) Smith, and James Milz; 11
grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Norma Telford
Norma Ilene Telford, 88, Eau Claire, died on Monday,
Jan. 18, 2016, at Dove Healthcare West in Eau Claire, surrounded by her loving family. A funeral service was held
at 2 p.m, on Sunday, Jan. 24, at Grace Lutheran Church
in Eau Claire. Rev. Dean Simpson and Rev. Barbara Koch
officiated. Burial took place at Lakeview Cemetery in Eau
Claire on Jan. 25.
Norma Warner was born on March 19, 1927, in Longwood, Clark County, to Donald and Lillian (nee Jackson)
Warner. Norma was a Greenwood High School graduate
and valedictorian of her class of 1945. In the early 1950s
she lived and worked in Madison, until she met Donald
Duce Telford. They married in October 1956 and moved
to Eau Claire where they raised their children. Early in her married life, Norma
worked for The Fashion Store in downtown Eau Claire as a credit manager. When
her girls were young, she worked part-time in bookkeeping at Lasker Jewelers. In
1970, Norma began working for the Indian Waters Girl Scout Council, retiring in
1991 after 21 years of service. Grace Lutheran Church was an important part of
Normas life and she was involved in many areas of its ministry over the decades.
Norma was also an active member of The Sons of Norway and Romerike Laget,
the Grace Church book club, and The Red Hat Society. Norma was the familys
genealogist, devoted to researching and preserving the family history. She was
known for the beautiful flower gardens she tended around her home, featuring
perennials and annuals. Norma was a talented seamstress, not only sewing clothes
for her family, but also bridal gowns and prom dresses at the request of neighbors
and friends. Norma especially enjoyed spending time with her family at the cabin,
in the Chequamegon National Forest on Bear Lake, in Ashland County. Normas
family, neighbors and many friends were very important to her and she made an
impact on every heart she touched.
She is survived by her husband, Donald Duce Telford, Eau Claire; two daughters, Karen (Steve) Moen, Eau Claire, and Jane (Gabor) Tar, Afton, Minn.; three
grandchildren, Ryan (Katrina) Moen, Rachel Moen and Sarah (Casey) Schroeder;
one great-grandson, Brody; one sister, Ann Larson, San Antonio, Texas; one sisterin-law, Ede Warner, Chetek; and many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
Norma was preceded in death by her parents, Donald and Lillian (Jackson)
Warner; and two brothers, Kenneth Warner and Dick Warner.
Normas family would like to thank Dr. Sprecher, Mayo Clinic Health System,
Dove Healthcare West, and especially the staff at Doves Nest, for their loving care.
Express online condolences at www.lenmarkfh.com.
Lenmark-Gomsrud-Linn Funeral Home, Eau Claire assisted the family with

Thank you for the cards, visits, and prayers while recuperating from my illness.
Gerald Horn
Thank you to everyone who donated at our Red Cross Blood Drive on Jan. 22. Our
quota was 47 pints and we collected 46 pints. Six couldn't give. We welcome first-time
donor Shirley Wilcox. The gallon donor was Larry Dallman with 12 gallons.
Thanks for the donation of food by the Greenwood Chamber, Grassland Dairy, North
Hendren, Kwik Trip, Heartland Co-op, Mayville's Market, use of the school cafetorium,
TRG, Black River Shopper, Our Savior's Lutheran Church for cookies, and all of my
faithful helpers.
A special thank you to Ann Liebzeit for over 40 years of service at the Red Cross
blood drives.
Thanks again to all the donors for your gift of blood. The next drive is March 21,
by the FFA.
Kay Landini



Dustin Weiler
Dustin D. Weiler, 29, Arpin, formerly of Unity, died on
Monday, Jan. 18, 2016.
Funeral services were held at 11 a.m., on Saturday,
Jan. 23, at Saint Johns Lutheran Church in Spencer. Rev.
Rebekah Tarras officiated. Burial followed in Saint Johns
Cemetery in Riplinger with full military honors conducted
by the Loyal American Legion Post 175. The honor of pallbearer belonged to David Seefeld, Jordan Hoesley, Walter
Schuette, Darin Schuette, Skylor Riehle, Jason Miller, Wade
Hebert and Eric Schwartz.
Dustin D. Weiler was born on Feb. 13, 1986, in Medford,
the son of Kim Weiler and Jewel Miller. After high school,
Dustin joined the National Guard. He trained in Mississippi from June 2004 until November 2004. He faithfully served his country in Iraq
from December 2004 until November 2005. After deciding to pursue a career in welding, Dustin attended Mid-State Technical College where he successfully completed
three courses in metal fabrication. Through hard work and determination, Dustin
gained experience in the stainless steel industry and went into business for himself.
In 2012 Dustin started Excel Stainless in Arpin. On Aug. 31, 2013, he married Emily
Seefeld at Greenwood Park. For those who knew Dustin, he was a loving husband,
a great dad, always helpful putting everyone else ahead of himself. He was known
to love anything with an engine including Arctic Cat snowmobiles, four-wheelers,
crotch rockets and his truck. Never satisfied with the normal engine performance,
Dustin always sought to make those engines perform just a little bit better, a little
bit faster or a little bit louder. He was a member of the Unity American Legion Post
358 and a member of Saint Johns Lutheran Church in Riplinger.
Survivors include his wife, Emily Weiler, Arpin; his two children, Kyanna and
Payton; his mother, Jewel (Mike) Schuette, Mosinee; his father, Kim Weiler, Oklahoma;
his grandparents, Ray and Joan Miller Jr., Colby; his grandmother, Mary Weiler, Abbotsford; his siblings, Travis, Blake, Brianna and Cody Weiler, Troy Kilty, and Jackson
and Raelene Schuette; his father- and mother-in-law, Al and Mary Seefeld, Spencer;
his faithful companion pug Turbo; and many other relatives, friends and comrades.
Dustin was preceded in death by his paternal grandfather, Elroy Weiler; his grandfather, Eldred Schuette; and grandparents Paul and Frances Seefeld, and Douglas
and Myrt Ogilvie.
Visit www.lifetributesfuneralhome.com to share condolences.
Life Tributes Funeral Home in Spencer assisted the family with arrangements.

Alfred Red Beyer

Alfred Red George Beyer, 86, Spencer, died peacefully
on Saturday evening, Jan. 23, 2016, with family by his side.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., on Thursday, Jan.
28, 2016, at Zion Lutheran Church in Stratford. Rev. Sue
Eidahl will officiate. A private burial will be held at a
later date. A time of visitation will be held from 4-7 p.m.,
on Wednesday, Jan. 27, at the Hansen-Schilling Funeral
Home in Spencer, and from 10 a.m. until time of services
on Thursday at the church.
Alfred was born on June 13, 1929, in Marshfield, the
son of German immigrants, Emil and Erna Beyer. He
graduated from Marshfield Senior High School in 1947.
Following this, he worked as a mechanic and auto body
repairman at Arts Body Shop in Marshfield. He served overseas in the United
States Army during the Korean War from 1951-53. Upon return he resumed working at Arts. Alfred was united in marriage on Sept. 22, 1962, to Karlene TerHaar
in Marshfield, at Immanuel Lutheran Church. He purchased Wallys Northside
Garage in Spencer and operated it as Beyers Body Shop until his retirement. He
served on the Spencer Village Board for many years and received the Citizen of
the Year Award. Alfred was also involved in the Jaycees, the Spencer Swampstompers Snowmobile Club, and sponsored many softball and bowling teams. He also
enjoyed hunting and fishing, both snow and water skiing, and camping. Alfred
cherished time spent with family. He was always present at his wifes, childrens,
and grandchildrens activities.
He is survived by his wife, Karlene; two children, Kris (Steve) Gessert, Chippewa
Falls, and Brenda (Tim) Garrigan, Stratford; six grandchildren, Tarin (David) Diehl,
Kate (Justin) Scray, Stefanie Gessert, and Jaime, Sean and Olympia Garrigan; his
siblings, Heinz (Mary) Beyer, Elly Mueller, Betty (Eugene) Jensen, Ruth Korth,
Mary (George) Kuethe, and Carl (Karin) Beyer; and many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, who died in infancy.
Online condolences may be made at www.hansenschillingfuneralhome.com.
Hansen-Schilling Funeral Home, Spencer, assisted the family with arrangements.


Page 6 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Spencer Womans Club hold meeting

Several thank you notes were received
and a letter from the Historical Society,
giving an update of the remodel. They
are also in need of funds to continue
their work. A motion was made and carried to donate $200 from the club.
Audrey Kolbeck, Spencer librarian,
spoke on some of the projects she has
initiated. She was the speaker for the
It was mentioned that the Kids Group
is applying for a grant for a replacement
floor. An estimate of $8,000 was given.
The discussion was tabled until next
Jan noted she welcomed 26 new residents in the year 2015 -- an increase from
previous years.
The meeting was adjourned.

Greenwood Satellites 4-H Club gather

A Greenwood Satellites meeting was
held on Jan. 17, at 7 p.m., at St. Marys
Church/School basement.
Ideas were discussed for fundraisers.
There was a quick drama read over
before the meeting.
Volleyball practice will be held Sundays, at 2 p.m., at the high school, with
drama practice to follow at 3 p.m.
Drama Fest is to be held in Thorp on
April 16, with public speaking as well.
Community service project for NICU
to be done in March -- items needed are
baskets/containers, gas and gift cards,
books, puzzle books, diapers/wipes,

non-scented lotions, chapstick, snack

foods, gum, baby preemie formula, and
blankets to fit over car seats.
Bruce Mound 4-H night will be held
Jan. 30, from 5-9 p.m., only tubing will
be available. Members are to bring their
own food, only hot drinks will be available.
Demonstrations were done by James,
Amanda and Destiny Durrstein, Hanna
Elmer and Cassie Elmer.
April 1 is the deadline for 4-H online
Jasmine Wolf,
Greenwood Satellites reporter

Winners of the Womens

Bridge Club for the week of
Jan. 12 were Shirley Caliebe,
rst, and Carol Lampsa,
second. Last week winners
were Alice Kennedy, rst, and
Carol Lampsa, second.

Miley Virginia
A daughter, Miley Virginia, was born on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016, to James
and Shannon Schlough,
at Saint Joseph's Hospital,
Chippewa Falls.

Cozy up,




Furniture & Carpet

Loyal, WI 715-255-8244

2 c. milk
1/2 c. half and half
4 T. flour
4 T. butter
Salt and pepper

Using a large pot, saut chopped onions in butter until soft but not browned.
In a small bowl, combine flour, salt and pepper.
Stir flour mixture into onion mixture. Add milk and half and half.
Stir and cook over medium heat until mixture begins to thicken (about 3 minutes).
Turn off heat.
Add 1 1/2 cup cheese to the sauce and stir until melted and smooth.
Add sliced potatoes, bacon and stir well to combine.
Pour mixture into a casserole dish sprayed with non-stick spray. Cover with foil
and bake at 350 for 35 minutes.
Remove foil, sprinkle reserved cheese over top and return to oven. Bake another
30 minutes or until potatoes are soft, cheese is melted, and edges begin to brown.
Let stand a few minutes before serving to allow the sauce to thicken.

Crock pot citrus chicken

2 T. curry powder
2 lemons, very ripe
1 pinch salt
1 orange
1/4 c. sugar
2 T. soy sauce
1 egg, well-beaten
1/4 c. cornstarch
1 lb. chicken tenderloins (frozen)
2 chicken bouillon cubes
3 carrots (shredded)
3 c. water
Squeeze the juice from the lemons and orange into crock pot. Get rid of any seeds.
Add the well-beaten egg, soy sauce, curry powder, buillon, sugar and salt.
Combine cornstarch and water; add to above mixture.
Add the frozen chicken.
Shred carrots directly into the crock pot.
Set on high for 3 hours.
Suggestions to serve it with: Rice, noodles or shredded cabbage pan fried with butter.

Tortilla egg bowls

3 tortillas
16 oz. egg substitute
10 oz. frozen spinach

6 slices premium cut chicken

1 1/2 c. mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 350.

Place 1/4 of a tortilla into a sprayed muffin pan and then mix eggs and spinach
Put 1/8 cup of egg/spinach mixture into muffin pan. Each muffin section will receive
half a slice of chicken. You can fold or dice the halved chicken piece to your preference.
Top with 1/8 cup of cheese. Bake 15 minutes.
Let sit for 2-3 minutes then remove to cooling rack.



sponsored by:



Cheesy bacon potatoes

6 large potatoes;
peeled and thinly sliced
1/2 c. onion; chopped
2 c. cheddar cheese; shredded
1 c. bacon; cooked and crumbled


The Spencer Womans Club held the

January meeting at the municipal building. Jan Ammons called the meeting to
order. The Pledge of Allegiance and club
collect were recited. The minutes of the
last meeting and treasurers report were
approved as read.
Lunch with Santa held in December
went very well and there were a lot of
good shoppers.
Ice cream social and Bingo for the
senior citizens will be held at 1 p.m., Feb.
4. Deb Schafer will make the posters for
advertising. Members are to bring three
wrapped gifts for men and women. All
who attended were asked to bring paper
products for the Kings Pantry. A sign up
sheet was circulated to bring ice cream
toppings, cookies, etc.

Marley: Everyone says Marley is just a beautiful cat, and they are
right. Hes just over one-year-old, weighs 9 1/2 pounds, is super
friendly, and has the most gorgeous, long-haired coat of brown with
black stripes. Best of all, hes a big-time cuddler. Whoever adopts
Marley is a very lucky person. He is only one of many cats and kittens,
puppies and dogs, just waiting for the right person to come along and
adopt them. If you have room in your heart and home for them or
any of the other pets here, go to the Web site to see their pictures and
descriptions. Now is a great time to look for a new pet. There are 34
cats or kittens and 68 dogs or puppies here. Surely theres one just right
for you. Check them all out atwww.cchs-petshelter.org/id8.html.
If you love animals and have some time, now is a great time to come on over and get involved at
CCHS. You can fill out a volunteer application form online by going to our Web site (www.cchspetshelter.organd clicking Volunteer at CCHS from the menu, or stop at the shelter or at ourPaws
and Clawsstore in the Marshfield Mall. Join our Pet Lovin People group, get a tour of the shelter
and well tell you about all of the many ways to volunteer. Well find just the right spot for you to
start helping animals. Youll love it!

M, W, F & Sat. 12-3 p.m. W3926 St Hwy 73 P.O. Box 127, Neillsville, WI 54456 www.cchs-petshelter.org

Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 7

Red Cross cites emergency need for blood donations

The American Red Cross has an emergency need for blood and platelet donors.
Severe winter weather since Jan. 1 has
forced the cancellation of more than 300
blood drives across 20 states, resulting in
more than 9,500 donations uncollected,
further depleting an already low winter
supply. Blood donation appointments can
be quickly and easily scheduled by using
the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting

redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED

CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Blood products are being delivered to
hospitals as quickly as donations are coming in, said Todd Kulman of the BadgerHawkeye Blood Services Region. Eligible
donors are urged to make an appointment
to give blood or platelets now and help
ensure blood products are available for
patients locally, and across the country,

Pork Quality Assurance training to be held

Pork Quality Assurance training is a
good marketing tool that can show consumers that you care about doing things
in a responsible manner while delivering
a high-quality end product. The training
can help guide you with best management practices to ensure a safe work
environment while maintaining animal
well being.
Area swine producers and their employees will have an opportunity to become Pork Quality Assurance Plus (PQA
Plus) certified on Feb. 8, starting at 12:30
p.m., at the Clark County UW-Extension
office. Other training dates and locations
are available per request for individuals
with expiring PQA Plus certifications.
More training dates will be available
throughout the year. Note that a Spanish
version of the training is also available.
This training is an opportunity to
certify in the program, or renew your
certification. The training session will
focus on the 10 good production practices, which are common sense practices
based on sound scientific principles. The
training will take approximately 2 1/2
hours. Individuals must pass an openbook exam, scoring 85 percent or better.

Certification is good for three years from

the training date.
To register for this session, call the
Clark County UW-Extension office at 715743-5121 with your name, phone number,
which location, and how many are attending by Feb. 3. Include the names of
any additional people attending. Contact
the Marquette County UW-Extension
office to register for the Spanish version
to ensure that the Spanish materials are
available for the training. If you need an
accommodation to fully participate in
this program, contact Marquette County
UW-Extension at 608-297-3141 or WI Relay
711. Allow us sufficient time to arrange
the accommodation.
Does Feb. 8 not work for your schedule
to re-certify? An online option is available to you as long as your current certification is not yet expired (note that new
certifications do not have this option and
require face-to-face training). Contact
the Marquette County UW-Extension
office to enroll in this option. Other training days and locations can be arranged
to get producers certified as needed.
Contact Lyssa Seefeldt at 608-297-3141 to
discuss additional training days.

including areas severely impacted by

winter weather.
Because of generous donors, the Red
Cross is able to provide blood products
to patients like 2-year-old Charlie Stephens. Charlie has received both blood
and platelets during treatment for acute
lymphoblastic leukemia. Her mother, Michelle Stephens, donates blood regularly.
I want to help supply blood for someone
else, because others have provided for my
family, she said.
The Red Cross must collect approximately 14,000 blood and platelet donations
every day for the patients at about 2,600
hospitals and transfusion centers nationwide. Blood and platelets are needed to
respond to patient emergencies, including
accident and burn victims, heart surgery
and organ transplant patients, and those
receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer

or sickle cell disease.

How to donate blood
A blood donor card or drivers license
or two other forms of identification are
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in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds
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younger also have to meet certain height
and weight requirements.
Blood donors can now save time at
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to complete their pre-donation reading
and health history questionnaire online,
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or work computer prior to arriving at the
blood drive. To get started and learn more,
visit redcrossblood.org/RapidPass and
follow the instructions on the site.

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Page 8 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Book reviewer, from page 1

very careful with what I do. This is not something I treat
I thought, if she can do it, why cant I? she said.
As Terri dabbled with her radio reviews, she tried to lightly.
That said, shes also not afraid to pan a dud, or praise
find a market for a print version.
I started making phone calls around and nothing a work of art.
Its that Midwestern values thing I cant lie. I just
happened, she said. I didnt have a Plan B for these
cant, Terri said. If I like something, I will let (readers)
too many books.
She was working at her part-time job at a bookstore know. Life is too short to spend money on a bad book.
Each month, Terri lays out the books she will read in
when her husband called one day to tell her that a small
community newspaper near Madison had finally agreed the next several weeks. She basically has orders to fill,
one for the childrens magazines, another for the health
to buy her review.
I did my Snoopy dance, she said, and began in ear- publications, a few for the dog-lovers, etc.
I have targets I have
nest to get serious about
to hit each week, she
reviews. A year and a
Reading is the best way I know of to said. I know what I have
half later, she had quit
her other jobs and was a
go someplace or be somewhere with- to have for the week and
the month. I know
full-time reviewer of all
out ever leaving your chair. I dont ever for
what my editors need.
words bound by covers.
Once her volumes are
I n t h e e n s u i n g 1 5 remember not reading. To me, its such
she digs in,
years, Terri has graduan extension of who and what I am. often in bite-sized
ally picked up more pubNo matter where I go, I take a book
I tend to snack-read,
lications, her reviews
now appearing across the
because you never know when youre she said. I pick up a
and I nibble a little
United States and in Cangoing to be stuck for more than five book
bit. Im usually reading
ada, the Virgin Islands
minutes. -- Terri Schlichenmeyer
two or three at a time.
and Guam. Newspapers
A f t e r t h e re a d i n g
in the 20,000-50,000 range
comes the writing, her
are her core group, but
she is also printed in some large chain publications and favorite part of the process. When crafting her reviews,
in speciality magazines ranging from childrens works to she can be playful and expressive with her own words.
Thats my favorite part of the job. Thats where the
African American history to LGBT readerships.
Terri reads 4-6 books per week, week in and week out. creativity lies and thats what I like best, Terri said.
Even though shes read countless tomes on every topic
She digests about 340 per year, and tells readers what she
thinks of each. Each of her reviews is precisely 500-507 imaginable, Terri said she still gets excited when opening
words in length, and contains a basic plot summary, her a new one. Thats always been a thrill for her, the potential
opinion of it, and an explanation of why or why not of what an author can tell her.
A new book is so filled with possibilities, she said.
someone might want to take it home.
Terri gets most of her books from publication houses I still get books and say, Oooohhh, I wanna read that!
Part of her job, of course, is to read books that dont
with which she has built a relationship over time. She
receives them as they are set to hit the market, and her thrill her as much as others.
I love science books and history books, but you can
role is to let readers know what is new on bookstore
only do so many of those before people just say, Stop,
shelves and if they are worthy of their time.
Inherently, a review is an opinion, Terri said. Im Terri said. If I did nothing but dog books and mysteries,

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people would be happy for a long time.

She also runs into plenty of books she does not think
are well-written, and accordingly, not worth her readers
time and money.
There are many, many times Ive whined all the way
through a book, she said. Im an optimist, I think This
has to get better, and sometimes they do.
Other times, the book never gives Terri the spark she
I love getting surprised, she said. When reading a
mystery, if I can figure out on page 20 whodunnit, and
Im right, Im disappointed.
A good author, in Terris view, is someone who makes
me forget Im sitting in my living room. After all, the
escape to new and strange places is what hooked her on
books years ago.
Reading is the best way I know of to go someplace or
be somewhere without ever leaving your chair, she said.
I dont ever remember not reading. To me, its such an
extension of who and what I am. No matter where I go, I
take a book because you never know when youre going
to be stuck for more than five minutes.

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January 27, 2016

NGL Rockets dismantle Cadott, take fifth at tourney

third at

Please see NGL,

page 10



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Andrew Buchanan
and Nick Rueth each
took second place and
Lucas Ingold took third
as the Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyal wrestling
team battled to a thirdplace finish at the Jan.
23 Sparta Invitational
The Warriors, with
118 team points, finished
only behind Spring Valley/Elmwood (190) and
Eau Claire North (129)
and led a pack of others for third place. Iowa-Grant was fourth at
116.5, Sparta was fifth
with 116, and DeForest
was sixth at 115.
Buchanan and Rueth
led NGL by each making
the finals in their weight
Buchanan, now 22-9
on the season, took second at 182 pounds. His
first match ended with
a pin in 2:54 over Conner Peterson (12-12) of
Marshfield. He then won
a 7-5 decision over Sam
Rogstad (23-5) of Black
River Falls, and reached
the finals with a 5-4 decision over Kevin Rauls
(21-10) of DeForest. Buchanan came up a bit
short in the end, with a
12-2 loss in the championship match to Quinton
Elliott (16-5) of Spring
Rueth (25-4) started
his day with a bye and
a pin over Cody Dobson
(7-12) of DeForest in 1:24.
In his semi-final match,
Rueth pinned Carson

The Spencer-Columbus wrestling team last

week continued to build
momentum for its postseason push by notching
a 44-15 Cloverbelt Conference dual meet win over
Cadott and placing fifth
at the highly-competitive
St. Croix Falls Wrestling
Classic. Still wrestling
with two open weight
classes, the Rockets managed to improve to 4-1 in
the conference dual meet
standings and hold its own
against top state programs
at the 20-team Jan. 23 tournament.
The Rockets hopes for
a repeat of their 2014-15
league dual meet title were
mostly dashed in a 35-32
loss to Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyal on Dec. 17,
but secured the runner-up
spot with the Jan. 21 win
over Cadott, in Spencer.
The Rockets lost only three
matches on the night and
did not allow any Cadott
Action started at 132
pounds, where Austin Post
match of the Rockets
delivered a pin of Zak
Schofield in 2:43. Cadotts 44-15 Cloverbelt Conference dual meet win over the Hornets on Jan. 21 in Spencer. Shaw scored an 8-7 win with
an escape in the final seconds of the match at 126 pounds, and Spencer-Columbus improved its league dual meet
Brandon Pederson got half
record to 4-1.
of those team points back
at 138 with a 12-8 decision
over Caden Schillinger, who held an 8-7 lead with about forfeited at 220 pounds, but retrieved those built a 5-0 first-period lead, but Gunderson
40 seconds left in the third period before he was flipped
points immediately as tied the match at 7-7 with a takedown with
to his back for near-fall points.
Cadott did the same 12 seconds left in the third period. Shaw
Rocket senior Tim Bauer pushed
at 285.
then wriggled free for the decisive escape
the Spencer-Columbus lead to 11-3
At 106 pounds, the point as time expired.
with a 15-0 technical fall over BenRockets Jake Dick
At the Jan. 23 St. Croix Falls Wrestling
nett Bowe at 145 pounds, and Nate
pinned Shane Chady Classic, Rocket freshman Logan ZscherNeumann extended it to 14-3 with a
in 4:00 to push the team nitz continued to attract attention with
6-2 decision over Tyler Gillett at 152.
score to 41-12. Bailey an individual title at 285 pounds. ZscherHornet freshman James Pfeiffer
Gillett got the Hor- nitz posted a 4-0 record on the day a week
got Cadott back to within eight points
nets third decision after also winning the 285-pound crown
with a 7-3 decision over Hunter Hilwin of the match with at the Freedom Challenge. The Rockets
debrandt at 160 pounds. Austin Day
an 11-7 victory over also got third-place performances from
got those points back and more with Spencer/Columbus .............4-1 Dominick Wichlacz Luepke and Neumann and a fourth-place
a pin over Dominick Grimm in 2:52 Cadott ..................................3-2 at 113 pounds. Follow- from Shaw.
at 170. The Rocket lead grew to 23-6 as
ing a double forfeit at
Hudson -- the top-ranked Division 1
Elijah Welsh used a late takedown and Stanley-Boyd/O-W ..............2-2 120, Rocket sophomore team in the state by Wisconsin Wrestling
back points to get an 11-6 decision over Abbotsford/Colby ................2-3 Bryce Shaw closed out Online -- easily won the team title with 251
Mitchell Gunderson at 182 pounds.
O-F/Augusta/Fall Creek ......1-4 the win for the Rock- points. Amery -- ranked #3 in Division 2
Hunter Luepke needed only 19
ets with a dramatic -- was second with 142.5. Boyceville (#6
seconds to dispatch Cadotts Ethan Regis ...................................0-5 8-7 win over Andrew
Haider at 195 pounds. The Rockets then
G u n d e r s o n . S h aw
Please see Rockets, page 12

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Page 10 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

NGL, from page 9


Neillsville-Greenwood-Loyals Andrew Buchanan controls an opponent on his way to

a second-place finish at 182 pounds at the Jan. 23 Sparta Invitational.

McCauley (22-9) of Ithaca/Weston in 3:04. Rueth then dropped a 6-4 decision to Jack
Carruth (25-0) of Eau Claire North.
Ingold took third at 195 pounds to run his season record to 19-7. He started with a
pin over Owen Lewis (8-15) of Mauston, and followed that with another fall, in 1:13,
over Brady Hansen (15-20) of Sparta. Ingold was pinned in the semis in 2:40 by Dalton
Hahn (32-1) of Reedsburg, but rebounded for third place with an 11-3 major decision
over Tye Schafer (20-7) of North Crawford/Seneca.
Skylar Barth (26-3) helped the NGL team cause with a fourth-place finish at 113
pounds. After a bye, he pinned Michael Reyes (19-6) of Greenfield in 3:22. He lost a 13-0
major decision to Sawyer Sarbacker (30-4) of Iowa-Grant in the semis, then was pinned
in 3:32 in the third-place match by Jon Bailey (32-4) of Sparta.
NGL freshman Stephen Buchanan (27-6) placed fifth at 160 pounds. His first match
was a 2-0 decision over Devon Johnson (15-8) of Spring Valley/Elmwood. He then
dropped a 15-6 decision to Dustin Reynolds (28-5) of Lancaster, but responded with an
11-4 win over Alex Brost (4-4) of Marshfield, a pin of Dylan Kumbera (14-8) of Greenfield
in 3:53, and a 4-3 win over Johnson for fifth place.
Derek Nielsen (29-4) took sixth at 152 pounds. After a forfeit win, he pinned Marshfields Sam Mitchell (14-15) in 1:46. He then lost a 6-2 decision to TreVaughan Craig
(29-1) of Greenfield. He came back with a pin in 2:31 over Austin Elvaker (16-11) of
Blair-Taylor and a 5-4 decision over Ryan Bennett (24-15) of Holmen. Nielsen forfeited
the fifth-place match.
Sam Baumgartner (11-10) also placed sixth, at 220 pounds. After a bye, he was pinned
in 2:43 by Brennen Eide (12-11) of Blair-Taylor. He came back with two wins, a 15-5
major decision over Dylan Looman (3-11) of Adams-Friendship and a pin in 1:42 over
Dom Muerett (6-15) of Mauston. He was then pinned in 1:47 by Brent Rider (18-14) of
Sayer Rachu (14-13) went 2-3 for eighth place at 106 pounds. He had a first-round bye,
then lost a 7-4 decision to Isiah Culp (24-8) of Greenfield. He came back with a 12-10
decision over Josh Finerty (6-17) of Franklin. He then lost on a 15-0 technical fall to
Rylee Rensberry (17-6) of Holmen, and was pinned in 3:52 in the seventh-place match
by Dylan Sleeman (11-13) of Adams-Friendship.
Other NGL wrestlers who competed but did not place at Sparta included Kyle Gurney (22-9) at 120 pounds, Kanyon Rachu (14-13) at 126 pounds, Dylan Nielsen (21-8) at
132 pounds, Jesse Buchanan (6-11) at 145 pounds, and Ben Gibboney (5-4) at 170 pounds.


Thurs. Nite Ladies







Boys basketball

Boys basketball

Boys basketball

Boys basketball

Thursday, Jan. 28
Home -- Loyal
Tuesday, Feb. 2
At Gilman
Friday, Feb. 5
At Spencer

Thursday, Jan. 28
At Neillsville
Tuesday, Feb. 2
Home -- Owen-Withee

Thursday, Jan. 28
At Granton
Tuesday, Feb. 2
Home -- Spencer
Friday, Feb. 5
Home -- Gilman

Thursday, Jan. 28
Home -- Owen-Withee
Tueday, Feb. 2
At Loyal
Friday, Feb. 5
Home -- Granton

Girls basketball

Girls basketball

Tuesday, Feb. 2
At Spencer
Thursday, Feb. 4
Home -- Colby
Tuesday, Feb. 9
At Granton

Friday, Jan. 29
At Marshfield Columbus
Tueday, Feb. 2
Home -- Loyal
Thursday, Feb. 4
Home -- Gilman

Girls basketball
Thursday, Jan. 28
Home -- Stratford
Friday, Jan. 29
At Granton
Tuesday, Feb. 2
At Owen-Withee
Thursday, Feb. 4
Home -- Neillsville

Girls basketball
Friday, Jan. 29
Home -- Greenwood
Monday, Feb. 1
Home -- Marshfield Columbus
Tuesday, Feb. 2
At Gilman -- 5:45 p.m.



Thursday, Jan. 28
At Stanley-Boyd
Saturday, Jan. 30
At West Salem tournament
Saturday, Feb. 6
Cloverbelt Conference
tournament at Cadott

Thursday, Jan. 28
At Stanley-Boyd
Saturday, Jan. 30
At West Salem tournament
Saturday, Feb. 6
Cloverbelt Conference
tournament at Cadott


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Thursday, Jan. 28
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Saturday, Feb. 6
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 11

My life is based on a true story, well, most of it

by a belligerent bear, left for dead on a mountainside by a band of trappers, flies off a cliff on the
back of a stolen horse, is swept down an icy river
as he is chased by irate Indians, and is forced to
eat an assortment of roots, raw fish and uncooked
buffalo guts, and all this, believe it or not, without
wearing a gram of Thinsulate. If you thought
DiCaprio looked a little chilly while drowning in
the North Atlantic after the Titanic tipped over,
you should have seen him when he stripped
naked just before crawling inside the body cavity
of a freshly dead and disemboweled horse for an
evening snooze. I mean, that took guts.
As the Revenant tale goes, Glass and his son
are guiding a band of beaver trappers through the
Wyoming wilderness when an angry gang of Arikara Indians attacks their camp and drives them
helter-skelter into the wilderness. As Glass is leading the group back to civilization, he is attacked
by a grizzly bear about the size of a Toyota Camry
and is bitten and beaten, mauled and maimed,
but manages to live. His trapping comrades try to
carry him to safety, but he is too much of a load to
lug through the peaks. Two men -- Fitzgerald and
Bridger -- are left behind to tend to Glass until he
dies. Instead, Fitzgerald grows impatient, knifes
the son, throws Glass' still-live body in a shallow
hole, and hikes away. Of course, moviegoers by
this time are not even finished with their Milk
Duds, so Glass miraculously pulls himself out
of his erstwhile grave and drags himself for the
next 20 minutes seemingly across the whole of
the Northwest Territories.
Upon reaching a river, where Glass fashions a
crutch to aid his broken leg, the Arikara spot him
and force him to jump into the torrent, which, by
Movie-Making Rule 206 (b), has a waterfall. Glass
obligingly plunges over it and then floats for some

An Outdoorsmans
by Mark Walters

Walleye on Metonga
Hello friends,
This weeks field/lake work took place on Forest Countys
Lake Metonga. Lake Metonga covers just under 2,200 acres, has
a maximum depth of 79 feet, and is highly respected for quality in the size and numbers department of its perch, walleye,
northern pike and smallmouth bass.
Friday, Jan. 15 -- high 26, low minus 12
Until today, I had never seen Metonga, which on its north
end borders Crandon. I am a lucky guy and had my good buddy,
Edward Smith, who owns Northwoods Insurance Agency, which
is located right in Crandon, as a major helper on where to put
my Eskimo ice shack.
At this point people still were not driving trucks on Metonga,
so I would be hauling all of my gear behind my four-wheeler in
a nine-foot enclosed trailer.
There was a sense of urgency for me as I only had about two
hours of daylight left and one heck of a cold spell was just hours
away from hitting my home on Metonga.
Our camp would be by itself, in other words, no neighbors
and the first thing I did was pull out my Jiffy Pro 4, drill three
holes, and put out three tip ups for walleye.
Then I went to work building a camp, which is a pretty good
size job. I said our camp because my old buddy, Jeff Moll,
would show up soon after the work was done for a weekend on
the ice as well.
So it is dark, I have not had a flag, and Ed, who is in his shack
about 400 yards away, is texting that he is catching some walleye.
Then magic happened and I noticed I had a flag on my tip up
that was only 20 feet from my cabin on the lake, even better yet,
the line was being steadily pulled out at a slow but steady pace.
When I set the hook a good fight took place and soon after I
iced an extremely FAT 21 1/2-inch walleye, I was so happy I felt
like doing a cartwheel.

by TRG Editor Dean Lesar
time to relative safety, expect that by this time --if
a true story were at all in play -- would have had a
body temperature of ice cream. Luckily, though,
Glass has a flintstone -- which has somehow not
fallen out of his pocket during neither the vicious
bear mauling nor the somersault over the waterfall
-- and he strikes a fire as if had a stack of dry pine
kindling and a Bic.
Not yet fully healed, with a gaping wound to
his throat, Glass now stuffs a plug of gunpowder
-- which again has stayed with him through
every imaginable physical travail -- in the cavity,
takes a handful of burning tinder from his fire,
and sets the gunpowder ablaze so as to cauterize
his oozing hole. Not since Dr. Quinn, Medicine
Woman sewed a frontiersman's arm back on with
a chicken bone and moose sinew have I seen such
a dramatic medical procedure captured on film.
Moving ahead -- to about the time I began to
wish that I had not drank so much of my large
soda so quickly -- Glass is stumbling through the
bush when he chances across a lone Pawnee Indian who gives him a horse ride. The lone warrior
shares some fresh bison entrails with Glass -- you
just gotta' admire that -- and provides him with
Native American medical care, though I doubt

it was covered by Glass' group Aetna

policy (you know how fussy they are
about alternative treatments). Anyway,
Glass makes it back to the fur trappers'
fort, where he tells the captain how
Fitzgerald left him for the crows, and
then -- in his best Dirty Harry voice -says he's going along to find Fitzgerald,
who has snuck like a scared weasel into
the wilderness.
Soon, the captain and Glass find
Fitzgerald, but the rotten scoundrel
kills the captain to set up the inevitable,
climactic confrontation of the hero
versus the villain. They meet along a river, Glass
armed with a hatchet, Fitzgerald with a knife.
For several minutes, they hack and saw at each
other, splattering enough of their blood in the
Wyoming snow to spray paint the fort walls.
Finally, Fitzgerald is spent and Glass slides his
nearly-dead body into the water, and he floats
to a waiting band of Arikara, who scalp him.
Oh, yeah, sorry, I probably should have said
something about a spoiler alert a few graphs
ago. At least I didn't tell you about the ending
where Glass sees a vision of his dead wife and
we hear nothing but heavy breaths as the credits
began to roll.
So, there you have it, another inspired-by-atrue-story blockbuster. Just you wait, someday,
somebody is going to sell Hollywood a similar
script about my life and cast Tom Hanks in the
role of me in the time I outwitted a rogue cop
(Denzel Washington) and teamed up with a dying Mafia boss (Johnny Depp) to rescue a helpless
dame (sure, let's go with Nicole Kidman again
as long as I've already ruined her career) from a
serial killer (Robert Downey Jr.).
I'll get the popcorn.

Minutes after every bit of work was completed I got the call
from my buddy Moll that he needed his taxi to come and get him.
Jeff and I visited with Ed in his shack and then went to camp
and put out Jeffs three tip ups. What happened between 7 p.m.
and 3:30 a.m. was a classic for Jeff and I. We caught four more
walleye with the smallest being 20 1/2 inches and at 1 a.m I
caught a very obese 28-inch northern pike.
Mr. Moll was highly energetic tonight and we laughed a lot.
Saturday, Jan. 16 -- high 3, low minus 14 lots a wind
Jeff and I gave catching eyes and gators our full attention
during daylight hours and the weather was brutal (spit froze
when it hit the ice). We did not come close to catching a fish,
that is, until the sun said bye bye!
This night was a true classic, we listened to the Packers
and the Cardinals from inside of the shack and every time we
thought we could warm up, another light on a tip up told us
that we were wrong.
We iced five walleye with the smallest being 19 1/2 inches
and the largest being 23 1/2.
The next day the high was minus two. My four-wheeler would
not start so we hiked a mile to our trucks. Jeffs Suburban
would not start and had to be left in Crandon and we were the
first yahoos to drive a truck on Metonga this winter. Since
we had our lets sink a truck hats on we hooked my trailer
to the truck, loaded the ATV and 5,000 pounds of gear into it,
and drove off Metonga with a, we just had a great weekend in
subzero conditions smile on both of our faces.
I promise you this. Unless I die soon, I will be back to Metonga!

WE CARRY the #1 selling

mattress in America

When Hollywood finally wises up and makes

a "based-on-a-true-story" movie about me, it
will star Liam Neeson as yours truly and tell
the tale of the time I rescued a beautiful lady -played by Nicole Kidman, I'm thinking -- who
was kidnapped by a ruthless drug lord (Danny
DeVito) who's secretly in cahoots with the
President of the United States (George Clooney
or Cate Blanchett -- we'll cast that part after we
see how the election turns out). Well, yeah, of
course, it'll be pure fiction, except the part about
me dreaming about carrying a barely-clothed
Nicole Kidman out of the drug lord's torture
chamber, but that's close enough for the movies.
You know the script, one part fact, a thousand
parts falsehood, and you've got yourself a box
office smash. Sell enough popcorn, and it might
even get an Oscar nod, as long, of course, as all
the actors and actresses have less skin pigmentation than an albino seagull.
Over the weekend, I went to see "The Revenant," a movie supposedly based "loosely" on
a true story about an 1820s wilderness guide
who somehow survives every horror known to
mankind except junior high facial pimples to
get revenge on the outlaw who killed his son.
Put it this way, JJ Watt's football jersey would
fit less "loosely" over Kelly Ripa's scrawny
shoulders than any semblance of reality did on
this script. From the opening scene, in which
star Leonardo DiCaprio is stalking elk, to the
end, when he's about to finally die alone in the
frozen mountains after losing enough blood to
stock a major hospital transfusion department
for a month, about the only thing that seems
real is that it's cold in Wyoming in winter. But
we already knew that.
DiCaprio plays the role of Hugh Glass, who
proves to be quite unbreakable as he is battered

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Page 12 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Rockets, from page 9

in Division 3) was third at 132.5, River Falls (#11 in Division 1) was fourth at 128, Spencer-Columbus was next
at 110.5, and Chisago Lakes, Minn., was sixth with 101.5
Zschernitz, now 27-5 on the season, pinned his first
two opponents. Cornell-Gilman-Lake Holcombes Tyler
Andres (1-4) was the first victim, in 46 seconds, and Bailey
Adams (19-7) of North Branch, Minn. went down in 1:13.
In the semis, Zschernitz defeated Hudsons Isac
Schindler (24-6) on a 5-2 score, and he then won the title
with a 10-4 decision over David Hennessey (26-5) of River
Neumann took third at 152 pounds to run his season
record to 23-10. After a first-round bye, he scored a 4-3
overtime win over Donald Pooler (29-4) of Northwestern,
but then lost a 2-1 decision in the semi-finals to Cody
Frederick (27-3) of Boyceville. Neumann came back for
third place with a 7-3 decision over Will Savre (20-9) of
Totino Grace, Minn.
Luepke (27-4) followed a similar path to third place at
195 pounds. He first pinned Alec Schaffer (1-6) of Boyceville in 2:37, and then scored a 10-0 major decision over
Drew Midby (25-8) of Hudson. Luepke was pinned in 52
seconds in the semis by Kyle Schoenecker (26-2) of Chisago Lakes, Minn., but bounced back for a pin in 3:31 over
Matt Kostka (27-7) of Cornell-Gilman-Lake Holcombe.
Shaw (22-10) posted a 2-2 mark to take fourth at 126
pounds. He first pinned Grant Brown (9-18) of Chisago
Lakes in 1:42, and a bye moved him to the semi-finals.
There he lost a 7-5 decision to Drew Rihn (21-11) of Cumberland, and then lost an 11-7 decison to Dalton Langer
(19-8) of St. Croix Falls in the third-place match.
Post improved his season mark to 19-7 by taking fifth at
132 pounds. After a bye, he lost an 11-1 decision to Aaron
Sistrunk (20-8) of Chisago Lakes. He then scored a 13-2
win over Nic Pearson (4-5) of Ladysmith, won by medical forfeit, and finished with a 4-3 win over Zach Pooler
(22-10) of Northwestern.
Bauer (25-7) took sixth place at 138 pounds, while Hildebrandt (13-9) and Day (10-9) placed seventh at 160 and
170 pounds, respectively.

Greyhound girls stay

unbeaten in ECC
The Loyal girls basketball team allowed only seven
points in the first half in a 59-23 Eastern Cloverbelt
Conference win at Gilman on Jan. 21. The win kept the
Greyhounds a full two games ahead of their closest
competitor as they close in a second straight ECC title.
Loyal led 38-7 at the half as Gilman could not stay
close to the league leaders. The Pirates ended the game
with only seven made field goals on 22 attempts, as Loyal
thwarted many Pirate scoring chances with 17 steals in
the game.
Loyal shot 41 percent (23-56) from the field and went
8-21 on 3-point attempts and 5-8 on free throws.
Devyn Schoonover
Karsyn Rueth each
scored 17 points to pace
Loyal, and Morgan Reinwand added 13 points.
GIRLS BASKETColby 44 Spencer 42
Spencer had plenty of
chances to upend Colby
Loyal .....................10-0
in a Jan. 21 ECC game
at Colby, but couldnt
convert the shots when
Colby ..................... 7-3
it needed to. Rather
Owen-Withee ........ 7-3
than move up in the
Spencer. ................ 5-5
ECC standings, Spencer
Marsh. Columbus ...4-5
settled to a 5-5 record and
Gilman ................... 3-7
a fifth-place spot.
The Rockets hit only
Greenwood ............ 1-9
(13-43) of their
Granton ............... 0-10
shots from the floor and
found the range on 4-14
from the 3-point line. The
Rockets also left too many points at the free throw line,
making 12 of 23.
Colby wasnt much better, hitting 33 percent (17-52) of
its shots and five of 15 from 3-point distance. Colby also
had an off night at the free-throw line, where it went 5-11.
Sydney Kind scored 12 points for Spencer as she connected three times from 3-point range. Nadia King added
eight points and Liz Endreas scored six.
Sami Hayes paced Colby with 12 points.
Spencer also dropped a Jan. 19 non-conference game to
Auburndale on a 54-31 final score. The Rockets shot only
29 percent (10-34) and were 5-11 on free throws.
Kind made four shots from 3-point range and finished
with 14 points.


Spencer-Columbus Nate Neumann tries to finish o Cadotts Tyler Gillett in 152-pound action of the Rockets 44-15
Cloverbelt Conference dual meet win over the Hornets on Jan. 21 in Spencer. Neumann could not get the pin, but
scored a 6-2 decision.

Loyal boys dump Neillsville to move

into second-place tie in ECC
4-13 on free throws.
When a basketball team gets 31 points
Bobby Pilz hit four shots from 3-point
from the free-throw line in a game, the
on his way to a 20-point night for
result is bound to be a win. That was
Spencer. Ryan Busse added 11 points and
the case for Loyal on Jan. 22 as the GreyBOYS BASKETCalvin Lenz scored 10.
hounds outscored Neillsville 31-11 from
Zach Zimbauer led Greenwood with
the line on their way to a 75-69 Eastern
eight points and Devin Toburen and Sam
Cloverbelt Conference win.
Revier each scored seven.
The victory pushed Loyal into a tie
Marsh. Columbus .. 10-0
On Jan. 23, Spencer picked up a 58-45
with Neillsville for second place in the
Loyal .......................7-3
home non-conference win over Pittsville.
ECC, though still a full three games
Neillsville............... 7-3
The Rockets held a 14-2 advantage from
behind Marshfield Columbus with six
Owen-Withee ........ 6-3
the free-throw line and hit eight shots
games remaining on the season schedule.
from 3-point distance.
In downing the Warriors, Loyal avenged
Spencer ................. 6-3
Spencer had to overcome a 27-15 deficit
a 7-point loss from early December and
Colby ..................... 5-5
It did so in a big way, explodstayed with a pack of four teams that all
Greenwood ............ 2-8
ing for 43 second-half points while limithave three league losses so far. Loyal still
Granton ................. 1-9
ing the Panthers to 18.
must play two of them -- Owen-Withee
Gilman ................. 0-10
Spencer shot 43 percent (18-42) from
and Spencer -- as it seeks to cement its
the field, made eight of 17 shots from
runner-up standing.
3-point range, and went 14-19 at the line.
Loyal trailed 41-40 at halftime of the
Jack Bezlyk led Spencer with 15 points
game at Neillsville, but used its large advantage at the free-throw line to pull ahead and stay there while Pilz and Busse each scored 14.
Pittsville shot 37 percent (19-51) overall and went 5-21
down the stretch. Loyal was on fire from the free-throw
line, converting 31 of 37 attempts into points. Neillsville on 3-pointers. Pittsville was only 2-4 at the free-throw line
as Spencer was called for only nine fouls the entire game.
was 11-20 at the line.
Cameron Brussow was 15-19 at the line on his own as The Panthers were called for 17.
On Monday night, Spencer hosted Abbotsford and
he finished with a game-high 32 points. Riley Geiger was
8-9 on free throws and scored 21 points, while Derrick posted a consecutive 58-45 win. This time the Rockets
Howard converted all six of his free-throw chances and led at halftime, 29-23, and were able to extend the lead
later in the game.
scored 11 points.
The Rockets had a balanced game on offense, with
Loyal shot 40 percent (19-48) from the field and hit six
of 19 shots from 3-point range. Neillsville shot at a 43 Pilz scoring 15, Bezlyk adding 14, Busse adding 13 and
Lenz scoring 10. Spencer had another strong game from
percent (24-56) clip, and went 10-33 on 3-pointers.
the line, hitting 16 of 23 while Abbotsford picked up just
Mike Dux led Neillsville with 19 points.
eight points in 12 tries at the line.
Rockets win three straight
Spencer shot 50 percent (19-38) overall and went 4-14
Spencer rolled to a 20-point ECC road win over Greenwood on Jan. 22 and also picked up non-conference wins on 3-pointers.
Abbotsford shot 31 percent (16-52) and had a cold night
over Pittsville and Abbotsford to post a 3-0 record over a
4-day span. The wins improved the Rockets league record on 3-pointers, making only five of 28.
Colby 91 Granton 76
to 6-3 and upped the overall season mark to 9-4.
Granton had one of its best offensive nights of the year,
Spencer picked up the easy win over Greenwood by
limiting the Indians to 30 percent shooting from the field. but it came on a night when Colby did, too. The result was
Greenwood was able to connect on just 14 of 46 shots a 15-point Bulldog home loss on Jan. 22 that dropped its
overall, and made only two of 15 tries for 3-pointers. ECC record to 1-9.
Granton trailed by 24 points at the half, but came on
Greenwood was also cool at the free-throw line, where it
in the second half for a 49-40 scoring edge that trimmed
made five of 14 attempts.
Spencer opened up a 32-22 lead at halftime, and doubled the final margin to 15 points.
Mike Meddaugh scored 22 points and Tyron Riles
the edge through the second half. The Rockets shot 45
percent (22-49) overall and went 7-18 on 3-pointers and added 16 for the Bulldogs.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 13


Speeding $295
Michaela B. Rooney, 18, Neillsville;
Speeding $276.10
Jose J. Baltierrez Carreram, 43, Minneapolis, Minn.
Speeding $250.90
Rashid Sharif Muhdi Sadiq, 45, Aurora, Colo.
Speeding -- $233.70
Brett S. Hommes, 48, Racine
Speeding $230.70
Korey B. Pohl, 37, Granton
Speeding -- $225.70
Jacek J. Bieda, 62, North York, Ontario; Dafney R. Bost, 43, Aurora, Ill.; Miguel
Castro Cruz, 22, Abbotsford; Jamie L.
Darge, 30, Chili; Robert T. Gleason, 27,
Spencer; William T. Goodman, 34, Eau
Claire; Tyler S. Klemetson, 24, Colby;
Meng Lor, 30, Marshfield; Matthew J.
Mahlum, 32, Apple Valley, Minn.; Peter J.
Mesyk, 24, Waupaca; Jose G. Morales, 42,
Colby; Calvin H. Ryder, 86, Noxon, Mont.;
Neceda L. Schreiter, 19, Appleton
Speeding -- $200.50
Donna M. Barlass, 78, Stillwater,
Minn.; Kevin R. Bishop, 47, Wisconsin
Rapids; Tristin D. Clark, 19, Stevens
Point; Jolene K. Gettinger, 36, Pittsville;
Tris Y. Harris, 49, Neillsville; Hunter P.
Huber, 19, Colby; Hannah R. Krueger,
21, Marshfield; Timothy J. Lindgren, 47,
Withee; Clinton W. Seawright, 37, Rock,
Mich.; Hadley J. Skalmoski, 21, Superior;
Nhia Vang, 31, Brooklyn Park, Minn.;
Saul Vazquez Rivera, 28, Neillsville;
Tyler J. Volovsek, 19, Greenwood; Terice
L. Wartgow, 62, Park Falls; Brad A. Westberg, 22, Fitchburg
Speeding -- $175.30
Theresa M. Anderson, 62, Auburndale;
Brittney M. Averill, 21, Neillsville; Arold
E. Desterheft, 57, Clintonville; Alison J.
Ehlert, 30, Loyal; Terry O. Elliott, 76, Lublin; Gerald J. Fellwock, 62, Neillsville;
Andrea J. Gerlach, 25, Madison; Karen
M. Gustafson, 33, Hopkins, Minn.; Merchelle L. Hahn, 65, Spencer; Joshua T.
Harmon, 29, Neillsville; Sara E. Harpke,
16, Thorp; Thomas G. Henn, 65, Shiocton;
Kristin M. Henrickson, 44, Abbotsford;
Alexander S. Hinrichs, 18, Thorp; Mark
W. Kilty, 38, Spencer; Charlene A. Martin,
42, Riceville, Iowa; Dylan T. McDonald,
16, Neillsville; David A. Minkebige, 52,
Lake Orion, Mich.; Reesa A. Mitchell, 45,
Arpin; Faith E. Niehaus, 20, Marshfield;
Daniel K. Nix, 59, Crestwood, Kent.;
Wendy R. Nystrom, 51, Wisconsin Rapids;
Jason T. Oakley, 41, Sheboygan; Rory D.
Parker, 29, Marshfield; Brent A. Pfaff, 20,
Crystal Lake, Ill.; Nereida Ramirez Hernandez, 26, Greenwood; Arin M. Rowe, 24,
Pittsville; Jessica Santos-Martinez, 27,
Plymouth, Minn.; Sarah M. Schreiner, 28,
Madison, Conn.; Alanna P.G. Sockness,
22, Gilman; Tamara J. Terhell, 44, Osceola; Samantha K. Thomason, 24, Chippewa
Falls; Patrick J. Tlusty, 40, Westboro; Jose
L. Valdez Osuna, 20, Abbotsford; Brenda
A. Wiesner, 45, Neillsville; Chia C. Xiong,
53, Wausau; Joanne L. Zupanc, 66, Loyal
Operating a vehicle without a valid
license -- $200.50
Luis A. Anastacio Angel, 26, Loyal;
Karen L. Burgos Alvares, 20, Unity;
Angel Castro Cruz, 28, Abbotsford;
Miguel Castro Cruz, 22, Abbotsford;
John R. Chadwick, 51, Neillsville; Wilfrido Hernandez-Cuevas, 33, Abbotsford;
Margarito Landeros Chairez, 18, Neillsville; Salvador Macias-Hernendez, 30,
Dorchester; Jose G. Morales, 42, Colby;
Juan R. Pallares-Salazar, 22, Dorchester;
William F. Patterson, 19, Owen; Jonathan
B. Reid, 20, Cadott; David Rocete Bautista,
27, Loyal; Jose L. Valdez Osuna, 20, Abbotsford
Operating a vehicle while suspended $200.50
Ana M. Hernandez Guevara, 51, Willard; Hannah R. Krueger, 21, Marshfield;
Eric N. Larson, 28, Neillsville; Ryan M.
Milich, 25, Marshfield; Joel R. Murphy,

37, Chili; Benjamin J. Nelson, 33, Neillsville; Korey B. Pohl, 37, Granton; Paul M.
Tucker, 20, Marshfield
Operating a vehicle without insurance -- $200.50
Shanna M. Berry, 30, Neillsville; Michael A. Brody, 19, Loyal; Karen L. Burgos
Alvares, 20, Unity; Genie L.M. Carrillo,
33, Neillsville; Lacey C. Chapek, 34, Stanley; Jethro E. Colon, 29, Colby; Farron
R. Dignin, 52, Neillsville; Justin A.
Dunlap, 22, Neillsville; Michael S. Hart,
38, Neillsville; Joshua J. Hiserman, 18,
Neillsville; Tyler S. Klemetson, 24, Colby;
Kolton J. Knox, 18, Greenwood; Titus T.
Kottke, 22, Athens; Margarito Landeros
Chairez, 18, Neillsville; Joel R. Murphy,
37, Chili; Brett A. Pohle, 48, Neillsville;
Cody M. Schlinsog, 19, Granton; Louella
H. Sensenig, 24, Curtiss; Vinnie M. Sheffield, 28, Loyal; Brett J. Smith, 18, Greenwood; Brian D.G. Sternitsky, 22, Granton;
Dustin D. Weigel, 30, Marshfield
Operating a vehicle without proof
of insurance -- $10
Cynthia S. Buske, 51, Neillsville; Sabrina J. Featherly, 22, Chippewa Falls;
Sarah M. Fuerstenberg, 38, Neillsville;
Justin E. Glenz, 30, Cadott; Paul A.
Goessl, 38, Withee; Katrenia L. Grabowski, 23, Neillsville; Joshua T. Harmon, 29,
Neillsville; Cody A. Kaiser, 19, Thorp;
Austin J. King, 21, Neillsville; Terry M.
Kroening, 44, Colby; Jason P. Kundinger,
45, Arpin; Christopher R. Larson, 53, Eau
Claire; Lindsey B. Rendell, 19, Neillsville;
Hope R. Rendell, 43, Neillsville
Safety belt violations -- $18
Dillon M. Earnest, 23, Withee
Safety belt violations -- $10
Jay M. Ehlers, 47, Neillsville; Edward
W. Haas, 78, Abbotsford; Rhonda L. Hainz,
34, Neillsville; Timothy J. Head, 24, Fairchild; James L. Heffler, 72, Mukwonago;
Benjamin A. Henderson, 39, Granton;
Elvin M. Hoover, 24, Withee; Melvin J.
Mork, 74, Fairchild; Roger D. Sherwood,
56, Arpin; Sheila A. Slade, 47, Marshfield;
Christopher C. Statz, 23, Neillsville;
James W. Weyenberg, 61, Boyd; Daran L.
Zimmerman, 21, Stanley
Eric R. Bertrang, 29, Fairchild, was
fined $50 and his drivers license was
revoked for three years for refusal to take
a test for intoxication after arrest. An
ignition interlock device is to be placed
on his vehicle for 30 months and he is to
undergo an alcohol assessment.
Chad K. Boese, 26, Chetek, was sentenced to 17 days in jail and fined $1,645
for a second offense of operating a
vehicle with a prohibited blood alcohol
level. His drivers license was revoked
for 14 months, an ignition interlock device is to be placed on his vehicle for 14
months and he is to undergo an alcohol
Shalone L. Burns, 29, Athens, was
sentenced to 18 months of probation and
fined $543 for each of two counts of battery/domestic abuse and a single count
of disorderly conduct/domestic abuse. A
charge of strangulation and suffocation/
domestic abuse was dismissed but readin to the court record.
Brittany A. Hebda, 27, Marshfield, was
sentenced to five months in jail after her
probation was revoked on a June 2015
conviction for resisting or obstructing
an officer. She was given credit for 196
days already served in custody.
Elizabeth A. James, 25, Neillsville, was
sentenced to five days in jail and fined
$1,444 for a second offense of operating
a vehicle with a prohibited blood alcohol
level. Her drivers license was revoked
for 12 months, an ignition interlock device is to be placed on her vehicle for 12
months and she is to undergo an alcohol
Emily L. Jensen, 27, Neillsville, was
sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined
$448 for criminal damage to property. A
charge of disorderly conduct/domestic

abuse was dismissed but read-in to the

court record.
Jesse E. Johnson, 25, Greenwood, was
placed on probation for one year and
fined $443 for criminal damage to property. A charge of disorderly conduct/domestic abuse was dismissed but read-in
to the court record. In a separate case, he
was placed on probation for one year and
was fined $443 for disorderly conduct. A
charge of violating state/county institution laws was dismissed but read-in to the
court record.
Randy P. Kessler, 53, Neillsville, was
fined $886.50 and his drivers license was
revoked for six months for a first offense
of operating a vehicle with a prohibited
blood alcohol level. He is to undergo an
alcohol assessment.
Steven C. Konitzer, 43, Owen, was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison and three
years of extended supervision and fined
$518 for possession of amphetamine with
intent to deliver. He was also sentenced
to two years in prison and three years
of extended supervision and fined $518
for possession of a firearm by a felon,
and was sentenced to one year in prison
and one year of extended supervision
and fined $518 for possession of narcotic
drugs. Charges of maintaining a drug
trafficking place, possession of THC
with intent to deliver, possession of a
controlled substance, possession of drug
paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine precursors were dismissed
but read-in to the court record.
Jenny L. Lobacz, 32, Withee, was
sentenced to 60 days in jail, placed on
probation for two years, and fined $886 for
two counts of resisting or obstructing an
officer. She was given credit for 38 days
already served in custody.
Alfredo Ortiz Santiago, 31, Abbotsford, was sentenced to 10 days in jail and
fined $642 for operating a vehicle without
a valid license/third or greater offense
within three years.
Darlene M. Oxford, 31, Waupaca, was
sentenced to five days in jail and was
fined $652 for operating a vehicle while
revoked for an alcohol-related violation.
She was also fined $768 for ignition interlock device tampering/failure to install.
Ricardo Pena Cruz, 18, Dorchester,
was fined $767.50 for failure to stop at an
accident scene, $200.50 for operating a
vehicle without insurance, and $263.50
for hit-and-run of property adjacent to
a highway. He was also fined $263.50 and
his drivers license was suspended for 30
days for underage drinking.
Tina S. Peterson, 47, Loyal, was sentenced to 90 days in jail for disorderly
conduct. The jail sentence was stayed on
the conditions that she serve 18 months
on probation and pay fines and costs of
$828.99. Charges of disorderly conduct/
domestic abuse and battery/domestic
abuse were dismissed but read-in to the
court record. In a separate case, she was
sentenced to six months in jail for bail
jumping. The jail sentence was stayed on
the conditions that she serve 18 months
on probation and pay a $443 fine.
Lee R. Ratcliff, 49, Abbotsford, was
placed on probation for one year and
fined $543 for disorderly conduct/domestic abuse. A second count of disorderly
conduct/domestic abuse was dismissed
but read-in to the court record.
Edward W. Rusch, 63, Withee, was
fined $175.30 on each of two counts of
non-registration, $200.50 on each of two
counts of operating a vehicle while suspended, $175.30 for a dog at large, $238.30
for displaying an unauthorized vehicle
registration plate, $200.50 for operating
a vehicle without insurance, $263.50 for
failure to provide shelter for animals,
and $243.30 for displaying an unauthorized vehicle registration plate.
Brian D. Salters, 26, Marshfield, was
sentenced to 30 days jail, his drivers

license was revoked for six months, and

he was fined $967 for operating a vehicle
while revoked for an alcohol-related violation/fourth or greater offense. He was
also fined $267.50 for possession of drug
Phillip J. Schmidt, 32, Owen, was sentenced to five days in jail and fined $652
for operating a vehicle while revoked for
an alcohol-related violation.
Mark S. Scoville, 52, Fairchild, was
placed on probation for 18 months and
fined $886 for battery/domestic abuse
and disorderly conduct/domestic abuse.
John L. Stone, 55, Weston, was fined
$278.65 for hunting deer in an unauthorized quota area and $343.50 for place/use/
hunt wild animals with bait.
Steven A. Strey, 24, whose address
is listed as the Clark County Jail, was
sentenced to nine months in jail after
his probation was revoked on a February
2015 conviction for battery. He was also
sentenced to three months in jail after
his probation was revoked on a February
2015 conviction for disorderly conduct.
Gideon D. Swartzentruber, 21, Neillsville, was sentenced to 30 days in jail after
he removed himself from probation on
a November 2015 conviction for sexual
gratification with an animal.
Scott R. Tucker, 41, Neillsville, was
sentenced to 90 days in jail, placed on
probation for one year and fined $443
for resisting or obstructing an officer/
repeater. A charge of theft of moveable
property/repeater was dismissed but
read-in to the court record.
Scott E. Weyand, 44, Merrillan, was
fined $50 and his drivers license was
revoked for three years for refusal to take
a test for intoxication after arrest. An
ignition interlock device is to be placed
on his vehicle for 30 months and he is to
undergo an alcohol assessment.
Dustin R. Widowski, 27, Wausau, was
fined $50 and his drivers license was
revoked for two years for refusal to take
a test for intoxication after arrest. An
ignition interlock device is to be placed
on his vehicle for 18 months and he is to
undergo an alcohol assessment.
Various forfeitures
Brian D.G. Sternitsky, 22, Granton,
$180.30, disorderly conduct with a vehicle; Cody M. Stumpner, 23, Spencer,
$389.50, failure to notify police of an accident; Dean L. Swanson, 53, Owen, $200.50,
operating a vehicle while revoked; Harold L. Tessman, 71, Neillsville, $175.30,
non-registration; Eric M. Thomma, 34,
Fond du Lac, $150.10, operating an ATV
without required headgear; Horacio
Uribe Muniz, 37, Stratford, $263.50,
operating a vehicle while suspended;
Kayla N. Wagner, 19, Neillsville, $213.10,
operating left of the center line; Thomas
A. Wavrunek, 78, Neillsville, $175.30, red
traffic light violation; Dustin D. Weigel,
30, Marshfield, $238.30, displaying an
unauthorized vehicle registration plate;
Adam J. Weis, 40, Curtiss, $330.50, disorderly conduct; Jeffery A. Westaby, 60,
Stanley, $175.30, vehicle equipment violations; James W. Weyenberg, 61, Boyd,
$175.30, failure to stop at a stop sign; Will
T. Zalizniak, 27, Greenwood, $162.70, operating a vehicle without a valid license
due to expiration; Heather L. Adams, 33,
Stetsonville, $272.50, shoplifting; Colton
D. Booth, 18, Owen, $263.50, furnishing
alcoholic beverages to minors; Checky
Trucking Inc., Willard, $800, raw forest
product transportation violation; Jesse
R. Dorshorst, 31, Loyal, $589, disorderly
conduct; Eric W. Dull, 39, Cornell, $246.90,
hunting with an improper license; Cory
L. Graham, 26, Neillsville, $268.50, disorderly conduct; Mariann P. Jones, 71,
Willard, $150.10, defective speedometer;
Robert J. Keel, 52, Sun Prairie, $169, failure to display ATV registration decals;
Tracy D. Metz, 40, Waupaca, $589, resisting or obstructing an officer


Page 14 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Spencer Board of Trustees
Regular meeting
Jan. 4, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by President Frome.
Roll call: Trustees Hagen, Pokallus, Day, Schafer, and Toufar
were present. Trustee Maurer was absent.
Minutes: (Day)(Toufar) was carried to dispense with the reading
of the previous meeting's minutes and approve them with correction.
Public comments: There were no public comments.
Announcements: Paul Hensch reminded the board of the Fire
and Ambulance commission -- Thursday, Jan. 7, at 7 p.m.
Public works report: Scott Griepentrog reported that the Christmas lights did not break the GFI switches once he left them on. He
also stated that there haven't been many complaints on snow removal.
Joe Scidmore reported on the roofing construction. Paul relayed
a request from the contractor to extend the deadline until Sunday.
The board agreed to the request.
Dean Smith explained that the well witcher was here on Dec. 24,
and located a good place to drill by well #6.
Chris Helgestad reported that FBC exceeded their limit for phosphorus.
Police chief's report: Police Chief Shawn Bauer offered his report.
President's report: President Frome had nothing to report.
Old business:
-- (Day)(Hagen) was carried to approve the appointment of Ad
Hoc Committee for the recodification of the ordinance book.
-- (Pokallus)(Toufar) was carried to approve a $50 per month
phone stipend for the village administrator.
New business:
-- Discussion and action on the approval of employee educational
i. None
-- Dan Borchardt of MSA provided project updates and status of
2015 projects; village topographic surveys; Madison Street Design;
and storm water management plan.

On business park phase 2, Haas has finished the punch list

but has not provided it. RC Pavers have not requested final payment because they need to finish work in the spring. Haas did not
need several supplies reducing the cost of the project approximately
$10,000 but is charging for the culvert work. The project is still under bid amount. MSA will provide recorded drawings of the project.
The village's I&I study will be delivered mid-January. The storm water management study will need a third study area designed to be
completed. Trustee Day will set a Streets and Sidewalks Committee
meeting to discuss this. Dan reported that the Madison Street design
is 90 percent complete.
-- (Hagen)(Toufar) was carried on a unanimous roll call vote to
approve the public works contract for 2016.
-- (Hagen)(Pokallus) was carried on a unanimous roll call vote to
approve the sale of the 2010 Kubota F3680 front mount mower and
a Kubota L2162 60" broom to the highest bidder; Burnett Transit for
-- (Day)(Pokallus) was carried on a unanimous roll call vote to
approve vouchers.
Clerk's report:
-- Paul reported that MSA has sent notice of intent to apply to the
DNR for the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program for both the well #7
project and the new water tower project in 2017.
Committee reports:
-- Finance and Personnel Committee: Chairperson Hagen had
nothing to report.
-- Utilities and Equipment Committee: Chairperson Schafer had
nothing to report.
-- Parks and Buildings Committee: Chairperson Pokallus set a
meeting on Jan. 12, at 6 p.m., to discuss Spencer Community Boosters leasing ARC Park.
-- Health, Safety, and Emergency Government Committee: Chairperson Toufar had nothing to report.
-- Economic Development and Main Street Committee: Chairperson Maurer was absent but President Frome spoke about offering
more incentive for TID. Joe mentioned that Bear Creek Canvas is
looking to expand. President Frome also asked if the village should
support the partial costs of building a retention pond in TID residen-

Apartments Now Available

The Clark County Land Conservation Committee has

193+/- acres of cropland available for rent for the contract
years 2016-2020. The land is located around Sportsman
Lake, near Owen.
Sealed bids will be accepted until Thursday, Feb. 4,
2016. Bids will be opened at the February meeting of the
Land Conservation Committee in Neillsville. Contact the
Land Conservation Department at (715) 743-5102 for more
information and a bidding packet.



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individual circumstances & may actually be less. Your actual rent will
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We will be happy to assist with the necessary paperwork.

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A special meeting for the town of Eaton will be held at the Eaton
Town Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016, at 8 p.m., to discuss the
purchase of a wheel packer for behind the grader. The regular
monthly meeting will follow.
Michelle Lucas, clerk





Two public information meetings will be held in the School

District of Greenwood to provide information and to answer
questions about the April 5, 2016 referendum. Since a quorum
of the Board of Education may be present, this notice is being
published to meet the requirements of the open meeting law.
Each of the meetings will start at 6:30 p.m. The rst meeting will
be held on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016, in the HS/MS cafetorium.
The second meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016, in
the Athletic Club, Willard.

Medicare fraud costs

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Search public notices published by the

The Wisconsin State Journal
as well as public notices from
all Wisconsin communities online at

WisconsinPublicNotices.org is a public service

made possible by the members of
the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Loyal City Council

Regular meeting
Dec. 15, 2015
Mayor Williams called the regular monthly Council meeting to
order at 7 p.m., with council members Batchelor, Bobrofsky, Englebretson, Froeba, Geier, Gluch-Voss, and Schmitt present. McBride
was absent.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
No citizens were present.
Clerk Toufar verified the postings.
No corrections or additions were made to the Dec. 15, 2015,
Council agenda.
Motion was made by Bobrofsky to approve the minutes from the
Nov. 17, 2015, regular Council meeting, seconded by Geier. Motion
Treasurers report was approved on a motion made by GluchVoss, seconded by Englebretson. Motion carried.
Utility Committee: No meeting held. Pieper reported that we lose
quite a bit of money when it rains and would like to look into requiring
residents to have sump pumps. Pieper will check with other communities. This has been referred back to the Utility Committee. Next
utility meeting will be held on Jan. 5, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.
Police/Fire and Ambulance Committee: No meeting held.
Finance Committee: No meeting held. Mayor Williams reported
that he will be leaving right after the Council meeting for Madison for
the signing of the golf cart ordinance.
Library Committee: No meeting held. Schmitt will be going to the
Library Committee meetings until further notice.
Personnel Committee: No meeting held.
Park and Recreation: No meeting held.
City View Estates: No meeting held.
Economic Development: Mayor Williams reported that they donated money for the garland on the light poles.
Clerks report: Clerk Toufar stated that the Christmas party will
be held on Jan. 23, 2016, at the American Legion. Clerk Toufar also
asked that time sheets be turned in by Dec. 31, 2015.
Schmitt made the motion to approve vouchers in the following
GENERAL FUND: $126,644.42
WATER UTILITY: $8,889.52
Seconded by Froeba. Motion carried.
Schmitt made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Englebretson.
Motion carried.
Shannon Toufar, city clerk/treasurer
Dec. 15, 2015


The Clark County Rehabilitation and Living Center has 128

acres of cropland available for rent for the contract years of 2016
through 2018. The land is located south of Hwy. 29 across from
the facility. Sealed bids will be accepted until Friday, February
5, 2016, at the Clark County Rehabilitation and Living Center.
Bids will be opened at the CCRLC subcommittee meeting on
February 12, 2016, at 11:30 a.m. in the classroom of the center. For more information and/or bidding packet contact Jane
Schmitz, administrator, at 715-229-2172.
3-177688 WNAXLP




Sealed bids will be taken by Clark County on the following

described property. Bids must be equal to or greater than the
appraisal price. All tax deed property is sold as is and it is the
responsibility of the purchaser to determine any defects in title or
property prior to bidding. Bids must be submitted on the ofcial
Clark County bid form or tax deeded real estate. Clark County will
issue a quit claim deed to successful bidders upon full payment
of accepted bid.
Parcel #
Lot 5 block 5
231.0342.000 $9,900
Greenwood assessors plat #5
City of Greenwood
All bids must be accompanied by a cashiers check, money
order, or certied check in the amount of 20 percent of the gross
bid, payable to Kathryn M. Brugger, Clark County treasurer, with
balance of winning bid due within 30 days of sale date. All bids
to be in county clerks ofce by 4:30 p.m., on Feb. 15, 2016 (day
before sale), to be opened at 11 a.m., on Feb. 16, 2016 (sale date).
The county reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Ofcial
bid form and the terms and conditions of sale can be obtained from
the Clark County treasurer or is available on the county Web site:
www.co.clark.wi.us on the treasurers page.
Christina Jensen, Clark County clerk
Please send bids to: Christina Jensen
Clark County clerk
517 Court St., room 301
Neillsville, WI 54456
Please mark your envelope as SEALED BID and include
description of property your bid is for.


tial areas. The board instructed Paul to contact Emily Matchey and
have her contact contractors, start exploring the idea of spec buildings, and set up meetings with residential developers.
-- Streets and Sidewalks Committee: Chairperson Day scheduled
a meeting on Jan. 12, at 6:45 p.m., to discuss 2016 street improvements.
(Day)(Hagen) was carried on unanimous roll call vote to approve
entering into closed session per Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance
evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental
body has jurisdiction or exercise responsibility.
Discussion was held about public works performance reviews.
(Schafer)(Toufar) was carried on a unanimous roll call vote to approve entering into open session.
(Hagen)(Toufar) was carried to approve administrator's recommendations for public works performance reviews.
(Hagen)(Toufar) was carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
/s/Paul Hensch, clerk
/s/Pauline Frome, president

The Clark County Forestry and Parks Committee will

accept proposals for Pre-Commercial Timber Stand
Improvement (release/thin young oak with a chainsaw/brush cutter) on eight tracts totaling 159.4 acres. Tract maps with cutting
requirements are available from the Forestry and Parks ofce,
517 Court Street, Room 103, Neillsville, WI 54456, 715-7435140.
Proposals are due at the Forestry and Parks ofce, Attention:
John Wendorski, forestry manager, no later than 1:00 p.m. (local time) Monday, February 15, 2016. The Forestry and Parks
Committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to
waive informalities, and to accept any proposal deemed in the
best interest of Clark County.
3-177689 WNAXLP


Clark Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider

and employer.
If you wish to le a civil rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination
Complaint Form (PDF), found online at www.ascr.usda.
gov/complaint_ling_cust.html, or at any USDA ofce, or call
(866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter
containing all of the information requested in the form. Send
your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Director, Ofce of Adjudication,
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 202509410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Page 15

Huge 400 Gun & Military Auction.

Sat. January 30, Prairie du Chien,
WI. Barrett 50 cal, Class III MAC
11, WWII. Colts, Winchesters,
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326-8108 www.kramersales.com
Vend = .65 Profit No Competition, Financing and Locating Services Provided Full Details CALL
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Marten Transport. NOW HIRING
Fleet, Top Pay, New Assigned
Equipment, Monthly Bonuses.
6mos. OTR exp Req'd EEOE/
drive4marten.com (CNOW)
Des Moines-based TMC will be
onsite at Black Bear Casino Resort, 1785 Highway 210, Carlton,
MN 2/6/2016, 10 a.m. -5 p.m.
Hiring boat haulers. Need CDL
Class A, 1 year OTR Experience.
Full Benefits Package, Employee-Owned Company. Call 855409-3630 (CNOW)
your product or recruit an applicant in over 178 Wisconsin newspapers across the state! Only
$300/week. That's $1.68 per paper! Call this paper or 800-2277636 www.cnaads.com (CNOW)


bred or open, grade or registered. 715-255-9242.



February 12-13, El Norteno Banquet Center in Curtiss. Friday
3pm-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm.
Bearing Arms Gun Shows 715308-8772.

WANTED: GUNS - new and used.

Turn them into ca$h or trade for a
new one! Shay Creek in Medford,


Ride Feb. 6, nine miles north of
Medford, Chelsea Conservation
Club. Contact Leon at 715-4275441.

7CS DAYCARE In Greenwood
is looking for caregivers, part
to full-time. Will pay for needed
education. Flexible hours. 715267-6047.
TRUCK DRIVER Wanted for grain
hopper division, home weekends. Saturday morning mechanic. Looking for drivers, also
home daily route. 715-571-9623.


HEALTHCARE when you need it,
for just $54 per visit including basic labs. Aspirus FastCare Clinic
in Abbotsford offers walk-in care
for common aliments such as allergies, ear aches, sore throats,
flu or cold symptoms, urinary tract
infections and more. Aspirus FastCare Clinic is open Mon-Fri, 8am8pm; Sat, 9am-5pm; Sun/Holidays, 9am-1pm. Located in the
East Town Mall, 1011 East Spruce
St., Abbotsford.
MAPLE SYRUP Evaporator, 3x10
Arch Fire brick, many extras, air
grates. Stratford. 715-581-8144.
OAK VANITY With sink, very good
condition. Toro snow thrower. Tennessee mountain land, woods,
hunting, fishing, beautiful views.
SLABWOOD FOR Sale. About 6-7
face cord per load, $250 plus $2
per mile delivery charge. Benz
Sawmill Inc., Loyal. 715-255-8312.

1 BEDROOM Apartments in
Spencer. 715-387-8001, anytime.
No pets. Smoke-free. Garage
available. Some utilities. $415
plus security deposit.

DAILY SPECIALS. Tuesdays, potato pancakes. Thursdays, hot

beef. Sunday, ham dinner. New
to our menu - wraps, 7 kinds.
Grandmas Kitchen of Loyal, 715255-9014.


COUNTRY HOME for Sale Ranch style, 3 bedroom, 3 bath
on 24 mostly wooded acres. Less
than 10 years old. Finished basement with walk out on blacktop
road. 7 miles east of Medford.
Black River runs through property. Call 715-748-3012 for details.

1977 CJ-7 Fiberglass body,

snowplow, V-8, new carburetor,
battery, half doors. $3,500 or
make offer, 715-678-2915.
2013 HYUNDAI Accent, black, 4
door, 4 cylinder, 45,000 miles, extended warranty. $10,700 OBO.


400 S. LaSalle St., Spencer, WI 54479

Over the road semi driver. Run the midwest.
Home weekends. Paid weekly. Paid vacations and
holidays. Paid insurance. Please contact Patrick
for more information at 715-368-0166.


NEW assigned equipment Top Pay and Benets
Monthly Bonuses for Safety and Performance

Based out of Tomah, WI.






Text MARTEN to
95577 to receive our
latest job alerts.



Position: 9-12 mathematics teacher

Description: Full-time 9-12 mathematics teacher starting
immediately. Wisconsin education licensure for 9-12
mathematics is required.
Salary requirements: Very competitive wages and benets
offered. Salary negotiable. Signing bonus available.
Application: Interested candidates should send a letter of
application, a rsum, and three letters of reference to:
Cale Jackson, district administrator
School District of Loyal
P.O. Box 10
Loyal, WI 54446
Deadline: Until lled


Greenwood Police


The city of Greenwood is accepting applications to fill a vacancy for one full-time
patrol officer. Establish eligibility list.
RESPONSIBILITIES: General police functions including patrol, criminal law enforcement, traffic law enforcement, ordinance enforcement, maintaining public
peace. To protect life and property, and working with the community to address
community problems.
SALARY: Dependent on qualifications.
BENEFITS: Wisconsin retirement fund, health insurance, dental insurance, life
insurance, disability insurance, paid sick leave, paid holidays, uniform allowance.
QUALIFICATIONS: U.S. citizen, minimum age: 21, valid drivers license, good
driving record, eligibility for Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board Certification, high school diploma, 60 college credits, ability to possess a firearm, no
felony convictions, no domestic abuse convictions, vision correctable to 20/20,
good verbal and written communication skills, able to work evenings, weekends
and holidays, ability to perform essential functions of the position, ability to use
all standard law enforcement equipment, ability to react quickly and effectively
to stressful situations, knowledge and skills in operating computer systems.
NOTE: Written exam, oral interviews, psychological profile, medical examination, vision examination, drug screening, background investigation, successful
candidate will need to establish residency within 15 miles, as required by the
city after completion of one-year probationary period.
APPLY BY: February 1, 2016, at 4 p.m.
SUBMIT: DJ-LE-330 including questions, resume to:
Chief Bernie Bock
Greenwood Police Dept.
102 N. Main St.
Greenwood, WI 54437
QUESTIONS/APPLICATIONS: Contact city clerk at 715-267-6205


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5&6, Sunnyview Expo Center,

MOVIE, MUSIC, Magazine, miscellaneous sale. Colby Public

Library, 211 W. Spence Street.
All items $1. Starts Saturday,
January 30, 9 a.m. - noon. Runs
throughout February during library hours. $4 grocery bag sale
is February 22-29.





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Page 16 - Tribune Record Gleaner - Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Schaefer family hosts 33rd annual progressive dinner

The 33rd annual Schaefer Family Progressive Dinner
was recently attended by 55 members of the extended family of the late Werner and Christine Schaefer. This years
extravaganza included a menu of seven stops, beginning
in Owen and ending in Wausau. The dinner has become a
tradition that originated as a time saving device, allowing
families to visit each others homes during the holidays,
see what gifts had been exchanged and to visit, while still
having time to enjoy their individual familys Christmas
parties. The event is always held after Christmas and before the new year gets too old. Each family is assigned a
category and asked not to augment the menu with auxiliary
dishes. The challenge to each guest is to pace themselves
with small samples, knowing the fare at each stop is more
tempting than the last, and the day is long.
Jo and Mike Lullof were the first hosts of this years
event, kicking off the day with ham and egg sandwiches,
cheese, banana bread, pretzels and punch. With individual
intentions to lightly sample already sorely tested, the

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Single & double-chain
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Friday, February 5, 2016

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to draw minions from Despicable Me, Rachel Stiemann

showed how to make homemade sun catchers, and Nicolas Stiemann demonstrated how to make melted beads
Angel Tree Project: Rachel Stieman gave a report on
the Angel Tree Project and said it was a worthwhile project that she would recommend doing again another year.
4-H Discovery Day: Wyatt Thomas and Abbigail Koep
gave a report on Discovery Day which was held on Dec.
Drama contest: It is rescheduled for April 16, and, if
anyone is interested, tell Mrs. Stiemann.
Yearly agenda approval: Make sure that your address
is up to date. If it changed, then tell Mrs. Stiemann ASAP.
Bruce Mound: A 4-H sponsored Bruce Mound tubing trip is scheduled for Jan. 30, from 5 to 8, for all 4-H
Ice skating: Kris Magnus will check on options and
will see when we can go to the Neillsville Rink or other
Volleyball tournament: The tournament will be
March 5 and 6. Practices will begin on the first Sunday
of February, from 1-3.
Hoards Dairyman cow judging contest: Due on Feb.
15, which is the next meeting.
The next meeting is Feb. 15, at Globe Church, starting at 7.
New record book cover: The extension office gave
Lucky Clovers a few new record book covers if anyone
needs one.
Brooke Magnus, reporter


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and Fun

to be served pumpkin delight and apple pie with their

choice of ice cream, chocolate syrup, or whipped cream
and complementary samples of Jons homemade wines.
The traveling tasters moved on to the Fenwood home of
Kim and Dennis Kusiak where they were treated to taco
salad, tossed salad, individual frozen fruit salads, veggiemite on bread, taco chips and punch.
Evening darkness had descended by the time the entourage arrived at the Wausau home of Jamie and Diane
Schaefer. Any lingering appetites were abated by pulled
pork sandwiches, cheese, sausage, chips and dip, pickles,
olives, assorted homemade desserts and candies, and a
variety of beverages.
Tired by travel, satisfied with visits and satiated with
good food, the group was planning for next years event
even as participants began to disperse with fond memories
of a grand tradition.

Lucky Clovers 4-H Club holds monthly meeting

The Lucky Clovers 4-H Club met on Jan. 18, at the
Globe Church
Demonstrations: Wyatt Thomas presented a demonstration on cup staking, Zena Thomas explained how

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travelers dipped into a large bowl of Jos famous homemade

caramels as they exited, on their way to the second stop.
Karen and Rich Verschay greeted the still hungry hoard
into their rural Greenwood home with a banquet of smoked
oysters, herring, sausage, and fruit salad, complemented
by tea, coffee and apple juice.
Max and Bryce Luchterhand welcomed the nomadic
nibblers to their rural Unity home with a 15-pound ham,
sliced as needed, for ham and cheese sandwiches garnered
with pickles and olives, accompanied by Maxs punch and
hot cider.
Savoring lighter snacks, the group moved on to the Colby
home of Ashley and Sam Klinner for shrimp and Buffalo
chicken dips, vegetable pizza, brie with sliced bread, crackers, cookies, punch, soda and beer.
It was well past the noon hour when the flurry of feasting friends arrived at Jon Schaefers rural Stratford home

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