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Republic of the Philippines

@Wmant ofenilodtton
Region lV

First DepEd Batangas Gawad Balisong

Program on Awards and lncentives for Service Excellence {PRAISE}
In DepED Batangas


Principle 1: Leadership and Governance {30%}
Examples of Evidence

1. Realization of DO #36, s. 2013, One DepEd Vision, Mission and Core Values {One DepEd VMV) as guide in
developing and implementing the SIP

2. Utilization of varied toolslequipment/strategy to enhance understanding and application of One DepEd

VMV vis-a-vis schools' SlP, instructional and governance practices
3. Number of consultative assemblies held with active involvement of stakeholders in the achievement of
One DepEd VMV

4. Active involvement of students, parents, and the community in planning, implementing, and evaluating
the achievement of One DepED VMV
5. Clear and structured shared decision making with define roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
5. Utilization of the SBM-APAT to monitor decentralization of school management
7. Existing school programs and projects for training students on effective leadership
8. lnvolvement of students in school governance
9. lnvolvement of students in assessing performance of school staff
10. Techniques used in designing the school organizational chart
11. Methods used in distrihution of teaching loads, specialassessment
12. Schooi head's leadership governance sfule as perceived by staff
13. Voluntary services rendered by the staff beyond office hours
14. Financial and material support the school head gets from the stakeholders, particularly from the

1. DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2013
2. Places where One DepEd VMV are displayed
3. The School lmprovement Plan

4. School Profile, School Report Card

5. School Head annual report to stakeholders on school accomplishments
5. School Head/Department Heads Professional Development Plan
7, State of the schopl address of the school head
8. School organizational chart
9. Documents on School Budget Allocations
10. Personnel evaluation system/Performance Rating
1i. Staff and Student Handbooks {if any)
12. School lncentive/Reward System for staff, students, school community
13. Report on Accomplishments of PupillStudent Government

Principle 2: Gurriculum and Learning (40%)

Examples of Evidence
1. Contextualization of the K to 12 BEC

2. Utilization of students needs assessment results for making instructional, remedial, and enhancement
3. Learning systems regularly monitored using appropriate tools
4. Provision for individual differences
5. lntegration of subject matter across discipline, grade/year levels
6. Team building practices
7. Use of action research to discover new knowledge and reconstruct old ones
8. Methods of instructional Ieadership being used
9. Implementation of the Dropout Reduction Program
10. Researehes on teaching-learning innsvations
11. Utilization of Student Portfolio to track learning progress
12. Kinds of assessment techniques used
13. Active involvement in class activities because students enjoy learning
14. Using a variety of assessment in evaluating student program.
15. On-going analyiis and use of test result$ to imprpve student learning.
15. On-going parent-teacher dialogues on how to improve learning outcomes.
17. Providing training on how to identify learning gaps and how to address them.
18. Using class progress charts to track down least-mastered competence.
19. Utilization of assessment results to improve learning
20. Discussing students' report cards with parents.

21. Records of results of interventions

22. Records ofchanges in student exams/behaviors
23. Graphics (charts, dialogues) showing changes in student tests
24. Benchmarking successful assessment practices.

1. Student Portfolio
2. Staff and Student Handbooks
3. Lesson Plans

4. Periodical and End-of the year reports

5. Professional Development Program
6. Curriculum Guides, Teachers Guide, Learning Materials/Syllabus
7. Student Learning Program
8. NAT Results (last 2 years)
9. Table of Specifications/Budget of Work per learning area
10. Student's learning plans
1L. Report on results: application of teaching-learning innovation/s
12. Remedial Programs
13. Dropout Reduction Program

Principle 3: Accountability and Continuous lmprovement {15%}

Examples of Evidence

1. Clear & defined roles and responsibilities of accountable person/staff a3signed to tasks and they are
qualified to perform
2. Staff training and development plans are aligned and responsive to learners' needs.
3. Transparency and judicious use of school MOOE/canteen funds
4. Local community actively involved in various school committees
5. Holding of education summit, meetings, assemblies
5. Feedback mechanism, information collection and validation techniques
7. lnformation communication technology used to support instructional and management programs
8. Transparency Board located in conspicuous place

1. Records of School MOOE and Liquidation Report
2. Records of financial transactions/donations
3. Crises rnanagement plan
4. Canteen Report
5. Special education program of activities

5. PTCA records of annual programs and projects with corresponding audited financial report
7. School building and facilities built by LGUs & NGOs in last 2 years
8. Pledges of Comrnitment from Stakeholders

9. Records of contributions from stakeholders used to finance programs/projects

10. Records of events/activities held spearheaded by stakeholders

Principle 4: Management of Resources (15%)

Examples of Evidence
1. Record of resource allocation and mobilization

2. Regular planning, monitoring and resource programming

3. Experienced teacher coaching and nurturing new teachers or those who request assistance
4. Monitoring report on BrigadaEskwela
5. Report on the School Feeding Program
6. System that manages network and linkages for improving resource management
7. Benchmarking resource management practices.
8. PTCA (or any form of school-community partnership) raising funds to support schools drive for judicious
resource management


2. Report on BrigadaEskwela
3. Nutritional Status report
4, Sehool Feeding Program
5. School heads' and staff's professional development plans
6. School influencing surrounding schools to perform well
7. Performance lndicators
8. Records of best practices institutionalized/shared to neighboring school

1. The four (4) principles were assigned percentage weights for the school operation according to the
validated practices (a0%) with corresponding points below:
0.0 - 0.50 = 25 pts.
0.51 - 1.50 = 50 pts.
1.51 - 2.50 = 75 pts.
2.51 - 3.00 = 100 pts.

*Each principle has several indicators. Based on the results of the D-O-D (Document Analysis,
Observation, Discussion), the evidence is summarized.
2. Based on lmproved Learning Outcomes {60%1, National Achievement Test for the last 2 years, SY 20122013 and SY 2013-2014 with corresponding points below:
10% inoernent = 25 pts.
20% increment = 50 pts.
50% increment = 100 pts.
1. Leaderchip and Governance
STANDARD: The school provides leadership that inspires and empowers for high achievement and
governance that fosters commitment, participatipn, informed-decision making, and shared accountability;
and continuously improves its communication system and relationships with and among stakeholders, based
on mutual respect, understanding, and a common concern for ,irnproved learning outcomes and school

lndicators 0 1 2 3 Evidence
1.1. Has in placed advisory/governing body composed of stakeholder representatives that: makes policies and
formulate plans to guide school operations in order to meet standards and ensure compliance with educational laws
and policies; recognizes the executive prerogatives of the school head; and provides oversight information and advice
1.2. Shares decision making at various levels of the school organization
1.3. Provides rich and varied opportunities for stakeholders, particularly the parents, to lead/initiate activities towards



rner outcomes

1.4. Observes professional and ethical conduct in dealing with stakeholders.

1.5. Has a functional student government that develops learners for democratic leadership and citizenship
L.6. Provides opportunities to teachers to exercise leadership in their areas of specialization
1.7. Has an incentive system in place, collaboratively developed with stakeholders, that encourages a culture of hard
work, honesty, fairness, teamwork, and excellent performance

Weighted Mean:

weiehted Pereentage:
2. Curriculum and Learning
STANDARD: The school implements a research and experienced-based curriculum that meets national
requirements; responds to local needs and expectations of its stakeholders, uses innovative instructional
strategies to facilitate achievement for all learners; and implements a comprehensive assessment system,
based on clearly stated learning expectations and utilizes the assessment results to improve student
performance and school effectiveness.

lndicators 0 1 2 3 Evidence
2,1. Provides curricular programs that address the felt needs or individual differences of the learners and the
development needs of the community

2.2. Establishes articulation between and among curricular programs in different subjects at all levels to enhance
integrative learning
2.3. Makes the curriculum flexible so that it can readily respond to emergent needs, challenges, and opportunities, and
adapt to local cultural conditions
2.4 lnitiates learning programs based on clearly stated learner outcomes and encourages experimentation and risktaking in providing solutions to teaching problems
2.5. Uses a system whereby learners manage their own learning and assumes personal responsibility and accountability
for learner outcomes
2.6. Benchmarks best practices in school and those in otherschoolsto improve learning

lndicators 0 1 2 3 Evidence
L.9. Conducts a general assembly at the start of the school year to orient stakeholders on school targets and programs
and at the end of the school year, to appraise results and make necessary adjustments
1.10. Culminates achievement through quarterly or end of the year exhibits of learners' best products and

1.11. Conducts teacher-parent meetings, at the end of each quarter and school year, to appraise and improve learner
1.12. Renders a progress report to parents/community at least twice a year (at end of semester and school year) and
plans with them to accelerate progress
1.13. Conducts aggressive recruitment and early registration in January of each school year, giving special attention to
learners with special needs and those at-risk of not going to school, and providing early interventions to those at-risk of

dropping out

1.14. Provides teachers

comprehensive capacity-building and development program

that includes meeting,

coachingfmentoring, LAC sessions and online training, to support their professionaldevelopment.


O 1 2 3 Evidence
2.7. Employs best teaching practices to develop skills: critical and creative thinking and problem solving, informed

decision making, and command of fundamental processes

2.8. Actively involves learners in planning, implementing and evaluating instructions
2.9. Uses the community as learning laboratory to facilitate practical application of KSA learned in school and enhance
technology transfer to the community
2.10. Monitors school climate and takes necessary steps to ensure that conducive to learning
2.11. Provides varied and meaningful activities for interaction, cooperative, group-based, as well as, individualized selfdirected learning

2.13. Has in place a functional assessment system, handled by

a quality management team whose roles and

responsibilities are clearly defined

2.14. Uses performance measures and techniques that yield valid and reliable quantitative and qualitative data
2.15. Utilizes assessment data for making decisions to improve student performance
2.16. Conducts systematic analysis of the impact of existing school instructional and administrative practices on student
performance and utilizes the results of the analysis for designing more effective strategies
2.L7. Holds meetings, consultations, fora, symposia, and focus group sessions to communicate assessment results and
discuss necessary actions to take
2.L8. Maintains a secure, accurate, and functional student tracking system (5TS) in accordance with existing laws,
policies, rules and regulations
2.19, Uses innovative strategies that enable students to identify their strengths and learning deficiencies and initiate
appropriate action to harness/correct them
2.20. Demonstrates significant improvement in learning outcomes

Weighted Mean:
Weighted Percentage:

3. Accountability and Continuous Improvement

a comprehensive quality assurance and accountability mechanisms,
ba*ed an elearly stated mandate and expeetations; utilize evaluation re$ult$ ts improve performanee and
school effectiveness; provides technical assistance to teachers and non-teaching personnel to cater the
aspiration and expectations of the stakeholders; and make use of the DepEd vision and mission to guide the
continuous improvement of learning outcomes and school services for achieving the national goal of
functional literary for all.
STANDARD: The school implements

lndicators A 1 2 3 Evldence
1.1. Aligns annual and long-term improvement plans to DepEd vision, mission, and purpose
1.2. Uses vision, mission, and purpose as standards in evaluating school programs
1.3. Has in place functionalteams with clearly defined terms of reference
1.4. Maintains and upgrades its lnformation and Communication
System so that it can provide the necessary information for the stakeholders
1.5. Has School Professional Development Plan for continuing professional education for teachers and other personnel

1.6. Provides training and development programs on competencies that advance the school vision and purpose in
support of the school improvement plan
1.7. Manifests judicious use of MOOE/canteen funds
1.8. lnvolves stakeholders in various programs and activities
1.9. Holds summit, meetings and assemblies for stakeholders to gather data, disseminate information and engage them
for continuous improvement
1.10. Regularly informs external stakeholders through formal or informal communication channels, about progress of
school-community programs as well as status of student performance
1.11. Adopts feedback mechanisms, data collections and validation techniques for the purpose of transparency

Weighted Mean:
Weighted Percentage:

4. Management of Resources
STANDARD: The school provides the resources necessary to implement the curriculum and the school
improvement Blan, The resourges are managed lvith effieieney and transpareney. The imprsvement of
learning outcomes is given priority in allocation of resources.
lndicators 0 1 2 3 Evidence
4.1. Observes accounting and auditing rules and regulations in managing school resources
4.2. Allocates adequate resources to programs and activities that have direct impact on learner outcomes
4.3. Proteets instructional time from being used for non-instructional activities
4.4, Regular:ly upgrades and expands its blended multi-media materials, equipment and facilities and uses them

optimally to support learning

4.5. Operates a coaching, mentoring, and counseling pool served by volunteer students, alumni, retirees, and other
individuals and entities, for the improvement of student performance and school services

4.5. Offers (functional) student welfare services {canteen, medical, dental, counseling, career/vocational guidance) that
meet sta keholders' expectations
4.7. Maintains physical facilities, materials and equipment to provide an environment that is, safe, healthful, orderly
and conducive to learning
4.8. Orients new staff (teaching and non-teaching) to school policies, standards and programs
4.9. Has in place & system of helping teachers identify and respond appropriately to their performance needs and

Weighted Mean:
Weighted Percentage:

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