7 SOL Review Quiz #7 (Pro-WW1)

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SOL Review Quiz #7 (Progressive Era-Great Depression)

1. Which government reform is not defined correctly?
a. Commission Plan - Commissioner hired to run city or county government
b. County/City Manager - Manager hired to run city or county government
c. Referendum Allows the people to introduce legislation
d. Recall - Allows for the removal of an elected official
2. President Taft urged American banks and businesses to invest in Latin America, and he promised that the United
States would step in if unrest threatened their investments. What was this policy called?
a. Big Stick Diplomacy b. Dollar Diplomacy
c. Open Door Diplomacy d. Trust Busting
3. The main purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust act was to?
a. Limit big business
c. To outlaw price-fixing

b. To stop unions from striking

d. To end companies that restrain trade

4. The New Freedom is to ____?____ as the Square Deal is to ___?____.

a. Woodrow Wilson/ Theodore Roosevelt
b. Theodore Roosevelt/ William Taft
c. William Taft/ Woodrow Wilson
d. William Taft/ Theodore Roosevelt
5. What was a key result in the growth of international trade from the late 1800s and early 1900s?
a. It gave birth to a true global economy.
b. There was a new desire for colonization.
c. Europe began to explore.
d. The United States became a global super power.
_____ 6. Which act outlawed price fixing and allowed unions to strike?
a. Taft Anti-Trust Act
b. Clayton Anti-Trust Act c. Sherman Anti-Trust Actd. Grant AntiTrust Act
_____ 7. As a result of the Spanish American War, America annexed the following territories except for?
a. Philippines
b. Cuba
c. Guam
d. Puerto Rico
_____ 8. Who was involved in the U.S. annexation of Hawaii?
a. Stanford Dole
b. William Seward

c. John Hay

d. John Muir

_____ 9. The Spanish-American War led the United States to annex __________ & _________ and to have the
right to interfere with the
internal affairs of _________________.
a. Philippines & Puerto Rico; Panama
b. Cuba & Puerto Rico; Philippines
c. Puerto Rico & Philippines; Cuba
d. Guam & Cuba; Puerto Rico
_____ 10. The Open Door Policy impacted Americas relationship with what nation?
a. Japan
b. China
c. Korea
d. Vietnam
_____ 11. _______________ founded the American Federation of Labor
a. Eugene V. Debs
b. Stanford Dole c. John Hay

d. Samuel Gompers

_____ 12. _______________ founded the American Railway Union

a. Eugene V. Debs
b. Stanford Dole c. John Hay

d. Samuel Gompers

_____ 13. ____________ Strike and ___________ Strike showed how the Federal government would support big
business against striking workers.
a. Homestead & Haymarket b. Homestead & Pullman c. Pullman & Haymarket d. Haymarket &
_____ 14. World War 1 began when ______________ and ______________ went to war with
____________,___________, and ________.

a. Britain and France vs. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia

b. Germany and France vs. United States, Britain, Russia
c. Germany and Austria-Hungary vs. Britain, France, Russia
d. Germany and Russia vs. Britain, France, Serbia
_____ 15. Which of the following best describes Wilsons 14 Points?
a. An outline for a lasting peace at the end of the war
b. A plan for the Allies to take revenge on Germany and the other Central Powers
c. A plan for American global domination after the war
d. A design for the United Nations
_____ 16. Which of the following was Not a part of Wilsons 14 points peace plan?
a. Freedom of the Seas
b. Self-Determination
c. League of Nations d. War Reparations
_____ 17. Which of the following led America into World War 1?
a. Zimmerman telegram b. Unrestricted Submarine Warfare c. Russias collapse

d. all of the

_____ 18. What effect did Americas entry into World War I have on its outcome?
a. The United States ensured victory for the Allies
b. The United States ensured victory for the Central Powers
c. The United States allowed the war to last many years longer than it would have.
d. The United States really had little impact on the outcome of the war, as it was almost over when
America entered.
_____ 19. Why did the United States reject the Treaty of Versailles?
a. Because it blamed Germany for the entire war
b. Because the United States did not receive any Middle East Mandates
c. Because the League of Nations could control U.S. foreign policy
d. Because the Allies rejected all of Wilsons 14 points
_____ 20. For the first three years of the war, America was technically what?
a. Supporting the Allies b. Supporting the Central Powers c. Supporting both sides

d. Neutral

_____ 21. The phrase To make the world safe for Democracy was spoken by Woodrow Wilson in describing what
a. Why the United States will not enter World War One
b. Why the United States will enter World War One
c. Why the United States supports the Treaty of Versailles
d. Why the United States does not support the Treaty of Versailles
_____ 22. Woodrow Wilson included the creation of a League of Nations in his peace proposal at the end of World
War I. What was supposed to be the purpose of this body?
a. It was to be a supreme council that could rule the entire world
b. It was to be a congress of nations which could negotiate international problems and avoid war
c. It was to be a judicial tribunal as a place where nations could bring legal action against each
other rather than military action
d. It was to join the Allied Powers permanently as the dominant order in the world
_____ 23. Why did the U.S. Senates oppose U.S. membership in the League of Nations?
a. It feared our membership would lead to international instability
b. It feared our membership would be a drain on American finances
c. It feared our membership would interfere with free-trade agreements
d. It feared our membership would drag the country into European conflicts

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