Summer Black Grape

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Summer black

Triploid seedless grape - the variety alias black summer, summer black seedless . European and American hybrids
from Japan Yamanashi Fruit Proving Ground in 1968 resulting hybrid, its parent is Jufeng and Bu Si, in August 1997
obtained variety registration. February 2000, China's introduction of virus-free seedlings of the varieties of grapes from
Yamanashi, Japan Institute of phytoplasma.
Chinese name
Summer black
Brief Introduction
Triploid seedless grapes
Parents of Jufeng and Bu Si
The introduction of time
February 2000

table of Contents

1 Fruit Characters


2 Growth habit


3 Botany


4 phenophase


5 Evaluation

Fruit Characters
Most ear conical, the shoulder portion of Bifidobacterium

Summer black

Conical, no side ear. Earbig, ear length 16 ~ 23cm, ear width 13.5 ~ 16cm, average ear weight 415g. Grain weight
3 ~ 3.5g, after GA treatment, average weight 7.5g, maximum weight 12g, average ear weight 608g, the maximum spike
weight 940g. Fruit with students closely or very closely, ear size and tidy. Fruit nearly round, purple or violet blue. In the
night temperature highplaces it is also very easy to color, consistent color, ripe agreement. Peel thick, crisp flesh no
astringency, peel slightly sour. Fruit powder thick. Flesh hard and brittle, no meat sac, purple juice. Sauvignon
sweet. Seedless. No Xiaoqing tablets. Soluble solids content of 20% to 22%. Fresh quality superior.

Growth habit

Plant growth is extremely strong. Implicit buds force germination medium

Summer black

. Buds germination rate of 85% to 90%, 95% of branches, twigs medium maturity. The average newborn per
fruiting ear number is 1.45 to 1.75. Hidden Bud shoots solid and strong. High, wide, vertical rack, 667 square meters when
planted 110, output of up to 18000 ~ 22500kg / ha.

Botanical characteristics

Summer Black (5)

Young shoots yellow-green, with a small amount of fluff. Shoot tip closed, cream, a layer of fluff, dull. Butter yellow
to pale green leaves with purple halo on the shiny surface, a lower surface densely silky layer. Mature leaves of great
vertical diameter of about 32.5cm, diameter of about 32.5cm, nearly round. Leaves on the back of a very thin layer of age
filamentous hair. Intermediate blades concave, convex edge. Most blades 4 lobes, middle leaves on the branches in a few
leaf lobes obvious, nearly round. Upper and lower lobes are deep, base oval. Sawtooth dome-shaped, more gentle, some
portion of the top serrated blade tip slightly pointed triangular. Petiole mostly sagittal depression, base for the crackshaped or triangular; petiole depression leaves mostly wide arch, base rectilinear. Shoots grow upright, the section
between the dorsal yellow-green, the ventral purple red. Branches circular cross-section, reddish-brown
branches. Bisexual flowers ,triploid .

Jiangsu Zhangjiagang region, March 25-April 8 Meng

Summer black

Bud, May 10 to May 20 flowering, July 10 to July 20 mature berries. Berries mature from flowering to the number of
days required for 100 to 115 days, during which the effective accumulated temperature of 1983.2 ~ 2329.7 .

The breed concentrated sweet refreshing,

Summer black

Rich strawberry flavor, in Zhangjiagang early July began to mature, leaving the tree may have been saved to
October, no fruit, no shattering, no aftertaste, is suitable for large-scale development of quality early fresh varieties. After
GA treatment, increased fruit more than doubled, to increase production. Tree vigorous, disease resistance, firm fruit with
students, is a set of very early, large grain, high-quality, disease-resistant, easy to color, excellent resistance to transport
in one of the seedless varieties, suitable for outdoor cultivation throughout the country.
4 Black Summer (Summer Black)
Alias black summer, summer black seedless, Europe hybrids, triploid varieties. Fruit from Japan Yamanashi test
site Jufeng diploid seedless bred, in August 1997 to get variety registration, introduced in 2000 in China. 4.1 botany and
fruit characteristics of summer green and yellow and black grapes young shoots, leaves light green, dense dorsal hairs,
into the leaves large, mostly four-lobed, serrated leaf margin obtuse. Mature shoots reddish-brown, large and plump buds,
ear mostly conical, conical shoulder part of the Bifidobacterium average spike quality 4309, the average single particle
mass 3.5 g. After treatment with Expansin, cylindrical or conical ear, raw fruit with tight, neat spike, spike quality 600 ~ 900
g, the biggest spike quality 1 600 g. Soluble solids of 17.3%, up 22%. Sauvignon sweet, fragrant strawberries, excellent
quality, individual ear 1 to 2 have drupes. Results 4.2 Growth and cultivation feature strong growth potential of the species
plant prosperous, good flower bud differentiation, germination rate, the results of branch rate, buds germination rate of
85%, 95% branching, each branch was an average of 1.5 students inflorescence . Hidden Bud sticks solid and strong,
high yield and strong, after transplanting 667 m2 4th year yield up to 2 500 ~ 3 000 kg. But in order to produce quality
grapes, generally 667m2 control in 250 ~ 1 500 kg, after pushing the yield is too high maturity, the impact of shading and
flower buds. Summer black grape from bud to fruit ripening just 100-105 d. In the Yimeng Mountain, mature in mid July, is
a precocious seedless varieties. Disease resistance, no fruit after the fruit is ripe, not shattering.
Choose deep soil, loose sandy loam soil (its permeability, and soil temperature rose rapidly) to build the garden, Li
Jia cultivation, to the north-south line. Pruning grape production is directly related to the level of the following year, to do
the Maya, Bangman, go tendrils, processing Fushao etc. Xiajian work. Natural fan pruning, spacing 1.7 m, spacing
0.8m.Cranberry leave enough time topping 12 functional leaves to ensure adequate nutrition area. Dong Jian, 667m2
leaving results Zhizu 1500-1800 , general vigor short shoot pruning mainly the strong branches can shoot
pruning. Mature garden (4 years old or more) 667m2 production at 1 250 ~ 1 500 kg, timely sparse inflorescence, pinch
ear tip, sparse fruit and so on. When the flower thinning, leaving two strong fruiting spike, leaving a branch moderation
ear, ready sticks and weak branches without leaving inflorescence, 667 m2 stay 3500-4000 spike, grains per panicle 5080 stay. Shoots must topping.Topping can save a lot of nutrients, promote leaf thickening, flower buds and full.

When the bean size fruit (in early June), on the basis of thinning, spraying the timely bagging. Production of highgrade fruit to cover special bags of grapes as well, but also sets a newspaper bag. LOd before harvest about picking
bags. When picking bags, torn bags under the mouth first, over two or three days and then remove the paper bag. Go
before fruit bags, along both sides of the line in the grape black film coating to prevent dirt splashed ear, holding the fruit
surface clean, but also to destroy weeds; proper removal of old leaves around the ear, promote coloration.

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