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50.HRM process-planning,recruitment.

Planning:The process by which managers ensure that it has the right personnel,
who are capable of completing those tasks that help the organization reach its
objectives. Current Assessment:Job analysis-- Defines jobs and the behaviors to
perform them .Job description-A written statement of what a job holder does, how
its done and why it is done.Job specification--A statement of the minimum
qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully.
Meeting Future Human Resource Needs: Are determined by the organizations
objectives and strategies Developing a Future program:After 2 steps
management is able to estimate shortages. Recruitment:-It is the process of
locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants. Derecruitment:
Techniques for reducing the labor supply within an organization. e.g. firing
,layoffs, transfers, retirements, reduced workweeks Recruitment:Job description :
A written description of a non-management job, covering title, duties and
responsibilitie Position description: A written description of a management
position and including its location on the organization chart. Hiring specification:
It defines the education, experience and skills an individual must have in order to
perform effectively in the position he/she is applying Sources Of recruiting
Potential Job Candidates--Labor market: Easy to recruit in large labor
markets.The type or level of the position: The more specialized the position the
more recruitment efforts .The size of the organization: The larger the
organization the easier it is to recruit.Source in the Recruitment
process:/Internal Search/External Search/Advertisement of a job
vacancy./Web based advertising./Preliminary contact with potential job
candidates./Initial screening to create a pool of qualified applicants.
51.Risk Management process
Risk Management is a methodology that helps managers make best use of their
available resources The Risk Management process steps are a generic guide for any
organization, regardless of the type of business, activity or function. The basic process
steps are: Establish the context For example, the nature of your business, the risks
inherent in your business and your priorities.Identify the risks Defining types of risk,
for instance, Business risks to the goals Identifying the stakeholders, (i.e., who is
involved or affected). Develop risk identification strategy (what risk areas and how to
identify risks in each area documented criteria).Analyses the risks:Probability and
frequency is the risk event to happen?What would be the impact, consequences of that
event occurring? (Economic, political, social?) Decisions on what to do, how much
do, when to do, and what not to do Decisions on who will take mitigation actions and
what actions will be applied SWOT analyze GETS analyze Evaluate the
risks:Rank the risks according to management priorities, by risk category and rated
by likelihood and possible cost or consequence.Determine inherent levels of
risk.Treat the risks Develop and implement a plan with specific counter Consider:
Priorities (Strategic and operational) Resources (human, financial and technical) Risk

acceptance, (i.e., low risks) Assessing risk handling options (avoid, transfer, reduce,
shareDocument your risk management plan and describe the reasons behind selecting
the risk and for the treatment chosen. Monitor and control: Risk Reassessment
(Scheduled regularly to identify new risk) Risk Audit (Examine the effectiveness of
planned risk) Trend analysis (Monitor overall project performance)
52. Definition of communication. Function of communication
Communication (from Latin commnicre, meaning "to share"[1]) is the purposeful
activity of information exchange between two or more participants in order to convey
or receive the intended meanings through a shared system of signs and semiotic rules.
The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange
information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else
Functions of communication:Control /Motivation/Information /Emotional expression
53. HRM process-compensation and benefits.
HRM is a process for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee
performance.The HRM Process Human Resource Planning/ Career Development/
Compensation &Benefits / Recruitment or Decruitment/ Performance Management/
Selection/Orientation/ Training or Development
Compensation and benefits: Helps attract and retain high-performance employees.
Impacts on the strategic performance of the firm. Types of Compensation. Base wage
or salary. Wage and salary add-ons. Incentive payments Skill-based pay
Factors That Influence Compensation and Benefits
Level of compensation and benefits: employees tenure and performance-how long
has employee been with company and how has he performed. Kind of job performeddoes job require high levels of skill? Kind of business-what industry is job in?
Unionization- is business unionized? Labour or capital intensive- is business labour or
capital intensive? Management philosopy- what management philosopy toward pay?
Geographical location- whare is organization located? Company profitability- how
profitability is the company? Size of company- how large is the company?
54. *Leadership definition. The mandate of leadership and management.
Difference between managers and leaders
*The individuals who are the leaders in an organization, regarded collectively.* The
activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this.
DESIRED GOAL:The mandate for management to maintain policies, process and
procedures to achieve defined objectives. The mandate for leadership is to pull people
together and move them toward a desired future. Every organization needs both good
management and leadership. SOME MAY BE EFFECTIVE MANAGERS BUT NOT


ROLES: Differences between m&l managers are people who do things right, while
leader are people who do right things. By Bennis Managers :Focus on things Do
things right Plan Organize Direct Control. Leaders:Focus on people Do the
right things Inspire Influence Motivate Build
55. Types of conflict
Interpersonal Conflict:Conflict between individuals due to differences in their goals
or values. Can be between colleagues, senior and junior team members, employee and
client can be acute when the scarce resources cannot be shared and must be obtained.
Conflict within the individual: The conflict within the individual is usually value
related, where role playing expected of the individual does not conform with the
values and beliefs held by the individual. Conflict between the individual and
group is a type of conflict that happens among individuals within a team. Conflicts
may arises from interpersonal disagreements, differences of opinions around
allocation of work, different views in solving a problem. Intergroup Conflict: Conflict
between two or more teams, groups or departments. takes place when a
misunderstanding arises among different teams within an organization.Managers play
a key role in resolution of this conflict. Intergroup conflicts often lead to a
minimization of intragroup conflicts as people come together to oppose another
group. TASK CONFLICT (conflict related to the content + goals of the work) lowto- moderate levels can be productive by stimulating discussion of ideas that help to
perform better PROCESS CONFLICT (conflict related to how the work gets done)
low level of this kind of conflict can be productive. Moderate- to-high levels may
create dysfunctional results. RELATIONSHIP CONFLICT: conflict arising from
interpersonal relations (friction,hostility,personality clashes) almost always
dysfunctional - decreasing mutual understanding.
56. Who uses Risk Management and how is it done in project?
Who uses Risk Management?Risk Management practices are widely used in public
and the private sectors, covering a wide range of activities or operations. These
include: Finance and Investment, Insurance, Health Care, Public Institutions,
Governments How is it done in project? Make Risk Management Part of Your
Project, Identify Risks Early in Your Project, Communicate About Risks, Consider
Both Threats and Opportunities, Clarify Ownership Issues
57. HRM process- decruitment, training.
Decruitment Techniques for reducing the labor supply within an organization. e.g.
firing ,layoffs, transfers, retirements, reduced workweeks Training:Training
Programs- A process designed to develop skills necessary for future work activities.
3 types of skills:-Technical skills -Interpersonal skills -Problem solving skills.
Training Methods:On the-job training- Most training takes place on the job

because this approach is simple and inexpensive. Off-the-job training- Some skill
training is too complex to learn on the job. in such cases it should take place outside
the work setting.

58. Overcoming the barriers and developing effective active listening skills.
Overcoming the Barriers: Use feedback The problems are less likely to occur if the
manager uses the feedback in the communication.2 types: Verbal or nonverbal If a
manager asks a receiver,: Did u understand what I said?-the response represent
feedback- Simplify language-manager needs to simplify his language, messages must
clear and understandable. Effective communication is achieved when a message is
both received and understood., Listen actively-listening for full meaning without
making premature interpretations. Developing Effective Active Listening skills:
Make eye contact Ask questions Avoid Interrupting the speaker Dont overtalk Avoid
Distracting actions or gestures Exhibit affirmative nods and appropriate facial
expressions Paraphrase
59. Group decisions making (advantages and disadvantages).Group decisions
making types.
Many important decisions are made in a group setting. Groups tend to reduce
cognitive biases and can call on combined skills, and abilities. There are some
advantages with groups: Provides more complete information Generates more
alternatives Increase legitimacy There are some disadvantages with groups: Time
consuming, Minority domination, Pressures to conform, Ambiguous responsibility.
Group Decision Making Types 1Brainstorming :Managers meet face to face to
generate alternatives , Group members are not allowed to evaluate alternatives until
all alternatives are listed , Pros & Cons of each alternative will be discussed at the end
2Storyboarding-a variation of brainstorming in which participants identify major
issues and discuss all of them in order to put together a complete story.
60. Manager roles in external communication.
Shareholder : Ambassador Of The Company , gather information about investor
concerns Supplier :Price reduction, Product needs and requirements, Continuity and
flexibility of product supply . Customer-main source of company revenue, handling
the guests complaints easily act as media

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