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Principally, all food and drinking materials are allowed and lawful to be consumed, except those which have

been forbidden by
Allah and His Messenger: He has only forbidden you dead meat,
and the flesh of swine and that which any other name hath been
invoked besides that of God. (Q.S. 2:173). Any drink classified as
khamar or alcoholic beverages, is also prohibited in Islam: They
will ask you concerning alcoholic beverages and gambling. Say: In
each of them there lies serious vice, as well as some benefits for
mankind; yet their sin is greater that their usefulness. (Q.S.
2:219). Moreover, lawful animals can be haram or prohibited in Islam, according to the following Quranic verse: and the
strangled, and the dear through beating, and the dead through
falling from a height, and that which hath been killed by (the
goring of) horn, and the devoured of wild beasts, saving that which
ye make lawful (by the death stroke), and that which has been
immolated unto idols. (Q.S. 5:3). If these halal animals can be
immediately slaughtered by mentioning the name of Allah, before
death, then, they can be consumed as usual, except if they are
immolated unto idols. In addition to the Quranic verses, guid-

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

ance and regulations concerning foods and drinks have also been
mentioned in the sayings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad
Any products containing materials categorized halal as described
above, and which are prepared and processed in accordance with
halal stipulations according to Islamic Shariah, can be submitted to
LP.POM-MUI to get Halal Certificate of MUI.


The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

Halal Certification for any products of foods, drugs and cosmetics

is carried out to provide a clear halal status of the products, and
hence, they can provide a spiritual tranquility, particularly for
Muslim consumers. In addition, for the producers, Halal Certification can prevent any confusions and disputes on the halal status of
the commodity produced.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama


Halal Certificate is a written Fatwa (religious decree) of MUI

declaring that a product is halal to be consumed in accordance

with Islamic Shariah. This Halal Certificate is one of the
requirements stipulated in obtaining a legal permit to attach a
halal label on the product package from authorized governmental

2. Halal product is a product complying the whole halal requirements in accordance with Islamic Shariah, as follows:
a. Having no pork content and its derivative materials;
b. Having no khamr (intoxicated materials) content and its
derivative product;

c. The whole materials of animal origin must be derived from

halal animals which have been slaughtered in accordance
with Islamic Shariah;

d. Having no any other materials prohibited or which is

categorized as najis (filth), such as: carrion, blood, and any
materials of human organic origin, urine, excrement, etc.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

e. The whole facilities and equipments for processing, storage, sale, display and transportation for halal products are
not allowed to be used for any products containing pork and
any other non halal products. If concerned facility has ever
been used for such prohibited products, then it must be
cleaned first in accordance with Islamic Shariah procedures, before using i t for halal products. Using the facility
for halal products and products containing pork by turns is
strictly prohibited.

3. The holder of Halal Certificate of MUI must be responsible to

maintain the halal status of commodity produced.

4. Halal Certificate of MUI can not be transferred to any other


5. Expired Certificate and its copy can not be used for any
purposes at all.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama



Before applying Halal Certificate for any commodity produced,

the producer is stipulated to prepare a Halal Assurance System
with the following conditions:

1. The Halal Assurance System must be documented clearly in

detail, and becoming the policy of company management.

2. Such Halal Assurance System must be described in the form of

Halal Manual, describing the system of Halal management
applied by the producer, and the Halal Manual itself must also
be functioned as a fixed reference in implementing and
maintaining the halal status of the product.

3. The producer further technically details the Halal Manual in a

Standard Operating Procedure to control any critical process to
assure the halal status of the commodity produced.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

4. Both Halal Manual and Standard Operating Procedure must

be socialized and tried-out through the whole parts of the
company, so that the management of all levels, from the top
management up to employees of lower level can deeply
understand .the way of producing halal products properly.

5. The Halal Assurance System and its implementation must be

controlled and evaluated properly through a system of internal
halal audit that is established and applied by the company.

6. Coordination on the implementation of such Halal Assurance

System is conducted by a Team of Internal Halal Auditors. Its
members representing the whole parts relating with halal
production must be established by the company. The coordinator
of Internal Halal Auditors Team must be a Muslim.

7. Detailed description of such Halal Assurance System must be

referred to the Guide Book for Establishing Halal Assurance
System published by LP.POM-MUI.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

1. Producer must register all products it produces in a certain

location, and it registers the whole factories producing any
products with the same brand. In case of toll manufacturing, if
any, it must be produced in a company which has obtained
halal certificate.

2. Any producers applying for Halal Certificate for their products

must fill a form provided by LP.POM-MUI. The form must be filled
out with the information and data concerning the company, type
and name of product, and materials used, and it is attached with:

a. Specification describing the origin of materials, composition

and processing line, and/or Halal Certificate for the raw
materials used, ingredients and supporting materials, the
list of raw materials, product matrix vs. materials, and the
scheme of processing line on the products. Halal
Certificate for imported materials must be from the
institutions issuing Halal Certifying which have been
recognized and accepted by LP.POM-MUI;

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama


Halal Certificate of Explanation Letter concerning Halal

Status of any products from Local LP.POM-MUI (for local

products), or Halal Certificate from Islamic Institutions which
have been recognized and accepted by LP.POMMUI (for
imported products), for any materials made of animal origin, its
derivatives, and any other complex products;


Documents on Halal Assurance System which has

been described in Halal Manual, with the Fixed Standard

Operating Procedure.

3. Auditor Team of LP.POM-MUI will perform a field auditing

process directly to the producer location, after receiving the
completed form and its attachments from the applicants.

4. The result of such auditing with the result of laboratory test,

then evaluated in Auditor Team Meeting of LP.POM-MUI. If it
has been completed, then, the meeting results will be reported and submitted to the Fatwa Commission Meeting of
MUI to discuss and decide the halal status of the products.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

5. The Fatwa Commission Meeting of MUI can reject the report of

audit, if i t has not met the whole requirements stipulated.

6. After the halal status of the product is decided by Fatwa

Commission of MUI, a Halal Certificate will be issued by MUI.

7. Halal Certificate is valid for 2 (two) years, since the date of

issuance, and the Halal Certified Company must follow a proper
procedures for its renewal.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

1. LP.POM-MUI will send an official letter to the applicant company, to arrange a field auditing. The letter contains auditing
schedule and other administrative stipulations to be met by the

2. LP.POM-MUI issues an Assignment as well Mandatory Letter

containing the following points:

Names of Auditor team;


Date of Auditing


Auditing scopes for the Auditor team

3. On the appointed date, a team of Auditors which have been

completed with the Assignment/Mandatory Letter and Identity
Card will perform a field auditing right to the company location.
During the auditing process, the producer is re-quested to
disclose any required information transparently.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

4. Auditing process itself covers the following aspects:


Management of Halal Assurance System established by

the producer;

b. Documents and specifications concerning the origin of

materials, ingredients, and the process flow and/or their
supporting halal certificates, if any, also all documentation of
purchasing, material stock, product formulation, and other
related documents completely;

c. Field observation covering the whole process of production,

from receiving materials, processing, packaging, up to
d. Sampling is conducted limitedly, when it is required, on any
suspected materials containing pork and its derivates,
human organs, and alcohol.

5. Field auditing:
a. Auditing is conducted right in the production location;

b. Auditing is conducted in every factory/branch for the

company having several factory locations or branches, also
covering toll manufacturing;

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama


Repacking products or any products registered by the

distributor are audited right in their factory location (in the

country of origin for imported products);
d. Any products which their raw materials are in the base
form, which are produced in other location or purchased
from other part(s), where the applicant of Halal Certificate
just performs a simple and further product processing, such
as dilution process (flavor, for instance), or quality
standardization, the auditing is, then, conducted up to the
location of the base product. The urgency of further auditing
for additional products will be determined later.

6. Auditing is conducted at the running time of product processing

with the following conditions:

a. If the products audited are many with different types, then,

not every product must be in product processing at the time
of auditing. They can be represented adequately by any
type of products according to each category. But the team
of auditors must examine the whole formulation of the
products through the database of the product and the
documents of product processing completely.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

b. If, at the time of auditing, the company can not run any
product processing at the whole capacity of production
scale, then, the auditing can be conducted at limited
capacity of laboratory scale. And if the product processing
has been running normally, then, there must be re-auditing to
observe the concordance of such product processing
between the full capacity of production scale and laboratory
scale which had been audited previously. .

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

1. Halal Certificate is valid only for two years, while for the meat
imported/exported, a Letter of Notification is provided for each
shipment of import/export.

2. Three months before expiring date of the Halal Certificate,

LP.POM-MUI will send a specific letter to remind the producers for

3. Two months before the expiring date, the producers must

make a new application for renewal.

4. Any producers which have not renewed their Halal Certificate

are not allowed to use the Halal Certificate anymore for any
purposes, and they will be removed from the list of Halal
Certificate holders which are published through Jurnal Halal
magazine of LP.POM-MUI.

5. If the Halal Certificate is lost, then, the holder must make an

immediate report to LP.POM-MUI.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

6. Halal Certificate issued by LP.POM-MUI belongs to LP.POM-MUI

specifically. Therefore, for any stipulated reasons, LP.POM-MUI
has a specific right to draw the certificate, and the holder must
give it back to LP.POM-MUI.
7. Any decisions of MUI based of the Fatwa of MUI can not be

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

1. The company is obliged to sign up an agreement letter to

receive any immediate investigation any time without prior
information, by LP.POM-MUI.
2. The company is obliged to provide a specific report on internal auditing periodically every 6 (six) months, after receiving
Halal Certificate.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama


1. The producer re-fills an application form provided by

2. Filling in the form must be adjusted in accordance with the

current condition.

3. Any modification on the raw materials, additional and supporting materials, and product categories must be informed to

4. The producer is obliged to re-complete the list of raw materials, matrix of product versus materials, specification, halal
certificate and flow chart of the latest production processing.

5. Auditing procedures for this renewal process are conducted

similarly with that of the first application for new product.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

1. Halal Certificate of MUI for Newly Developed Products:


Any Product Development conducted by the holders of MUI

Halal Certificate must be reported to LP.POM-MUI;

b. If the new products developed are different with the product

categories which have been obtaining Halal Certificate of
MUI, then, the product must be registered as a new product,
and it has to be processed properly following stipulated
procedures to obtain Halal Certificate in general.

c. The new product categorized as similar type with the product having Halal Certificate of MUI, must be informed to
LP.POM-MUI. Such information must contain additional data
and the name of product, completing with the specifications
and the copy of purchasing order of materials. The data will
be studied further by LP.POM-MUI to determine the next process.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

2. Procedures for Destroying Prohibited/Unlawful Materials If

there are any products or materials to be destroyed, since they
are prohibited/ unlawful, then the destroying action must be
witnessed by the internal auditor, and completed with a re-port
which is acknowledged by the top management/director of the
company. The copy of such destroying report, then, is sent to
LP.POM-MUI. The decision on the urgency and requirement of
destroying any materials is made by LP.POM-MUI through an
official letter sent to the company formally.

3. Listing of Materials

On the last stage of halal certification process, the companies

will be requested to make a newest list of materials which have
been accepted by LP.POM-MUI after auditing, to be submitted to
Fatwa Commission Meeting. If there is no objection of Fatwa
Commission Meeting to the list, Director of LP.POM-MUI will give
an approval. The material list, then, will be loaded into data
base of LP.POM-MUI, as a join reference both by the company
as well as LP.POM-MUI.

The Assessment Institute For Food, Drugs and Cosmetics the Indonesian Council of Ulama

The Assessment
Assessment Institute
Institute For
For Food,
Food, Drugs
Drugs and
and Cosmetics
Cosmetics the
the Indonesian
Indonesian Council
Council of
of Ulama

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