DepEd Health-Related Programs

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Abin, Jonalene S.

BSN 402 Group 4


Health and Nutrition Education
Support instructional materials has been developed and are integrated in appropriate subject areas in
the elementary and secondary level of education for the following programs and projects.
School-Based AIDS Education Project
School-Based Prevention and Control of Cardio-Vascular Diseases
Feminine Hygiene Educational Program
Oral Health Education (BSBF) Program
National Drug Education Program
Teacher-In-Child-Parent (TCP) Approach
Preventive Nephrology Project
National Drug Education Program
It aims to prevent drug abuse among students through the development of desirable values, attitudes
and practices.
Health Services
Medical, Dental and Nursing
The program aims to promote, protect and maintain the health status of schoolchildren/personnel
through the provision of various health services in the schools.
TB Prevention and Control Program
It aims to reduce the prevelance of pulmonary tuberculosis among teachers and non-teaching
personnel through chest x-ray examination and treatment of positive cases to improve teaching
School Milk Project
To supplement the diet of undernourished school children all Grade I pupils in selected schools are
served chocolate flavored milk for 120 feeding days developing in them the mild drinking habit and
improved nutritional status.
Breakfast Feeding Program
It aims to improve the active learning capabilities of school children through provision of breakfast
among Grade I pupils in selected schools in the form of specially formulated noodles containing 300
kilo calories, 10 grams, protein and 800 IU beta carotene, fortified with iodine.

1. DO 56, s. 2015 - Addendum to DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2015 (Implementation of School-Based
Feeding Program (SBFP) for School Year (SY) 2015-2016)
2. DO 37, s. 2014 - Implementation of the Department of Education (DepEd) and Department of
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Funded School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) for
School Year (SY) 2014-2015

3. DO 47, s. 2012 - Implementation of the School-Based HIV and AIDS Education Program
(SBHAEP) of the Department Of Education

4. DO 45, s. 2012 - Implementing the Department of Education's Human Immune Deficiency

Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention and Control Policy
and Program in the Workplace enclosed Republic Act (RA) No. 8504

5. DO 6, s. 2012 - Guidelines on the Adoption and Implementation of Public Health Policies on

Tobacco Control and Protection Against Tobacco Industry Interference

6. DO 80, s. 2011 - Guidelines on the Implementation of the Breakfast Feeding Program

7. DO 61, s. 2011 - Use of the Monitoring Tool for the Essential Health Care Program

8. DO 43, s. 2011 - Strengthening the School Health and Nutrition Programs For the Achievement
of the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

9. DO 76, s. 2009 - Revised Influenza A H1N1 Response Level Guide for Schools

10. DO 65, s. 2009 - Implementation of Essential Health Care Program (EHCP) for the School

11.DO 49, s. 1997 - The Revised School Health and Nutrition Service Manual

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