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Roland Robertson, professor of sociology, defined globalization in 1992 as: ...the
compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a
whole. I find this quote relevant, keeping in mind that an universally accepted definition
of the term Globalization has not been yet elaborated. This term defines itself a series
of complex processes in all fields of activity.

Globalization is a modern phenomenon, a modern ideology which describes the

impending changes of nowadays society, due to the falling barriers, interdependency
between states, increased international trade and cultural exchanges.

First of all, the main effect of Globalization is represented by economic growth. But
this also brings negative effects, such as uncertainty, insecurity and it is probably not
helping to close the gap between the worlds poorest countries and the worlds richest,
per contra. Thus, the top countries in terms of economy can the advantage of the open
markets in the developing countries, in order to enhance their own economy. The socalled agreements or conventions between countries, even if they have benefits for
all the signers, most of the time, the greatest benefit is granted to the initiator, the most
developed state.

Secondly, the essential components of the Globalization process are not the states,
but the industries, banks and commercial companies. The biggest companies are no
longer national firms but multinational corporations with subsidiaries in many countries.
Through the process of cultural Globalization, certain brands impose and become
renowned. Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and
values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. This
process is marked by the common consumption of cultures that have been diffused by
the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel. So, the integration of all
states, of all different cultures in a global community, with a common consciousness that
does not alter the original cultures, may be an attainable goal. The preservation of each
culture and inheritance depends on the individual man, on his desire to do not abandon
his origins and national consciousness in the context of an international, global




As an example of Globalization, we can have in mind the McDonalds
phenomenon: an American company which has subsidiaries in 119 countries across the
Globe. At least in our country, there is no one that has not heard of McDonalds
restaurants. The brand remained the same, in order to increase their prestige, but the
finite product is the effort of many more workers, in thousands of places in the global
network of restaurants. Thus, when a customer in Romania orders worth 20 LEI, he pays
the American shareholders and also the UK for advertising services, Romanian workers
for service, Poland for the raw material and so on.

Beyond these issues, the Globalization remains a real fact to be dealt with,
independently of our will. The greatest danger Globalization could cause is the
dehumanization of some of those who got carried away literally.


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