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LRC Resources for…

Interaction &
Image Design
This LRC user guide is an introduction to some of the resources available to
the above programmes of related study. This is NOT a comprehensive list of
all that may be relevant to design students. Instead it suggests places to
start looking for information relating to your courses in the LRC.


Read the following JOURNALS for up-to-date information relevant to design

courses. Current issues are displayed on the ground floor of the LRC while
older issues are shelved upstairs in alphabetical order in Bay 16 - 22.

Active and ongoing subscriptions (also see Graphics guide for other
relevant titles). Titles in bold are available electronically on the LRC web site
(or click on links below if using electronic version). Ask LRC staff for
password if needed.

.Net Graphic
idN (International Designer’s
3D World Network)
Animation Magazine IEEE Computer Graphics…
Artforum Interactions – ACM
Broadcast Imagine Animation
Communication Arts Leonardo
Communications of
the ACM Lurzer’s International archive
Computer Arts MacUser
Computer Graphics
World Mute
Creative Review Print
Design Issues Digital Content Producer
Design week Shots cont. overleaf
Digital Arts (was Digit) Televisual
Digital Creativity Vertigo
Flux Visual communication
Frieze Wire
Grafik Wired

Subject headings
Search the Catalogue (iPAC) using the following Subject Keywords

3-D Graphics Animation

Brand names Cartoons
Computer Aided Design Computer Animation
Computer Graphics Computer and video games
Corporate image Cyberculture
Digital Art Digital Video
Digital Imaging Game design
Graphic arts Graphic design
Human-computer interaction Image processing
Interfaces New Media
Motion graphics Multimedia communications
Multimedia computer applications Photoshop
Typography User interfaces
Virtual Reality Web site design

Shelf (Dewey) Numbers

Browse the SHELVES (Bay 02 to 15) at the following numbers for books
available for loan.

004.019 Human-computer interaction

005.3 Software Manuals for Maya, Photoshop etc.
006 Virtual Reality
006.6 Computer Graphics / Web Graphics
006.693 3-D Computer Graphics
302.222 Nonverbal communication
302.23 Media/New media
303.4834 Cyberculture
620.0042 Computer Aided Design
659.1 Advertising/ commercial graphics
659.134 Brands/corporate identity
659.143 Television Graphics
686.22 Typography
700.285 Computers in art
741.5 Cartoons
741.6 Graphic design/illustration
743 Human anatomy and movement
778.5347 Animation
791.433 Motion Graphics
791.4334 Animated films
794.8 Computer Games/ game design

Directories and Reference Books
The same Dewey numbers also apply to Reference material. Reference
materials are for use within the LRC only and are shelved on the upper floor
in Bay 01.
The following industry guides and directories are shelved in the Reference
section and may also be available electronically- ask LRC staff for
passwords if needed. . Also, use Credo Reference to search many
reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias electronically.
This is available through the LRC website-

User interfaces for all 004.019 STE

Encyclopedia of New Media 302.23403 JON

Advertisers Annual 659.1 ADV

Creative Handbook 700 CRE

- Electronic version available at
Work with Designers 700 WOR

Various animation textbooks 778.5347

Imagine Animation Directory 778.5347 IMA

The White Book 791.4 WHI

- Electronic version available at

The Knowledge 791.4 KNO

- Electronic version available at


Triumph of the Nerds Mirrorball
Hot Reels Digital Planet
Fourmations Onedottv Global
Computing: An Object Oriented Approach The Net
The Future Just Happened Dream Machine

For DVDS on Animation, look under DVDF, and for Moving Image DVDT.
There are also various programmes and DVDs on individual animators,
digital media/technology, directors and film production/genres

Online Resources

Various e-resources are available through the LRC web pages to help you
search for magazine and newspaper articles and find industry information.
For more information see your separate LRC subject webpages and the Animation,
Interaction, MA and Moving Image Design Quickstart guides to electronic
resources. For information about web-based resources available to
Ravensbourne students, see the LRC leaflet ‘E-Resources: Databases
and Newspapers’ or LRC pages at


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