Somalia Press Statement

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On Thursday 28th January the members of the Security Council were briefed by
the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Michael Keating,
and the Special Representative of the African Union Commission Chairperson for
Somalia (SRCC), Francisco Madeira, on the situation in Somalia. The members of
the Security Council expressed their full support for SRSG Keating and SRCC
Madeira as they begin their assignments at a critical time for the future of
Somalia. The members of the Security Council also looked forward to the
imminent deployment of a new Force Commander for AMISOM.
The members of the Security Council welcomed the decision on an electoral
model announced by the Federal Government of Somalia on 27 January. The
members of the Security Council commended the Federal Government of
Somalia for seeking a consensus on an electoral model for 2016; and
commended the leaders of Somalias existing and emerging federal member
states for the serious efforts they made, over several months, to reach a
The members of the Security Council welcomed the recent inclusive Somali-led
discussions on an electoral model. The members of the Security Council
underlined that holding a peaceful, transparent electoral process in 2016 will
mark a historic step forward for all Somalis, and will be fundamental for the
countrys continued progress towards democracy and stability. The members of
the Security Council welcomed the Government of Somalias commitment to hold
an electoral process in 2016. And in this context, the members of the Security
Council recalled Security Council resolution 2232 (2015) which set out their
expectation that there shall be no extension of the electoral process timelines in
The members of the Security Council recognised that the proposed model
requires compromises from all parties and renewed their call for all key actors
and institutions in Somalia, including Parliament, to set aside their differences
and engage constructively in the political process, without further delay. The
members of the Security Council recalled that individuals engaged in any acts
which threaten the peace and reconciliation process in Somalia may be listed for
targeted measures.
The members of the Security Council reiterated their strong condemnation of
recent Al Shabaab attacks and paid tribute to AMISOM and the Somali National
Army for their efforts in reducing the threat posed by Al Shabaab. The members
of the Security Council underlined the importance of the continuation of offensive
operations against Al Shabaab by the Somali National Army and AMISOM, in a
well coordinated manner and in line with the qualitative improvements requested
in Security Council resolution 2232 (2015), and in full compliance with applicable
international law. In that context, the members of the Security Council looked
forward to the outcomes of the planned summit level meeting of AMISOM troop
contributors. The members of the Security Council stressed the importance of
rapidly developing capable and sustainable Somali security forces, including the

army and police, that can provide the security and stability necessary for
governance and economic development to take hold.
The members of the Security Council welcomed the political and security
progress in Somalia since the transition ended in 2012. The members of the
Security Council underlined the importance of the electoral process in 2016,
completion of the Federal process and the constitutional review process in truly
consolidating that progress. The members of the Security Council underlined in
particular the need for agreeing the electoral process in a wide-ranging and
consultative manner, including with women and across Somali society. The
members of the Security Council also noted the importance of adhering to the
political roadmap between now and 2020, in particular in order to reach one
person one vote elections by 2020.
The members of the Security Council appealed to all those involved in
discussions on the electoral process to seize this historic opportunity to deliver
more representative governance to the people of Somalia. The members of the
Security Council further underlined their determination to play a constructive and
active role in the months ahead.

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